• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Bonus Chapter - Getting to know the folks

Author's Note:

Okay, fair warning in advance. Be prepared for a good deal of insanity. And I mean A LOT.

You. Have. Been WARNED!!!

It was the day after the Gala and Seth, Rika and Umbra headed back to the Royal Palace. Seth had a few things to discuss with Princess Celestia and had left before them, while Rika and her mother had a vastly different mission…

Rika was going to meet the Seviper that was supposedly her father.

“Are you still doubting your mother?” Umbra sighed. “Honestly, there is no other Pokemon quite like him. There is no way I am mistaken or being deceived. He truly is your father.”

“Yeah well,” Rika sighed and looked at her mother. “I’m not gonna be all “Daddy’ and stuff, especially since it seems he didn’t even know I existed until last night.”

“You know that was my fault more than anything,” Umbra replied. “And you became Seth’s partner Pokemon at quite an early age. So it’s understandable that you never met him.”

“Just… as long as he isn’t expecting too much,” Rika said softly.

Umbra nodded, she could understand how she felt at least. She still noticed the large bruise on Rika’s forehead. “How’s your head?”

“Still a bit sore,” she winced, rubbing it with a ribbon lightly. “I still can’t believe she did that. I mean, who the hell throws something like that in a Pokemon battle? She’d totally be disqualified for a cheap shot like that. I don’t think they’d have the first clue on how to battle to League rules,” Rika complained which also garnered Umbra’s attention.

“If I may ask, why do you still adhere to those rules? The League doesn’t exist anymore, and your opponents don’t seem to play by them either…”

“All the more reason why we have to,” Rika replied. “The Pokemon League format was created to protect both Trainer and Pokemon from serious harm. Sure, accidents still happened on occasion, which is why a Trainer signs the Nuzlocke Contract when they become a trainer, in case an accidental death occurs. Honestly, it’d take half the day to explain it.”

“Hmm, it still sounds interesting, so I’ll keep it in mind,” the Umbreon mused as they approached the Castle. It was rather quiet, despite the sizable population the caste had at the moment. “I don’t like it…”

“Don’t like what?” Rika asked.

“Sev is here, yet it is quiet,” Umbra stated. “I’ll admit that I didn’t know him all that long, but if there is one thing that I learned, he is anything but quiet.”

“So…” Rika said once he left. “What now Momma?”

“Hmm, well I haven’t the faintest idea where Sev might be. I suppose we could ask someone…” Umbra looked around, but didn’t see anyone that she thought would be particularly useful. “Which might be a little harder than I thought…”

Rika walked up to one guard and prodded him. “Excuse me mister?” she asked in a sweet tone. “Have you seen a Seviper around here? Uh, it’s a big, black snake. Probably talks a lot and is really loud?”

The guards eye gave a slight twitch and Umbra chuckled. “Oh, he’s met him alright. Do you know where he is at the moment sir?”

“Left wing, with the Zebra clan,” he stated. “Follow this corridor all the way down and you can’t miss it. Believe me.”

“Thankyou,” Rika and Umbra echoed before heading in that direction. It didn’t take too long to reach where they needed to go, as they heard a rather loud conversation behind one of the closed doors.

“And I believe we found the room,” Umbra chuckled as she raised her tail and rapped on the thick door using Iron Tail. Soft pawpads were not made for knocking after all.

A zebra soldier opened the door. She quirked an eyebrow as she stared at the strange foxcats. “Can I help you?” She asked moreso to be safe. Quite a lot of mon look like regular animals and she didn’t want to be blasted again for being rude.

“Ah, yes,” Umbra coughed lightly. It’d been a while since she had to use the human language again. “We’re looking for somemon named Sev. Is he here perchance?”


“Yes,” the zebra mare frowned, rubbing her ear.

Umbra chuckled, mirroring the zebra’s actions. “So I see. Mind if we come in and see him? Tell him that his family is here.”

“Family?” The mare’s eyes widened. “There are more of him running around?”

“Oh, we’re slightly more normal,” she looked at Rika and shrugged. “For the most part…”


“So, may we come in? He might even quieten down a little.”

“Well,” the mare nervously looked back into the room. The shouting had evolved into more harsh whispers, since the others knew someone was listening. “The Commander isn’t exactly in the best mood right now, given the whole suicide watch, but I think some family could do him some good. So yeah, I’ll let you in.”

“Excellent,” Umbra smiled as the zebra mare stepped to one side and the two fox-like Pokemon stepped into the room. “Oh Sevvy~” she sang out. “Come out and play~”

Of course, said snake couldn’t resist such a voice. In a blur, Umbra was wrapped up in his large coils and he nuzzled her. “Ah-HA! You have come back to me. Of course. I knew it to be so, because I am never wrong.”

“Hmm, well, we’ll see about that,” Umbra chuckled, returning his nuzzle. “Still, you sure you want to continue that train of thought in front of your daughter?” The Umbreon tilted her head to the Sylveon standing to one side, looking around the room.

Sev’s smile nearly broke his face. Which is a tad bit creepy when it’s a snake doing so. “My Daughter!” He brought the rest of his tail around her and nuzzled her. “It is great to see you once again. I just knew you couldn’t keep away from me as well. Who could with a father such as I?”

“Ow, watch the bruise,” she said, pushing his head back from hers with a ribbon. “And yeah, I said I’d at least give you a chance right.” The fact that a Poison-type was touching her was just a tad unnerving… but her Mom seemed to be alright.

“A chance that I will….” Sev froze up. “Bruise?...Someone bruised you? Someone dared to bruise the daughter of Sev!”

“Meh, they got lucky… and they cheated,” Rika pouted as she folded her forelegs in an adorable pout. “I mean, she threw a sword at me! Who the hell does that!?”

Sev’s vision turned red and a sinister smile crept on his face. “I will be happy to show them the same. Perhaps Twenty five-fold, for that is far greater than ten and when thrown by me, it is impossible to dodge. I just need to get Loom to build me a slingslot I can wield with sword in it.”

“Slingshot? Hmm, I figured a cannon might work better,” Rika mused, imaging the look on that Bisharp’s face.

“You two are so related,” Umbra giggled to herself.

“And I love it,” Sev proclaimed. “A true family of my own.” He sniffed. “She’s already thinking up battle plans. Truly the start of the greatest commander to ever command!”

“I don’t think I’m ‘Commander’ material,” Rika replied as she made air quotes with her ribbons. She looked around at some of the zebra’s and Pokemon present and shrank back a little. “Why’s everyone staring?”

“Well it’s kind of scary to think he’s reproducing,” King Trot quipped, chuckling. He walked on up and bowed. “King Trotankhamun of Zebrica, at your service. I honestly can’t help but envy Sev. Having such a wondrously beautiful lady for a bride and a daughter of such caliber is something to admire.”

“Oh, we’re not married,” Umbra stated as a matter of factly. “Pokemon don’t really do that sort of thing.” She tapped her chin and hummed. “Hmm, marriage huh?”

“Planning on a wedding?” Rika asked, if only to see Sev blush adorably at the thought.

Which he did, looking nervous all of a sudden. “Marriage...I am to be married?” He looked around himself. “But I haven’t proposed. I haven’t got a ring. Oh no, I have ruined it! Quick, someone get me a ring, some candles, and several of the cheesiest love songs that you can find.”

“How cheesy?” One soldier asked.

“I want you to actually make them out of cheese.” Sev seriously said.

“Simmer down lover-snake,” Umbra sighed and booped his nose. “No-one is getting married today, unless my daughter here has plans for her Luxray~”

Now it was Rika’s turn to devolve into a blushing mess as she mumbled to herself. Umbra giggled and shook her head.

“Well, I’m sure they’d have to make many more plans first. Besides…” She turned and looked at Sev. “What about that adorably defiant pegasus mare of yours?”

“Sev!” Lightning’s voice hollered from the next room. “If you keep shouting, I’ll help throw that hide of yours off that balcony for you!” She stomped into the room. “I’m trying to get some beauty sleep.”

“Why?” Sev asked curiously, missing the point. “You already have enough of that.”

Lightning blushed and fidgeted. “Shut up or I’ll throw you out now!”

“Tsun, tsun, dere, dere~” Rika sang, giggling madly.

“Ugh,” Lightning rubbed her face with a hoof. “First Lia, now her...Wait, is that your daughter?”

Sev proudly nodded. “Of course. Can you not see her magnificence?”

“I can see something alright,” Lightning deadpanned. “Why are they here?”

“This is Rika’s first time meeting her father,” Umbra explained as she untangled herself from Sev and walked closer to the mare. She got close enough so she could whisper into her ear. “Do not worry dear, I don’t intend to steal Sevvy away from you~”

“I don’t want the snake!” Lightning shouted, blushing and throwing a hoof to gesture at Sev. “I don’t! You can have him and make more kids. I don’t care! It’s not like I really like him or anything. He’s a complete idiot!”

“Idiotically handsome and intelligent,” Sev smiled, using his tail to push his chin up in a proud fashion.

“UGH!” Lightning groaned into her hoof, red as a tomato.

“Flawless victory,” Rika said in a serious tone before giggling. This was actually quite a bit of fun. Still…

“Do we have an actual plan besides teasing Miss Dust, as fun as that is,” Rika asked.

“Absolutely not,” Sev said. “I...got a bit too excited and spent most of it trying out outfits, but none could handle my greatness or I found to be unpleasing to my beloved’s eyes.”

“I think you look just fine in that adorable little hat,” Umbra giggled as she straightened his cap. “How about we go out for some lunch and see a few sights around the city? And you and Rika can just talk, get to know one another?”

“As always, your intelligence matches the splendor of your beauty,” Sev grinned.

“Of course,” Umbra nodded. “Who do you think I am?”

“Yup, now I see it,” Rika nodded. “You sure your friends here will be fine with us kidnapping you for a bit?”

“Yeah,” Lightning snorted and looked away. “You can have him.”

“He honestly does need a break,” Trot nodded. “He’s been rather...tense as of late. Perhaps I should have a word with Miss Umbra before you depart.”

“Hmm, sounds serious,” Umbra nodded. “Very well, I’ll meet you outside.” Her eyes lit up with a blue hue as she floated the snake and the Sylveon out of the room using Psychic, closing the door behind them. “Now Mr. King. What can I do for you?”

“Well,” Trot sighed. “Ever since Arceus denounced him, in front of every major nation, Sev’s been a bit…” He rubbed his head. “A bit more broken, if I had to put words to it. It got so bad that he...tried to...Well he’s on suicide watch for a reason, but the snake’s too stubborn to admit it.”

“I see,” Umbra replied, her rings darkening a little. She didn’t really know much about his life as a Commander, but she knew he had held Arceus in high regard. “So, you’d like to see if I have better luck with him then?”

“I just want my friend to be happy,” Trot smiled. “You should have seen him after you left. He was like a kid going on and on about you. Rather a puppy in love, or something akin to it. I know Sev will turn around soon enough. I just thank Celestia that Cynthia was there to talk some sense into him when he tried to do...it…I’m actually not sure if throwing himself off a cliff really would work though. He’s survived quite a bit already.” He tapped his chin in idle thought.

“Hmm, perhaps,” Umbra said as she looked at the closed door. She was going to have words with that snake and was going to make damned sure he listened. “And it now seems I owe that woman my thanks for talking him down. Still, I’ll do what I can for him. And I think I have some ideas already.”

“Good,” Trot smiled. “I need my friend in tip top shape. Can’t fight a war without him. Not that I just want his army. He’s a good friend, even though I don’t know how that happened. He just grew on me.”

“He has that effect on people,” Umbra chuckled and looked at Lightning Dust for a moment. “Anyway, we’ll have him back before you have to leave. Try not to get too bored without him around.”

“I’ll have the time of my life without that snake around,” Lightning huffed, before frowning. “...Just make sure he comes back okay.”

“Of course dear,” Umbra said and nuzzled the mare lightly. “And when I return, I’ll regale you with all the details of what those marvelous coils can do~”

Lightning blushed and huffed. “Now I can see why he’s so gaga over you. Wouldn’t shut his trap about his ‘soulmate’.” She stuck out her tongue. “Well you’re going to have to work hard to enter this herd...not that I’d ever want a herd with Sev. That would mean I like him like that...and I don’t...and I’m kind of tired of sounding like a mocking bird.” She groaned and rubbed her forehead.

“It can be scary to admit your feelings,” Umbra nodded and smiled warmly. “But I know that Sevvy would return them a hundredfold. Besides,” she whispered a few things to the mare. A few ways she could turn the teasing back on the snake. “And remember, he has a little weak point at the base of his tail blade~”

Lightning grinned mischiefly. “Oh really? I’ll remember that one.”

“Lucky snake…” Trot grumbled. “Getting all the girls.”

“A fine King such as yourself, I’m sure you’ll have a nice mare or Pokemon in no time,” Umbra winked at him. “Now I’ll be off. Take care loves.” She turned and exited the room to see Rika and Sev just sitting there, looking as awkward as all get out. “Oh my, you two are just…” She chuckled and shook her head. “Well, let’s be off shall we?”

“Not yet,” Sev said. “I was winning our game of silence….DARN IT!” He slammed his tail on the ground in frustration. “You win this round, Rika.”

“Mwahahaaa! Never go up against the best,” she giggled and pumped her paw into the air.

“...” Umbra just settled for a flat stare. This was going to be a looooong day. “Well, let’s be off shall we. We’re burning daylight here.”

“Hai!” Rika replied as she fell into step next to her mother. “Let’s go… Papa.”

“I will never get enough of hearing that,” Sev smiled and slithered on over to Umbra. “We shall depart for our grandest venture!”

“Yep, we can—” Rika paused and sniffed the air. She could smell…

“SETHY~!” she yelled gleefully and leapt at thin air as a Luxray rounded the corner and received a faceful of Sylveon.

“Gah!” he cried out as he stumbled back, a batpony behind him sidestepped to avoid getting squashed.

“And now my day is ruined,” Sev said, a smile still on his face. He then thought up something. “Let’s see, I can’t kill you...I’ll just send you to the mare’s barricade. They will take care of you and it will be humiliating. Thus you will die from it and I will not be blamed.”

“That would be… problematic,” the Thestral replied. “I’d rather not have most of the female Guard after him when Spring rolls around.” He looked the snake over and hummed. “So who might you be again?”

“I am Commander Sev!” Sev formed a dramatic pose he often used for speeches. “Greatest leader the world has ever known. Which is obvious when you witness me.”

“Ah, of course,” Grissom rubbed his temple. “You’re the one that nearly got eaten at the meeting.”

Sev frowned. “I would have made it out myself, one way or another. I am difficult to kill.”

“Unfortunately,” Seth muttered, which earned him a whack from Umbra.

“Seth, Sev, play nice,” she warned them. “Or I will punish you both.”

“Nu-uh, Sethy’s all mine to punish,” Rika cooed and nuzzled him. “Well, I suppose Fritters can help as well~”

“Very well,” Sev snorted. “I will play nice for Rika’s sake...wait, Fritter?!! My daughter wasn’t enough for you?!!”

“Oh? So Momma isn’t enough for you either?” Rika pointed out. “What about Miss Dust?”

“You have my wit,” Sev smirked. “I shall need to bring some ice with me from now on.” He nuzzled her head affectionately. “That is true. I love both and miss Cynthia isn’t bad either and then Lucy…” He frowned. “Huh...this is getting a bit carried away.” He shrugged. “I’m sure it won’t get too much. To put it short, I shan't kill you over this for I am no hypocrite.”

“How very generous of you,” Seth replied flatly as he placed Rika on the floor and lightly kissed her muzzle. “I have to get to a meeting, so have fun okay?”

“I always do,” she giggled and blushed as Seth and Grissom took their leave.

“Well that was fun,” Umbra mused and she kissed Sev’s cheek. “You were quite well behaved. Good Sevvy.”

“I am always well behaved,” Sev kissed her forehead. “Perhaps a bit more so with you here.”

“Hmm, is that so?” she hummed as the trio left the castle and headed out into the city. Several ponies looked a little wary at the giant snake slithering down the street, but they’d seen stranger already.

“I know the bestest place for lunch as well,” Rika said, turning so she was walking backwards in front of them. “And she even cooks bacon~”

“What is bacon?” Sev asked. “It sounds like a strange beacon, but one that is edible.”

“You…” Rika paused and stared at him. “You… have never had bacon?”

“Oh my,” Umbra giggled. “It seems our dear Sevvy is in need of some education.”

“Time to educate!” Rika cheered as she snared him with her ribbons and dragged him off. Quite the feat for a ‘mon half his size.

“Whaa!” Sev wasn’t used to being dragged along like this. “I don’t see what the importance of a food is...Unless they have tacos. I haven’t had tacos since two days ago. That’s two days too many.”

“Tacos are… okay I guess,” Rika replied as she stopped out front of a cafe.

“...Okay?” Sev looked at her as though she had grown a second head. “Okay?!! They are magnificence in food form! No one can withstand their great taste. This is heresy. HERESY!”

“Oh calm down,” Umbra chastised him as she nudged the door open. Inside, a unicorn mare was giving them an odd look.

“Um, was there a reason you were screaming outside my door?” she asked.

“Difference of opinion,” Rika said as her ribbons lifted Sev off of the ground as she carted him inside. “Sorry for the noise Mocha. But we need some bacon. Stat!”

“Ah, very well,” she responded. She was a rather lovely unicorn too, long slender legs, a graceful neck and eyes you could just lose yourself in. “Want some drinks as well.”

“Hmm, I could use some coffee,” Umbra nodded and looked at Sev. “And how about you, my serpentine pinata?”

“I am not a pinata,” Sev grumbled. “I will have coke...They serve that in this world, correct? If not, water.” He was rubbing his chin in thought, looking the mare up and down. “Does the nature of being single afflict you?”

“I..um, what?” Mocha did a double-take and she stared at the snake. “Come again?”

“Do you have a partner in life bondage?” Sev asked, quirking an eyebrow and tilting his head in question. “What am I saying? Do you have a boyfriend? Why am I being cryptic?” He bopped his head. “My head isn’t on right today, but one can’t comprehend how right it is because of how great I am.”

