• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Forty One

As the sun set, Seth dragged his weary frame into the apartment building. He had given a small greeting before ascending the stairs towards his room. Ace had really put him through the ringer and Las Pegasus was on a whole other level compared to Canterlot.

Yet that wasn’t the most interesting part of his day. That part was wrapped in a bundle that was slung around his neck.

As he passed Christine’s apartment he heard voices and decided to see what was up.

Earlier, once Fritter and Rika got home from their date, the pair had decided to help Christine with her room, Rika wanting to spend time with her friend before they left and Fritter knew a few things on making a home feel homely.

The Luxray peeked in through the door. “Hey,” he said. “I’m back.”

“Welcome back,” Christine greeted. “So how’d it go?”

“Urgh, that mare is really a stallion in disguise,” Seth muttered. “But, at least I have a better understanding of how things work in Equestria now.”

Fritter spied the bundle across his chest. “What do you have there?” she asked, then yelped as the bundle moved!

A pair of pink ears popped out of the satchel and Seth opened it to reveal a small Whismur.

“I found her in a back alley,” he explained. “She doesn't know where she is, nor where her mother is.”

“Aw, she’s so cute~” Rika cooed. The Whismur took one look at the Sylveon and scrunched up it’s eyes.

“Aw crap, not again,” Seth muttered as the tiny Pokemon let out an earsplitting wail, the windows rattled and a nearby glass shattered into dust!

Rika backed away, terrified from the response while Fritter grabbed her ears. How could something small be so loud?

It took a few moments, but Seth finally calmed the Whismur down again and sighed. “Yeah... she does that.”

“Oh that had better not be Wendy,” Christine muttered as she shook the ringing sensation from her head. “That girl loved to put us to sleep as a prank sometimes and draw all over our faces.”

Seth shook his head as he placed the Whismur on his back. “No, she says her name is Aster, and that she hasn’t been able to find her mother since coming to Equestria...”

“Poor little thing,” Fritter said as she petted Aster. Surprisingly, the Whismur didn’t wail again, instead she purred lightly and drifted off to sleep.

“Whoa! Fritter makes an awesome mommy!” Rika giggled, causing the mare to steam and cover her red face with her hooves.

“Okay, point to Fritter, and yeah, if she actually talked to you, then it can’t be Wendy...or isn’t bloody likely, anyways.” The dragon looked around her apartment at the broken glasswares and sighed. “Gonna need to replace this…”

“Yeah, my fault, I’ll replace these too,” Seth sighed. This trip was getting expensive. “And if her mother isn’t here in Las Pegasus, then we might bring her back to Canterlot with us, maybe try and get in contact with Arceus.”

“I’ll get the dustpan,” Fritter said as she went to sweep up the shattered glass. Another knock on the door revealed Lala, along with a large Earth Pony.

“It seems your new refrigerator is here,” Lala said. “You have to sign for it as well.”

“Ah,” the dragon said, picking up Rika scooting her to in front of the pony, as it had been her who wrote the check originally. “So, together then?”

Rika nodded as the two signed for the new appliance. Another two Earth Ponies brought the heavy device up the stairs, grunting as they moved it through the front door.

“Uh, w-where do you want it?” one said.

“Just through there, in front of the recently-patched wall,” Christine pointed.

“No problem,” the stallions nodded, then nearly passed out when Fritter gave them a hoof. By taking the entire fridge onto her back and walking calmly into the kitchen with it.

“W-well uh...” the stallions just looked at each other while Seth and Rika shared a giggle.

“Yeah, she does that,” Christine said with a smile.

“Noted,” The first stallion nodded. “I wonder if she needs a job?”

“Nope, Fritter is aaaaall ours,” Rika giggled. The stallions sighed, disappointed that they couldn’t get a cute mare to work with them and once the paperwork was done, they were on their way.

“Ah put it in the kitchen,” Fritter said, walking back out. “Pretty fancy-lookin’ too if ah must say.”

“Oh, did we tell Vincent about our little ‘deal’ we worked out with that guy?” Rika asked her draconic friend.

“Don’t think we did,” Christine said, scratching her head. “We probably should, right?”

“I wonder if he’s still busy?” Rika asked and then projected her thoughts. “Hey Vinny, you still banging Lucy?”

You caught me between sessions, was the reply. So why do you need me?

There was a giggle from Rika, before her voice turned seductive. “You caught me, I want you, you sexy Psychic Fox! Why don’t you come over here and I’ll show you a few tricks of my own~”

...Yeah, nice try. I have more than a few things that tell me you’re not being serious, if you ever are, so why do you really need me?

“Geh, Selly is so much better at this,” Rika sighed and continued. “When Christine and I were out shopping, we got a great deal on a fridge... with the promise that you guys would kinda make this retailer your exclusive white goods dealer...”

...Was he at least an honest slash nice guy?

“Seemed to be,” Rika replied. “He was quite grateful to you in particular actually, something about a group called Pegasus Air giving him trouble?” A shiver went down her spine, did it colder in here?

...Thank you for the information, Vincent’s voice had an edge to it before it brightened considerably. And I suppose they would be grateful...maybe I should look into making more such deals. Though I do ask that you not abuse my name to get yourself deals like that again without consulting me first.

“Yeah, sorry,” Rika apologised. “While I have you on the line... I have something for you. A repayment I believe?”

Ah yes! Thank you for reminding me. Though I have to wonder based on your earlier comment if you intend to repay me in bits or with something else...

“Well there’s that~” Rika cooed. “But I don’t think Sethy would approve, so we’ll have to settle with bits... though, you sound a little disappointed~”

Apprehensive, actually. I fear the day Seth or Fritter actually take you to bed and up on any of your offers. I only hope it doesn’t happen here.

