• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Later that night, Rika had returned from her family outing and Ignis and Selena finally returned from wherever the hell they had been. Seth remembered his previous conversation with Trace and once he arrived at the castle, he passed Heat four containers of curry.

“As you requested,” he smiled.

“Thanks a bunch!” the Combusken smiled as he took the containers and passed them out among his team, who all proceeded to eat.

“Oh yeah, one thing I LOVE about this planet is the food. Its five star everything here!” Jonathan smiled as he scarfed up his meal till the last piece.

“Heh, I met someone who said the same thing today,” Seth chuckled as he opened his own food, homemade Apple Fritters from his lovely marefriend. It’s scent was beyond heavenly. “Ohhh, my little Apple has outdone herself this time~”

True enough, when the smell wafted over to the other Pokemon, their mouths watered as well.

“...could we...try some too?” Echo said hopefully, the smell all but making her drool.

Seth pondered for a moment, the look on his face was like they’d asked him to saw off a leg... until he chuckled. “Sure!” he replied with a toothy grin as he used a claw to slice up two of the fritters into equal parts and offered them to his new friends.

“Though I will warn you now, any apple dish you eat after this, and any you have eaten before will be forever ruined.”

“Oh, now you’re just being silly,” Heat laughed....right before they each took a bite…

If there was ever heaven on Earth, at that moments, their taste buds just died and went there, and all they could do was stop in stunned silence.

“Err….” Seth looked a bit worried.

“DELICIOUS!!!” they all shouted. “Dang man, you are one lucky bastard to be in a relationship with someone who cooks so well!” Howl couldn’t help but say as he was too busy jumping up and down.

“Apple Fritter is a special mare,” Seth smiled as he ate his food, savouring each and every bite. “Honestly, I’m the lucky one. I don’t know what I did or what God smiled on me to gift me with two wonderful ladies.”

“Oh? Didn’t know you were such a playboy, Mr. Crescent,” Jonathan jokingly jabbed, while his team snickered.

“The whole ‘herd’ thing was Fritter’s idea,” Seth explained. “Apparently polygamy is encouraged here, and I’m still getting used to it really... but I care for both of them, and I’ll do anything to ensure their happiness.”

“Aw, you’re so sweet~” Rika cooed and she nuzzled him and kissed his cheek. “You get extra huggles tonight for that.”

Seth blushed, and then realised that he hadn’t introduced his team. “Oh, right. Everyone, this is Rika, Ignis and Selena.”

“Hey,” Ignis said, offering a small salute while the Absol just gave a curt nod. Rika waved and smiled widely before resuming her nuzzles.

“Its a pleasure to meet you. Likewise, this is my team. Heat, Howl, and Echo,” Jonathan smiled as he introduced them, while all three of this Pokemon waved. ‘Let’s all get along. We’ll be working together tonight after all.”

Seth nodded, “I don’t see any reason why we wouldn’t... though for me, it’s a bit weird to be getting along with lawmen and ladies such as yourselves.” The Luxray offered a smile and a polite bow. “Also, please call me Seth.”

“Likewise, call me Jonathan. I don’t care much for formalities anyway,” Jonathan laughed, polishing off the last of his meal. After that, his expression turned serious. “Alright, now first things first,” he started. “Let’s go over the plans again.”

“First, we’ll have Ignis and Echo positioned on the roof. We don’t know what Fox’s point of entry will be, so it’s best to cover all bases. I want Selena outside and waiting, should Fox actually pull this off, she’s our best bet at a swift pursuit.” Seth looked to Rika and smiled. “And I want you to simply be you. Punish the naughty Fox should she misbehave.”

“Why does that last statement fill me with so much dread?” Heat deadpanned.

“Either way,” Jonathan sighed. “Likewise, I want Howl to patrol the corridors. Of all of us, he has the best chance of tracking them if they’re inside...assuming Fox hasn’t recreated the compound she used to mask her scent back on Earth. Also, Heat, you’re with me. We’re going to stand guard over the vault.”

“Roger!” both Heat and Howl said as they both saluted.

“Mask her scent?” Damn, Seth had really been banking on that one. “I just wonder if my new vision can see through her illusions?” At that, the Luxray’s eyes shone with a gold light as he looked at the four Pokemon in front of him. “I don’t know exactly how a Zoroarks illusions work, but I don’t think she can imitate a skeleton of whatever she’s disguised as.”

“Yeah, Luxray eyes should be able to pierce the illusion...but…” Jonathan sighed.

“Fox has more than just Zoroark illusions in her arsenal,” Howl groaned. “That thief is a magician, so even if you see her, you’ll never be able to tell what else she has in store…”

“Great...” Seth groaned. He wasn’t a Psychic type, but he somehow he just knew that tonight wasn’t going to be fun... not in the slightest.

Once everyone was in position, Seth and Jonathan were at the Vault, the Luxray had a few ideas on how Fox might steal the Jewels, but there was something he needed to confirm for himself.

As Seth stood before the Vault, Ironside glowered. While his unit still had point on this mission, the Princess had allowed Seth and his group as backup... just in case.

“Well?” Ironside said gruffly as the Luxray stared at the vault, his yellow eyes glowing. “Are you done yet?”

“You really shouldn’t rush him. I mean, humans don’t normally have X-ray eyes, so he probably needs time to get them to work properly,” Jonathan sighed in annoyance. He just didn’t understand Ironside’s animosity with Pokemon in general. “And for that record, we’re supposed to be working together. Antagonizing each other isn’t going to help.”

“For your records!” Ironside snapped. “We have protected these Jewels for generations. They have never once been stolen and the arrival of you Pokemon doesn’t make one saltlick of difference!”

“One, it’d be real nice if they shut up!” Seth growled to himself.” And two, I don’t know what this thing is made of, but I can’t see through it... and if what everyone says is true, that Princess Celestia’s magic is the only thing that can open it... I honestly don’t see ‘how’ Fox can pull this off.”