“Uh, no… I’m quite single,” Mocha said uneasily as she looked at Rika and Umbra.

“Dear, I think you have quite enough already hmm?” Umbra replied.

Sev just beamed and raced over to the entrance. He somehow pulled a blowhorn out from behind a table and shouted: “TROT! GET YOUR FLANK IN HERE AND STOP BEING SINGLE!”

“IT’S NOT BY CHOICE, YOU IDIOT!” Trot angrily replied.





“I...wat?” Mocha tilted her head, her ears flat against her head to block out the yelling.

“I honestly have no idea,” Umbra groaned. She fixed Sev with ‘The Look’ and sighed. “What are you doing?”

“I am mastering my shipyard,” Sev grinned. “Soon, everyone will be shipped and I shall be the king of forefront of it all!” He laughed maniacally with a bolt of lightning flashing outside. A Raichu walked past sniffled and bowed his head in apology before leaving.

“Now I see where Rika gets it from,” Umbra sighed and looked at Mocha. “I am terribly sorry about all this.”

“Ah, don’t worry about it, he seems like a funny fellow,” Mocha giggled as she prepped their order. Her telekinetic ability was always impressive to watch, as multiple plates flew about the kitchen, she prepared Umbra’s coffee, as well as Sev’s soda. All the while holding a conversation with Rika about something.

“Okay,” Trot stormed in. He wasn’t wearing much, just a simple army suit. “What is it now, Sev? I can tell you now, I don’t need your help finding a mare.”

“Says the single stallion to the snake with two waifus,” Sev smirked.

“I can’t believe you went there,” Umbra sighed. “I’m going to go and sit over here and see if my headache goes away.”

“Nah, I think Papa want’s to stick around,” Rika giggled.

“...Did I say something wrong?” Sev blinked in confusion. “I was just stating a fact.”

Trot opened his mouth to speak, before he look at Mocha and froze. “Uhhhh…..”

“Hello,” the unicorn mare winked at him and smiled. “Welcome to ‘The Daily Grind’, home of the best coffee in Canterlot.”

Rika looked from one pony to the other and nodded. Yeah, she’d ship it. Sev nodded sagely beside her, grinning in victory.

Trot straightened himself up and bowed. “I am glad to have entered such a fine establishment. I am King Trotankhamun of Zebrica. May I know the name of the mare before me?”

“King?” Mocha looked at Rika, who nodded to confirm it. “Ah, well ah. I’m Mocha Latte, the owner of this establishment.” She’d honestly never expected a King to walk in here. Provided he actually was one.

“I am honored to make your acquaintance,” Trot smiled. “You’ve done a wonderful job with the place.” He took a look around. Most of the building was made from hoof-carved oak, quite a difference from most of the other buildings around here, which were made of stone. The lighting was dimmed, giving the place a nice intimate atmosphere. And the rich scent of coffee seemed to permeate everything.

“Thank you for the compliment,” Mocha nodded. “Would you like something as well?” She finished with a flourish of her magic, as a plate of bacon and lettuce sandwiches appeared in front of Sev, along with a glass of ice-cold cola.

“A soft drink and the company of a beautiful mare will suffice,” Trot answered with a wink.

“Well, I guess I could do that,” Mocha nodded as she made him a soda as well, before whipping up a brew of odd-coloured coffee for herself. He was far from the first that would ask for her company, but he was the first Zebra. And she had to admit that he was handsome…

“Ohh,” Rika took a seat near Umbra and watched, sipping at her milkshake. She was banned from having coffee after that one particular incident. Honestly, you trash one Pokemon Centre and no-one ever lets you forget it.

“So is this some sort of family bonding experience?” Umbra mused. “We’re are such a weird family.”

“I am Sev, nothing is normal with me.” Sev grinned. “Everything is much greater than normal.”

“Normal is overrated,” Rika nodded. She looked at Sev and smiled. “You know what, you’re pretty fun.”

“So are you, my daughter.” Sev grinned and patted her head. “I haven’t been this happy in a long time. Well, I’ve been happy. My friends and family are great, but it’s always nice to have a little family of your own.”

“Yup, family is the best,” Rika nodded. “I do wish you’d get along with Sethy though. Seeing as how I want to spend the rest of my life with him and all.”

Sev frowned. “I am your father, Rika. It is my duty to hate him and...I mayhaps be a bit jealous. He has known you for years, yet I, your flesh and blood, have only known you for a day or two.” He looked down. “I am ashamed of my weakness, but I will strive to make it up to you. I just don’t feel comfortable with the idea of someone already trying to take you for themselves when I haven’t yet begun to know my daughter. I feel...useless in a way.”

“Oh Papa,” Rika sighed and leaned against him. “I know that we don’t know each other all that well. But, I can tell you mean well at least. And it’s not like I’ll stop talking to anyone now that I’m with Sethy. Heck, I still can’t believe that that actually happened. I thought for sure he’d go back to Elesa…”

“He’d be a fool to think anyone better than my daughter,” Sev hissed in anger.

“Well, as a human, he didn’t have romantic feelings for Pokemon,” Rika explained. “I knew that, but still hoped anyway. And since coming here… well it was either a Pokemon or go native… hee, so Sethy did both.”

“He really is hopelessly sweet,” Umbra agreed. “And trust me dear Sev, I have already given him ‘The Talk’ so you needn't worry there.” She hummed and leaned against his other side, sandwiching the Seviper in between the Eeveeloutions. “And think, at least this way, you’ll get grandchildren one day~”


Sev’s eye twitched. “Grandchildren? That would imply he has his way with our daughter...I think my ire just grew a tad. Yes, yes it did.” He snorted. “As for his being human, I don’t see why that would be a problem...anymore. I mean, Rika, your grandmother, the one who raised me as her own, is human.”

“Oh? I have a gramma?” she asked and Umbra nodded.

“Ah, Joy… how is she by the way? Did she make it to Equus as well?”

Sev deadpanned. “Need you ask such a question, my love? My mother is far more worthy than I was. I honestly think she’d race to this very spot when she finds out she’s a grandmother. You won’t believe how much she wishes to be so.”

“Well then you can look forward to giving her the good news,” Umbra chuckled. “Hm, perhaps I should look into visiting, when it’s not so dangerous over there.” Yeah, she looked into Zebrica last night. She wasn’t overly joyed at what she found out. “I trust you’re being careful over there.”

“As careful as always,” Sev nodded, but frowned. “As for the dangerous part, well...that’s going to take some time....Far too much time, but I can assure you that whenever you do wish to come over, you will be safe.”

“I know, I can trust you there,” she smiled and kissed his cheek again. “Perhaps when I do, we can… get to know one another again~”

“Ick, don’t do that when I’m here,” Rika poked her tongue out. “Those are mental scars I do not need.”

Sev blushed and grinned, ignoring his daughter’s proceeding mental scarring. “I would love to, my dear Umbra. It has been far too long...No really, it has. You are honestly the only female I’ve ever really...you know.” He awkwardly tapped his tail. “I’m probably rusty and such.”

“Ohh, then I get to have fun reeducating you~” Umbra giggled and nuzzled him again. “Ohh, the things I could teach you and that little mare of yours~”

“Lalalala, I’m not listening~” Rika sang loudly as she plugged her ears with her ribbons.

“Rika, this is how you came to be.” Sev stated. “Soon enough, there will be several little yous running around for their big sister to play with.”

“If you’re lucky,” Umbra mused. “I don’t know if I want more children. Rika was more than enough for several lifetimes.”

“I wasn’t that bad,” Rika pouted and sipped her milkshake.

“Very well,” Sev said. “Then I will get one of those magic spells of the unicorns to prevent that, even if I fill you to the brim again and again...I don’t know where I’m getting all this jargon from. I’ve been hanging around the king too long.” Sev looked to Rika, realizing where the conversation had gone. He blushed in embarrassment. “IGNORE US!”

“Trust me, I’m trying,” Rika sighed as Umbra actually blushed a little.

“Do I want to know what’s going on over there?” Mocha asked from her place behind the counter. “Your snake friend is… well…”

“Insane?” Trot nodded. “Yes he is. Still, he’s a great friend once you get to know him. It’s just that you’ll want to pull your mane out half the time and the other half you can’t follow what he’s saying.”

“Ah, i was wondering why your mane was so short,” Umbra called out. “You have suffered much my dear King.”

“Wow, you seriously cannot catch a break, huh Pops.” Rika giggled and poked his side.

“Most of the time,” Sev grumbled then kissed Umbra’s cheek. “But some things make up for it.”

“Mmm, such a sweetheart.” She motioned to the table. “Now eat your sandwich before it gets cold, then we’ll go and explore the town a bit.”

Sev rolled his eyes and bit into the sandwich. He rolled it around in his mouth. “Interesting taste this bacon. Not something I can really put words to it.”

“Delicious, tasty, food of the gods?” Rika mused. “Well, I guess it’s no cake. But it’s still pretty tasty.”

Sev swallowed the rest of it and smirked. “It’s...okay.”

“Hmm, well I guess not everyone is pleased,” Umbra mused. “How about we have tacos for dinner? And some wonderful desserts?”

“YES!” Rika cheered at the thought of tasty, sugary goodness.

“If my daughter wants it to be so, it shall be so.” Sev proclaimed. “So let us be off and leave our fellows on their ship.”

“Good luck~” Rika waved at the equine pair as the trio left the restaurant. Mocha rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. At least her present company was charming and easy on the eyes~

Trot could honestly say the same for himself. “I’m surprised your place is still standing. Pleasantly surprised, I might add. Things tend to get out of hoof easily with him around, friend or not.”

“I can probably guess,” she giggled and bat her eyes at him. “So, what brings a King to my humble abode anyway?”

“Other than my friend’s antics, boredom.” Trot sighed. “I can honestly say that’s been cured post haste though.”

“Oh, is that so?” Mocha giggled. “Well, glad to hear I’m not boring then~”

“Oh you most certainly are not,” Trot chuckled. “Just gazing at you just melts my angst away. Helps that you’re quite the clever mare as well.”

“Such a charmer,” Mocha giggled. “But surely a King must have his own harem of pretty mares. Why bother with me?”

Trot frowned. “Well, I could have a harem. It’d be easy, you know. It wouldn’t be ‘real’ though. Just some random mares who want royal perks or doing it out of necessity. I’d rather find a mare or two that would love me for me on a personal level. A harem would be fun, but it wouldn’t be nice. Do you follow?”

“More than you know,” Mocha sighed and leaned against the counter. “Still, after what happened last time, I’m afraid I swore off of love.” She looked up at him with her doe-like eyes. “Unless you think you can change that Mr. King?”

Trot grinned. “I think I can make something work, Mocha. I’m quite the stallion, if I do say so myself.”

“Hmm, well at least your confidence isn’t lacking,” she said as her horn lit up and she switched her ‘Open’ sign to ‘Closed’. “Well, let’s talk then~”

“Isn’t this place pretty?” Rika said as they looked up at the Crystal Sundial that Arceus had bestowed on the city. “This used to be one of my favourite places in all of Kalos.”

“I only lived in Hoenn,” Sev snorted, looking at the sundial. “Never gave the other lands much thought.”

“Really?” Rika blinked. “I never visited Hoenn. I was born in Kanto and mostly lived in Unova with Sethy. And we visited Kalos a lot when we trained with Lady Diantha.”

“Hoenn was the region I was going to look next,” Umbra said. “I should have known you’d still be there. Ah well.”

“I was tied to Hoenn and I miss it dearly,” Sev sighed. “But this is our home now and I make the most of it. It has it’s perks, such as friendship and gave me the chance to find my lost family.”

“Yes, I suppose Arceus didn’t do too badly,” Umbra nodded. “Still could have thought things through a little better. He was rather impetuous about all of this.”

“Of course he was,” Sev clenched his jaws, glaring at the sundial. “The impertinent…” He took a few breaths to steady himself. “No, this is about our family. Not him. What makes this sundial so special anyway?”

“I can’t remember,” Rika replied as she looked at it. “I think Sethy would know… ah well.”

“I believe he means why it’s here,” Umbra mused. “And it was all because Arceus was showing off really. It’s a rather pretentious gift, but still a lovely sight all the same.”

“True, pretty is pretty,” Rika nodded and turned to look at Sev. “On another topic. How strong are you Papa? I’ve been a little curious about that.”

Sev grinned. “I am the strongest of the entire PLA. I am the Commander of course. I have to be and so will you one day. I have never lost...besides to that Cynthia girl, but that doesn’t matter. The point it, I have much in the way of power. I can wrestle a Tyranitar with ease.”

“Hmm, they aren’t that difficult to beat, but then I have type advantage as well,” Rika mused and flexed her ribbons. “I’m pretty tough as well. Hell, I once made a Salamence cry.”

“Well to be fair, his trainer had taught him nothing but Dragon-type moves. So what did he expect?”

“Was still a little sad,” Rika giggled.

Sev nuzzled his daughter. “I can imagine. To go against my blood is to invite woe. Perhaps one day you will be even stronger than I.” He chuckled. “Maybe.”

“Hmm, I think I can beat you in a battle,” Rika said with a cocky grin. “I may be weak to Poison, but Sethy trained a few tricks into me for dealing with it.”

“Perhaps I’ll take you up on that offer one day,” Sev grinned. “Until then, I’ll happily watch you beat any opponent that crosses your path.”

“Ohh, now I kinda wanna get into a battle just so I can show off a little,” Rika giggled, looking around for an opponent.

“Can’t we just have a nice, normal family outing?” Umbra sighed, rubbing her temple.

Sev just stared at her. “Umbra, me and normal don’t mix. I don’t think we ever did mix. You can thank my father for that.” He growled.

“I know, I’m sorry,” she replied, wilting a little at that. She hadn’t meant to bring that topic up.

“I feel as though there’s a story there,” Rika said, not wanting them to fight. “Um, sorry if I got a little carried away. I tend to do that a lot and not realise it.”

“My father was a homicidal maniac who led a bunch of mon, slaughtered some humans, and waged a small war.” Sev growled. “That’s the base sum of it. So yeah, he wasn’t exactly a great father with the beatings and words because that ‘makes me stronger’ I guess. That makes sense...somehow.”

Rika just stared with wide eyes, her ribbons limp at her sides as Umbra looked away.

“O-Oh…” Rika stammered slowly. “Well, um… he kinda sounds like a jerk.”

“And now I scarred my daughter for life about her lineage,” Sev slammed his tail into his face. “Typical Sev.”

“It’s alright,” Rika said slowly, pulling his tail away carefully. “It sounds like you had a pretty sucky Dad. I’m glad… that I have a pretty cool one.”

“I’m not exactly the type of mon you would boast for having a father,” Sev grumbled. “I know I’m breaking my character mold in saying this, but that’s the truth Rika. I’m still great, but…” He sighed. “In some ways, I think I take after him no matter what I try.”

“Trust me, you will be anything but that… thing,” Umbra spat that last word. “You are a kind and gentle soul Sev. Of that much I am dead certain.”

“And Momma’s always right,” Rika agreed. “I may not have known you for long, but I am glad that I got to meet you.”

Sev sniffed. “i...I…” He pulled the two of them into a tight hug. “I’M SO LUCKY TO HAVE YOU TWO HERE! WAHAHA!” He burst into tears.

“Uh, Pops… can’t… breathe…” Rika tapped his coils.

“Just roll with it,” Umbra sighed and smiled. At least he was in a better mood now.

Sev sniffed and let them go. “I am sorry. I know not my own strength for it is limitless. None know it for I have not the will to show it off for they might die from overexposure and when I first strike—” He was promptly cut off as Rika turned the hug back on him, basically mummifying him in her ribbons as she hugged him with mad glee.

“Rika, dear, don’t kill your father,” Umbra stated. “I’m not done playing with him yet.”

“Yes Momma,” Rika said and released her bonecrushing grip.

Sev blinked in confusion. “You inherited so much from me, it’s scary.” He grinned. “I love it.”

“Everything now makes a scary amount of sense,” Umbra groaned. “Well, should we visit a few more places?” she asked. “Or perhaps you could introduce us to some of your little friends?”

“Ohh, I wanna see Aunty Lia again,” Rika giggled.

“Whatever you two wish,” Sev smiled. “I may not return to Canterlot, for I may be struck down…” He laughed. “As if someone could do so. The others would love to see you, but not many of them were brought on the blimp.” He tapped his chin. “However, Loom has been working on a stable teleporter.”

Umbra raised an eyebrow. “Really now? One that would work across the sea? Though, you have a Gardevoir friend yes?”

Sev nodded. “Nothing is impossible when I’m involved. That’s a scientific fact.”

“Well, if you brought the Gardevoir with you, could you not have simply used him or her to Teleport back when needed?” Umbra reminded him. “They can bend space and gravity. Distance is nothing for their species.”

Sev blinked a few times. “Oh yeah, he can do that. I honestly forget sometimes, since he just likes being so emo.”

“That’s not a nice way to talk about your friends Papa,” Rika scolded him cutely.

“Oh dear, you’re in trouble now,” Umbra giggled.

“But he is,” Sev said. “You’ll know it when you see him.”

“Hmm, maybe he needs a hug and some cupcakes,” Rika mused. She gasped and looked at her mother. “Mom, we need to go and give Papa’s friends cupcakes!”

“And now they’re all doomed,” Umbra chuckled. “I’d best prepare them Sevvy. Your friends might not know what’ll hit them.”

“They are always prepared,” Sev stated. “It’s the question of how so that we shall find out. So what shall we do? Depart for them or more sight seeing. I could go for either, so long as you stay by my grandiose side.”

“Up to you really,” Rika giggled. “Though, I wouldn’t mind meeting some more friends.”

“The looks on their faces would be interesting enough,” Umbra chuckled. “So how about a little meetup and then dinner?”

“Brilliant as always, my lovely Umbra.” Sev smirked. “We shall do as you suggest.”

“Naturally,” Umbra said. “As the wife of the great Commander Sev, naturally I must be just as brilliant and powerful.”