“Well, you could fear for Seth maybe,” Rika replied with a smirk that Vincent could feel from his end. “Though, the showers here are wonderful, just enough for an Earth Pony and a little snugglefairy~”

Aaaand that would explain the sounds I heard earlier. Almost thought there was a perverted Ghastly hanging around. So where are the bits then, or did you intend to make good on your earlier teasing?

“The bits are in my room, second drawer in the bedside table,” Rika said, choosing to ignore his comment until she could thrash him in person. “I’m so leaving the pervy stuff to Selly, I suck at this...”

Seth has something I’m sure he’d appreciate you sucking at more, Vincent shot back. And found and grabbed, thank you Rika.

“GODDAMIT VINCENT!” Rika’s Hyper Voice echoed through the link. “I swear, I’ll sneak into you room and untie Lucy!”

And then I’d make her think you were me, Vincent thought back. That’d last all of an hour, I think, before you’d give up.

“I’m already done,” Rika muttered. She walked over to a corner of the room and sulked, having lost that round miserably.

“What’s her deal?” Seth asked, confused by the fairy’s reactions.

She just got schooled in the art of dirty-talk, Vincent’s voice echoed into his head.

“I have no idea how to respond to that,” Seth sighed. “And I’m too tired to care either. I think I’ll have some dinner and then I’m going to bed early.”

Fritter nodded as she pet the little Sylveon. “I’ll make you something soon. Let me finish up here first okay?”

“No rush,” Seth said. “Or I’ll cook if you want. You’re always cooking for us.”

Fritter paused as a creeping sense of dread washed over her. The image of a burning building and a Luxray in a crispy chef’s hat filled her mind and the minds of anyone that dared look.

“Um, iffn’ y’all don’t mind Sethy, ah think you should let me cook.”

Seth shrugged and padded towards over to his room, muttering the whole time about never getting to do anything.

“Whew!” Fritter breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh Seth, before you leave!”

“What is it?” he asked, looking over his shoulder.

“Bit said he could use a charge for some gener-thingy. Reckon you could help ‘im out?”

Seth nodded, “Alright, could you watch Aster for me please?” He placed the satchel around Fritter’s neck and headed downstairs, wondering what Bit has been up to all day.

By the time he got there, he gave the door a few solid thumps.

“Yo Bit, you in there?” he called out.

“Yes,” the program responded. “And it is safe to enter at the moment if that is your desire.”

“Cool,” Seth nudged the door open and walked in side. he looked around and whistled appreciatively. “Whoa, someone’s been busy...”

“Today’s earlier failed test showed me that some of the components I fabricated on my own will likely require replacement or repair.” The computer had been partially disassembled, the offending parts removed and circled in chalk.

“Huh,” Seth looked over the parts, some of them looked a little crispy and he ran some math in his head. “Do you have sufficient heat sinks or cooling?”

“...I had wondered where those parts went,” Bit said, checking his memory and sighing. “It would appear the backup parts were lumped in with the air-conditioning for the apartment during its construction.”

“Well there’s part of your problem, not enough cooling and the motherboard gets fried.” Seth poked at a part idly. “How about water cooling? Would use less energy than a fan and would be a lot easier to fabricate. Plus you have Ice Beam right?”

“The downside is simple to spot: should even one miniscule hole be found, the coolant system will become as much of a problem as this was,” the Porygon-Z responded, picking up a piece of chalk and writing in the need for something to cool the computer with next to it.

‘That’s true, and I doubt ponies could make seamless pipes with their technology...” Seth pondered on the idea. Fans might be the best bet, but this was an enclosed space so Bit would also need to keep the room itself quite cold.

The he got it.

“Crystals!” he suddenly shouted. “That could work!” The look on Bit’s face told him he should probably explain further.

“Okay, so when I was in Canterlot, I had a run in with some Carbink that were living in the Crystal Caves. I noticed it was pretty cool in there, but since it was a cave, that was to be expected. However...” Seth took some chalk and drew something up on the board. It looked similar to a cooling unit on a refrigerator.

“Crystals can be enchanted you see, to do various things. Some noble ponies in Canterlot have these Crystal lattices laced in the walls of their homes. These crystals can be charged with heat or cold spells...”

“Intriguing notion,” Bit commented. “I may very well do so...once I understand magic better. I would prefer to be able to do such things myself if possible, so as to keep costs as low as possible during the fabrication of these computers.”

“Cost effective as well...” Seth thought some more, but he was drawing a blank now, his tired brain just gave up the ghost. “Dang... I got nothing now.” he scratched at his head and sighed. “Oh yeah, Fritter said you needed a charge or something?”

“The generator is over there,” Bit pointed in one corner to the generator-capacitor-fuse box setup. “It is modified to accept electricity from electric-type moves, store them, then feed the energy into the apartment house when it is needed. Simply aim at that metal plate.”

“Right here then?” Seth placed a paw against the plate and focused his energy into it. “Before I start, how much should I pour into it? I’m afraid I don’t quite know my own limits yet.”

“There is a safety feature,” Bit said, turning back to the corpse of his computer. “If it starts to beep at you, then it cannot take any more at this time. I built it in when I was modifying it, and hopefully, that feature works better than this one.”

“I’ll take it slow,” Seth decided. He began to focus his lightning into his paw, just as Titania had been teaching him. Slowly, the meter began to rise as his paw crackled with power.

“So, how’s your day been?” he asked idly.