“Oh, she’ll find a way,” Jonathan, sighed, as Ironside had just so happen to mention that detail as well. “This isn’t the first fortified vault she’s cracked, and it probably won’t be the last. Trust me, I know.”

“She’s also never dealt with magic... real magic before either,” Seth replied.

“I wouldn’t be so sure. She’s been to several towns already, all of them had some form of magic security. She broke all of them,” Jonathan cautioned.

“If you fillies are done gossiping, maybe the real law enforcement around here can actually get back to doing their jobs?” Ironside said curtly.

Heat glared at the Unicorn, before whispering to Seth. “That guy...almost makes me want to LET Fox get in and steal the Jewels.”

“Tell me about it,” Seth muttered as Ironside went on a tangent about not recognizing Jonathan’s authority, and wondered which brand of cereal his badge came from.

Then Seth noticed something, he bolted from the room, ignoring Ironside’s shouts as he ran to an adjoining corridor and activated his eyes again. This time, looking at the Vault from the side... and this time, he could see everything.

“I thought so, only the freaking door is enchanted. They could burrow or come through the roof... But that’s still gonna make a lot of noise and commotion....” A sudden shout snapped the Luxray out of his thoughts and he glanced around. Was she here already?

As if to answer his question, the room was suddenly filled with a thick fog of smoke, before the sound of glass breaking could be heard.

Seth winced, every window had been a one of a kind stained glass... Celestia was going to be pissed. He activated his eyes, his golden glare piercing the darkness as he ran around the corner and back into the corridor.

When he got in, the first thing he saw was a Zoroark, a SHINY Zoroark dressed in a black cape and a black cavalier hat seemingly floating down via some apparently supernatural force, a confident smirk could be seen on her muzzle as she landed on the ground, her claw tipping her hat down over her eyes.

“...That’s Fox?” Seth blinked, before smirking ever so slightly. Time to see if this would work. He tapped the Luna symbol on his collar and drew a deep breath.

“HOLD IT RIGHT THERE FOX!” His voice boomed throughout the hallway like a thunderclap, causing several nearby ponies to grab their ears.

Even Fox had lost her smirk when he did that. “Arceus you are loud,” she deadpanned, before her smirk returned. “I see you could make it to the party, Johnny-boy. What surprise do you have in store for me this time I wonder,” she giggled at the Lucario.

“Oh, I’m not providing the ‘surprises’ this time Fox. That’ll be covered by the locals,” Jonathan shot back.

“Awww....and I was hoping we could have a little fun,” Fox teased as to the onlookers, it almost looked like they were flirting with each other.

“OH, JUST GET A ROOM ALREADY,” Seth put a paw to his mouth, forgetting he still had the enchantment active.

Fox on her part just looked amused. “Aww….I had no idea you wanted little old me that way Johnny boy. Maybe next time I’ll catch you. I promise I’ll be gentle.”

Jonathan for his part went bright red, before glaring at Seth. “I sooo wanna punch you right now. But fortunately for you, I’ll settle for something punching someone else instead. Heat?”

“Sky Uppercut!” Heat shouted...only to have several balls thrown into his face, which promptly exploded with a cold gust of wind, the Combusken falling back with Ice covering his face.

“Ice bombs. Finally got them right,” Fox chuckled. “Don’t worry, I made sure its harmless freezing.”

Have Heat use a Fire move!” Seth called out. He couldn’t use Discharge, not will all the ponies in a narrow corridor. Ironside held no such reservation as he charged past Seth, knocking the Luxray aside as he and his men tried to tackle Fox. The mob of ponies charged at her, and dogpiled on top of her.

“Heh! And you thought this criminal could escape justice!” Ironside cheered.

“I still am,” came Fox’s voice from right next to them. “Nice form by the way. 5/10”

Seth moved much faster than the guards, leaping from one wall to the other as he pounced at Fox, but kept his sharp claws sheathed. he didn’t want to hurt her after all.

At the same time, Ironside lunged as well. And unknown to the two of them (and partially due to Fox’s actions) so was Heat.

“Its probably too late to say this, but…” Fox started, just as the three of them pounced on her...and promptly did a hard and and painful headbutt with each other. “...you’re all gonna need an aspirin after this,” said the ILLUSION of Fox.

Seth groaned as he got to his feet, he’d taken harder blows, but that had hurt dammit. Okay, calm down, read the situation. He was up against a Zoroark and she knew how to use those powers well... Seth couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy, for not having the best control of his own.

However, his thoughts were cut short when he noticed Jonathan rolling on the ground...with Fox. The Lucario had apparently pounced on her the moment she appeared again, and from the looks of it, he managed to pin her down...until Fox did something he wasn’t expecting. She kissed him on the lips, and in the stunned moment, pushed him off.

“I always did think you looked yummy, but I never thought you were THIS yummy,” Fox said teasingly, before throwing one of her web balls at his paw, promptly sticking it to the floor, the Lucario trying to get it off, while fighting down the blush on his face. It didn’t help that Fox also had a blush on her face as well.

Seth used the moment to pounce again, using Ironside as a springboard, the heavy Luxray leapt at Fox once more. His eyes flashed to determine if it was the real one this time.

It WAS the real one this time, but to his surprise, she rolled back, and instead of taking the hit, she grabbed his paws, and promptly used his own momentum to throw him off. “Nice try, but not good enough, kitty,” she teased, before picking up her hat and dusting it off.

“Spry little thing, aren’t you?” Seth smiled. “I can keep this up all night, what about you?”

“Is that a date I hear? Alright, I can party all night if I have to. In fact, let’s get this party REALLY started!” she smiled, before throwing another smoke bomb at the ground, blanketing the room.

Seth blinked. A date? Where the hell did she get that idea from? He got flustered and completely forgot to use his X-ray vision to see through the smoke.

When the smoke cleared, there stood Fox, with her cape covering her. “And now…” she smiled, before opening the cape, revealing what was underneath it. All the Crown Jewels, suddenly in her arm.

Seth stood there, then glanced at the still closed Vault. How did she do that?... Wait...