“Oh gods,” Rika groaned and rolled her eyes. “Now you’ve got her doing it.”

“Truly we are the greatest family to have ever graced any world,” Sev laughed. “I’m astounded that any such world can contain our sheer awesomeness but that is a question saved for later. For now, to the meeting and cupcakes.”

“Hmm, I think i saw some at home,” Rika tapped her chin. “A quick pitstop then! For Cupcakes!!”

All was quiet on the homefront. Seth was still at work, as was Titania. And Selena and Ignis seemed to be out as well.

“Anyone here?” Rika called out as they entered the abode. It was a very warm and inviting place. Very homely.

“Could use more lasers and guards...probably a rocket launcher/pie thrower.” Sev commented.

“And why in the hay would ah need all that in mah home?” a voice asked as a green-maned mare walked out from the kitchen. Rika squealed and launched herself at the mare, giving her a kiss.

“This is Apple Fritter!” she said once she broke it. “Fritts, this is Sevvy, my Papa.”

“Yer Pops huh?” Fritter looked the snake over. “Well, yer certainly not whut as was expectin’.”

“I am honestly not what anyone would expect,” Sev smirked. “I am always far greater than what they picture for none can truly imagine one such as I.”

“Quite the ego on this one huh?” Fritter chuckled and Rika shrugged.

“Not really that much worse than Ignis,” she replied as she released the mare and headed into the kitchen. “Now where are those cupcakes…?”

“Third fridge, second shelf,” Fritter called back. She turned her attention back to Sev. “So, ya’ll are really her Pops?”

“That is who I am, there is no doubt.” Sev grinned in triumph. “I am the only male to have ever laid claim to Umbra and I shall always be so.”

“Oh, is that so?” Umbra mused. She felt like teasing him again. “And you’re positive there has been no other for me?”

Sev growled in pure anger, slashing his tail blade through the air. “I’d make sure of that. I love you more than I am great. That should sum it up and my ire to anyone who would challenge it would reach thricefold.”

“Don’t worry you silly snake, there’s only ever been you,” she placed a small kiss on his nose and giggled. Rika soon returned with a tray of cupcakes in her ribbon’s grasp.

“Okay, I got the goods,” Rika nodded and Fritter cleared her throat. “Oh, um, may I please take these cupcakes Fritter?”

“Hmm, ah dunno,” Fritter tapped her chin. “Y’all jus’ waltz in here and raid mah fridge…”

“Pleeeeaase!” Rika begged. “I love you?”

“And ah you, you silly ‘mon.” Fritter booped her nose and giggled. “Now go an’ have fun with yer family.”

“Yupyup!” Rika nodded and turned to her parents. “You guys done being embarrassing?”

“NEVER!” Sev picked Umbra up in his coils and kissed her nose. “I shall endeavor to make up for lost time. That includes embarrassing my daughter….I think that’s what I’m supposed to do. I’ve been studying fathering guides and I think we’ve moved past the baby talk stage.”

“Oh gods,” Rika groaned and Umbra got a marvelous idea. Her eyes glowed as she used Psychic to pull an item out of Seth’s bag from upstairs. His Holocaster.

“I believe this is full of pictures of Rika,” she mused. “Including little Eevee Rika~”

“Don’t you dare!” Rika said, but her mother kept the device out of reach.

Sev eagerly took the device and started viewing the pictures. He chuckled. “My daughter was the most adorable thing I have ever seen.” He frowned. “Should have seen it in person really.” He mumbled to himself. “I’ll be sure to show this off to everyone so they might behold her cuteness.”

“I’m not cute,” Rika pouted and Fritter pinched her cheek.

“Aww, yer the most cutest Pokemon ever,” she giggled. “Now go on, have yer fun and ah’ll see you later.”

“Mkay,” Rika said and suddenly snatched the device away from Sev. “Ha! Victory!’ And with that, she ran off towards the Castle.

“Oh dear, she means to beat you there,” Umbra mused.

“No likely,” Sev took off in a flash, carrying Umbra on his back. The Umbreon yelped at the sudden snakey-back ride, clinging to Sev for dear life.

A little know fact about the Umbreon, she was terrified of most transports, and this included riding other Pokemon.

“Do not worry,” Sev laughed, not noticing her discomfort. “I shall be there in no time.”

“You’re insane!” she hollered, still hugging his neck as she saw them overtake Rika. The Sylveon paused when she saw her mother’s expression, tilting her head slightly before trotting after them.

“As always,” Sev laughed, before coming to a stop before their destination. “Rika, you have learned that none can best my speed.”

“Dangit, and you were even carrying Momma,” she panted as she finally caught up. “I now wish I was a Jolteon…”

“I’m...going...to kill you,” Umbra panted, still gripping Sev for dear life. “I’ll turn you into a fancy belt!”

Sev ‘hmm’d. “Oh really? Well if that’s the case,” Sev turned his head around and kissed her on the lips. Pulling back, he smirked. “I think a last kiss is in order.”

“Sneaky little…” Umbra grumbled as she finally let go, her claws have left small indentations in his scales. She sighed and gave the marks a lick before regaining her composure. “Well, after that excitement, I think I’m ready to relax a little.”

“Well,” Sev shrugged. “Relaxation may or may not come to you soon, but I assure you that you shall be relaxed come nightfall.”

“Hmm, sounds lovely,” Umbra sighed as they once again walked the Palace halls. Rika paused to see if she could sniff out her Luxray, but some distant explosions told her where he might be.

“Commander on sight!” Some of the guards shouted, before they stiffened up and took their places.

“At ease,” Sev gave them a salute and dismissed them. “Now shall-”

“MISS UMBRA!” Umbra was thus on the receiving end of a furious glomp from Lia. “I’m so happy to see you.”

“Gah!” Umbra stumbled back from the sudden hug. She was used to it from Rika, but from somemon else? She powered down the Dark Pulse and sighed. “Well if it isn’t little Lia. You scared the Pokeballs out of me dear.”

Lia frowned and pulled back. “I’m sorry, Miss Umbra. I just got excited.”

“It’s fine, and revenge comes swiftly,” she smiled enigmatically as Rika suddenly tackled Lia.

“Little Lia!” she cheered, nuzzling the Kirlia.

“I am not little,” Lia pouted, but hugged the Sylveon close to her.

“Hmhm, still taller than you squirt,” Rika giggled. “Older too, yet you’re still my aunt… weird.”

“Such is life,” Umbra nodded. “So, we met lia last night, as well as that terribly adorable pegasus. Do you have any other friends here Sevvy?”

“Let me call them up,” Sev took out a shellphone from his pocket. He dialed a few numbers into it and raised it to his earhole. “Hello? Ah yes, can you patch me to Gard….Thank you….Gard! I need you…..Yes, I could contact you via telepathy but this is far better….Just get over here.”

With that, Gard warped into the room. The soldiers shivered in fright from his menacing aura and presence. “A family reunion and you wanted to bring me along?”

Umbra stalked her way forward, her red eyes staring into his. “Hello Gard~ It’s been a while hmm?”

Gard looked down at Umbra with a raised eyebrow. “Ah, it’s you. I honestly thought Sev was doomed to die alone given his luck. Color me surprised.”

“You have no faith in me,” Sev deadpanned.

Gard smirked. “I have every bit of faith in you, my friend. I just don’t see the need to voice it often.”

That was about when his field of view was obscured by pink and blue, as Rika dangled from his shoulders, her face only an inch from his own.

“Hi, I’m Rika!” she greeted loudly.

“Gah!” Gard teleported out of her hold. “Two...Two...No...this cannot be.” His eyes were as wide as saucers and then he looked to Umbra. “Why?!!”

Umbra just shrugged as Rika looked at Sev with a cute head tilt. “Wow, he really is emo. You need a cupcake and a hug!”

“I shall have neither,” Gard narrowed his eyes. He was surprised she wasn’t cowering in fear like so many others. However, she was Sev’s daughter….he had the sudden urge to rip a hole in reality and run back to Earth.

“Aww, he thinks he has a choice~” Rika giggled as he suddenly found her wrapped around his shoulders again. Wait, what? When did she?

And why was cupcake in his mouth? Gard did the sensible thing to do...He warped Inquisitor Char into the room.

The teenage inquisitor blinked in confusion as he looked around. The Charmeleon quickly pulled out his swords. “Why have I been summoned? Is there heresy about? If there is, I shall vanquish it.” Gard pointed to Rika. Char’s eyes widened. “That’s a little too cute to be heretical, or is it the other way around?”

“Silly Charmeleon, I’m not a heretic~”

“Indeed, she is Commander Sev’s only daughter,” Umbra nodded. This day was turning out to be quite fun. Watching Gard freak the hell out was amusing~

Char quickly bowed before Rika. “Then my sword is yours as it is your father and the lord above us all. Blessed be your steps and I shall follow if need be. Say the word and your will will be done.”

“Ohh, fancy,” Rika nodded. “See Gardy, why can’t you loosen up and be like Chary here?”

Gard gulped down the cupcake and teleported again. “I am as loose as I need to be, young mon. I would think it wise to cease this foolishness.”

“I rather like her foolishness,” Sev chuckled.

“You would,” Gard glared at Sev.

“Yup, Papa knows fun when he sees it and now I have my first mission.” She looked into Gard’s eyes and smiled. “I will see you smile~”

“Oh dear,” Umbra sighed. “Seems you’re in for it now Gard. Good luck.”

“I’m done,” Gard deadpanned. “I’m not going to deal with this.” He opened up a portal...only to be run over by a rather large Goodra.

“Hey everybody!” Felicia the Goodra waved about. “Sorry,” she pulled Gard up and brushed him off. “Joy wanted me to get her here so I ran as fast as I could through the portal.”

“Joy?” Gard asked, before turning to see said Audino with crossed arms and a glare. “Oh.”

“You forgot to bring me,” she said.

“Someone’s in trouble~” Rika sang. “Wait, Joy?” She sat there staring for a moment… then begun to vibrate?

“Gramma!” She yelled and launched herself at the Audino.

Said Audino nimbly caught her, doing her best to keep her ribbons at bay. “I wasn’t a nurse for nothing you know….wait...Gramma?” She froze in place. “Did you call me gramma?”

“Yup, cause you are,” Rika smiled and looked at Sev. “Right, Papa?”

Sev nodded. “Of course and there has never been a finer grandmother in the history of ever.”

“I’m...a grandmother?” Joy sniffed and looked at Rika with a smile. “You look so lovely and...YES!” She pulled Rika into a tight hug. “Yes.” She pulled back. “Oh you don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment.”

“Ack!” For the second time today, Rika was pulled into a hug that threatened to turn her bones to powder.

“And like Sev, you won’t have a graddaughter if you keep that up,” Umbra chuckled. “And it’s nice to meet you again Joy.”

Joy released Rika with a slight ‘sorry’. She looked over at Umbra and smiled. “I knew it. I knew I saw something special in you. Oh you made my boy so happy and now...now you gave me a granddaughter.” She pulled Umbra into a soft hug. “Thank you.”

“Yes well…” Umbra remembered she wasn’t so amused over the examination room they used to… ahem, examine one another. “It only cost me my Trainer and very nearly my life. No big deal in the grand scheme of things hmm?”

“Oh you poor dear,” Joy frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that. Well the second one. That trainer of yours was hard to deal with in some ways. I just hope it didn’t hurt too much.”

“Humph, I’m glad that imbecile got what he deserved,” she huffed. “Still, a dark tale for another day I suppose. No sense in belittling this occasion with the past.”

Rika was once again trying to get Gard to smile, the Gardevoir was rather stubborn though. “I’ll admit I had my doubts about this little meeting. It’s good to see that those fears are unfounded.”

“You have your father’s habits of annoyance,” Gard sighed. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this.”

“Well, if you smile then I’ll leave you alone...hmm,” Rika had an idea and smirked. “General Char! Front and centre!”

Char quickly walked over to her and saluted. “Yes ma’am.”

“Your mission, should you choose to accept it. Is to make sure Mr. Gard here smiles at least once a day in my absence!”

“I shall endeavor to do what the goddess’ chosen has instructed,” Char said. “But that will be most difficult.”

“Fret not if it is impossible dear Char, but I have no doubt that you can succeed…” She sniffed and suddenly looked at Gard. “I smell… the scent of… yes, you’re in love with someone!”

“My wife, Ag.” Gard simply stated. “You’re very observant for one so young.”

“I can tell,” Rika flexed her ribbons. “These let me feel emotions, and love is one that is very hard to hide… YOU’RE MARRIED!?” She turned and looked at Sev. “Someone actually married him?”

Sev nodded. “Of course. She is a very stubborn creature and one of the few that can stand him.”

“Thank you,” Gard rolled his eyes.

“Aww, that’s so cute,” Rika cooed. “I bet she’s a real cutie pie as well~”

“She’s an Aggron ballerina,” Gard said. “General of our land units.”

“A-An A-Aggron?” Rika stammered and shuddered. Okay, yeah, not looking forward to that meeting. “I’ll ah… stop bothering you now. Yeah.” She turned and briskly walked away, a cupcake left at his feet.

Gard snorted and picked up the cupcake. “Such irrational fears. Of course, fear itself is irrational in a sense.” He bit into the cupcake and swallowed. It was a treat like none other, an explosion of appley flavour that may or may not have ruined apple treats forever for him.

Meanwhile, Rika had found a Goodra and was staring up at her.

“I feel… a kindred spirit in the art of hugging,” she said slowly.

Felicia squealed. “Yes!” She picked up the little Sylveon and gave her a gooey hug. “I love hugs, especially from the Commander but he isn’t that good at hugging yet.”

“Aww, I’ll teach him about hugging,” Rika giggled as she returned the embrace with her ribbons. “The hug life has chosen him, and it won’t do for the Commander to be bad at something.”

“Exactly!” Felicia said. “Oh I can’t believe I found a hugging buddy. Oh Lia loves to hug too, but you’re extra extra huggy.”

“Yay for hugging buddies,” Rika cheered. It was odd to see a dragon that wasn’t scared of her.

“You have quite the collection of friends dear,” Umbar said to Sev and smiled. “It seems Rika will fit in quite nicely.”

“As she should,” Sev nodded. “She is my granddaughter.”

“And you have to tell me all about her,” Joy squealed. “I’m a grandmother. I thought I wasn’t going to get any kids out of you, my little snake.”

“I did my best to prove you wrong on that account,” Sev grinned triumphantly.

“And you didn’t even have to try,” Umbra chuckled. “Hmm, I fear that Miss Abby is a terrible influence on my train of thought.” She shook her head and sighed. “Well, regardless. I’m happy you accepted her so readily. And me as well.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Joy asked, pulling her son into a soft hug. “I accepted Sev as my son without a second though. Lia the same. There is always room in my family for more...besides, he was due to get some for all the things he’s been put through.”

“I just… after leaving so suddenly, then springing this on you…” Umbra sighed and looked away. “I’d fear that you’d hate us.”

“Anything but,” Joy said. “I’m just wondering if you have anymore on the way. My son is a rather eager being and he can be a bit hasty.”

“Hah, no,” Umbra said with a dismissive wave of her paw. “Honestly, I think I’m far too old to be dealing with more children.”

Joy shrugged. “One’s enough I suppose. I’m just glad to have that.”

“But do not worry,” Sev smiled. “She will leave most satisfied, mother. That I can assure you.”

“Well, whatever happens, I’m glad to have you as one of us, dear.” Joy stated.

“And that was embarrassing,” Umbra said as Joy left to dote on her granddaughter… only to find her covered in Goodra goop. “I fear this day is not good for my heart dear Sevvy.”

“It isn’t?” Sev frowned. “Then I shall do something to help it. Hmm,” he rubbed his chin. “The heart aches so therefore love must be applied. However, I do not have on me love donuts, so therefore I shall have to do it the old fashioned way.” He pulled her close and kissed her once more on the lips. “I am sure you are better now.”

“...Love donuts?” Umbra giggled and booped his nose. “You truly are a silly snake. But at least you are my silly snake.”

“And I’ll always be yours,” Sev’s smile softened. “That you can be assured of. My word is an everlasting law of the universe.”

“Oh? So you are greater than Arceus now?” she hummed. “Actually, on that topic, do you mind if we speak privately for a moment?”

Sev quirked an eyebrow. “If you insist.” He let her out of his coils. She led him to an adjoining room and closed the door behind them. Sealing it with her Psychic, she turned and glared at him. “Now what is this foolishness I hear about you trying to leave our Rika fatherless?”

Sev frowned. “That was an accident that happened two nights ago before we found each other again. Just some meaningless incident.”

“You trying something stupid like that is not meaningless!” Umbar retorted. “And what if you had succeeded? You’d have passed without ever meeting her! Without seeing me again! Is that what you wanted?”

Sev grit his teeth, his tail fidgeting behind him as he let out agitated hisses. “That was a moment of weakness that will not come again. A small blip on the radar of my life. I’m still here. We don’t have to talk about it anymore because it didn’t mean anything.”

“Well it must have meant something at the time,” Umbra said more softly. She took a deep breath and curbed her flaring anger. “What happened Sevvy. Doing something like that… it’s not like you.”

“Well maybe you just don’t know me that well,” Sev said. “Maybe no one does. Maybe not even myself. How can you? I’m just some broken toy to be cast away. A being with true purpose but his own blithering insanity. I’ll tell you what happened. I broke from the last straw and I saw how...empty I am. I am nothing.”

Umbra frowned as her tail glowed for a moment, ready to slap up upside the head with her Iron Tail, but that wouldn’t solve the problem. She opened the door slightly and beckoned him closer.

“Do you see that Sylveon out there?” she asked. “She didn’t come from ‘nothing’. She has a father that she can be proud of. One full of love, courage and fearless determination.”

“Can she be proud of a father who came an inch from skewering her aunt?” Sev hissed in anger. “Can she be proud of a father who forgone looking for her mother because of a mission that never was? Following some dream that was just that? Is there any pride to have when you’re father is broken such as I?”