“Disappointing, but fruitful. Before I was forced to freeze my creation, it worked for a moment. I am on the right track, I merely require more cooling...and replacement parts,” Bit said, looking at several charred pieces.

“You’ll get there,” Seth replied. “Don’t try and rush it. Kanto wasn’t built in a day after all.”

“...True,” Bit said as he considered the words. “Still, I have come quite close in a matter of a few days of solid work. To be thwarted this close to the finish line is...irritating.”

“I’ll bet,” Seth replied. “Reminds me of when I had to build a model for a science project at school.” he closed his eyes as he reminisced. “But on the day, some kid tripped me, smashed the whole thing that i had spent weeks building... used a lot of glue and tape to fix it, but I couldn’t fix it in time...”

He chuckled, “I doubt it really compares to what you’re doing though...”

“At least some of the materials I need can be found or purchased, so I am not doing it entirely from nothing,” Bit commented, dislodging another burned piece and sighing. “Still, the amount of damage inflicted by one careless oversight…”

“Hindsight is a bitch,” Seth quoted. “You’ve learned and now that mistake won’t happen again.” The panel gave a ding and Seth removed his paw, shaking the tingling sensation from channelling electricity through it for so long.

“That seems to be the motto for not only the Nurem family, but many of the ones we run into as well,” Bit commented.

“New world, new rules, can’t be expected to adapt overnight,” Seth said. “All we can do is try and hope the world doesn’t explode.”

“I highly doubt the world is sentient, or knows the Self-destruct move,” Bit mused.

“...I can’t tell if that’s sarcasm or not,” Seth replied.

“Considering the presence of Legendaries such as Groudon and Kyogre back on Earth, it is not outside the realm of possibility,” Bit stated.

“Don’t remind me,” Seth replied dryly. “Anything else you need help with Bit?”

“Not at this time, though thank you for the charge,” the program responded. “That should keep the building and myself powered for some time.”

“No problem,” Seth replied. “Go nuts for tonight and I’ll give it a quick top up before I leave tomorrow.”

“Appreciated,” Bit said with a smile in his eyes. “Take care, mister Crescent.” Seth nodded and left Bit to his own devices. He yawned as he ascended the stairs, his sensitive hearing picking up some interesting conversations. Meowth seemed to be talking to himself while Luke and Mage seemed to be enjoying eachothers company.

He heard sounds from Vincent’s room he wished he hadn’t and the faint sound of buzzing from the rooftop.

“Some bugs are raiding the berry garden,” he said out loud as he continued to climb the stairs. Once he’d said his observation aloud, a thumping noise came from the Rocket’s room, and the form of James stalked upstairs, muttering angrily. After a moment, a female Pyroar followed him to the roof, probably to lend a hand in driving off the insect invaders.

“Hmm, I wonder if it worked out between them?” Seth wondered as he finally made it to his room. he opened the door and was immediately assaulted with hugs and kisses from his two girls, while Selena and Ignis fawned over Aster.

“Dinner will be ready soon,” Fritter replied as she let go of him. “Did you have more plans for tomorrow?”

Seth shook his head as he settled down on the floor. “I think I’ve learned all that I can for now. And we have a lot to do in Canterlot once we get back.”

“The Contest,” Rika said. “Do you think it’ll really work?”

“Well, I hope so,” Seth replied. “At the very least we’ll get a few Coordinators from Ponyville and Canterlot. That little Unicorn filly we met seemed to be pretty keen and her sister is one of those Element Bearers...”

“Ah guess time will tell,” Fritter said as she moved to the kitchen to stir the soup she was making. “Y’all gave it your best afterall, so ah’m sure things will work out.”

“Well I know Vincent expressed interest in at least attending as a spectator, so there’s that...” Seth thought for a moment, “I wonder if Bit would like to help with the technical side of things. I know you ponies have invented PA systems, so something like that would be useful.”

“But will Lucy be well enough by then?” Rika asked. “The Contest is in five days!”

“I hope so,” Seth replied. “The record feature on my Holocaster still works, so there’s always that if they can’t make it.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t lend Bit that,” Rika said. “He would have flipped to be able to study a working hologram projector.”

I forgot until just now honestly,” Seth replied. “We aren’t leaving til the afternoon, so I can lend it to him briefly tomorrow... provided he hasn’t sniffed it out already. I’m half expecting him to knock on the door any second now.”

“I know Murphy has it in for us,” Selena replied. “But that would just be a bit too cliche wouldn’t it?”

An awkward silence fell over the room until a knocking sound could be heard. Seth just facepawed and looked at the door, until Fritter giggled and everyone turned to her. The mare giggled again as she knocked on the wooden bench.

“Sorry, couldn’t help it~”

“And we get pranked by Fritter,” Rika sighed. “It’s the end of the world... again.”

“So tell us about this one,” Selena said as she tickled Aster’s belly. “Already getting someone to replace Christine?”

“Not quite,” Seth replied. “She’s lost and it’s kinda my job to help out Pokemon now. Plus she was deafening everyone in a five mile radius.”

“I just want Momma back,” Aster said, so quiet that even Fluttershy would have trouble hearing it.

“Who is your Momma?” Seth asked, sitting next to Aster. “Is she a Pokemon?”

“Momma is a dragon,” Aster said. “A dragon that loves me and wants to save everyone... except that she couldn’t...”

“That’s helpful,” Selena muttered.

“So we’re looking for a Dragon type?” Seth asked. “Well, there shouldn’t be that many in Las Pegasus.”

“And if you can’t find her here?” Ignis asked.

“Then I’ll take care of her until we do. Easy as that.” Seth nodded and Aster smiled. Seth was a nice person, maybe he could help Mommy?