Ironside roared as he charged again, leveling his spear at the fox. “Don’t let that thing take the Jewels. Permission to use lethal force is approved!”

“Now where have I heard that before?” Fox mused playfully as she noticed Jonathan finally freeing his paw from the webbing thanks to Heat. “Well, catch me if you can pit bull,” she taunted at Ironside, before dropping the jewels into the sack she had, and promptly used the walls to get away from the corridor.

“It’s a trick you idiot!” Seth called out, but the stallion didn’t hear him, charging after the nimble fox with his guards in tow. The Luxray sighed as he looked at the corridor. “Wait, I thought a window got broken...?”

“She must have used an illusion, AND sound effects to make us THINK she got in through the windows. She probably came in another way,” Jonathan quickly said, as he followed the Luxray. After what he had seen, he wouldn’t trust Ironside to catch a cold. The stallion obviously had ZERO experience with anything that didn’t charge like a mad Tauros, so at this point, the stallion was where Fox wanted him. A puppet dancing to her script. “Seth, check the vault again!”

“I’m on it!” the Luxray muttered as he looked into the Vault. “And as I thought, the Jewels are still inside, Ironside is just chasing his tail... no scratch that, tail chasing would be more productive...”

“Wait... what’s that?” Seth said, noticing something.

“What? What do you see?” Jonathan quickly asked.

“There’s something poking up from the floor...” he started, until more of the thing was revealed. “Its an Arceus-damned drill! She wanted us out of the room so she’d be able to steal the Crown Jewels without anyone seeing!”

“I got it!” both Jonathan and Heat said, before both hit the wall with a pair of Rock Smash attacks. However, despite lacking the enchantment, the walls were still pretty strong, and thick. Thick enough that they didn’t go far, and it left them with sore hands. Seth had an idea and begun using Charge.

“When I say now, jump into the air!” he said, as he focused his lightning into his paws.

Heat and Jonathan did just that, dodging the shockwave, just as Seth hit. The electricity traveled to where the drill was, and impacted. The electricity sparked around it and the drill lowered....only to promptly come right back.

“Dammit!” Seth growled. “Why can’t I use more powerful attacks!!”

“Try it again. You may just get him enough times!” Jonathan suggested, while Heat was backing up, intending to try again. However, as they were all too focused, nobody noticed the figure sneaking up behind Heat, and neither did he until he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, before consciousness fled.

Seth Charged again, but was too late to notice the unconscious Combusken before he unleashed another Discharge, arcs of lightning coursing across the ground and impacting the poor Fire-type.

His pained scream caught his attention, causing him to cut off the attack...just as it hit the paw that was holding the drill, badly shocking the owner of the drill too. “Plan B! Plan B!” came a pained cry from the holder of the drill, before it retreated back into the ground.

“Heat!” Jonathan shouted in worry, as he quickly went to his partner’s side. The Combusken was twitching from the attack, but otherwise unharmed.

“Sorry, but you’re gonna be joining him. Nothing personal, dude,” came a voice, just as Jonathan narrowly dodged a Leaf Blade.

“A Sceptile?” Seth jumped away, trying to put a little distance between them. Then he noticed the uniform... a very familiar one. “Wait, you’re PLA? Don’t tell me Sev put you up to this!?

Scep shrugged. “The Commander doesn’t really care what I steal, just as long as I don’t steal from him….Wait a minute, Sev? Kind of sounds informal….” His eyes widened. “You’ve met the Commander?”

“More or less,” Seth smiled as his eyes never left the Sceptile’s. “One of my mates is his daughter!”

Scep blinked a few times. “How are you still breathing?”

“Rika is much scarier,” Seth shuddered. “And Umbra more so... but why are you helping Fox? She’s not PLA is she?”

Scep fidgeted about. “Well...no, but she’s a friend. That’s all I need….Is the Commander doing okay?” His eyes softened.

“As well as he can be... oh, and thanks for giving me time to charge up!” Seth smirked as he prepared to unleash another Discharge.

However, before he could properly do so, a shot of webbing caught his foot, causing him to fall over and prematurely let the attack fly, while Scep managed to cling to the wall to avoid it.

Seth’s chin hit the floor and he grunted as his vision exploded with bright spots. He tried to get back up, but the world spun and he found himself on his side, groaning.

“Thanks Spinner...or the other one who I can’t remember, so...Spinner 2,” Scep shrugged. “So, dead mon walking,” he turned his gaze to Seth.

However, before he could decide what to do, Jonathan got between them. “I’ll be your opponent now,” the Lucario said with a ‘come here’ gesture with his paw.

“Really?” Scep chuckled. “Aww, and I was hoping for a challenge.” His arms glowed light blue and he jumped off the wall quickly with a ‘X-Scissor’ attack.

Jonathan grimaced slightly, knowing that like it or not, the Sceptile was probably at the advantage at this point. “Okay then, time to try what I’ve been practicing,” he thought, before focusing his Aura. He had been training, but no matter what, he could barely form an Aura Sphere before it blew up in his face. So instead, he tried another approach. His paws glowed an ethereal blue as the aura flooded them, enhancing his punch strength. “Try this! He shouted, before he ran at Scep with a Rock Smash.

Before they collided, Scep used Quick Attack to avoid the blow and slam his tail into the Lucario’s side. “Try that one on for size, dude.”

However, his smirk fell slightly when the stray punch left a deep hole in the nearby wall.

“That’s far from all I’ve got,” Jonathan gritted his teeth as he got up. This time he charged with a Quick Attack of his own, before jumping up, aiming at Scep with a flying kick, which also glowed the same blue as his paws had a moment ago.

“Oh shit,” Scep was all too familiar with Lucarios to know to never take a hit with a glowing limb. So, at the last second, he jumped to the side, twirled around and fired ‘Seed Bomb’.