“Of course there is,” Umbra nodded, not having realised just how bad this was. “So you have no mission? Then find a new one. Your God is a false one? Then find someone deserving of your respect.” Umbra nodded and smiled wryly. “You could never fail. You are the great Commander Sev, no?”

“...Yes,” Sev sighed. “I just feel...tired sometimes. Tired of it all. Of the heartache. Losing you was probably one of the biggest cracks in my psyche and now...now I know I could have found you if I had just looked. If I had been smarter, less deranged. I know I did good, but…” He nuzzled the top of her head. “I am sorry.”

“After I fled from my ex-Trainer, I prided myself on being very difficult to locate,” Umbra replied. “Trust me my love, you’d have not found me even if you sent your whole army to find me… and in the end. I was glad when Seth did so.” She smiled at the memory. “Did you know he saved our lives? We’d have been sold off to the highest bidder if not for him.”

“I respect Seth,” Sev hissed. “I respect and trust him with our daughter. I’m just frightened is all. Frightened if something happens to her if I’m not there. If I….snap once again.”

“Nothing will happen except that she will continue to live a life of happiness,” Umbra smiled. “And I’m glad to hear that from you, even if your tail is twitching.” She leaned against him and closed the door. “So tell me, what has happened since you arrived? Do you still have those nightmares?”

Sev twitched. “Princess Luna has been dealing with them well enough.”

“Oh, Princess Luna hmm?” Umbra smiled knowingly, that really annoying enigmatic one that she sometimes got. “Sounds like you owe her a bit then?”

Sev nodded. “Oh yes, I very much do. She is quite the dependable mare. Fierce, loyal, almost as beautiful as you, but there’s nothing really I can think of that tops your looks.” He shrugged. “Wouldn’t want to think of something either. Impossible to do so.”

“Relax dear Sev, I’m quite sure there are many a lady that are much prettier than this old Umbreon. Still, I thank you for the compliment nonetheless.” She tapped her chin as she opened the door. “Well, it’s good to see you’re doing better at least. And no more of that foolishness alright?” She paused and looked up, “You know… I feel sorry for Luna really. The pony guards are… lacking a little, both in drive and competence. It’s too bad she doesn't have somemon like you under her banner...”

Sev glanced outside and quietly shut the door. “Are you saying that I switch entirely over to Luna? That is quite bold.”

“Well, who you follow is entirely up to you,” Umbra said. “It’s just a suggestion really. But Arceus is clearly unworthy of your continued reverence.”

Sev chuckled. “That is heretical and I love it. Let it be known we follow the goddess of the night from here on out and to commemorate….” Sev frowned as he looked at his tail and the small lock. “Curse my limbless form. How am I supposed to have my way with you if I can’t lock it...Okay, I have this...” He pointed his tail blade at the lock. “The great and powerful Commander Sev commands you to be close and not allow anyone in here to be awkward….No?....I’m going to have to wait….I will slay your entire family, lock!”

The door glowed a pale blue and the lock clicked shut, with Umbra whistling innocently. “Oh, look at that. It seems to have listened to you.”

Sev tapped his chest and stood proudly. “Truly it knows who is the superior being here.”

“Of course my love, but one must wonder why you locked the door in the first place. Surely a gentlesnake such as yourself isn’t planning something… untoward to this innocent little Umbreon~”

Sev’s grin turned maniacal as he wrapped his coils around her. “Perhaps this gentlesnake does indeed plan so. The question goes to what the fair maiden does next, hmm?”

“I see a locked door and a sexy snake, so what do you think~” Umbra said huskily.

Outside the room, Rika just sat there with a fierce blush and groaned. “Most. Embarrassing. Parents. EVER! Do they not realise that room isn’t soundproof!?”

Joy laughed. “Oh this reminds me of the times they got at it when they were about your age. Oh the messes they made. Kept me up late in the night too.”

“Lalalala, I can’t hear ANYTHING!” Rika sang as she faced away from the room. This was going to be a looooong day. She paused and looked at Joy.

“Do I have a grandpa?”

Joy shook her head. “I never married. I was too busy dealing with my job and raising my kids to really try the dating scene.”

“Hmm, we have to change that at some point,” Rika nodded. “Moma has Papa now… and maybe Dusty as well. And I have Sethy and Fritters.” Then she paused as her brain ground to a screeching halt. All these soldiers that worked for her father…




“Nope,” Gard spoke up and ripped hole in reality in the air. “I am not dealing with this.” He grabbed hold of a beautiful Vaporeon. “You. Talk sense into your kin. I’m going to cuddle Ag and forget that sugarland mind.”

“Uhhh….” The Vaporeon blinked in confusion as the Gardevoir left. “What just happened?” She looked to Char. “Char? You’re here?”

Char blushed upon seeing her naked and looked away. “Yes, Vapora.”

“Char, we’re usually naked. You don’t have to get embarrassed.” Vapora rolled her eyes.

“Ohh, pretty Vaporeon,” Rika giggled and bounded up to her. She paused and looked to Char, then to Vapora… and then she gasped and smiled widely.

“Yes, we’re a thing.” Vapora nodded. “Only recently though,” she frowned. “He was too thick headed to admit he liked me more than a friend.”

“I didn’t want to shred you purity,” Char stated.

“Yeah, well, you failed miserably at abstaining.” Vapora giggled as he shuffled about nervously. “So who are you?”

“Me?” Rika blinked. “Oh, I’m Rika Crescent, and I’m also Commander Sev’s long lost daughter.”

Vapora’s jaw dropped. “He...had a kid?”

“Yep and this kid is me! Well, I’m twenty five, so kid is probably not the right word to use.” She paused and looked around the room. “And so many new friends~ Today really is a good day—” The door that Umbra and Sev were on the other side of gave a loud knock. “Well, mostly a good day,” Rika blushed.

“Well someone’s having fun,” Vapora chuckled, causing Char to blush even harder. “Still, I’m surprised Sev had a kid. He isn’t...that talented when it comes to the opposite sex.”

“Well, when a Mommy Pokemon and Daddy Pokemon get together…” Rika started.

“We know,” Char grumbled and walked off. “Females.”

“Aww, he’s adorable,” Rika cooed. “No wonder you like him.”

Vapora giggled. “Oh like you wouldn’t believe. It took me years to get him, frustratingly enough. I just had enough and jumped him one day. Now he’s all mine.”

“How bold,” Rika gasped. “Well, it took me quite a while to get mine as well. And I got a pony as part of the deal as well.”

Vapora nodded. “Char was the thick headed type. Subtlety didn’t work on him and I wasn’t going to wait forever for it to get through his dogma. A direct approach was in order and it paid off. Can’t say that I envy the wrath your guy’s going to get from Commander Sev.”

“Oh, Papa want’s to murder him, but Sethy’s tough,” Rika giggled. “And maybe part of your problem was the fact that he’s a Charmeleon? I have a friend who’s dating a Charizard, and she pretty much had to do the same thing.”

“I don’t have to worry about that,” Vapora stated. “Char isn’t willing to evolve.”

“Ah, so he’s one of those Pokemon?” Some just didn’t like to evolve, or at least reach their final evolution. “Well that’s fine. Glad to see you have your mon though. Love is the best~”

“Yeah, it’s great.” Vapora sighed with a contentful smile. “Though he does it moreso out of his fear of flying though. He can’t stand being up in the air.”

“Oh, really?” Well that was unusual. Most Pokemon that evolved into Flying-types generally couldn’t wait to get airborne. “And he seems so fearless.”

“It’s a personal thing,” Vapora said. “I would love to explain it, but I think it would be better if he told you it. Would be kind of rude just displaying it out like that and yes, you wouldn’t guess it if you looked at him. He really does try to be the strong guy.”

“Ah, Sethy tells me I shouldn’t meddle in the affairs of others,” she said in a mock-tone of his voice. “Too bad he isn’t around. I wish you could all meet him…”

“I bet he’s quite handsome if he managed to sway you so,” Vapora said. “What species is he?”

“Well, he was a dashing human, now he’s a totally smexy Luxray~” Rika may have been drooling slightly as she thought of her fluffmon.

“I prefer scales myself,” Vapora stated. “The feel of them rubbing against me is…” She shivered. “But fur is good too.”

“Wow…” Rika blushed a little. “Char is a very lucky mon… I think.”

“Of course he is,” Vapora grinned. “I’m the leading model of the PLA. Temptation and lust are highly required.”

“Ah, I see,” Rika nodded. She wondered what that had to do with an army but… well, she figured that her Papa needed some eyecandy for his little group. “It sucks you guys are going home tomorrow though.”

Vapora frowned. “Yeah and I really wanted to explore here.” She shrugged. “Oh well, I’ll find some other time to try that. Whatever conflict that comes can’t last that long.”

“True enough,” Rika nodded. “And you guys have to be careful okay? I just made a bunch of new friends. So you are forbidden from dying anytime soon.”

Vapora chuckled. “We’’ll try, Commander.”

“Hmm, Commander Rika… I dunno,” she hummed and mulled the thought over in her head. “I don’t think I’m the fighting sort…”

“You don’t have to fight all the time,” Vapora said. “I don’t and there are plenty of others in the PLA who don’t either.”

“Hmm, I wonder what i could do then?” Rika mused. She could sing… “OH, I could totally be the PLA’s Number One Idol!”

Vapora frowned. “In what way?”

Rika beamed brightly as music started to play from… somewhere. She leapt up onto one of the tables and then started to sing. A few spotlights shone down and a fine mist rolled in. Well at least that part could be explained with her Misty Terrain. She hoped they didn’t mind her singing in Kantonese, but it was what she preffered.

The soldiers were silent as Rika sang. Even Char was speechless, until the very end. The lot of them clapped for all that was worth. “That was one of the most adorable things I’ve ever heard,” Felicia said.

Rika took a bow once she finished and smiled brightly. “Thank you~” she giggled. That had been a lot of fun. “I love singing more than anything. Even more than my Contest performances.”

“I’m sure you knocked them dead,” Vapora smiled.

“I came close when my Hyper Voice misfired,” Rika giggled, remembering when she obliterated the front row. Ah well, they were warned of splash damage after all~

“Oh dear,” Vapora chuckled. Rika just giggled and shrugged. She looked at the room her parents were in and walked over to the door. She coughed and suddenly banged loudly on the door.

"Will you two hurry up in there!!"

“They’re just catching up on lost time,” Vapora commented. “I don’t think that’s the best move to make, even if you’re his daughter.”

"Fine," Rika rolled her eyes. "Sorry!" She called out through the door and turned back to the others. "So what should we do while they're... occupied?"

Vapora smiled. “Well I know just the-”

“Shopping,” Char deadpanned.

“I was not going to suggest shopping.”

“Okay, what else do you usually drag me to do?”


Char folded his arms. “Uh-huh. Perhaps we can go and meditate for a while and cleanse the soul of sin.”

“As ‘riveting’ as that sounds,” Vapora rolled her eyes. “I do believe-”

“Shopping isn’t the answer to everything.”

“Did you just cut me off?!!”

Joy sighed and facepalmed. “Young couples and their arguments.”

"Are they always like this?" Rika asked.

Joy shook her head. “No, not always. Char’s just been a bit more...on edge since coming here and this whole relationship. He’s not exactly the most social mon, so...he can start things like this.”

"Hmm, well for one, shopping pretty much is the answer to everything," Rika nodded and gasped. "We totally need to get you a cute outfit Vappy. One to really get Char worked up~"

“Oh I have several,” Vapora smiled as she turned away from the aggravated Charmeleon. “It’s just that he keeps tearing them up. He’s not a patient mon.”

“Vapora,” Char blushed. “That isn’t something you talk about with others.”

"Hmm, I should introduce you to Titania. She could whip up something nice. Maybe something smexy for Charry as well."

“Oooh, I like.” Vapora nodded. “I think that’s a splendid idea.”

“Eeveelutions,” Char sighed to himself. “Of all the types, why did I fall for an eeveelution?”

"Don’t complain. Eevee's are sexy," Rika giggled. "Be glad you didn't wind up with a moody Absol..."

Elsewhere, Selena had the sudden urge to bite Rika for some reason…

Char sighed. “If the lord’s chosen child is wanting to go, I shall follow.”

"Ohh, anyone else gonna come?" Rika asked.

“Oooh, oooh,” Felicia started jumping up and down, waving her hand in the air. Of course, given her size, she did shake the room a bit. “Pick me. Pick me.”

"Yup, I got goop dragon on my team," Rika nodded. "I'd never abandon a fellow hugmon."

“I want to go to,” Lia gumped up and down beside the Goodra. “I want to pick a dress to be as pretty as Miss Belle.”

"Hmm, I'd say you're plenty cute already. But okay!" Rika clapped her paws and Char suddenly realised that he was the only male in horde of girls with shopping on the brain.

“Lord, watch my steps for they are to be cast upon a sea of woes.” Char muttered.

Rika led the group to Button Belle's Boutique, where Titania and Button Belle, aka, Suri Polomare worked. Rika held the door open for the group and were immediately greeted by the earth pony.

"Welcome to my boutique. How may I help... oh? Hello Rika."

"Heya Belle." Rika replied. "I brought friends... who might also be customers."

“Glad to meet you,” Vapora bowed her head. “I am Vapora, the Pokemon Liberation Armies leading model of grandeur.”

"A model hmm?" Button glazed over the whole army bit and nodded. "Yes, I believe this might be more of Titania's thing." She turned and called out for her, and a moment later, a grumbling Florges emerged.

"What is it? I'm rather busy... oh, Lady Rika is here?"

"And this ball of perfume and grump is Tani. Tani? Meet my new friends."

"They made friends with you? So I take it that they’re touched in the head as well?"

"Waaah, you’re so mean."

“Do not insult the lord’s chosen like so,” Char stepped forward. A hand on one of his swords and a glare directed at her. “Lest you incur Hell’s flames.”

"Hmm, how adorable," Titania chuckled. She looked at Rika. "This a relative of that other flamebrain?”

"No, he's Vappy's squeeze toy," Rika nodded. "Speaking of. We need cute outfits. Stat!"

Char paled. “The fires of the lord whither in dire times. Perhaps I shall ignite it elsewhere...Like with the pony while you do your thing. I can take care of myself after all.”

“Aww,” Vapora pouted, gently rubbing her tail against him causing a small shiver. “Is that so? I think it would be fun to do this together.”

“I...I think I can manage this,” Char gulped.

"Hmm, there is a small project I'm working on," Titania mused as she looked over Vapora. "And you look about the right size... Yes, you will follow me now."

“Very well then,” Vapora nodded. “See you later, Char.”

Char sighed and rubbed and forehead. “This relationship thing is more aggravating than I thought it would be.”

"Hmm, I wonder what she's up to," Rika mused as she looked at some outfits. "Ohh, this ribbon would look so cute on you Aunt Lia."

“Really?” Lia looked it over. “You think so?”

It was a similar design to the ones that Champion Cynthia wore, only they were a light pink.

"Hmm, a good choice," a voice spoke, as a Shiny Gardevoir peered over their shoulders.

Lia blinked in confusion. “It is, Miss…umm..What’s your name?” She tilted her head in an adorable way only children can.

"Oh my, I forgot how adorable Kirlia are," the psychic cooed. "But you're right, I forgot my manners also. My name is Diantha."

"She's the Champion of the Kalos region," Rika explained further. "And one of our bestest friends."

Lia curtsied, bowing her head. “Hello Miss Diantha. I’m Lia of the PLA.”

"PLA?" Diantha hummed and her eyes widened a little. "Oh, well... that's a little surprising."

Lia frowned. “Is something wrong with that?”

Diantha had to stop and think. She knew the group wasn't as... fierce as they once were, not like when she was a child. "Not at all dear, just recalling darker times is all. Happens when you get as old as I."

“Oh…” Lia looked to the ground. “I’m sorry big brother’s daddy scared you. He scared a lot of people.”

"That he did little one," Diantha smiled wryly and rubbed her head. She took the ribbons and tied them just under Lia's horns. "Mmm, Rika was right, they really do look cute on you."

Lia looked to the mirror smiled. “It does. Thank you.” She tilted her head about to get different looks at the ribbon.

"It needs a cheerleader outfit or something," Rika said aloud.

"How about this white skirt?" Dia suggested. "She'd look like a little Gardevoir~"

"Oh my gosh, that would be adorable♡" One could almost see the hearts in Rika's tone.

Lia clapped her knuckles twice and grinned. “Yes! I can’t wait to be a Gardevoir, but I’m not strong enough yet. My big brother says I don’t need to change, but I think he just likes me being small so he can protect me like always.”

"Hmm, I doubt you'd need much training, the Kirlia line tends to evolve quickly," Diantha stated. "If you wish to evolve, I'm sure you will before you know it."

“That’s what mommy says and she's super smart,” Lia stated. “I think she’d like you.”

"She's a Joy," Rika explained and Diantha nodded.

"I think we would little one," Siantha nodded. She looked at the others and her eyes lingered on Felicia for a little longer than necessary.

Said Goodra was scarfing down a few muffins, before she stopped. “Uhh…” She gulped and smiled nervously. “Hello?”

"Ah!" Diantha hadn't realised she'd been staring. "Sorry, yes, hello..."

“...Is it because of the slime?” Felicia asked. “I’ll make sure not to get your dress dirty. Ooh, is it the dragon part because I don’t breathe fire except when I eat spicy salsa but that’s just a thing that happens then.”

"Oh, no... it's not that," the Champion replied. "It's just, one of my precious partners is a Goodra... one I have yet to find..."

“Oh,” Felicia frowned. “I’m sorry if I made you sad?” She quickly brought Diantha into a slimey hug. The Gardevoir didn't seem bothered in the slightest and returned the hug.

"Aww, my new friends are now friends with my old friends," Rika smiled as someone cleared their throat. Titania had returned and there was someone hiding behind her.

"Hm, quit stalling," Titania grumbled and pushed the Vaporeon out into the room. The rather beautiful Water pokemon who was now wearing a mostly complete wedding dress.

Vapora strutted out across the floor. Her footwork was impeccable and each move was calculated to be beautiful and appealing. She fluttered her eyes at Char, who was frozen in awe. “I have to thank you, Titania. This dress fits just right.”