“Soup’s on!” Fritter called as she brought the pot over to the table. Seth placed Aster on his back as they headed over to eat. The future was looking to be a little easier at least...

Atop a cloud above a small hamlet, a pair of crimson eyes watched as a Gardevoir and a Gallade walked hand in hand, a pair of familiar shining stones set in rings adorning their fingers.

“Humanity is destined to follow the path of ruin once more... I must put a stop to this, to preserve this blue and pure world...”

That night, Seth lay in bed, with Rika on one side and Fritter on the other. The Sylveon wouldn’t stop fidgeting though.

“Rika...” Seth said tiredly, batting at her with a paw. “I’m trying to sleep here.”

“Sorry,” the fairy responded. “But... I can’t keep it a secret anymore.”

Seth groaned as he opened one eye, “Keep what a secret?” He suddenly felt Fritter twitch and he opened both eyes, frowning slightly. “Alright, what did you do?”

“Um, well... it’s more like... who did I do,” Rika replied with a nervous chuckle. Seth groaned as he lay his head back down.

“I’m too tired for this, just get to the point.”

“FritterandItotallydidthingsintheshowertoday!” Rika blurted at near lightspeed.

“Oh... okay,” Seth replied as he rolled over. “Good night.”

Rika blinked, looked at Seth and blinked again. “Wait... that’s it?” her only reply was the sound of the Luxray snoring lightly. “Well, that was easier than I thought...”

It didn’t stop the Luxray’s dreams from being filled with all sorts of delicious scenes...

The next morning, Seth took the opportunity to sleep in, refusing to let the Sylveon and Earth Pony out of bed either. He was going to have snuggles this morning and even the end of the world could go stuff it while he did...

That said, a small Whismur, finding herself unable to get something to eat due to lack of being able to reach the cupboards, decided to go and ask for help...

And the lightest of knocking could soon be heard on Vincent Nurem’s door. Within a minute, a Porygon-Z poked its head out, did a quick sweep of the area, and upon seeing nothing immediately obvious, sat there and ticked as he considered the situation.

The kind Porygon had opened the door, it would be rude not to enter right? The Whismur squeezed through the gap and into the apartment. She could smell something delicious being made and smiled happily, wandering into the living room. Upon entering, she saw a Gallade and a Mismagius wrapped around each other on the fold-out bed. The kitchen seemed to be just beyond the connected dining room, and the source of the delicious smells.

She waddled past the Gallade and into the kitchen, where a Bellossom was humming happily as she cooked. Aster climbed up onto the table, (with no small effort mind you!) And once she was up, banged on the table with her little paws.

“Hungry!” she declared, with the tiniest, most adorable voice. A low chuckle came from behind her then, and once she looked around, saw that she was seated in front of a most amused Scizor.

“And who might you be? You’re not Wendy, that’s for certain; she didn’t talk around others,” he said while sipping his coffee.

“Aster!” the Whisper smiled. “Who’a you?”

“Hello Aster, I’m Sam,” the Pincer ‘mon said, offering her his free (and closed!) claw. “So I can see that you’re hungry, so that answers what you’re doing here. And you’ve already told me who. So how about...how did you get in?”

“D’Porygon let me,” Aster giggled. She took a look at the extended claw and suddenly nommed on it, before scrunching up her face and spitting it out. “Bleh!”

“Well, that’s an...interesting sensation,” Sam commented. “You were supposed to shake it, dear one. It was how the humans greeted one another: handshakes, typically.”

Aster stood up and waddled over to the Scizor, and promptly hugged his face. “Momma give hugs, so I give hugs!” she giggled.

Sam reached up with his closed claw and gently moved the Whismur down to his chest, letting her continue to hug along the way. He didn’t have anything against hugs, but he’d rather be able to talk. “Well, that works too,” he conceded. “So Bit let you in...but how did you get in the building in the first place?”

“Unca Sethy!” she said as she let go and sat back on the table, poking at a plate and wondering when the food would appear. “He’s helping me find Mommy!”

“That sounds like Seth alright,” Sam said with a chuckle. “Do you know what your mother is? Quite a few were changed a few weeks ago, and we do have a pretty powerful ‘search engine’ on our side,” the Scizor mentioned. “If she’s here, I’m pretty sure Vincent will be able to find her...unless she’s a Dark or Bug Type, of course.”

Aster tried to process so many big words. Mommy used to like big words but she’d always tell Aster what she meant.

“Um... Mommy is... Mommy is...” This place was different, with so many new Pokemon and no humans. Was Mommy even here at all? Where was Mommy?

The Whismur’s eyes began to water as she inhaled deeply...but before she could unleash her cry, she felt herself being softly stroked and petted. For someone with a metallic exoskeleton, Sam could be quite gentle when he wanted.

“I’m sorry, little one. I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he muttered near-silently. “Vincent just does better work if he knows what he’s looking for. A form, a type, a name,” the bug explained.

Aster stopped and listened, something she knew about Mommy? Hmm...

“Papa Sala!” she said, sniffing slightly. “Mommy always had Papa Sala with her!” She looked at Sam expectantly. “Can you find Mommy Unca Sam?”

“Well,” Sam said with a chuckle. “Not me, no! The reason I keep talking about Vincent is that he’s Psychic, Aster. And Sala...Salamence? Your mother always had a Salamence with her?” Sam questioned. “That...is a good lead...but something that would be better is if you knew what others called your mother. A lot of what a person is is tied up in their name.”

“Mommy’s... name?” Aster blinked. “Mommy is Mommy... but only to Aster!” The Whismur tried to remember what others called Mommy, like Grandma back home, or Papa Sala when he liked to play wrestling with Mommy.