Jonathan was unable to dodge, and took the brunt of the attack, the Lucario tumbling into a heap, even despite his higher defense. “Dammit! He’s too fast!” he growled, before the aura started to dissipate. “And I’m starting to run on empty…” he mentally groaned as the draw backs of his new technique made themselves known. “Try this!” he said, trying for one more hit. “Close Combat!”

“Leaf Storm!” Scep shot back. The PLA didn’t usually call their attacks, but habits of Pokemon you know. He wasn’t going to let that Lucario get anywhere near him.

Jonathan grit his teeth, as he pushed through the attack, slowly making his way to Scep, after what felt like an eternity for him, he reached the Sceptile, and landed a single strong hit to his chest, pushing him back a little...before the Lucario promptly collapsed, utterly exhausted.

Scep leaned down. “This is the day you almost caught, General Scep.” With a clenched hand, he knocked the Lucario’s daylights out. He then stood up and clutched his chest. “Blasted cop.”

Too bad he’d forgotten Seth, who had been given enough to to recover from his dizzy spell. “Ever wonder if lightning hits the same place twice Sceptile?” His body exploded with light as a massive bolt shot towards the Grass type.

Scep used Quick Attack to narrowly dodge the blast, feeling some of the electricity flickr over his scales. He raised a hand with a powerful Energy Ball at the ready. “Lame line, dude.” Then, he fired it right at the Luxray.

There was no way Seth could dodge and instead braced himself, taking the attack head on. The Energy Ball exploded and through the smoke, a pair of gleaming, yellow eyes shone.

“You’ll have to do better than that... dude,” Seth growled. Tonight was going just swimmingly. He crouched and leapt at the Sceptile, claws extended and fangs bared.

“Oh fuck this,” Scep swiftly jumped to the side and fired another Energy Ball. “Eat that.”

Seth’s mouth opened wide as he literally ate the attack!! He bit down on it, and the attack exploded, rendering the Luxray almost unconscious.

“Taste like crap... dude,” Seth muttered before passing out.

“Everybody’s a critic,” Scep mumbled as he looked at all the windows….He smashed one, took out a marker and quickly wrote something beside the ruined window. ‘Scep was here, fuck your windows.’ He chuckled at his own little joke and took off….after drawing mustaches on both of the mons for good measure. “Well, I did my part, hope the dudette is doing okay on her part,” he commented as he doodled on their faces.

While the battle was going on in the vault room, Ironside was chasing after Fox with the intent of a bloodhound. “Is this all you’ve got? Honestly, I think I might just fall asleep with how BORING you lot are,” she taunted. However, just as she said that, the gemstone hidden in her ear glowed, and Rascal’s voice rang out. “Plan B! Plan B,” it said, causing her to frown slightly, before brightening up again. “Oh well, at least this will be FUN,” she chuckled to herself.

Ironside smirked as Fox entered a corridor, “I have you now little street rat,” as two Unicorns at the far end sealed the room off with a spell.

“Nowhere left to run, vermin,” he sneered.

“And they make people like you honor guards? Wow, I’ve met Grimer who were more courteous,” Fox taunted as she headed straight for the sealed door, but just before she hit, the room was filled with smoke courtesy of a few more smoke bombs.

“Relax, she can’t go anywhere,” Ironside said to his troops. “Spread out and surround it, formation Delta!”

The troops nodded and they took point, placing themselves around the cloud of smoke. Unicorns had their shield-spells ready, while the Earth had their weapons pointed at the cloud.

From the cloud, a few Shadow Balls shot out in several directions, narrowly missing some of the guards. Several rookie guards fired some spells back, only to hit their companions on the opposite side with friendly fire. Iron growled and surrounded the cloud with a shield spell.

“Try and get out of that!” he goaded. “My shield is as strong as Shining Armor’s, I could contain an Alicorn if I wanted to.”

“Good thing I’m not an Alicorn then,” Fox chuckled. The voice coming from BEHIND him.

Iron turned and fired, blasting the wall behind him to dust. “ACCURSED MONSTER!”

“You DO realize that we’re considered equals to Ponies now, right?” Fox casually said, leaning against the new hole. “Thanks for the escape route by the way. Toodles,” she laughed before exiting the corridor.

Ironside facehooved and chased with his remaining guards, this thief would not escape him!

Ignis sat on the roof, a small Noibat perched on his shoulder. He listened to the commotion inside, but Seth had yet to send the signal.

“Sounds like we’re missing out on all the fun little buddy,” he chuckled.

“Can’t really be helped. We’re out here on intercepting duty. Our job is to wait incase she gets out, so we can catch her by surprise,” Echo the Noibat shrugged.

Ignis turned, this was the first time he’d heard the little bat speak.

“...You’re a girl?”

“So I am. What of it?” Echo blinked.

Ignis shrugged, causing the little bat to flutter her wings to stay perched. “Nothing really, just had Noivern trouble in the past... Sorry, I meant no disrespect little lady.”

“None taken. Not much I can do if another Noivern or Noibat caused you trouble,” Echo shrugged.

Ignis looked down at the Palace, “I wonder why Seth hasn’t sent a signal yet...?”

“Come to think of it...I haven’t heard anything from Jonathan. You don’t think…” at this they both looked at each other. “Time to step in?”

“Time to step in,” Ignis confirmed as he took off from the roof and glided down to the ground. “Let’s hope things haven’t gone to hell yet...”

“Knowing Fox...it probably already has...one way or another…” Echo groaned.

“Goddammit,” Ignis muttered as he flew down the hall, his wings grazing the walls and he made a tight turn into the area with the Vault, and saw a Sceptile standing over Seth’s unconscious form.

“You... BURN!!” Ignis roared as he fired a Flamethrower at the grass lizard.

“Huh?” Scep got up from drawing a mustache and glasses on Seth, before ducking underneath the flames. “SWEET ARCEUS!” He got back up and shook his fist. “Watch it next time, JERK!”

“FIRE BLAST!” Ignis roared again, the fire star leaving no room to avoid in the narrow hallway.