"Well, I did design it to fit an Eeveeloution," Titania nodded. "It is far from complete, and just a test for various patterns and the like. Still, if you like it and you two are planning on a wedding... then I could make a proper one."

“Oh that is a tempting offer,” Vapora stopped to stand in front of Char. “What say you?” Char lifted up a talon and then fell backwards. “...I think it’s a bit too much for him.” She put a paw to her lips and giggled.

"Typical male," Titania scoffed. "Still, while I can't give you that dress, I have plenty of others to choose from, or you can place a custom order and I'll ship it free of charge."

Vapora nodded. “I think that would be best. Though, perhaps I should just browse a tad bit more of your work before making the final choice.”

"As you wish," the Florges nodded. "Everything on that and that rack are Pokemon-friendly. The species they are designed for is on the tag, but I have a few things for Eevee's."

"And that is mostly my fault," Rika giggled. "I'm something of a dress up doll for her. And now I have Lia to dress up. Best day EVER!"

Char jumped back to his feet and growled to himself. He marched on over to the wall and took up a spot, leaning against it. He started to relax, but his eyes locked on Diantha and he tense up. A quick snarl was all he said to her.

“Quit being a meanie, Char.” Lia huffed. “She’s not a bad human.”

“I don’t feel comfortable with you near her though,” Char said. “She is not one of us in the sense as the lord wishes it to be.”

“Just ignore him,” Vapora sighed. “He gets like that around humans.”

"It's quite alright," Diantha nodded. "Besides, he could not harm me, even if he wanted to."

"Yeah... you shouldn't pick a fight with her Charry," Rika nodded. "I don't think Papa would like it if you got hurt while on vacation."

Char huffed. “The lord wills the just to succeed. If a fight broke out, the one who walks the right path will be victorious.”

"Belief can be a powerful motivator," Diantha agreed. "But there is much to be said for skill and experience."

Rika looked between the two, and then to Vapora. "He really wouldn't pick a fight... right?"

“Not unless you rile him up too much,” Vapora stated. “He can be hard headed and rash, but...well yeah, he isn’t a maniac looking for a fight. That’s more General Rio’s thing.”

"Please oh please say he isn't here," Rika begged. "If he meets Ignis..."

"Oh my, that could be a problem," Diantha agreed.

“Big brother wouldn’t do something stupid like that,” Lia said. “Rio isn’t allowed to come, but Mr. Gard might drop by earlier.” She looked around for a bit to make sure the coast was clear. “He secretly love to dress up in fancy suits like pop stars.” She whispered aloud.

Rika burst out laughing and Diantha just looked lost.

"Well, amusing as that sounds, I must be off." She gave Rika and Lia a hug and a polite nod to the rest. "Do take care okay? Rika is quite the handful~"

“She’s more of an armful,” Lia said. “Though I wish she was smaller so I really could put her in my arms. I guess I’m going to have to grow-up first.”

"Yes, she is quite huggable. But, you could ride on her back?" Diantha suggested as a second Gardevoir teleported on, linking her arm with Diantha's.

"Are you ready to depart Mistress?"

"Nearly, my dear Gardy," Diantha replied. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you all."

“Same here with us,” Vapora waved as did the other PLA present. With a florish of her free arm, Gardevoir teleported herself and Diantha from the room.

"We seem to be bumping into everyone today," Rika said. "Hmm, speaking of bumping into one another, think Momna and Papa are done yet?"

Vapora cringed. “I...have no idea and I really don’t want to know. I’m sure they’ll be done soon if they’re not done now...you know, to spend time with you...This is kind of awkward to think about.”

“What are they doing?” Lia asked.

"Getting to know one another, grown up stuff... we'll tell you when your older," Rika said quickly.

Lia grumbled and crossed her arms. “That’s what everyone always tells me.”

"How old are you anyway?" Rika asked as she rummaged through the clothes. "10 or so?"

“Kind of,” Lia said. “I know Umbra before you were born, but I’m younger than you. I kind of met Celebi once and...a bunch of strange time things happened.”

"Wibbly, wobbly, timey-wimey stuff huh?" Rika rubbed her head. "Sounds confusing. Hmm, wonder why Mom never mentioned it. Oh well, not important. Wait, does that technically make you older than me?"

Lia grinned and nodded. “Uh-huh, I’m your elder so you have to respect my authority.” Well as as much authority as a ten year old can muster.

"Yes Ma'am," Rika saluted and giggled. "Shall we begin our conquest of Equestria? The world shall bow to our cuteness!!"

“Mwuahahaha….yes.” Lia smiled.

"Oh sweet Arceus," Titania groaned. "They'd probably do it to. Still, that would mean fighting Seth, Lady Rika."

"Okay, I give up," Rika folded instantly.

“Awww,” Lia pouted. “We already lost?”

"I can't fight against my Sethy," Rika nodded. "Sorry Commander Lia."

“Happens every time,” Lia shrugged. “Oh well. I’ll rule the world one day.”

"Hmm, if we can convince Sethy to join us instead," Rika mused. "I'll need a harem once we're Princesses."

“Oh, like one of those animes?” Lia asked. “The ones with the weird stuff in them that mommy says are grown up stuff?”

"Hmm, I guess so?" Rika shrugged. "It just means we'll have a bunch of boys to worship us. I bet Vappy has a few~"

“I have plenty of admirers,” Vapora glanced over at Char, who had both of his fire swords out. The blazing swords glowed as bright as the sheer rage in his eyes and the fierceness of his snarl. “I don’t think they’ll take me up on the offer.” She chuckled.

"Don't you dare set fire to my shop!!" Suri yelled at the Fire pokemon. "Don’t make me get the hose!"

Char yelped and quickly put out the fire. Fire types generally hated water, but his lineage feared it. He sheathed his swords. “Sorry.”

Suri snorted and nodded before returning to her sewing machine. Rika giggled and filed that info under 'Useful'

"Coincidentally, Charry isn't allowed in our harem," Rika said. "Ohh, speaking of, do you have any boys you like Lia?"

Lia tapped her chin. “I have a friend who is a boy, but I don’t think he’d want to play harem...I think.”

"Well, baby steps," Rika chuckled. "So who is this lucky little gentleman?"

“His name is Lu,” Lia said. “He’s a Riolu and my bestest friend.”

"A Riolu huh?" Rika rubbed her chin with one ribbon as she paid for Lia's ribbons and dress. "Fighting type, evolves via Happiness..." She frowned slightly, not having meant to go into training mode like that. "Well, he sounds nice. He is nice yeah?"

Lia nodded. “He saved me from a bunch of mean Hyena Dog slavers. He’s really brave and he likes to make me smile.”

"A hero type..." Rika looked around, she knew she saw one before... Aha! She grabbed something from a shelf and bought that too before giving it to Lia. A long, strikingly red scarf.

"Give him that as a present," Rika said. "He'll be putty in your paws~"

“Why would I want him to be putty?” Lia asked. “He’s my friend.”

"Figure of speech," Rika said with a soft sigh. "I mean he'll really like you for it."

“Okay,” Lia took the scarf. “I’ll make sure he gets this. Thank you.”

"That's alright," Rika smiled and nuzzled her. "Now, let's get out of Suri's mane before she really does turn the hose on us." Rika turned back to Vapora and Felicia. "You ladies done shopping yet?"

Vapora nodded. “Oh yes. These dresses just sing to me. It’s so easy to find one that sings the right tune.”

Felicia shrugged. “Eh, as best as it can be.”

“Well then ladies, make your purchases, loadup the pack-Gogoat,” Here she motioned towards Char. “And then we’ll hit the road.”

“I hate my fate sometimes,” Char sighed.

“You’re a male that agreed to accompany females on a shopping trip, you really should have expected as much,” Rika smiled sweetly. After a bit more looking around, the group shuffled off and headed back to the Castle. Rika at least wanted to see if her mother would be staying the night.

Sev and Umbra were taking a break for the time being and the Umbreon was taking a shower to clean herself up.

Too bad the same could not be said for the room they practically destroyed…

“Honestly Sev,” the Dark Pokemon winced as she walked back into the room, her hind legs having a slight limp to them. “Hmm, now where is everyone?”

“They must have departed,” Sev huffed. “They couldn’t yet handle that which happens, I suppose.”

“Too bad, and I was going to see if little Dusty wanted to play with us next,” Umbra mused, licking her lips.

“...And here’s the...did everyone leave already?!!” Lightning huffed, growling as she held up a few drinks. “Seriously, I will strangle them.”

“Oh, don’t be like that dear,” Umbra giggled and took one of the drinks, downing it with one shot. “I guess they were giving us some privacy. Hmm, speaking off…” She eyed the Pegasus like a predator.

“Uhhhh…” Lightning blinked in confusion. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

“Oh nothing, just wondering what pegasus tastes like,” Umbra chuckled and licked her lips. “You are curious too, right Sevvy?”

Sev chuckled as well. “Oh yes. Incredibly curious. She has a delectable scent.” His tongue flickered out of his mouth, tasting the air.

“Okay, you two are getting at something.” Lightning gulped. “Do I want to know?”

“Perhaps,” Umbra stated. “You see, I said I had no problems with you and Sevvy. I am more than willing to… share~”

“Sh-Share?” Lightning laughed nervously. “In what way?”

“Hmm, surely a smart mare like you can figure that much out on your own,” Umbra chuckled.

“Heh,” Lightning shuffled about nervously. Her wings twitched about. “Well...I’ve never actually done anything like that before.”

“Really now? That’s surprising,” Umbra smiled as she advanced on her. “Then we can teach you so much~”

“Well...uhh…” Lightning didn’t know what do now. This wasn’t something she was expecting to happen, so she froze in place.

“Uhoh, I think I broke her Sevvy,” Umbra giggled and placed a chaste kiss on the mare’s muzzle, just to get her point across if it wasn’t clear enough. And that was when the door burst open and Rika and co. strode in.

“Honey, wee’reee hoooome!” she sang out.

Sev looked to Lightning and then his daughter. He sighed, before chuckling. “Your timing is marvelous, Rika. I probably would have done the same in your case….Well, add in a Flamethrower to Seth’s face.” His chuckling turned dark until it turned into full blown evil laughter.

“Um, wat?” Rika and Lia tilted their heads adorably.

“N-nothing,” Lightning was as red as a tomato. “H-he’s just rambling on as usual.”

“Yup, nothing going on at all,” Umbra replied, turned as her tail brushed under Lightning’s chin. “How was your little trip out with all these fine Pokemon?”

“It was fun,” Rika nodded. “We met Diantha, Charry is as grumbley as Gardy and Lia is both older and younger than me.”

“Oh, the Celebi thing?” Umbra asked the Kirlia.

Lia nodded. “I still don’t know what happened, really. It was too confusing.”

“Oh, did Sethy come back?” Rika asked. “Aunt Lia and I wanna recruit him and take over the world. Sorry Daddy, we’ll also have to mutiny and take your army.”

“Your ambition is admirable,” Sev said. “But mine is grander, so my army stays by my side. The world can still be yours, perhaps if you were to be as grand as I.”

“I am the daughter of Commander Sev, and she is the glorious Little Sister. Our cuteness knows no equal!”

“Look at what you’ve done Sev,” Umbra sighed. “She will be utterly impossible to live with now.”

“I AM THE IMPOSSIBILITY!” Sev shouted. “Impossibility is what surrounds that which we are, so everything is actually possible in the way that it can be done even in ways you thought were wrong in the sense of impossible.”

“...” Rika and Lia just stared at him and Umbra laughed at the blank expressions on their faces.

“Oh my dear Sevvy, you seem to have lost them somewhere.”

“Oh, wanna show Papa our cute outfits?” Rika suggested.

Lia eagerly nodded. “Yeah, Miss Diantha said I looked really cute on them, big brother. So did Rika.”

Sev pursed his lips. “Very well. You may show me the outfits, but I will be judging them silently.”

“Aww, don’t be like that Papa~” Rika scolded him cutely as she dragged Lia off to get changed. Luckily they avoided the other room and disappeared into another. They returned a moment later, the Kirlia in her long skirt and ribbons, while Rika wore a cute little blue dress that complimented her colours nicely.

Sev smiled and tapped his tail on the ground in a sort of applause. “I say they look fine on you both. My lovely daughter and sister. Truly there are none more beautiful...except for you Umbra.” He quickly put in. “That’s a different sort of beautiful as one would put beauty to a flower of several hues.”

“Ever the wordsmith,” Umbra smiled and nuzzled him. “And yes, they look very lovely indeed.”

“Lia even got a present for her boyfriend~” Rika teased. “I wish i could be there when you go back.”

“...Boyfriend?” Sev’s face was neutral, but you could see how he was shaking in silent rage. “Boyfriend?!!”

“Well yes,” Lia said. “He’s a boy and a friend.”

“Oh…” Sev sighed in relief. “Very well. That’s one less being I have to ponder their deaths.”

Speaking of death to certain males… The door opened and Seth poked his head inside, looking quite weary.

“Rika… you here?”

“SETHY!” Rika’s ribbons snared him and dragged the hapless Luxray inside. She snuggled him once she hauled him over and smiled at Vapora. “This is my Sethy~”

“Charmed,” he wheezed out, her ribbons were… rather tight.

“Oooh~” Vapora cooed. “You caught yourself quite the catch.”

“I know right!” Rika nuzzled the large Luxray again, her ribbons finally allowing him to breathe. She noticed the metal accessory around his neck and cooed. “Ohh, what’s this?”

“A gift from the Princesses,” Seth explained. “It has a few neat enchantments and my Keystone.”

Sev tapped the metal collar. “Why don’t I have a princess gift? I am higher on the food chain and I have even kissed one of them as we shared a dream.” He tapped his chin. “Perhaps it’s less a kiss and more a driss. Let it be known I came up with that word. Patent it!” he shouted outside to a few of his soldiers who ran to write it down.

“...You did what?” Lightning narrowed her eyes. A dark aura seemed to surround the Umbreon...

“I wanted to know if she was real,” Sev stated. “My father was slicing me to ribbons. I am entitled to do strange things to concur the reality of dreams. Besides, that does not mean I don’t love you nor Umbra. That would be suicidal and I would deserve it.”

“Don’t use that ‘s’ word,” Lightning said. “We already went through that and I don’t need that headache again.”

“Agreed,” Umbra said, her murderous intent leaving. “And thank you for being there for him all this time Miss Dust. I don’t believe I have done that yet.”

“I’ve only known him a couple of weeks,” Lightning stated. “An aggravating two weeks if you ask me.”

“Did anyone else feel a dark presence when I said ‘kiss’?” Sev asked curiously. “Is the word cursed here in this castle? If it is, I will break it. I just need a hammer, chisel, and ten tons of dynamite blessed in holy cheese water.”

“Oh trust me dear Sevvy, it is a darkness you cannot hope to defeat,” Umbra said in a chilly tone. “Now,” her mood brightened and she looked at Seth and Rika. “What will the two of you be doing?”

“Well,” Seth said. “I actually need Rika’s help with something tonight, so I’m going to have to steal her away from you.”

Sev was too busy thinking to pay attention. “Of course, the darkness is Luna. With the darkness that is her, I need something greater than dynamite. Something potent. Something ingenious….Put Felicia into a catapult and launch her at the princess. Show her that I mean to honor her.”

“Umm...sir?” One of the soldiers asked. “Maybe it was your mate getting angry at the kiss.”

“That’s silly,” Sev stated. “You're being silly. She wouldn’t do that. Obviously Luna is getting angry because her moonbutt isn’t praised enough and needs gooey hugs prompto. The connection between, darkness, Luna and hugs is obvious.”

“Is he… okay?” Seth tilted his head. “He knows I won’t let him do that right? Aside from being incredibly dangerous for this ‘Felicia’ individual. I’m pretty sure Lulu doesn’t want Pokemon flung at her from a catapult. On that note, where would he even get one—”

“Try not to think about it too hard,” Umbra smiled at him.

“Let me do all the thinking,” Sev said. “I’m great at that.”

They could all hear Gard cough. “Bullfeathers.” Cough.

“Mhm…” Seth shrugged. “Anyway, so I’ll be taking Rika in a bit. Have you had fun today?”

“Tons!” Rika nodded. “It’s been superfun! And I heard that Gardy! Just for that, you get more hugs Mr. Grumpyskirt!”

“This is simply a mental projection,” Gard chuckled, which sounded quite scaringly wrong. “I’m all the way over in Zebrica right now so I hardly think you can follow up on that threat.”

“Soon…” Rika whispered darkly and smiled.

“Back up a few sentences,” Sev said. “You want to do what with my daughter?”

“Huh? Oh, I’m taking her soon. Need to borrow her for tonight,” Seth explained. “I’m going to need all the help I can get.”

Sev frowned and sagged. “Tonight? Tonight Tonight? Not any other?”

“Well, your King is scheduled to depart in a few hours no?” Seth asked. “Where is King Trot anyway? I think Princess Celestia wanted a few words before he left.”

“He was talking with some mare,” Sev grinned. “Mocha, I believe her name was. It was a grant sight, seeing Mochot sail...Trocha…” He tapped his chin. “I shall name that ship one day.”

“You set him up… with Mocha?” Seth blinked. Well, she was a very pretty mare. “Well, good for him.”

“We have done ALL the shipping!” Rika cheered. She looked at Felicia and nodded. “You’re in charge of shipping on my behalf when you go home.”

Felicia put on a seaman’s hat and nodded. “Ai, ai, el kapitan.”

“I feel as though the point has been missed,” Rika deadpanned.

“As do I,” Seth nodded. “What do you mean by shipping?”

“...See what I deal with?” Rika groaned to her fellow Eeveeloution. “He’s cute, but he has the brains of a Geodude sometimes.”

“Tell me about it, sister.” Vapora chuckled. “We Eevee’s got to tough it out when it comes to our lovers. No matter how thickheaded they are.”