“Z-Zinnia!” Aster finally said. “Mommy’s name is Zinnia!”

“Well,” a new voice said as a Kadabra appeared in the doorway. “Glad to know the name of your mother, little one. Also glad to hear a Whismur that talks. Hello there.”

“STRANGER!” Aster blasted the Kadabra with a Hyper Voice, the glancing blow making Vincent stumble. “Save me Unca Sam!”

Sam just laughed and brought one claw over to the Kadabra that was shaking his head. “Aster, might I introduce my little brother, Vincent? And Vincent, this easily excitable little ball of cute is Aster.”

“Charmed,” Vincent said, his ears flipping around as he attempted to work them again. “I didn’t need to hear today anyways.”

Aster looked sad. “Sorry Unca Sam, I didn’t mean to hurt Big Bro VinVin! But mommy told me t’be careful of strangers...”

“...Why do I look at her and think ‘this is what Rika was like when she was her age?’” Vincent questioned as he sat himself down at the table. “And I’m sure that ringing noise is only temporary.”

Sam just ran a claw down Aster’s back to reassure her. “Accidents happen, little one. At least yours don’t seem to involve property damage.”

Aster tummy gave a loud rumble and she looked around. “Want food now!” she said adamantly. Then she remembered what Mommy would say. “Um, pwease?”

“Oh hello there!” another new voice said. This time it was the Bellossom from the kitchen, and she was standing in the doorway between it and them. “Vincent dear, if you would?”

With a nod and a flash, three plates were in front of the trio of ‘mon at the table, loaded down with Jeanne’s cooking and smelling delicious. Vincent hadn’t been aware that you could make syrup for pancakes out of Berries, but now that he’d tried some...

“Yay~” Aster cheered and opened her maw, aiming for the nearest plate. With almost tornado-like force, she sucked in the entire contents of the dish, swallowing it and belching cutely, all in the space of a second or two. The other ‘mon at the table blinked a few times before looking at one another.

“Come to think of it, we never did watch Wendy eat,” Vincent mentioned.

“Every time we tried, we woke up with scribbles on our faces,” Sam agreed.

The Bellossom just giggled and drew a little closer, just a little. “My, aren’t you a hungry one.”

“Yummy~” Aster giggled, and then turned to face Sam’s plate…

“Now now, dear,” Jeanne chided. “You’ve already had a serving. It’d be rude to take other’s food. You wouldn’t like it if they did that to you, would you?”

“...Nooo” Aster said, closing her mouth. “Can I have a drink please?”

“What would you like?” Vincent asked, holding up a glowing hand.

“Juice is good,” Aster said, beaming widely. “Orange please!”

“I think we have some,” the Kadabra said with a nod. With a flash, a cup was on the table in front of the Whismur. Another moment saw the appearance of a container of orange juice, which filled her glass before returning back from wherever it came.

“I’ll get on making more for the rest,” Jeanne said with a smile. “Seeing as how our numbers seem to have increased by one for the morning.”

At that moment, a frantic banging could be heard on Vincent’s door. Bit, still being nearby, opened it and stuck his head out.

Seth was standing there, his fur was all over the place and he looked quite concerned. “Bit! Have you seen a Whismur around here!?”

The program shook his head a few times. “Negatory. No Whismur has been observed by this unit lately.”

Seth groaned, he was too tired for this. “Could you please ask everyone else here if a Whismur been spotted then?”

Bit rotated his head and was prepared to ask the question before spotting Aster at the table, drinking her juice. With a smile in his eyes, Bit rotated his disconnected head back around to reply to the Luxray. “No need. One has just been observed within.”

“Can I please come inside?” Seth asked.

“I am certain you are perfectly capable of the act of locomotion,” the Porygon responded, answering the question with absolute honesty.

“I am waaay too tired and stressed for this,” Seth muttered as he walked inside. “Aster? Are you here?”

“Unca Sethy!” Aster called from the kitchen. “I’m in here!” The Luxray walked into the kitchen to see Aster on the table, along with Sam and Vincent.

“There you are,” he sighed with relief. “We’ve been looking for you, how and why did you come here?”

“I was hungry and you was asleep,” Aster stated. “So I came here to get something. I didn’t want to wake you up cause you looked sleepy...”

Seth sighed and smiled as he nuzzled the little rabbit. “You’re very sweet and thoughtful Aster, but wake me up next time, we were very worried about you.”

“Kay,” Aster smiled. Seth turned to everyone else.

“Sorry about this guys. I hope she wasn’t any trouble.”

“She’s been a gem,” Sam said, softly rubbing between Aster’s ears with one claw.

“Plus we have a name for me and you to use,” Vincent tacked on. “Zinnia. Ring any bells?”

Seth pondered that name, but drew a blank. “Sorry Vince, never heard of it before.” He looked down at Aster and smiled. “But I’ll try my hardest to find her okay?”

“M’kay,” Aster yawned. “M’sleepy... can we go home now?”

“Sure,” Seth replied and he placed the tired Whismur on his back. “Thanks for looking out for her guys.”

“Not a problem,” Vincent said with a wave of his coffee mug. “I can look for this ‘Zinnia’ in a moment. Need to eat, feed Lucy, and do a few things of that nature before I have a moment to spare.”

“I, on the other claw, have to go to work,” Sam said, getting up and placing on claw on Seth’s shoulder. “Take care, okay?”

“Will do, I might stop by before I go home as well. I need to see if that Sandslash friend of yours will part with some recipes for Fritter and Mocha.”