“WINDOW!” Scep jumped out the broken window. He sighed. “Thank the engineers for windows. I’ll never break one again…..” He smashed the one next to him. “Okay, after that….maybe.”

Ignis snorted and placed Echo down, “Look after these two okay? I have a lizard to barbeque!” He flared his wings and blasted through the wall, glass and debris raining down on the courtyard. He floated there for a moment, the moon behind him as his eyes glowed red.

“You hurt my brother... I hope you chose some wise final words.”

“Oh that?” Scep chuckled nervously. “That was just some fun and games….I mean, if it was serious, I’d have killed him. Done it before, but I didn’t...He’ll be fine in the morning….AND I’LL BE LONG GONE!” He ran for it.

“I like games too,” Ignis smiled, showing his razor sharp teeth. “It’s called... “BURN THE SCEPTILE!!” He roared and fired a volley of Incinerate attacks, smaller, but faster and more numerous. They rained like hell fire towards the Grass pokemon.

“FUCK!” Scep jumped out of the way of one blast. “THIS!” Scep somersaulted backwards, avoiding another few shots. “GAME!” He growled, summoning power within him. With a final jump, he braced himself and fired a ‘Hyper Beam’ straight at Ignis.

Ignis took the attack, exploding in a cloud of smoke and crashing to the ground. All was silent for a moment, save for the commotion inside the castle. Until an unsettling laugh could be heard...

The cloud of smoke dissipated as Ignis roared, it’s strength enough to shake the ground. “HAHA!! FINALLY. A REAL CHALLENGE!” he looked at Sceptile and bared his fangs. He raised his fists and slammed them into the ground. “BLAST BURN!!”

Scep used Quick Attack to avoid the explosion….”OW!” He held his tail, with the end caught on fire. He blew on it until it went out and then glared at Ignis. “You want a challenge, dude?” He rolled his shoulders, letting go of his tail. “I’ve face tougher dudes in Raziel’s service. Bring it, lizard.” He fired two Energy Balls.

Ignis leapt into the air and gave a powerful flap of his wings, “AIR SLASH!” the blades of wind sliced their way towards Scep, reducing a tree to toothpicks in the process.

Scep raised his arms up in a ‘Protect’’ move. A dome of blue energy formed around him, taking the brunt of the attack. He grunted, but held. He dismissed both and smirked. “Sorry, dude. I’m not a general of the PLA for nothing. LEAF STORM!”

Ignis again took the attack, but he had considerable resistance to Grass moves due to his typing. “I’ll give you credit for trying your luck, despite your type disadvantage, you have my respect for that...” Ignis raised a hand as he used Sunny Day, the bright ball of light shone artificial sunlight down on the battlefield. “But you’re done, SEARING FLAMETHROWER!”

His boosted flame, now glowing white hot, arced towards the Sceptile.

Scep used Quick Attack again, narrowly dodging the attack. “HA! You…” He looked back at his flaming tail. “DUDE! What the hell?!!” He quickly brought it up to put it out. “You’re going to burn my tail off!” He growled and fired another Hyper Beam...

Back with Fox, she was playing one of her favorite games: Make the police chase you to stupid lengths. “Geez, are you even trying? I’ve seen Slugma move faster than you guys,” Fox taunted as she led them around the castle.

“They are kinda slow,” a chirpy voice said from behind her.

Fox blinked, and turned around, but only saw an empty corridor.

“So... watcha doooing?” the voice said again, a small pink head emerging from her mane. Two bright blue eyes stared at her and a small smile crossed the Sylveon’s face.

“...I’m not sure if I should wonder how you got in there without me noticing, or squee at how positively adorable you are,” Fox commented as she continued to run, not really concerned at the ponies chasing after her with the single mindedness of a guided missile.

“I dunno, a friend taught me to do it... I don’t understand all the technical stuff though... something about walls...” She blinked and then hugged the Zoroark. “Ah, so fluffy~ Sethy is fluffy, but you’re fluffier!!”

“Why thank you, I quite like the fluff too. One of the things I like about being turned into a Zoroark,” Fox chuckled as they conversed despite the chase.

“Oh, so you’re a human?” Rika asked. “Ah, that’s right, silly me... I’m supposed to stop you from being naughty…” a smile crossed the Sylveon’s face as her ribbons wrapped tighter. “Unless you want to be naughty?”

“With that look, I almost feel tempted. But I think I’ll keep being naughty. Bye!” Fox said, before turning a corner...in such a way that Rika’s face met a pillar, throwing the Sylveon off.

“The face? AGAIN!?” Rika groaned as she clutched her head. She staggered up and fired a wild Moonblast, which missed Fox by mere inches, singing her fur and blasting Ironside right in the face...

The stallion stumbled back, knocking his own guards over like bowling pins. From his perspective, it looked like Fox had fired the blast.

“Thanks for the assist!” Fox quickly said with a laugh as she ran down the hall. She could hardly wait, as she was getting close to the final act. With that in mind, she took a turn, heading straight back to the vault.

In the Palace throne room, Celestia and Luna sat, as the symphony of destruction reverberated throughout their castle.

“Do you suppose everything is going well?” Luna asked, munching on some popcorn. Truly, buttered popcorn was as good as any ambrosia.

“It does sound quite lively,” Celestia agreed as she sipped her tea. “I just hope they don’t break any-”

The distant sound of a window shattering caused the Alicorn to groan. She floated a crystal over and activated the surveillance system, just in time to see Ironside blow a wall out, along with the rather old painting that attached to said wall.

“And I liked that painting too,” Celestia sighed. “Clover gave it to me.”

“The picture quality of this new system is nice,” Grissom commented as Luna hoofed over some popcorn. “Gotta hand it to those Crystal Ponies, they really know their stuff.”

“Not the Twilight window!” Celestia yelled at the crystal, before sighing and pouting. “That one was special...”

Seth groaned as he slowly got up. Several guards had shown up, and were helping Jonathan, along with Heat who had come too a few seconds ago.

“Stop chasing her,” Seth groaned, as Ironside scowled at them... again. The stallion had chased Fox into the room, but she’d vanished, perhaps out one of the broken... windows...