“Hmm, not yet in that title,” Rika smiled and looked at Seth, licking her lips. “Soon though. Hehehehe~”

“I feel a chill,” Seth remarked under his breath. That look of Rika’s was… He took a nice, long deep breath.

“Just jump him,” Vapora said. “I know I already said that, but it really worked wonders for me. If you don’t, it’s going to take forever to get a good dicking.”

“It will take forever for that to happen,” Sev hissed in anger, glaring at Seth. His tail lashed about dangerously.

“Whoa! Okay, I have no plans for that yet!” Seth said, taking a step back from that poisonous tail. He was under no illusions that Sev would utterly destroy him in a fight. Hell, he still tripped over his own paws half the time. “Don’t worry Sev, your daughter’s purity is well and truly safe for the time being.”

Rika turned and that dark aura was back. “Papa… what did I tell you about threatening my mate?”

“To do so with impunity,” Sev smiled. “I may have taken a few liberties in tweaking the message, but I believe it has been made stronger.”

“Rika, don’t Moonblast your dad,” Seth said and Rika sighed and stepped back. “It’s alright, he’s just getting in all the dad stuff he’s missed out on. I doubt he’d actually kill me… right Sev?”

Sev stared at Seth and chuckled. “I don’t know. Can you honestly tell with a mon as mad as I?” He grinned deviously.

“No… because you won’t want to make Rika cry,” Seth replied with his own smirk.

“Oh, while we’re all here, Sethy? Can Lia and I take over the world with cute?”

“Huh? uh, sure, I guess,” Seth replied absently, continuing his staring contest with Sev.

The group heard someone knocking at the door frame. “Am I interrupting something?” Joy asked.

“Hey Gramma!” Rika waved. “Sethy and Papa are having a staring match. Or Seth is using his xray vision again.”

“Already did,” Seth chuckled. “I wanted to see if Sev’s head really was hollow.”

“Now, now,” Joy sighed. “Let’s not fight. Who are you anyway and why is my granddaughter calling you ‘Sethy’?”

“Oh that’s because—”

“Because Sethy is one of the loves of my life!” Rika cut him off, causing him to frown. “He’s totally the bestest Luxray and Trainer that a Sylveon could ask for!”

Without a second though, Joy pulled him into a bone crushing hug. “Oh aren’t you a cutie. You’re going to fit perfectly into this family….” She stopped the hug. “Wait, great grandchildren already? Not that I’m complaining but...am I that old?”

“No, as I said, Rika, Fritter and I haven’t taken that particular step yet. So no little Eevee, Shinx or foals in your life yet. Though, I may ask who you might be, though given your last statement… Either Umbra or Sev’s mother?”

“She’s my mommy,” Lia said. “And my big brother’s too, so she’s the oldest one of us.”

“Thank you, sweetie.” Joy deadpanned. “Yes, I am their mother and yes, I really am a Joy. Well, was.”

“You were human as well?” Seth asked. “Quite the change huh? Though I guess being a Pokemon has it’s perks.”

“A few,” Joy nodded. “But I never had a problem raising my children back home. I was born with the ability to understand pokemon, so no real problems there.”

“Seems you got a well-fitting form then,” Seth smiled. “And so lovely as well. I’m sure your beauty has only grown.”

Joy blushed and chuckled. “I bet you say that to all the elder ladies. I know I’m no beaut. Still, thank you for the compliment.”

“I only speak the truth,” Seth nodded. “You’re lucky though, I do miss having hands…”

“Ahh, your scritchies were the best~” Rika sighed. “You knew just where to touch me~”

“R-Rika!” Seth blushed, imagining something quite different. “Watch what you say…” He turned slowly and looked at the Seviper behind him. “Uh… hi?”

“I’m one strike away from a goodbye,” Sev stated, flexing his fangs.

“I should start carrying around some Pecha berries,” Seth muttered, eyeing those fangs wearily. “Well, I don’t need Rika until later tonight. So be sure to head home once the moon rises okay?”

“I can do that,” Rika nodded. “That still gives me a few hours with these guys.”

Seth nodded and smiled. “I’m glad you found your family…” he looked at Joy and Sev and his smile seemed… sadder. “Hopefully I’ll find my own someday.”

“They will find you,” Sev stated. “Your idiocy is hard to miss.”

“One can hope,” Seth replied, not bothering to argue. He’d gladly admit he was an idiot if it brought them back.

“Indeed, it’s what led me back to my Sevvy,” Umbra giggled.

Sev opened his mouth, but closed it. “Well, at least I had sex. Yes, I”m being blunt.”

Lia looked up at him. “Big Brother… what’s sex?”

“It’s Xes backwards, which is a secret handshake one does in order to corroborate the plans to which we must plan for the moon cannon that will further said plan,” Sev smiled.

“Oh,” Lia blinked as she processed that. “That makes sense.”

“It does?” Rika and Seth asked at the same time.

“And i don’t think Lulu would approve of a moon cannon,” Seth deadpanned.

“I shall have my moon cannon,” Sev snorted. “She is on good terms with me. I can talk her into one.”

“And if that happened, I would have to intervene with my Sun Cannon. And yes, it’s capitalized because it’s stronger.” Seth smiled proudly as Umbra and Rika applied her paws to their faces.

“But then you will face my dark shield!” Sev shouted. “Bouncing your attack back at you.”

“Fool, you have activated my trap! Shield of Justice!” Seth declared. “That attack is dissipated!”

“Ah, but there is the manner of my Spear of Longinus that can pierce your shielding.”

“Then I will counter with my Lightning of—” That was all he got before Rika muzzled the both of them with her ribbons.

“And that is quite enough of that,” she said. “Honestly, boys!”

“Yeah, I mean firing energy based weaponry without first corroborating their stats is awful….” Lightning blinked in realization she had said that out loud. “Umm...yeah. NEEEEEEEERDS!”

Everyone turned and looked at Lightning Dust for a moment in awkward silence.

“Riiiight,” Rika said, removing her muzzles. “Well, that interesting bit of information aside. Don’t you have a job to do Sethy?”

“Unfortunately,” Seth replied. He turned and gave the males of the room a nod, and then kissed the hands, paws, hooves… etec, of the rooms females and took his leave.

“Well he certainly is a gentlemon,” Joy said. “I approve.”

“Whoo!” Rika cheered. “I knew it. Sethy is Best Human!”

“Debatable,” Sev stated.

“Heretical,” Char said.

“It’s 50/50 over here,” Gard’s smug voice resounded about.

“I’ll take it!” Rika giggled. “Mr. Grumpyskirts goes up on the rung of popularity. Sorry Charry and Papa, your votes are nosediving.” She looked at the ladies of the room. “And you?”

“Approve,” they said.

“Debatable,” Lia happily chimed. “What? I’m sticking with my big brother no matter how silly he is.”

“Dang, and I thought you had my back,” Rika sighed. “Oh well, Sethy still proves he’s a ladiesmon without realising it. That makes me both proud, and a little worried about the future.”

“I like him,” Lia said.

“You like everyone,” Sev retorted.

“...Not everyone,” Lia rubbed her neck, where faint scars were.

Sev cringed and nuzzled her head. “Sorry.” She hugged him back. Joy quickly gave the two of them a hug.

Rika figured that there was a story there, but didn’t want to bring the mood down. Still, if someone had hurt Lia…

There was a ‘crunch’ sound as a metal wastebasket was crushed like a tin can in her ribbons grasp.

Lia jumped at the sound, before asking: “Is something wrong, Rika?”

“Huh?” she looked at the bin she destroyed and smiled nervously. “Ahah, n-no, everything is fine,” she lied and put the basket down. “Sorry about that, these things have a mind of their own sometimes.”

Joy pursed her lips as she looked at Rika. She shook her head. “Well just be careful with them so they don’t get hurt.”

“Actually, they don’t have nerve endings, so I don’t feel pain with them.” She flexed them and cracked them like whips. “And if I channel my Fairy power, I can extend them as well.” Her ribbons glowed a bright pink and she performed a small dance with them.

“Rika, I’m a Nurse Joy.” She pointed out. “I know very well about them, dear.”

“Oh… right,” Rika blushed with embarrassment.

“Hmm, an idea occurs,” Umbra spoke up. “We still need to have dinner yes? Why not have the castle staff bring us something. That way, we can eat what we want and eat together.”

“Splendid,” Joy smiled. “I rather like that idea.”

“Excellent, then I’ll leave the orders to my darling Sevvy. He is ever so good at giving them~”

Sev grinned. “I am Commander. I am supposed to do such. It helps I am blessed by Princess Luna.”

“Wait, Luna?” Lia asked. “Since when?”

“Since forever, yet I didn’t know it.” Sev proclaimed. “I am blessed of the goddess of the moon, grandest of her champions. We fight in the name of the moon. We shall be forever known as her Sailor Scouts……...No that’s dumb. Erase that.” he told the mon writing it down.

“How about…. Lunar Vanguard?” Rika suggested.

“Heavens Lance?” Umbra decided to throw her two bits in.

“Polar Liberating Armada?” Sev tapped his chin.

“Ohh, you still wanna keep the PLA acronym?” Rika paused and rethought her submission. “Hmmm, Pokemon Lunar Armada?”

“I want to keep the first two for usage,” Sev said. “But that could work.”

“A work in progress then?” Umbra smiled. “Now Sevvy, be a dear and order us up some dinner… and not just tacos. We need a little more sustenance than that.”

“Very well,” Sev said. “I shall order us something hearty. Bring in the Book of Rules.” A Typhlosion brought in a big book and Sev scrolled through it. He pulled out his shellphone. “Yes, this is Commander Sev. I would like to order….Yes, I know this is the warp….You can tell Tzeentch he can geek out later….Oh, very well then. A family matter….Fine, I’ll try someone else.” He grumbled and called it off. “Get some of the locals, because I know Giratina is on vacation right now.” The soldiers nodded and walked out.

“Dear… do I honestly want to know what you just did?” Umbra asked hesitantly.

“No, because warp scum are jerks.” Sev snorted. “Next to ice giants. Remember daughter, never trust chaos….or door to door salesmen. The second is worse.”

“Yes, I don’t think I want to know,” Umbra nodded. “And why didn’t you just call up a maid and get room service in the first place?”

“Because that would be too easy and not cool enough?” Rika replied.

“.....I didn’t think about that.” Sev stated. “Huh, that would have been easier. Well I best do that.” The soldiers came back in, carrying a startled maid. “Or not.” Putting the maid down in front of him, he smiled. “Hello.”

“AHHHH!” She screamed.

“I get that a lot around here,” Sev quirked an eyebrow. “Apparently ponies are afraid of snakes.”

“Or the fact that she was dragged all the way up here,” Joy groaned.

“No, that’s not it.” Sev shook his head. “I would know. I get dragged about and all I get is angry, not scared.”

“Should I drag Papa around the castle?” Rika asked. “I’m really good at it~”

“No one drags the great and powerful Commander Sev,” he snorted. “Maid.”


“She has a mighty lung,” Sev put his tail in front of her mouth, silencing her. “We are going to order and you’re going to stop screaming needlessly.” She glared at him. “What? I’m not the ones who decided to drag you up here.” He glared at the soldiers, who shifted around nervously.

“W-we thought it would be quicker?” One put in.

“Your soldiers are silly Papa,” Rika giggled as she walked over to the maid and pulled her into a gentle hug. “There, there. The scary Pokemon didn’t mean to scare you.” Her ribbons glowed again and the gentle light calmed the mare down right away.

“They are silly enough to earn a one way ticket to the front lines,” Sev hissed in anger.

“Uhh...the war hasn’t started yet.” One gulped. “It might not even start.”

“Well you’ll be the first ones to know,” Sev huffed. “Now apologize.”

“We’re sorry,” they mumbled.

“See?” Rika giggled. “Now do you think you could take an order to the kitchen for us?”

“O-Okay,” the maid nodded. “What would you like?”

“Strawberry sundae!” Lia said.

“She’ll have an assorted berry salad,” Joy said. “I don’t want you spoiling your dinner.” Lia pouted. “I’ll have the same.”

“Catfish,” Sev answered.

“Trout,” Vapora said.

“Just a plain salad,” Char stated.

“CAKE!” Rika cheered, but withered when Umbra glared at her. “Urgh, fine, I’ll have an apple salad if you don’t mind.” Time to see if they could match her beloved Fritter.

“And I shall have some trout as well. I haven’t had fish in a while.”

The maid nodded and took the orders down well enough, taking the orders as well as she could. “And will that be all?” From Sev’s nod, she breathed a sigh of relief as she trotted out. “We’ll send someone up soon.”

The King also made his grand reappearance before the food arrived, Rika waving at him as he all but sauntered inside. He had a big grin plastered on his face.

“I see you had a good time,” Sev smiled.

“The best in a while,” Trot happily sighed. “That mare is certainly something else.”

“Ohh,” Rika giggled and poked at him with a ribbon. “Use your kingly charm to woo the pretty mare?”

“I think we both did a bit of the wooing,” Trot chuckled. “It was...nice talking to a mare who saw me for me for a change.”

“Aww, you’re so adorable,” Rika giggled. “Soo, gonna try a long distance relationship or something?”

Trot frowned and laid his head down on the table. “Possibly. I don’t know if she would want such a thing and to go ages without seeing that beautiful face of hers would be heartbreaking.”

“Ever the drama queen,” Sev chuckled.

“You’re one to talk,” Trot smirked.

“You’re as bad as eachother,” Umbra stated. “From my observations anyhow. Still, do not fret dear King. I’m sure you will see her again before long.”

“If I don’t find some assassin’ blade in my neck,” Trot grumbled, before sighing. “Yes, I’m going a bit overboard on this. I shall see her again. If it is to be, it is to be. If not, then I wish her the best of luck with someone better.”

“FOOL!” Sev shouted, thrusting his tail blade into the air dramatically. “There is no-one greater, except for myself of course, for non is greater than I Sev! But you are equal in my greatness by… three, yes Three places! That will be more than enough!!”

“Well...thank you for the encouragement Sev,” Trot smiled. “Maybe I can even sneak a quick kiss before we depart.”

“Ah young love,” Joy smiled. “Never felt it, but it always looks so divine...and foolhardy at times.”

“Love is the best,” Rika nodded. “Oh! maybe King Trot could date Gramma Joy as well! Kings do that right. A sexy harem?”

Trot blushed. “Well...it is a custom for Zebrican kings to take many wives, but...I never gave it much thought.”

“Whoo! Royal harem is go!” Rika shouted and pumped her paw in the air.

“I’m not just going to pick random women,” Trot said. “I want to feel a special connection with them. Actual love.”

“Awww,” several of the girls all cooed. “So romantic.”

Umbra rolled her eyes as she sat on the couch to get comfortable. The maid soon returned, pushing a cart laden with food.

“H-here’s your f-food,” she said and when she laid eyes on the dashing King, she blushed fiercely and looked away.

“Thank you for the assistance and I do have to apologize for their antics,” Trot smiled reassuringly. “They can get ahead of themselves.”

“I-It’s okay,” she blushed harder. “U-um… I’m Sunny Daze.”

“I’m Trotankhamun, but you can call me Trot.” He nodded in greeting. “Nice to meet you, Sunny.”

The mare swooned and fainted on the spot.

“...Wow,” Rika said with a hushed whisper.

“My lady!” Quick as a whip, Trot was holding her up. He put his ear to her chest and sighed in relief. “Well, she appears to be knocked unconscious. BY what, I do not know. I’ll bring her to the infirmary.”

“Oh, we know what did it, you sly pony you,” Rika chuckled at him. “Quite the ladykiller huh?”

“So it would seem,” Umbra joined in on the teasing. “Guess the royal line is secure after all~”

“It seems we are matched,” Sev said. “Two for two.” He smirked. “Well done matching my greatness.”

“But…” Trot blinked in confusion. “I know I’m handsome, but…You think it would work out?”

“With random mares you just met?” Sev nodded. “Yes!”

“Works for me!” Rika nodded.

“At least ask the poor dear,” Umbra sighed. “No kidnapping the maids. I would think the Princesses would be most displeased.”

“I’m not kidnapping anypony,” Trot said, looking shocked. “My mother taught me better...I mean, Princess Celestia taught me better than that.”

Several Pokemon looked at him. Celestia was his mother?

“Can Alicorn’s do that?” Rika blinked. “Just, spit out a random species. Or is it like us Pokemon and they can be from the mother or the father…” She gasped. “Are you an Alicorn in disguise. Or become one in your Mega Evolution form!?”

“No, no,” Trot shook his head. “I...never knew my mother. She died during childbirth and my father...wasn’t himself for much of my early years. Celestia stepped up to give me a childhood I needed to be a great king. That’s why I respect her.”

“Well, I’d say you succeeded,” Rika giggled. “A handsome stallion with great friends? I’d say you turned out pretty great.”

Trot grinned and gently put the mare on his back. “Well, I best be off. I don’t want her to get hurt or anything.”

“Try not to pull of any infirmary anime cliches,” Rika giggled. “You do have to leave soon. No time for a quickie with the cute maid~”

“Anime cliche?” Trot blinked in confusion. “Quickie? I have no idea what you’re talking about...Wait, are you…? No, I would never take advantage of a poor maid.”

“I don’t think she means it in such a poor way,” Sev said. “But, if you were to perhaps bed her, there is time for a few rounds.”

Trot was blushing bright red. “No...I...Is your family seriously going to try and ship me with several mares?”

“Seems that way,” Umbra chuckled. “Well, best of luck dear King.”

Trot snorted. “I assure you, nothing is going to happen. She’ll go off cleaning and Mocha will probably go after some other stallion. I’ll be stuck with the leeches again.” He grumbled and started off.

Sad violin music could be heard...which was being played by Sev.

“Ohh, Papa’s good at that,” Rika clapped.

“How… are you playing that?” Umbra felt another headache coming on. “Lightning dear… best of luck with him. You are a strong mare for having to deal with this all the time.”

“Well you put up with Rika,” Lightning pointed out. “It’s a bit like that, except moreso and strange stuff keeps happening around him.” She put a hoof to her chest and smiled. “Luckily I’m there to bail him out.”