“So warn the hospital ahead of time, got it,” Sam chuckled as he made his way out the door.

Seth excused himself from the apartment and headed back to his own. He would put Aster to bed in the spare room, then return to his snuggle time with Rika and Fritter...

Well that was the plan anyway.

But now that they were up, Rika had gone to play with Christine, while Fritter went back up to the garden, to see what more she could learn about growing Berries.

“I cannot catch a break, can I?” Seth muttered as he sat in the living room of his apartment. Ignis and Selena were once again out seeing the sights and the Luxray was left alone to wait until Aster awakened.

“And I get left looking after the kids... figures.”

Not two minutes later, Christine, wearing Rika as a very uncooperative hat, came into the room and clapped eyes on Seth. “Oh good, you’re here. Maybe now I can get some answers.”

Seth opened his eyes, and instantly regretted wishing for something to do. “Yes Christine?” he said with all the enthusiasm he could muster.

“Well either this little fairy of yours is very bad at sexual jokes, or she actually wants to sleep with me, one of the two,” the landshark said, picking Rika off of her head and holding the Sylveon upside-down, to make her displeasure clear.

“So I’m bad at jokes, which Vincent made abundantly clear,” Rika pouted.

Seth sighed as he looked up from his spot on the carpet. “It’s Rika, I never know if she’s serious or not... but I know that a lot of Pokemon don’t have the same ‘single mate’ attachment that humans do.” He looked at Rika, “You love me don’t you?”

“With all my heart,” Rika replied as she started to get dizzy from being upside-down. “I would never do anything to hurt you... and Chrissie is my best friend, and everyone else is throwing those stupid jokes around!”

Seth chuckled. “I know, and I also remember what you said in bed last night too.”

Rika suddenly turned bright red, but whether it was due to blood rushing to her head or a blush, well that was unknown.

“And I don’t mind, really!” Seth said. “Just because I’m not ready yet, doesn’t mean you two have to hold back either. Just be yourselves okay?”

Rika nodded as she squirmed to be turned rightside up. Christine relented slightly and grabbed her by the back of the neck, still not letting her go, but letting her orientation return to normal. And speaking of orientation…

“Okay, and while I’m not sure how much attachment I would have to a mate, should I ever get one, I will have you know that I know my own preferences, Rika. And as I keep informing you, it’s not my own gender.”

“Fine, I’ll stop teasing...” Rika said. “Everyone else makes jokes and its funny, I make jokes and ohh, I piss everyone off. Shocker!” Her tone turned surprisingly sarcastic, and it was one Seth had never heard from the Sylveon before.

“Rika, I’m not angry. I just wanted to make my stance perfectly clear. You would know if I was angry at you. You’d be on fire,” Christine stated bluntly. “Honestly, I can joke with the best of them, but when you start describing what you’re going to do to me, I have to put my claw down.”

Rika sighed, and after a bit of work, she used her ribbons to pry herself free. “It’s fine, I’m angry with myself... not you or anyone else. I just... I don’t know...” She suddenly ran from the room as Seth sighed.

“She can’t even see why she’s acting like that,” he looked up at Christine. “You know why, don’t you?”

“There are a few things that come to mind,” the dragon said. “But I think, give her a few minutes and approach with a gift of chocolate ice cream, and your little fairy will be willing to talk. And should.” Thinking on one of the plausible reasons, the dragon hastily added, “Though if it comes to a conclusion that involves a lot of noise, I will go out on tour of the city just to get away from all the sounds, I swear to Arceus.”

“I don’t think such drama is needed,” Seth replied, still laying on the floor. “She’ll be back any second now.” He knew her first go-to would be ice-cream... and he had all their money. As if on cue, Rika walked back inside with as much dignity as she could muster.

“Want ice-cream, I have no money,” she said. “And Christine would get mad if I stole hers...”

“Rika,” Seth said firmly. “Do you not have anything to say to your friend?”

“Like what?” she replied. “That she just decides to stop avoiding me and be my best friend, right before we have to leave her here? Or that I’m probably not going to see her in forever? Or that no matter what I try to do to make her smile, I just screw up and make her uncomfortable instead!?” She was almost shouting by the end... And then realised that Christine was still standing there.

“Oh Ponyfeathers!”

Christine may not have been the most...sociable being, but she knew as if by instinct, and a lot of observation, a few of the things she needed to do. First, secure the target. With a quick swipe, the Sylveon was in her arms and being hugged against her chest.

Check. Second, weaken the target. The landshark looked over to Seth and nodded while mouthing the words ‘Ice cream,’ to him.

While he was no lip reader, he got the idea as he fetched some leftover ice-cream from the freezer, one he had been hiding for later use. He brought it over to the dragon, very much curious as to what she’d do next.

Check. Third, undermine the defenses. “Now who was it who told me about writing and letters? Heck, just because this place is going to be my new home, it doesn’t mean I’m bound to this spot.” The dragon shuddered a bit at some...uncomfortable memories surfacing, before she got herself under control. “Operating under those rules, what are Seth or Fritter or even you doing here, little fairy?” Christine beeped Rika’s nose with one claw as she finished her question.

Rika nodded as she leant into the hug. “I guess my emotions ran away with my sanity again,” she said as she forced a giggle. “M’still gonna miss you though...”

Check. Finally, killing blow. “And I you, Rika. Just because I don’t love you like a mate, doesn’t mean I don’t love you like a friend. Just keep in mind that not everyone can be as loving as you, as easily as you, okay? I like you just the way you are...and I’d prefer it if you stayed that way. Namely, intact.” With that, the ice-cream was scooted closer to the little Fairy. She’d probably need it at this point...