“They broke the windows... and a wall...” Ironside was done. He had been chasing that damned thief all night and now he just wanted to go home, have a stiff drink and lay with his wife.

“She’s baiting you,” Seth said. “She doesn’t have the Jewels, she never did. They’re still inside the Vault.”

“He’s right! For the love of Arceus, listen for once!” Heat quickly added when he saw the look on Ironside’s face.

“Nonsense! We all saw it! She had the jewels!” The stallion walked over to the Vault and pulled out a crystal, one that held a powerful, magical glow. “This is crystalised magic from Princess Celestia, an emergency key if you will.” He pressed it against the door as the runes lit up and the door slid open.

“You idiot-” Seth moved to stop him, but he was in too much pain.

“I’ll prove I’m right!” Ironside yelled as the door opened, and revealed the Jewels sitting there. Ironside blinked and shook his head. “No.. impossible...”

“You fool! You just played into her hands!” Jonathan shouted as he tried to run to the vault, but nearly fell over as his body was still sore from the beating it took.

“And such a gentleman too, opening the door for a lady~” came Fox’s voice, before another smoke bomb rolled into the vault, covering it with smoke.

“Dammit! Echo, use Gust!” Jonathan barked, and Echo did just that, parting the smoke a little and revealing Fox standing with the Crown Jewels behind her.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all to our grand finale,” Fox chuckled.

“I will NOT be beaten by some low bred criminal!!!” Ironside roared, before lunging at her like a rabid dog. However, she didn’t seem concerned in the slightest, as with a simple duck, he sailed right over her, and smashed right into the stands holding the Crown Jewels, launching them into the air.

Seth’s reaction was interesting. He was dizzy, the world was spinning like a Hitmontop on Red Tauros and his reaction came from pure, base instinct. He slammed a paw into the ground as a fuzzy, yellow mist begun to roll forth, arcs of lightning sparking up as everyone present felt a pleasant tingling on their feet. The Jewels suddenly paused in mid-flight, simply hovering there as the magnetic field generated by Seth’s Lightning Terrain held them in place.

“Heh... floatyyy~” Seth giggled as he fell to the floor.

Fox however seemed unconcerned, and blowing Jonathan one last kiss, had her cape envelop her like a large black tornado, before said tornado enveloped the falling crown jewels, before it twisted, and flew right out of the vault and out one of the broken windows, pulling the bits of broken glass with it. And by the time anyone could get their bearings, Fox had already left the building...and left the windows repaired somehow.

“I hate to say this, but that IS pretty impressive,” Heat commented.

Just as he said that, Ironside stumbled out of the vault, right as a small card fluttered down, and into his face. Reading it, it said, ‘As promised, the Crown Jewels are mine. Adieu’. The card was promptly incinerated.

Outside, the battle raged on between Scep and Ignis, the mighty dragon firing a boosted Fire Blast, but was intercepted by Shade and Rascal, both using Protect and were barely able to fend off the attack. It didn’t help either that both looked a little frazzled, like they had been in a fight before this.

“How the hell are you still alive?” Rascal gasped. The Fire Blast exploded and the smoke gave the three the opportunity to escape.

Scep gave the Charizard one last look. “Yeah... fuck this,” he bolted along with his partners, leaving Ignis to roar in the distance.

“Have fun dear?” Shade giggled as they ran.

“I SO WON THIS FIGHT!” Scep yelled back at Ignis. “Don’t mess with the PLA!”

“Dude,” Rascal pointed out. “Your ass is on fire...”

“FUCK!” Scep turned to blow out his tail….again. “I’ll get that overgrown lizard.” He activated his Leaf Blade.

Another roar from Ignis told Rascal and Shade that it was time to go. “Just forget it and run, you ain’t got much tail left!” the Weavile yelled.

Scep growled and recalled his attack. He glanced at his teammates and then at Ignis’ direction. He roared in frustration. “NEXT TIME! YOU HEAR ME?!! NEXT TIME!” He shook his fist and took off.

Rika had eventually stumbled across Seth and woken him up, the two had finally made their way outside, and though Seth still had Fox’s scent, but she’d be a good distance away now.

He still had an ace up his sleeve though, as Selena alked upto him. She gave her trainer the once over and nodded.

“She’s crafty I take it?”

Relax, she has Sethy now, “Eeyup,” Seth muttered. he tapped the white stone on his collar as it erupted with light. The same light emerged from the stone around Selena’s neck. “Selena,” Seth said, “MEGA SHINKA!”

As Fox ran, a brilliant glow could be seen coming from the Palace grounds.

“What does that light mean?” Spinner asked her.

“That we should run a lot faster,” Fox replied. Though she had to admit, she was having the time of her life right now. She almost laughed when her remaining team, along with a rather singed Scep caught up with them.

“What happened to you?” she asked the Sceptile. “Decide to work on your tan?”

“I was fighting a damn fire lizard!” Scep snapped, he glared back at the distance. “NEXT TIME! I’LL BRING YOU DOWN!”

“You first!” A voice said from not far behind him as the Mega Absol was hot on their heels.

Scep growled and fired Bullet Seed. The Mega Absol easily leapt over it, before she fired a Hyper Beam at them.

“Hit the deck!” Fox shouted as they all dove for cover, the Hyper Beam impacting behind them, sending them tumbling away with the resulting explosion. Groaning as she got to her feet, Fox idly commented. “I don’t suppose I can get you to leave us alone, can I?”

The shake she got was all the reply she needed. “Fine then. Time for our new secret weapon, she said, as she reached into the fur around her neck, and pulled something out. When Selena saw what it was, her eyes widened in shock and horror.

Seth was chasing after Selena, when he saw a bright flash, followed by an explosion.

“What the hell? Did Selena just blow her up?” He ran as fast as he could, but given his injuries, that was performed with all the grace of a drunk Mankey.

When he got to the scene, he found Selena out cold on the ground, while there was no sign of the Fox gang.