“Glad to hear it,” Umbra smiled. “Also, watch yourself on the trip back. Sevvy is somewhat… inspired now.”

“Is that why you were walking funny?” Lightning asked.

“Yes… that is most definitely why,” Umbra smiled, a small hint of red under her black fur. “So, as I said… good luck~”

Lightning blushed and looked to Sev. He was still playing but winked at her as he did. She glared at him. “No can do. Nu-uh. That’s….ugh.” She face planted on the table and covered her head. “Why me?”

“Why indeed,” Umbra laughed at her plight.

“Really guys?” Rika groaned and gagged. “Ick!”

“I bet your own kids are going to say the same thing to you,” Joy chuckled.

“Ehh, I got no plans for that anytime soon,” Rika said and shrugged. She sighed and muttered under her breath. “And not for lack of trying either…”

A bell chimed in the distance, as several zebra’s rushed around, getting the airship ready for departure. The Griffon’s and Minotaur’s had already left, and the Hippocampi were also getting ready to leave. Canterlot Castle was bustling with activity at the moment.

“Sir,” one of the pokemon soldiers spoke up. “Time to depart.”

“Impossible,” Sev hissed in anger. “I have not deemed it time to be so and thusly it is not time. I am the Commander here, which makes me out to be above time itself. So either stop it or get Loom to build a crank and reverse it!”

“I think only Dialga and Celebi can mess with time Papa,” Rika giggled. And then imagined her father with Dialga’s power. Okay, that was mildly terrifying.

“Sev with time powers… does make one’s fur stand on end doesn’t it?” Umbra chuckled.

Lightning’s eye twitched. “We’d be doomed.”

“Doomed to greatness!” Sev proclaimed and laughed maniacally once more.

“And thus, Sev goes to show that anything can be trumped with endless enthusiasm and blind optimism,” Umbra mused and kissed his cheek. “Never change Sevvy. The world would be far less for it.”

Sev grinned. “I know. I am a gift to any world, as you are a gift to me.” He kissed her nose.

“Hmm, I’d have called you out on that ego if you didn’t follow up with a complimet… you’re learning,” Umbra smiled. “And what is taking that king of yours so long? Did he truly seduce that maid after all?”

“All the romance!” Rika cackled. “Now, all we need is for Lia to confess to her cute little boyfriend… Oh, and we need someone for my cuddlebuddy Felicia.”

“Hmm?” Felicia poked her head out from eating a large cake. She swallowed, using her tongue to wipe away some of the gooey bits of cake on her face. “Someone for me?”

“Everyone must experience love at some point, and who would want to snuggle you?” Rika said with a wide smile.

“Everyone wants to snuggle me, they just don’t know it.” Felicia giggled. “Though…” She tapped her fingers together. “I don’t know if anyone wants to be more than a friend.”

“There is someone for everyone,” Rika nodded. “That is something I truly believe.”

“Go for the king,” Sev said. “He needs a pokemon in his roster and even numbers are best. Four is a good number.”

“Four?” Joy asked.

“The cute zebra guard,” Sev said.

“That’s a bit random,” Joy said.

“Shipping is random!” Sev shouted with a mad grin. “Or we could find someone else. I’ll have to think on it.”

“Well, he might be the only one that could afford to change the sheets constantly,” Rika giggled. “No offense Felly. But Goodra goop gets everywhere.

“I know that very much,” Sev snorted in agitation.

Felicia giggled and patted his head. “He’s just a bit grumpy from all the hugs.”

“I am not,” Sev said. “I just can’t be seen looking so slimey in front of my soldiers. You should slime the king more often than I.”

Rika had hugged Felicia from behind and got all gooped up, then cackled madly as she hugged Sev and a hapless Lightning Dust that was standing next to him. “Don’t be mad, share the slime!” she giggled.

“GAH!” Lightning tried to flap out of the embrace as best as she could. But her wings were now wet and sticky, she was groundbound.

Sev just stood still with a stony expression. He calmly wrapped Rika in his tail and put her on his head. “Just for that, you are demoted to hat status.”

“Aww,” Rika pouted and folded her ribbons. “At least I’m a cute hat.” When she pouted, it was also around then that every male noticed the cute female Sylveon that had a clear, sticky substance on her face and body…

They also took notice of the deathly gaze of the Seviper and wisely averted their gazes.

“So are we really going to ship Felicia with Trot and ship him with a bunch of other people?” Lia asked, obviously confused. Of course, since she was only a little girl, that was understandable.

“Ah, I think we’re just messing around,” Rika hummed and licked her lips out of curiosity. She tilted her head at the taste. “Hmm…” It, actually wasn’t too bad.

“Messing around with romance, which means we have control of the situation, which makes me on board the shipping ship, which means I am the love captain!” Sev said and patted Rika. “Rika is proof of my success.”

“No, it means I never bothered to tell you I was in heat,” Umbra smiled and winked at Joy.

“I got a granddaughter out of it all, so I don’t care which one of you is right.” Joy smiled. “I just wish we could have done this sooner. I had so many tiny little outfits for my grandchildren. Still have them, oddly enough. Seems like a few other items were brought from out world.”

“Hmm, keep them,” Rika nodded. “And when I have little Shinx’s or Eevee, I’ll let you dote on them as much as you like.”

Joy grinned. “Oh I will. It’s been too long since I’ve had a baby in the family. Lia’s almost fully grown.”

“I’m a big girl,” Lia nodded, sipping out of a little apple juice box.

“One does not claim that while cutely sipping at a juice box,” Rika nodded as she hopped off of Sev’s head and shook herself off, flinging slime everywhere.

“Watch it!” Lightning shook the slime off of herself. “Didn’t your mother tell you not to spray it?!”

“Eh,” Rika shrugged and giggled. She may or may not have done that on purpose.

“We have a half hour before we have to go!” A zebra guard said as they rushed about.

“Awwww,” Rika pouted, her ribbons drooping.

“That’s plenty enough time for a new Zebrican heir to be made,” Sev nodded. “As for I, well….only half an hour?” He frowned. “Did I hear that correctly? That is how much more time I get to see my family?”

“We knew it would only be for the day, though…” Umbra sighed. “And I was just getting used to having you around as well. I regret not spending last night with you now.”

“That can’t be helped,” Sev sighed. “We should get our things ready.”

Lia sniffed. “I don’t want to leave our family behind. I just met them, big brother.”

Joy sighed and stroked the little one’s head. “We’ll see them again soon enough.”

“Yeah, cause Gardy can totally do that portally thing... “ Rika said with a smile. “So just pester him if you wanna visit… maybe I’ll drag Dia along so she can do the same thing?” She paused and then gasped loudly. “CONTEST!”

“CONTEST?!!” Sev shouted. “What sort of contest?”

“A Pokemon Contest,” Rika said with a wide smile. “I totally forgot. Sethy is gonna try and revive Pokemon Contests and Selly and I are gonna be in it. Ahh, you should totally come and see me be super pretty and awesome and stuff!!!”

Sev narrowed his eyes. “I will judge this ‘contest’ harshly when you are not on stage.”

“He means we’ll be there,” Joy said. “Hopefully all that nonsense back in Zebrica will have lessened.”

“I hope so,” Rika nodded. “And please be careful with that. Absolutely none of you are allowed to die okay? That is an express order from the Commander of Cute.”

Joy gave the little sylveon a sad smile and patted her head. “We’ll do our best.”

“Nope, we gotta hear that cute song again,” one zebra guard nodded and then looked at the Pokemon. “What? it was a cute song.”

Sev quirked an eyebrow. “You sang and I wasn’t here to hear it?”

“You were…” Rika looked at Umbra and blushed. “Ah, busy…”

Sev beamed in pride. “And a good ‘busy’ it was, but I shall hear my daughter sing once more before I go. Perhaps I shall offer some tips on my own. I have sung a few tunes on occasion.”

“Well, okay then,” Rika nodded. “I guess I could sing another song… hmm, what to sing…?” She thought for a moment and nodded. “Well, it’s in Kantonese, but that’s my preferred style.” She hummed a few bars and started to sing once again.

Sev listened in rapt attention at his daughter’s singing right up to the end. He wrapped her in a hug and cried tears of joy. “You’re voice is beautiful and I never got to teach you to sing! WAAA!”

“Uhh… there, there?” she said, patting his back. “Wait, you can sing?” she asked dubiously. “Mama said I got my singing voice from her.”

Sev stopped crying and turned to Umbra. “I can sing, Umbra. I’m not that bad.”

“I know,” Umbra smiled. “I’m just better.”

Sev narrowed his eyes. “I shall accept this challenge.” He tapped his tail in a set way. The group was teleported to the plaza and Sev was...wearing a snazzy suit that one could actually find him suave and handsome in, even if he was a snake. He cleared his throat and started . The band, which was almost as snazzy as him, played in succession.

Rika stared with wide eyes. One, how the heck did they teleport. Two, where the heck did that band come from? And three…

“He can sing!?”

“It runs in the family,” Joy beamed with pride. “When I wasn’t teaching him how to heal, I taught him out to sing on occasion. I can tell you enjoyed it, right?”

“He’s really good,” Rika nodded. “I… never expected this.”

“Mmm, I’d forgotten how smooth his voice was,” Umbra sighed, maybe fangirling just a little inside. “What about you Lightning dear? Isn’t he marvelous?”

Lightning’s wings were outstretched and she had a bright blush on her face. Her eyes were half lidded and her tongue was slightly outside. She shook her head at Umbra’s voice. “Wha? Huh? What did you say?”

“Oh, nothing, you gave me the correct answer,” she giggled, turning her attention back to her snake. “So yummy~”

“Ick,” Rika poked out her tongue. “But yeah, not bad Dad. Not bad at all.”

“I try,” Sev slithered off from the stage. “It has been too long since I’ve last sang to anyone. I thought I was a bit rusty.”

“That was flawless darling,” Umbra smiled and gave him a kiss, before turning his head so he could see Lightning. “I think we’ve come to an agreement.”

“It was alright,” Lightning shrugged and did her best not to show her face.

“Heh, those wings say otherwise,” Umbra giggled and booped her nose.

“You should sing Mama,” Rika suddenly said. “Show everyone how it’s done.”

“No, I’m much too tired for something like that,” Umbra nodded. “Perhaps another time.”

Sev held up his tail proudly. “That is my fault. Totally mine. I accept all the blame, but I would have loved to hear you sing. I shall hear it again when I return.”

“If you’re good,” Umbra nodded.

Several zebra’s ran around, one shouting that they couldn’t find the King anywhere. And soon Celestia poked her head inside the room, which they’d somehow reappeared in.

“Perhaps Rika has more family traits than she realised,” Umbra muttered.

“Hmm, Trot isn’t here?” Celestia asked. “Aren’t you leaving soon? I was hoping I’d get to say goodbye.”

“He should be finishing up with the maid soon enough,” Sev said. “His bad luck streak with the opposite sex is over. That is my doing. PRAISE MY SHIPPING MASTERPIECES!”

“Maid?” Celestia blinked, wincing slightly at the volume. Seth and Luna had already given her a headache as is. “Do I really want to know?”

“Alright,” Trot came trotting in, failing to notice Celestia. His face was a little wet. “She’s fine and resting in the infirmary. Sorry it took so long. There was some complications.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head. He took a hoofkerchief out from his pocket and dabbed the wetness away.

“Did you just dive right in?” Rika asked. “I know about giving head, but that’s just ridiculous.”

Trot looked at her incredulously. “It’s just water. I do believe you have a dirty mind.”

“Look, when you’ve been pining after the same guy for ten years, you start to get a little frustrated,” Rika said with a pout. “I am so sick of being a vir—”

“And so what have you been doing?” Celestia decided to speak up. “Ensuring that I get some grandfoals?” she said with a hint of mirth in her voice.

Trot nearly jumped out of his skin as he turned around. “Mom? I mean, Princess Celestia.” He quickly bowed, glancing at the others. “I’m ever so sorry for what happened to the maid. I’ve ensured she’s safe and secure.”

“I have no doubt that you’d do nothing untoward,” she nodded and leaned in close. “Though, the opposite would please me as well~’ She smiled and leaned back, humming lightly. “I hope you all enjoyed your stay in Canterlot.”

“Of course we did,” Trot said, shutting up Sev from shouting with a glance. He smiled up at her. “As always, you’ve gone far and beyond to make everyone feel welcome. I’m honored to have walked these halls.”

“If only everyone was as easily pleased,” the alicorn sighed. The Minotaurs were a difficult bunch on the best of days… Golden Horn was… “And now this thief is throwing her two bits in. I need a vacation…” Celestia, normally a paragon of the poker face, looked very tired now. The Summit had exhausted her and sleep had eluded her.

Trot frowned. His mother was usually so calm and happy and to see her like this nearly broke his heart. She was the mare who went out of her way to make him smile. He growled and put a hoof to his sword. “Show me the way to these troublemakers, mother. I’ll show them what happens when they dare to mess with you. They’ll think twice next time after I’m done.”

“I appreciate the thought, but violence begets violence,” Celestia said, putting her smile back on for his sake. “Besides, aside from a few hiccups… and Sev nearly getting eaten, this Summit went quite well.”

“I was in no danger,” Sev snorted. “None can eat me. Not truly, for I am me and thus I shall not wish there to never be me.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Trot ignored Sev’s comment and sighed. He knew she was just trying to brush off his concerns and he had quite a few already on his own plate. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to spend more time with you. Things have been hectic lately. Life threateningly so.”

“I have been keeping an ear open on your troubles,” Celestia said. “It… I’ll not lie Trot. I have had several sleepless nights due to being worried for you. But, you have some fine friends here… quirky as they are. I have no doubt that they’ll keep you safe. And, you’ve inspired me to start my own little team of Pokemon.”

“I’m glad I was of some use,” he bowed his head. “And...I’m sorry for worrying you. I’ve been trying to get things under control but…” He sighed. “I seem to have failed in some way. I guess I haven’t exactly lived up to your example all that well.”

“Trot,” Celestia put a wing over him. “I am an alicorn with a millennia of experience and am blessed with a country full of happy ponies.” She smiled and nuzzled him. “Where as you must deal with some very traditional zebra’s. Change can be scary to many, and you have the difficult job of dealing with that.” She hummed and removed her wing. “Honestly, I don’t think I’d do much better. Just remember that your friends have your back, and you’ll do fine… my beloved son.”

Trot sniffed and nuzzled her. “Thank you, mother. I’ll do my best. Heh, maybe it’ll all blow over in a year's time. Best case scenario, but I’ll be hoping for it. I have quite a few plans,” he started gushing, keeping himself close to her as he once did as a small colt, telling her all of his little ‘epic battles’ he had in her garden. “I’m going to do you proud.”

“My dear Trot, you have never done anything but,” Celestia said, nuzzling him again. “I always have, and always have been proud of you…” She smiled and nudged him. “But I still want those grandfoals. I’m not getting any younger mister.”

Trot blushed in embarrassment. “Mom, it takes time and I seem to be having the most terrible luck until today. I have no idea why though. Learned everything I know from my father.”

“That… explains a lot actually,” Celestia deadpanned. “To this day, I have no idea how he managed to woo your mother.” She chuckled and shook her head. “Mind you, we shall have words if I find one of my maids asking for maternity leave in a few months.”

“We did not go that far,” Trot said. “Mom! I…” he facehooved, covering his blush. “Ugh.”

“Hahah, much too easy,” Celestia tittered. “Don’t worry dear, you’ll find someone deserving of your love. Be it pony, zebra… even Pokemon. As long as you care for one another, then I’ll be happy alright.”

“Alright,” Trot nodded and nuzzled his head against her chest. “Thanks for the support. Though, maybe you can cut down on the teasing just a bit.” He chuckled.

“It’s a mother’s prerogative to tease,” Celestia smiled and nodded smugly. “And I will until you’re married and with foal. Then I get to switch to doting grandmother~”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Trot smirked. “You might end up a grandmother several times over, if I play my cards right.” He rubbed his chest in pride.

“Hmm, this pleases me,” Celestia smiled and nudged him with her nose. “Still, politics aside, it’s good to see you’re doing well.” She looked up and saw Rika, who waved cheerfully. “Oh, you know Miss Rika here?”

“Apparently she’s Sev’s daughter,” Trot still couldn’t fully grasp that Sev had kids yet. It would take some time.

Celestia coughed and looked at the pair. “You must be joking…”

Sev smirked. “I am the greatest father to have ever lived!”

“I’m still deciding on that,” Rika pointed out. “But the results look promising. At least until I can finally get under Sethy’s fluff~ He’ll be such a great Daddy~’

“Urge to kill….RISING!” Sev hissed in uncontrollable anger.

“Bad Papa!” Rika pointed at him and bared her teeth. “Don’t make me Psyshock you.”

Sev muttered angrily to himself. “I’ll let him live for now.”

“Good,” Rika nodded and smiled. “Silly Papa. Sethys are for loving, not for eating.”

“We shall see, my beloved daughter.” Sev’s eyes narrowed. “We shall see.”

“Their next meeting should be interesting,” Umbra chuckled to Lightning, seeing as she was the closest. “And do let me know on how you progress with Sevvy.”

“It’ll be slow,” Lightning snorted. “I love being fast, but with that snake? I don’t know.” She shook her head.

“Being fast is nice, but taking your time to enjoy it is much better~” she purred into the pegasi’s ear and nibbled it.

Lightning yelped. “Okay, are you seriously going to try and seduce me too?”

“Mmm, I don’t have the time I’m afraid,” Umbar shrugged. “And honestly dear, try? There is no try in that sentence.” She left it at that and rejoined her daughter, just leaving the implications in the pegasis head.

“So when will I see you again?” Celestia asked Trot. “It would be nice to visit without politics being the main reason we do.”

“I don’t know when I can come over to visit,” Trot frowned. “A lot is going on and I’ll try and make it to the contest. However, you can come over whenever you want. You’ll receive the finest of everything and no expense is too great for my mother.” He puffed out his chest in pride. “You’ll be impressed with our accommodations.”