“I went too far... again,” Rika said as she poked at the dessert, not really in the mood to eat it anymore. “But if you still wanna be my friend... then I guess I’m both grateful and surprised.” She sighed and looked back at Seth. “I really don’t know how Sethy and Fritter deal with me...” A dark thought entered her head and she suppressed a laugh. “Maybe I am my father’s daughter...?”

“Hey, let’s not go overboard!” Seth quickly stomped on that particular thought. Before burying it, building a minefield over it and walking the hell away. “We love you for you Rika... Always have and always will.”

Between Seth and Christine’s words... Rika just opened the floodgates and bawled. Soaking the dragon she was hugging enough that it turned her into a Water-type…

“After putting up with your family’s antics for as long as I did?” Christine chuckled as she kept gently petting Rika. “I’d have to either be crazy or your friend. And I’ve been crazy before, thanks. No desire to repeat the experience.”

“S-sorry,” Rika giggled in between sobs. “You’re m-my friend. Y-you’re nuts by default.”

“She’s got you there,” Seth chuckled until he realised what she’d said. “Hey, I’m dating you, so what does that make me?”

“Nuts squared,” Christine pitched in.

Rika giggled again, “But I thought his nuts were rounder?”

“I wouldn’t know, I’m not the one sleeping with him,” the dragon retorted.

“Ergh! And I open my mouth again,” Rika sighed. “Pass me the ice-cream. At least if I’m eating I’ll not say anything stupid.”

The ice cream was passed while the dragon kept talking. “See, the way you should have continued that would have been something like...’I wouldn’t know either, he’s being stingy!’ And then we could have ganged up on Seth for not being generous with his nuts.”

“You do raise an excellent point,” Rika said with a mouthful of ice-cream. “Sharing is caring!”

“I have you and Fritter, how much more sharing do I have to do?” Seth replied, not liking where this was heading.

“Silly Seth,” Christine giggled. Actually giggled, which from their time together, told Seth she was on a track most would not dare tread. “You’re not sharing enough of yourself with these fine ladies. Don’t they deserve some attention from you?” The place where most ‘mon would have eyebrows wiggled as the landshark talked.

Seth’s brain just came to a screeching halt. There was no way this was the same dragon that had been living with them for the last week... was it?

Rika gave him a half-lidded stare and licked her lips. “I would have to agree Miss Chrissie... While I quite liked the Apple dessert, the main course must truly be... delicious!”

Nopenopenopenopenopenope! Seth backed away slowly. If he didn’t move, they wouldn’t see him. It worked on Tyrantrums anyway.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Christine said, carefully placing Rika and her bowl on the ground before standing up and stretching. “After all, one of your ladies is right here, pining for attention, young man.”

“Ahh...” Seth’s cognitive thought was still AWOL. “Wha?”

Rika blinked, her eyes shining as she used Baby-Doll Eyes. “Sethy? You’re so mean~”

“Not to worry, dear. I’m certain we can find some rope somewhere in this apartment, and you can extract some attention from him once he can’t get away.” Christine’s grin was almost as wide as her face.

“Oh but Chrissie,” Rika said as she flexed her ribbons. “Why do we need rope?”

Nope! Seth leapt over the two and through the door, crashing into the opposite wall before falling down a few flights of stairs. Rika blinked, turned to the door and then burst out laughing.

“Oh. My. Arceus... Did you see his face!?” She couldn’t breathe she was laughing so hard. Christine was in a similar boat, laughing through the tears.

“And for future reference,” the Gabite managed to get out, “Your ribbons are a part of you, that’s why we need rope. One good shock and you’re out for the count. Rope has no such connection.”

“Aw, but I have good special defense,” Rika said. “And maybe some light shocks might feel good~”

“When he’s in fight or flight mode like that, I’m pretty sure ‘light’ isn’t in his arsenal,” Christine warned. “Until he gets used to the teasing...and you get a little bit better at dishing it out,” here the dragon beeped the fairy’s nose, “then you’re going to want to make sure that when he runs for it, you aren’t blocking too many exits.”

“That’s a good point...” Rika noted. “Well, now that Sethy can’t play anymore. Wanna do something before I have to leave?”

“You, little lady, are going to learn how best to tease your lion before you have to go,” Christine said, sitting down and putting Rika in her lap.

“Only you get to treat me like this,” Rika said as she got comfortable. “Last time someone called me a pet... I broke them.” She reached out with her ribbons and grabbed the ice-cream and another spoon, before offering Christine some. “Start the lesson teacher!”

“And the last time someone tried to catch me, their Snorlax launched them into the stratosphere,” Christine said with a smile before humming. “Let’s see...how about we start with some highlights from what Sam was taught and build on that so that you know how best to tease your feline?...”

All good things had to come to an end though, and Seth’s family was preparing to leave Las Pegasus. Rika refused to let go of Christine, as said dragon tried prying her off with a crowbar.

Aster sat happily on Fritter’s back while Seth spoke with Vincent.

“Well, thanks for letting us stay... and sorry about the dramas we caused, directly or indirectly...”

“Not a big deal,” Vincent said. “You shoulda been here when I just got here.” The Kadabra whistled and chuckled at the memories. “I’ve done worse, believe me.” Upon taking notice of the Whismur, Vincent remembered his earlier promise. “Oh, Aster?”

“Yeah Big Bro?” she asked with a sweetness that no sugar could ever hope to match.

“Wanna watch me look for your mom?” Vincent raised a glowing blue arm as he talked, already drawing on the power needed for his Ping technique.