“Selena!?” he rushed over to her, checking her for serious injuries. Her Mega Evolution had worn off, and she had several scrapes and minor cuts... but she seemed okay for the most part. “What could have done this to you?”

Meanwhile... Ignis sat in the destroyed courtyard and huffed. “Stupid lizard... I wasn’t done turning him into a lantern.”

Seth had revived Selena, a mild jolt got her going again, but the Absol didn’t even remember what happened. All she remembered was Fox pulling something out, and thats it. If she did know, well, she wasn’t telling for some reason.

Seth sighed as he stared back at the castle, and the numerous plumes of smoke rising from it. How the Princesses themselves hadn’t gotten involved yet was beyond him. Maybe they were really heavy sleepers. Still...

“The Princess is gonna be soooo pissed we wrecked her Palace though...”

After the heist had taken place, Seth and Jonathan walked towards the throne room, both preparing their rehearsed apologies for failing to capture Fox, when the sound of angry voices erupted from the throne room.

“It was those blasted Pokemon!” Ironside defended himself, with the Council behind him, none too pleased about being woken up to this particular turn of events. “If those creatures hadn’t gotten in the way, then the thief would be behind bars where she belongs!”

“Really now?” Luna deadpanned, unamused. “We would have thought that with assistance, even you would not be able to, how do you say... ah, screw it up!”

Ironside just blinked.

“This is quite the mess,” Celestia sighed. “And I would like to know exactly how the Vault was opened in the first place? Given that only I can open it.”

“Well uh,” Ironside sweated as he looked to the Council for help, but they decided that the ceiling offered an interesting view.

Seth cleared his throat as he walked in, earning quite a few glares and a few mischievous smiles. Well, time to go to work.

“So,” Seth started. “Would you like to hear our report Princess?”

“We certainly would,” Luna said as she suppressed the wicked grin that threatened to appear on her face.

“Alright. At 22 hundred hours, Fox entered the vault room. Her exact method of entry is unknown, as she used an illusion to appear as though she entered through a window. Upon her appearance, Captain Ironside appeared to dogpile her, but I believe what he dogpiled was an illusion, as she appeared right next to him. Following a few provocations, ending with Fox seemingly having taken the Crown Jewels from out of the vault, Captain Ironside proceeded to take ALL the guards in the room with him in a mad chase after Fox, falling right into her hands, as the Crown Jewels we saw proved to have been only illusions, as Seth can confirm, due to seeing into the vault,” Jonathan reported.

“Indeed,” Seth nodded. An attempt was made to tunnel in from under the Vault, but I managed to thwart that, only we were then attacked by one of Fox’s assistants. And since the helpful ‘Guard’ here was trying to apprehend a ghost, Officer Trace and I were unfortunately overcome, due to our opponent being a highly skilled fighter from the PLA. What occured after that is a bit of a blur to me I’m afraid.”

“PLA?” Luna echoed. “Perhaps I shall have a talk with Sev about this.”

“The chase the Guards here gave caused quite a bit of collateral damage, as well as greatly hindering the process. Phantom Fox was able to steal the real Jewels when Captain Ironside opened the Vault himself.”

“The Captain opened it?” Celestia turned her magenta eyes towards the now panicking stallion. “Captain Ironside, can you explain?”

“Well, I uh...”

“The Council gave him permission to access the Vault,” one of the nobles stated. “In the event of a worst case scenario, the Jewels were to be taken to an undisclosed location for safe keeping.”

“I did not ask that,” Celestia replied. “I want to know how he opened the Vault.”

“With some sort of key,” Seth said. “All he did was press it up against the door.”

“He also said it was apparently some kind of crystallized magic. Your magic to be precise. I assumed he had gotten it from you,” Jonathan simply said.

“My... magic?” Celestia’s mane suddenly shifted from its gentle pastel colours to a raging inferno. The heat could be felt throughout the entire room as she turned her glowering glare to the Council.


“We.. ah...” The designate speaker was far too terrified to speak. he’d committed the worst atrocity possible, betraying the trust of Princess Celestia. “It was them,” he said pointing at the rest of the Council. “I’m sorry Princess, I didn’t want to do it, but the others insisted it was for the greater good.”

“Traitor!” one of them spat, only to realise what he’d said. “Oh buck!”

“YOU STOLE MY MAGIC!?” This was one of the greatest insults to any magic user, and for these privileged-born fools to steal the magic of Celestia herself? To her great credit though, the mare slowly calmed down, her blazing mane turning to a sweet, pastel pink. She would go to her happy-place later... but as for now?

“The theft of the Jewels is of little consequence now,” Celestia said, her voice was straining to remain calm and Seth saw that her heart was still racing. “Captain Grissom, if you would?”

“With pleasure,” The Thestral grinned, his fangs glinting in the light. “To all members of the Council. You will be placed under arrest for treason against Her Majesty, Princess Celestia and Her Majesty, Princess Luna. You will be stripped of your titles and nobility and incarcerated until such time that a formal trial can be arranged.”

“You can’t do this!” one shouted. “It’s an abuse of your power-”

This time, Luna’s voice exploded throughout the room. “POWER YOU STOLE FROM MY SISTER! IF IT WERE THE DAYS OF OLD, I WOULD SEE YOU ALL HANG!!”

“Ironside!” Celestia said, her nerves under control... for the most part. “You are my Captain of the Guard, the one to succeed Former Captain Shining Armor... He would be most displeased to see this turn of events...”

Those words cut deeper than any blade. Iron respected Shining Armor more that anything. And now... he would never receive that respect in return.

“You have shown both incompetence, and disrespect of fellow officers, one of which actually had a plan to prevent the theft of the jewels, that might have worked... had you taken the time to listen to him! Effective immediately, you are demoted to the rank of Private, and will be re-deployed for border patrol.”

“The border!?” Ironside cried. “But.. I will not see my family for months! Please Your Majesty, have leniency!”