“Then perhaps I’ll visit soon,” the alicorn nodded and kissed his forehead. “Seth and his group can operate outside my guards jurisdiction, so maybe I’ll have them tag along with me.”

Trot grinned. “Great,” his eyes shimmered with anticipation, like a colt on Hearth’s Warming Eve. Of course, he coughed in his hoof to regain himself. “Yes, well. Everything will be in order shortly. The nobles can’t stay so stubborn forever and the Hyena Dogs aren’t that smart. We can outwit them.”

“Of course, and if you need anything, you’ll let me know yes?” Celestia asked, not noticing Rika creep up behind her. She was gonna hug herself an alicorn.

“Of course I will,” Trot said. “You’ll be the first to know, just like that new train I need since the last one...exploded. Blasted dogs.”

“I liked that train too,” Celestia replied with a small pout. “Still, I’ll do what I can. Perhaps you should look into public airships instead. Much harder for a tunnelling species to attack.”

“I’ll run it by the nobles, but they’ll probably ignore it.” Trot snorted.

“Nobles are fun to deal with, much like squabbling foals really,” Celestia chuckled. “The trick, my little apprentice, is to get them to think it was their idea all along. Do that, and they’ll agree to whatever you want, yipe!” The solar goddess shrieked as Rika pounced her from behind, nuzzling the back of her neck.

“Heehee, I caught a wild Tia,” she giggled as the alicorn rolled her eyes.

“And hello to you too little Rika. Enjoying yourself there?”

“Mhmm, your mane is like being surrounded by warm fuzzies, hugs and kisses,” she giggled. “Hey Trot, have you tried this? It’s amazing!”

Trot coughed into his hoof. “I may have felt her mane on occasion and only in passing.”

Celestia giggled as she leaned down to nuzzle him, her ethereal mane flowing over him. “No need to be shy dear. You used to play in my mane as a wee foal. It was the cutest thing~”

“Mom!” Trot blushed in embarrassment. “That’s private.”

“Aww, that’s so cute~” Rika giggled as she pounced on the zebra and hugged him as well. Though being much smaller than Celestia, the Sylveon’s ribbons basically mummified him. “Baby Trotty must have been adorabubbles!”

Trot pulled the ribbons off from around his face and glared at her. “I was not adorable. I am a king!”

“The most adorable king,” Celestia giggled and kissed his forehead. “But, it seems that you’re almost ready to go.” She pulled the stallion into a hug and smiled softly. “Promise me you’ll take care.”

Trot returned the hug. “I’ll be back before you can say ‘cake’.” He chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about me. You taught me everything I know.”

“Plus he has Papa to look out for him,” Rika nodded, now standing on Sev’s head… somehow. “And Papa is pretty darned strong, along with all his friends to. I’d say Trotty is pretty safe.”

“He shall not come to harm for I have deemed him harm proof,” Sev said.

“If it were only so easy,” Umbra said quietly. “Come now Rika,” she lifted the Sylveon over to her side with Psychic. “If you keep that up then they’ll never leave.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” Rika asked.

“I don’t think Canterlot could stay on the mountainside under the weight of Sev’s massive ego,” Umbra chuckled.

“If it falls under my weight, it does not deserve to be called a mountain city.” Sev scoffed. “A true mountain city can hold anything up to the gods themselves and my greatness pierces the veil between mortal and god.”

“Ohh, I can already feel the city shaking,” Rika giggled as a small tremor rocked the castle. “Wait, it really is shaking!”

“Hmm, I believe Seth is training in the Courtyard,” Celestia nodded. “He seems to make quite the racket when he does.”

“I must train with him one day,” Trot said. “If he can shake the entire castle, it’ll certainly be interesting to spar with him.”

“Seth can throw lightning bolts!” Rika offered her advice. “I’d avoid those.”

“I’ve had enough practice avoiding arrows to know how to dodge,” Trot smirked.

“Hmm, Seth’s overall skill in combat is minimal,” Umbra noted. “But his skills as a Pokemon trainer are quite fearsome. I allowed him to be mine for a few months when I first entrusted Rika to him.”

“So he was ordering you around too, eh?” Sev hissed in anger. “I shall have even more words to say to him. Words upon words upon words of anger that I shall pile onto his back until it breaks.”

“Hmm, Sethy’s pretty strong,” Rika said. “It would have to be a lot of words.”

“Mhmm,” Umbra nodded as her lips brushed up against his ear. “And perhaps I discovered that I like taking orders… just a little tip for next time~”

Sev grubbed and rubbed his tail along her side. “I shall endeavor to remember, my everlasting love.”

“Urgh, get a room,” Rika said, blushing from embarrassment.

“We don’t have time for that I’m afraid,” Umbra shrugged and sighed. She looked at Lightning and a cheek smile crossed her face. “At least I know that Sevvy won’t be completely bored on the way home.” She may or may not have been riling him up on purpose~

Lightning blushed and her wings fidgeted about. “Uhhhh...Like that’s going to happen.”

Umbra just chuckled again and shrugged.

“Aww,” Rika pouted and she sat on Sev’s back. “Maybe I should sneak aboard with you guys… though, Sethy might get worried if I did that.”

Sev rumbled happily, pleased that his daughter felt comfortable enough to lie on his back. “Let him worry. It would be needless because you are safe with me. None would dare to even try to harm you.”

“I know, but Sethy worries a lot, even if he thinks noone else knows that he is.”

“He does have a terrible habit of bottling up his feelings,” Umbra nodded. “Well my daughter, shall we go and see them off then. I’d like to see this flying ship of theirs.”

“Unfortunately, I have to go,” Celestia said sadly. “Others seem to be revelling in making my life difficult. So now I have a chess game to play.” She leaned down and nuzzled Trot again. “Goodbye my little king. Take care.”

Trot sniffed and his lower lip trembled a bit. “Goodbye, Princess Celestia.” He bowed his head and wiped his eyes. “Sorry, got something in my eye.”

“Goodbye, my son,” she replied as she turned, none noticing the glistening in her own eyes. She paused as she reached the door and gave the zebra one last look before leaving.

“Psst!” Rika whispered to Felicia. “Somepony needs a hug.”

Felicia picked up the sniffling king in a big, slimey hug. “No frownie faces, Mister King.”

Trot sniffed. “I’m not frowning. This is my neutral face.”

“Nope, gotta cheer up,” Rika nodded. “You have to be a strong King right. I bet Papa wouldn’t cry.”

“No, he’d bawl his eyes out,” Joy replied. “He’s such a momma’s snake.”

“I would never bawl,” Sev snorted. “I am a Commander!”

“Then why do I remember you wrapping yourself around my leg whenever I went to the grocery store?” Joy smirked. Sev didn’t say anything. “I know I shouldn’t bring that up, but it’s the past, Sev. You’re not scared of being alone anymore.”

“...For the most part,” Sev snorted.

“Aww, I’m here for you Papa,” Rika giggled and nuzzled him. “As well as Mommy, Sethy and all my friends. You ever need help or just don’t wanna be alone. Call us okay?”

Sev nuzzled her. “I will.”

“I have some quick scroll spell charms,” Trot spoke up, having freed himself from the slimey hug. “For emergencies. Celestia will get them in quick succession.”

“We really need to re-invent the telephone,” Rika nodded. “Sethy’s Holocaster might as well be a paperweight! Wait!” she grabbed the device, almost forgetting she had it with her. “Bunch up! I want a photo!”

Most of them, besides Lightning, bunched up next to Rika. Sev used his tail to snag Lightning and, ‘accidently’, Umbra. “Say, Hail Sev!”

“Screw you!” Lightning yelled as Umbra just rolled her eyes. Rika held the camera out with one of her ribbons and snapped the massive group selfie.

“Yay~” she giggled. “And as soon as we have the tech, Imma print everyone a copy.”

“Yes, get Loom to build a printer,” Lia nodded. “I want this photo.”

“We shall print it on the sky itself for the sky is the only place big enough to hold the combined grandeur of it,” Sev said.

“Hmm, I think Equestria miiiiiight have a little problem with that,” Rika said. But the thought was nice.

“Ten minutes!” a zebra shouted as they ran past. “Please get on the airship your highness.”

“I will,” Trot nodded. “My country needs me and I shall never abandon it. Never I say. Ne-” He tried to take off after Celestia, before one of the PLA pokemon grabbed him and carried him off. “Unhoof me. I am a king!...Mommy!”

Joy facepalmed and giggled. “Certainly brings back memories.”

“Mhmm,” Umbra nodded. She still recalled the pained look at Sev had when her trainer took her away. “Seems you’re in for an interesting ride home. Good luck with that Joy.”

“There’s still so much to do!” Rika ran around. “We need to have a massive party, well, we kinda did that last night I guess. But I don’t know anyone’s birthdays. I still haven’t heard childhood stories. I haven’t told my childhood stories. I haven’t gotten to show Papa how strong I am. I HAVEN’T SHIPPED PAPA AND DUSTY YET!!!”

“Oh dear,” Umbra sighed.

“No one’s shipping me,” Lightning growled, flaring her wings and stomping the ground. “Just cause I tolerate him, doesn’t make that a thing. Yeah he’s kind of funny and all that and he’s not always annoying. That doesn’t mean I like like him.”

“Aww, okay then,” Rika said. Shipping was fun, but she also knew when others said no as well. “Still, search your feelings. You know it to be true.”

“She’ll say it in no time,” Joy giggled at Lightning’s blushing glare. “It’s adorable, deary, but it’s a bit tiring how much you deny it.”

“I-idiots!” Lightning shouted. “I don’t like him. Okay, I like him but not all that much, you know. Yeah, that’s it.”

“You’re really trying a bit too hard,” Joy stated.

“N-no I’m not,” Lightning stuttered.

“Life will find a way,” Rika nodded with a sage-like tone. “But still, you shouldn’t listen to others too much, just go at your own pace okay?”

“I know, I know.” Lightning nodded. “Maybe I’ll give him a chance. He’s kind of mucked up the first couple of dates though.”

“Ah, but that was then.” Sev said, scooping her and Umbra up together. “This is now and now is twice as lovely as then.”

“Someone is getting ahead of themselves,” Umbra said, loosening his coild with Psychic and leaping free. “Still, you know I must stay here right? Rika needs me.”

Sev sighed, looking, for a split second, much older. “Yes, of course. Her father must be elsewhere for the world needs me to be there.” He let go of Lightning and motioned for the others to depart. “This is goodbye. It shall not be for the last time, but...if it is. I have two things I want to say. I’m sorry I can’t be here for you both as of now. I would if i could, but that is not to be so. I am truly and utterly sorry for that.”

“It’s okay, I’m kind of a big girl now,” Rika said, before realising she shouldn’t have brought up exactly how much the snake had missed. “Besides, this isn’t really goodbye. Just… goodbye until next time.”

Sev nodded. “Of course, but as a Commander, I must admit when I have failed. I shall not fail again, nor shall we ever truly be parted.” He put his tailblade into his pocket and pulled out a little, fange pendant. He handed it to Rika. “Take this. If you’re ever in danger, hold it and call my name. I’ll appear. Don’t ask me how I was able to forge a magic crystal that connect to me. I have found a way and it nearly broke Loom.”

“Hmm, so I got the Summoner job class?” Rika said. “Well, I suppose I have a few points to sink into it. Most went on White mage and Berserker.”

“Berserker?” Felicia tilted her head and Umbra actually panicked a little.

“No, don’t ask… just, don’t,” the Umbreon said hastily and held her daughter close. The last thing her father needed to see was Sadisteon.

“Ah Berserker mode,” Sev smiled and closed his eyes. “I remember going into said mode a few times. It always ends up with me covered in blood and gore….good times.”

“Yeah…” Rika said with a wistful sigh. “There’s nothing quite like the feeling of bending someone to your will, their screams and begging playing like the sweetest symphony. It just turns me on so—”

“OKAY!” Umbra said loudly as she dragged the Sylveon out of the room. “Let’s go and see these lovely Pokemon off on their flying ship.”

Sev chuckled. “Poor Umbra. Perhaps I gave our daughter a bit too much of myself. Well, that can’t be helped. I mean, I gave my sweet Umbra a lot of myself.” He spoke to himself out loud. He did wonder what this other side was. Perhaps he’d see it someday.

“Did not need to hear that idiot,” Lightning grumbled as she followed the pair of Eeveelutions.

“Aunty Rika is funny,” Lia giggled, daintily stepping out of the room as well.

It didn’t take them long to make it to the airship. It looked like a large, golden combination of a wooden ship and blimp. “And it feels like only yesterday I found the rest of my family.” Sev sighed.

“It was only yesterday,” Umbra sighed and applied her paw to her face. “But I know what you mean. I feel as though we’ve always been together.”

Sev gingerly took her paw in his tail. “Umbra,” he gulped in nervousness. “I have to say that you bring joy to me the likes of which I have never known. Just seeing you makes me know that I truly am the blessed warrior that I shout to the heavens. You raised Rika right, better than I could have. I...I love you Umbra. I do, even if I ramble on with crazy ravings that give you headaches.”

“Oh Sevvy,” Umbra sighed and leaned against him. “All these years, I’ve never once forgotten about you. The reason I trained with Seth? It was because I could be strong enough to be useful to you.” She leaned up and kissed him gently. “I love you as well, my dashing Sev. You’ve become such a fine gentlemon, and I’m glad to see you have so many friends supporting you.”

“Useful?” Sev blinked in confusion. “My dear Umbra, you just being here is all I need.” He nuzzled her. “I don’t say ‘I love you’ lightly. I say what I mean and your love is all I ever wanted.”

“Well, that’s very sweet of you,” Umbra smiled and nuzzled him again. “Still, you’d be surprised how powerful I’ve gotten. I bet I could wipe that smug smile right off Gard’s face.”

Sev chuckled. “I know you would. You are my mate and thus are the amongst the strongest beings in the world.”

“Of course, even Arceus himself must bow to my greatness,” Umbra nodded smugly.

“Ohh, me too?” Rika asked. “Acknowledge my greatness as well!”

Sev laughed and patted her head. “Of course you are. You are my daughter and one day surpass even I. There shall be nothing that can stop you.”

“One day?” she said and raised an eyebrow. “Well, if you say so…”

“Get your butts on board, or we’re leaving you behind!” A zebra officer yelled from the airship.

Sev growled. “I shall have words with him, until then…” He pulled Umbra close to him, heart beating next to one another and kissed her. This wasn’t like the others. This was filled with passion. His tongue snaked its way into her mouth, toying and dominating her own. He held her tightly to him, but not so much that it would hurt.

She eagerly returned it, showing just as much passion as the other Pokemon boarded the ship, but not before getting one last hug from Rika.

Once Umbra broke the kiss, she smiled softly as she lifted Sev onto the ship with Psychic.

“Take care, my silly snake,” she said, wiping a tear from her eye.

Sev waved his tail in parting. “Take care, my lovely fox. The same to my wondrous daughter. We shall see each other soon, for none can get in my way.”

The mooring lines were cast and the grand ship started to pull away from the harbour. Rika gasped.

“I forgot!” she yelled and like that, she was suddenly beside Sev. “Take care Daddy~” she smiled and kissed his cheek, before re-appearing beside Umbra, the Umbreon just not questioning that.

Sev gently touched his cheek, smiling. “Daddy...I’m never going to get tired of that. NEVER! I shall take care as you shall do the same.”

“Of course,” Rika nodded. “Nothing can stop me!!”

The two Eevee’s waved goodbye to their family and new friends. They knew they’d see them again soon after all, so they weren’t too sad…

Aboard the mighty ship, King Trot finally relaxed. I mean, did they really have to lock him in his room until they took off?

Also, get Sev to look into constructing these ‘hang glider’ things he heard about.

A knock came at his door, followed by a voice.

“R-Room service,” a mare’s voice came through. Why did…. why did it sound familiar?

Trot snorted, pushing that thought aside. He had heard a lot of voices through the day and...he was a bit miffed by two things. Yes, he had met a couple nice mares, but he didn’t think he’d get a chance to really get anywhere with them. Given the situation he had, that put his lineage in jeopardy. The second...he missed his mommy, but he was going to have to keep a lid on that. He trotted to the door and unlocked it. “Yes?” He said as he opened it up.

That maid, that lovely pegasus maid from Celestia’s castle was standing there. “H-Hello milord,” she said meekly. “Room service?”

Trot blinked in shock. “Well...I didn’t expect to see you here. I have to say this is a pleasantly beautiful surprise.”

“I um, kinda ran away from the castle,” she stammered. “I left a note! And Princess Celestia is super nice to work for but…” She looked up at him bashfully. “I’ve always dreamed of being swept away by a prince, like in the fairy tales.”

Trot blushed softly, not exactly expecting this. He grinned, chuckling. “Sorry if I’m not a prince. Will you accept a king instead?”

“Well,” the maid said as she stepped inside and closed the door, taking a moment to lock it. “Mom always did say to aim as high as I could~”

“Well that is good advice,” Trot snorted with mirth. He was getting excited. If he was correct, perhaps he wouldn’t have to worry about his legacy right as of now….perhaps he was reading a bit too much into this. “Still, are you sure? I don’t want to force you into anything you don’t want.”

“Well, it is a little rash of me to do this… I only just met you,” she giggled. “Still, you seem like such a nice stallion, and so incredibly handsome…” Then she realised that she might have forgotten one teensy detail. “You already have a marefriend huh?”

Trot shook his head. “Let’s just say that I haven’t met the ‘right’ mare yet that didn’t grate on me.” He smiled warmly at her. “I’m pleasantly surprised to find such welcoming ponies in Equestria. Well, not that surprised, but the company is assuredly beautiful.”

“Oh? I’m beautiful?” she asked, turning slowly and batting her eyes at him. “It’s not kind to tease a mare young king.”

“Tease?” Trot smirked and moved ever so close to her. His face was a hair’s breath from her own. Lips ever so close. “I’ll have you know I am no tease. I mean what I say.”

She held her breath and gulped, a blush gracing her cheeks. “Oh… my…”

It turns out that she got room service instead… all the way back to Zebrica.

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