• Published 11th Jun 2015
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Celestia's Rocket Adventures - Snake Staff

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

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“Alright, Celestia!” James called out, posing dramatically with fist clenched. “Use Solar Beam!”

Celestia reached deep inside herself, dipping into the great, churning ocean that was her magical power. In her mind, waves the size of tsunamis rose up and crashed against her skull, flowing up through it and into her elegant horn. Simultaneously, she called on the vast power of the star burning millions of miles away, willing it to flow through her, to mix with her magic. She felt the sunlight bathing her body in its and relished it, even as she prepared to channel its immense energy into a coherent beam of destruction.

Celestia lowered her head, leveled her horn at her target, closed her eyes, and willed the power to be unleashed.

Nothing happened.

Behind her, James lost his balance and tumbled backwards into the sand.

“Well, uh…” He sat up, scratching behind his head. “Twenty-sixth time’s the charm?”

Celestia sighed a little. Team Rocket was presently encamped on a beach just south of Cyllage City. The day was warm and sunny, the skies above clear and blue. Like any good employees, the trio were here obediently following the orders of their superiors to set up for a victory party. After, that is, they had been caught attempting to surreptitiously follow Cassidy and her partner on their plan. Twelve separate times.

Never ones to give up easily, Jessie, James, and Meowth had decided to take a little time to train themselves and their Pokemon on the beach before giving it a thirteenth go. That decision was only slightly influenced by the fact that Cassidy and… whatever his name was had threatened to call Giovanni the next time they caught the trio anywhere within twenty miles of them. Around her, Pumpkaboo and Inkay sparred with one another under Jessie’s direction. Wobbuffet stood a safe distance from the princess herself, ready to practice his counterattacks against whatever she threw at him. As for Meowth… he was busy mutilating sand drawings of the other Team Rocket duo.

“Alright,” James picked himself up. “Let’s try again! We’re going to try this move again and again until you’ve got it just perfectly, even if we’re out here all week! Rain or shine, night or day, we won’t give up! Neither hunger nor fatigue nor tsunamis nor a plague of the undead will stop us! Because,” he held both fists up high as flames from nowhere seemed to envelope him. “We are TEAM ROCKET!”

At least, Celestia reflected as sweat rolled down the back of her neck, it was a nice day.

The cool light of early morning found a certain tall, red-haired man walking down a serene forest path. All around him, droplets of dew glistened like a million shimmering diamonds, rolling gently off of deep green leaves. The faint sounds of slowly rising Pokemon could be heard – the chirping of Fletchling, the buzzing of Combee, Nincada scurrying back into their burrows, and many more. Lysandre took it all in with a relaxed smile on his face.

It did his heart good to get out every so often. Between secret plans to do the unthinkable and constant reminders of the selfish stupidity of so much of the world, it would be easy to become a brooding shut-in who thought of nothing but anger and hatred. Those things were important, to be sure, but it was also good to remember exactly what he was fighting for. A beautiful, clean world untouched by the ravages of time and greed. A future that would be worth living in. An eternal, unchanging world of beauty and peace. A heaven on earth.

Lysandre clenched one gloved fist, eyes alight, as he let the world’s beauty wash over him and reinvigorate his spirit. Yes, he was doing the right thing. There could be no doubt about it. He could not let this purity be despoiled and ravaged, forever lost to the universe. It didn’t matter what he had to do to stop it – anything was justified.

At that moment, Lysandre looked down at the Poke Balls around his waist and thought of all the friends he had made. The times they had shared, good and bad. Then he thought about what was coming, and what he would have to do. For just a moment his expression wavered, his clenched fist opened and closed again and again. For just a heartbeat, he hesitated.

And then both of his fists clenched twice as hard.

Lysandre snorted and redoubled his pace, good mood now vanished. What had he been thinking, coming out here? He had too much work to do. There was far too much at stake in the coming days for him to be taking pleasure walks. Perhaps such things weren’t as good for his heart as he’d imagined. Perhaps they instilled too much soft-hearted weakness, hampered his ability to do what had to be done. He resolved to make this his last one until after the plan was finished.

He made his way back the way he had come at a brisk pace, sweeping by the trees and shrubs and small Pokemon surrounding the trail without a second thought. Lysandre’s mind instead focused on the day ahead, and the many tasks he needed to complete. There was business for Lysandre Labs, business for Team Flare, police to bribe, operations to plan… so much yet remained to be done. And, as the last descendent of Kalos’ ancient royalty, it was on him to do all of it.

Lysandre was so busy planning out the days ahead that he almost didn’t notice a small glint in the dirt ahead of him.

“Well…” Lysandre froze in mid-step, before pulling back slightly. “What have we here?” He knelt down, running a finger along a thin shimmering strand in the dirt. “High quality fiber mesh… surrounding earth suggesting very recent movements…” He stood up tall, looking around. “I take it I’m about to be ambus–”

Out of nowhere a pair of powerful brown arms wrapped around Lysandre’s midsection, pulling him roughly up against something furry. At the same moment the crushing grip was being applied, a blue glow enveloped the Poke Balls around his waist. They flew off, disappearing into one of the many bushes surrounding the forest trails. A moment later two humans and a yellow Pokemon rose up from it.

“Good job, Hypno,” the green-haired man said, snatching the floating Poke Balls from the Pokemon’s psychic grip.

“Primeape,” the blonde woman said. “Be a dear and squeeze our clever guest a little.”

Lysandre grimaced as the pressure around his arms and midsection intensified to levels just short of rib-cracking. All around him, the bushes rustled as more occupants stood up and revealed themselves. More than a dozen men and women in black uniforms emblazoned with great red R’s surrounded the leader of Team Flare, grins and smirks decorating their faces.

“You thought you were pretty clever spotting our net, didn’t you?” the green-haired man taunted. “But Team Rocket always has a Plan B!”

“So you’re…” Lysandre gritted his teeth against the pain, only one eye open. “More Team Rocket filth?”

“You got that right!” the blonde woman answered, glancing at her partner. “So prepare for trouble!

“And while you’re at it, make it double!”

“Now!” The duo put their backs to one another. “Here’s our mission, so you’d better listen!”

“To infect the world with devastation!”

“To blight all peoples in every nation!”

“To denounce the goodness of truth and love!”

“To extend our wrath to the stars above!”


“And it’s Butch!”

“Team Rocket circles the earth day and night!”

“So surrender to us now or prepare to fight fight fight!”

“Shuck-uckle!” a small Pokemon at Butch’s feet added cheerfully.

The forest was silent for a moment, as Butch and Cassidy held their poses acrobatically, before coming down gently. The duo wore triumphant smiles on their faces.

“Well well,” Cassidy laughed. “How the mighty have fallen!”

“This was even easier than I thought!” Butch continued. “The boss is going to promote us for sure!”

The duo hive-fived one another. Primeape squeezed a little more, and Lysandre winced again.

“Is that… what you think?” He managed, despite the pain. “Well… Cassidy and Butch…”

“THE NAME IS BUTCH, YOU GOT IT?!” Butch screamed. A moment later, he blinked. “Oh yeah, that’s what you said…”

Lysandre opened both eyes, glaring at the two with an intensity enough make even them flinch.

“This is the worst mistake you’ve ever made in your miserable lives. And now I’ll show you exactly why.”

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