“Do I?” she jumped down from Fritter’s back and waddled over to him. He gently bent down and offered his non-glowing hand to her, an unspoken invitation to get a little closer to the action if she wanted.

She took his hand and gulped, wondering what was going to happen? Could Big Bro really find Mommy? Suddenly she was flying, or it felt like it, before she realized that she’d come to rest against his chest armor and was being cradled by Big Bro.

“Where are you Mommy?” she thought. “I miss you!”

Shh, she heard Big Bro, but not with her ears. Don’t worry, we’re about to look. I’m strong, but not strong enough to search everywhere, little one. But if she’s in this city, I will find her...unless she’s something that is immune to Psychic, of course.

“Big Bro is in my head~” Aster giggled.

Yup, Vincent laughed back. Now, Zinnia is her name, right? I can look for her, sure...but I want you to do something special as well. Think you’re up for it?

“What do you want me to do?” Aster asked.

Think about your mommy. Think about all the good times you’ve ever had with her. Think about how much you love her. Do that, and no matter the type she ended up as, we should get something, if she’s here. No love is stronger than a mother’s for her child, and it can cut across all barriers if you but reach out to it.

“Okay...” Aster thought hard as images flashed through Vincent’s head. Of a young girl crying as she held a newly hatched Whismur, of the same girl, older this time as she battled a faceless trainer. The times when the pair would share a picnic, or play hide and seek at the Falls.

Then the images of the girl, now a young woman as she ran through some kind of lab, garbed in a red hood. The woman as she plucked the Key Stone of a fallen trainer, and then as she stood before Rayquaza, her crimson eyes blazing with furious determination.

My word, that’s a lot! Okay, here I go…

Vincent took a deep breath and added Aster’s memories to the mix of his technique, deciding to spice it up a little as well. Zinnia! We call to you! Should you be in this city, answer us! Both myself...and your daughter!

“MOMMY!” Aster called out, before the wave of near-invisible blue light rushed away from them. The pair waited for ten seconds, as the power of both Vincent and Aster’s memories pushed the technique to new heights…

...New heights that were sadly, fruitless. It rebounded, carrying no new information back to either one of them. Vincent sighed, dejected that nothing happened. “I’m sorry, Aster. But she’s not in Las Pegasus.”

Aster remained silent for a moment. “It’s... okay Big Bro... thank you for trying...”

Unbeknownst to them, a lithe Dragonite sat on a cloud, as a feeling of nostalgia and great loss washed over her. Her crimson eyes closed as the memories played over in her mind... until she opened them again, looking at a city she could not see. Spreading her wings, she soared into the air and shot off into the wide, blue sky.

“I’ll find you...”

Seth waited as the pair finished their search. “So no luck then?” he asked as Aster climbed back up onto Fritter’s back. “It’s alright, we’ll find her. One way or another.”

“Well considering I just did my Ping while in such a close proximity to her, it’s highly likely that if you run across any Psychic you feel you can trust, they could make their own, similar technique from watching her memories and do a search there as well.” Vincent stated as though it were all rather simple. He’d really rather they avoid going straight to the top for as long as possible...he didn’t really have a lot of faith in a certain god ever since he failed to punish a certain ambassador.

“Right, thanks for the advice...” Seth said as Christine finally freed herself of Rika’s deathgrip.

“Aww... Oh! But you guys totally have to come to the Contest!” Rika said, bouncing up and down. “It’s gonna be AMAZING!!”

“Ah, there is that,” Seth said. “The Contest is scheduled for 5 days from now, I really hope you guys can make it. I know I could use Bit’s help with all the tech that I’ll need to set up.”

“I’ll make sure Bit goes at least,” Vincent said with a nod. “Sam?”

The Scizor shook his head. “Mary believes in a week’s notice before I get any time off. So I can’t go. And depending on circumstances, the program might be the only one that gets to.” The Scizor was of course referring to Lucy’s current state.

“Plus you can’t flirt with Lala either,” Selena pointed out.

“Well, I hope some of you can make it at least,” Seth said. “If you can’t, I’ll be sure to send you a recording of it.”

The train gave a sharp whistle, signalling that it was almost time to leave. “It certainly been as fun as always Vincent,” Seth mused as he held out a paw. “Until we meet again then?”

“Of course, friend,” Vincent replied while giving Seth’s paw a firm shake. “And hey, if you run into Gene, Abby, Sev, or Weiss, say hi for me? I consider them friends...or in the case of a certain snake, friendly enough.”

“Rika’s father? Yeah... he and I have a ‘we tolerate each other for Rika’s sake’ relationship... But don’t worry. I’ll do that.” Seth considered them friends as well, he was bound to meet them eventually. “Oh and Captain Ace might be doing some recruiting for a Pokemon Guard here soon, maybe keep an eye out for potential candidates?”

“I’ll try to remember that,” Vincent said as the train whistled again. “But you all better get on, now!”

“Right,” Seth grabbed Rika by the scruff of the neck as she tried to drag Christine with them. Fritter was already onboard, after giving Sam a recipes to give to Jeanne and Mary. Soon, they were all waving from the train windows as it pulled away from the station, and off to home, where many more surprises awaited them...

Author's Note:

Ausbrony - Whew! That was a LOT longer than I thought it would be. I fear for our next cross, it’ll be a fic in and of itself. So yeah, I’m sad to say goodbye to Christine, but it appears I’ve gotten someone even crazier to replace her. Seth’s life is never going to be peaceful…

Thadius0 - You mean to say that you’ve gotten someone crazier than her after Vincent and his family!  Sheesh.  Aw well, it’s okay.  I like being evil to my characters as well.

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