Seth sighed, the guy was a pompous idiot and really had this coming... but still. The Luxray turned to Celestia and nodded his head.

“I request that Officer Ironside remain here in Canterlot!” he said. “I know how it feels to lose family, and to fight for what you truly believe is right. Officer Ironside is misguided, and that has caused his ability as a Guard to suffer. Therefore, I request that Private Ironside be drafted into the Pokemon Corps, as a liaison between Pokemon and Equus-born citizens.”

“I support Officer Crescent’s request. Despite his...shortcomings, Private Ironside HAS shown dedication that is...rare amongst many officers...at least back on Earth. It would be a waste of good help,” Jonathan nodded.

Celestia closed her eyes for a moment, before a small smile crossed her face. “Well Ironside, it would appear that you have made an impression, though whether it is a positive one or not remains to be seen. You have abused my trust, the trust I grant all my little ponies.” Celestia crossed the room and climbed to her throne. “I am not infallible, and tonight proves that more than anything... What has transpired here is my fault, for giving you power you could not use wisely.”

Ironside shook his head, “No Princess! It’s not your fault. Please don’t blame yourself for my failings!”

Celestia nodded her head, “You have been granted a lifeline Ironside, but it is your decision to take it.”

Ironside looked at Seth and Jonathan, the two Pokemon that despite everything, offered him a chance to prove himself and keep his family. “I’ll do it Your Majesty. And I thank Lord Seth and Lord Jonathan for their unparalleled generosity.”

“Okay, now you're just being a ham,” Seth laughed.

“But in all seriousness, next time someone tries to help or gives you advice, listen to them first. Its incredible what kind of trouble could have been avoided if people had listened to each other,” Jonathan sighed.

“...I, I will strive to be a better stallion. One worthy of being called a Solar Guard!” He saluted the two Pokemon, who returned his gesture.

Celestia nodded and smiled, though that smile vanished when she looked back to the Council. “My verdict on you still stands... unless Seth has other opinions.”

Seth shook his head. “I got nothing, do what you will Princess.”

Several members gulped as Celestia looked back to them. “Well, then my decision stands. Your valuables will be passed onto next of kin and your land and titles revoked. Your families will not pay for this disgrace, the blames lies with you and you alone. A new Council will be appointed in the next few weeks, by way of public vote, rather than based on suggestions by nobility. Captain Grissom, please escort these ponies to their cells!”

“With pleasure, Your Majesty,” he grinned.

“We will not stand for this!” one shouted and turned to run, only to face a Luxray and Lucario. Both brandishing their badges.

“Yeah... I don’t think so,” Seth said.

“And if you’ve got any further complaints at this point, I think our friends would be willing to have a word with you,” Jonathan smirked, as their respective Pokemon teams walked into the room. “Feeling like trying your luck?”

“...We surrender,” one mare said.

Once the Council had been escorted out and Jonathan had been relieved. Seth stayed behind to speak with his three employers a bit more. His told his Pokemon to head home, saying that he’d be along on a bit. Once alone, the four individuals looked silently at one another for a few moments before Seth finally broke the ice.

“Well, the theft aside, that was certainly a turn of events that I didn’t expect.”

“I cannot believe they stole my magic,” Celestia said. She’d examined the crystal they’d used, discovering that it had been one that could absorb an aura just by contact. It could have easily been hidden in a vase, or a teapot, and with a simple levitation spell form Celestia, her magical imprint would have been recorded. “I knew that the Council were a scheming lot, but to resort to this?”

“Tis a great breach of trust, privacy and violation of their power.” Luna added, “And they shall be punished accordingly.”

“Where did I go wrong?” Celestia sighed, looking quite weary. “What did I do to make them resort to such things?”

“You have done nothing wrong,” Seth replied, offering the mare a comforting smile. “Some people... just cannot handle the responsibilities that come with power. I’m sure they simply did what they thought was right.”

“You have great compassion Seth,” Grissom said. “Even to those that have done wrong.”

“Not really,” the Luxray replied. “If they had been human, I’d have chalked it up to greed and be done with it. But you ponies... I can’t simply sterotype you like that, well... aside from a select few,” his mind wandered to a certain Unicorn locked deep in the dungeon. “Such behaviour does not suit you guys.”

“I think you for your kind word Mr. Crescent,” Celestia yawned. “And with that, i believe it is time to adjourn this meeting. The morn will bring it’s own plate of issues I’m sure.”

“Eeyup,” Seth said. “Fun times ahead indeed. Have a good night Princess Celestia, and you as well Princess Luna.”

“Thank you,” the sisters repied before leavving the two males alone, retiring to their chambers.

After bidding Grissom goodnight, the Luxray headed home, though something had been bothering him. Amidst the chaos, he’d picked up Fox’s scent, and something about it seemed vaguey familiar somehow...

Once he had gotten home and retired to bed, he found that he hadn’t been able to get much sleep that night, due to the night being long gone and by the time he hit the hay, the sun was due in an hour or so.

“I really hope this crap isn’t a regular occurrence,” he moaned. “As fun as it was...”

“Fun my butt,” Rika grumbled from her snuggled spot in his fur. “My face still hurts...” Seth chuckled and leaned over, licking her nose until she giggled.

“Okay, if I’m going to function at all tomorrow, I need sleep...” Seth laid his head on the pillow, only to hear a crash from downstairs and some shouting from Titania and Christine. Rika slowly backed away as Seth got off of the bed, his body crackling with lightning...

“Be right back, I have two Pokemon that need to be told when to shut up...”

Rika and Fritter just sat on the bed and waited until the sound of a thundercrack could be heard and Seth came back upstairs.

“Better?” she asked.

“Better,” Seth responded before falling asleep, a little Sylveon and a cute Earth Pony in his paws.

Author's Note:

What's this? Double Feature!? BOOYA!!

Editor’s note
tdnpony - A fun chapter that I had fun writing. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Zues - ERROR 404! Comment not Found
Aus - So much fun, I really love Alice~

This was really fun. Onwards to the next chapter!!

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