• Published 11th Jun 2015
  • 17,636 Views, 3,634 Comments

Celestia's Rocket Adventures - Snake Staff

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

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Punishment and Reward

High up in the clouds, a black aircraft was soaring through the skies at a moderate pace. After almost fatally overtaxing the engines to get from Kanto to Kalos in the shortest possible time, Team Rocket’s pilots were taking it easier on the return trip. Giovanni sat in his private cabin, feeling generally content about the results of his trip. The primary objective had been achieved, and more still besides… but he hadn’t gotten to where he was now by ignoring either loose ends or potential opportunities for greater profit. The door behind him opened softly, white boots treading lightly on the lush carpeted floor. Team Rocket’s leader didn’t need to turn around to see who it was.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” Domino asked, standing behind her boss at a respectful distance.

“Indeed I did,” Giovanni replied softly, “I have a special task for you.”

“How may I be of service?” she replied.

“I’m not stupid, and neither are you,” Giovanni said, closing his eyes. “First that strange Pokémon, that… Celestia shows up out of nowhere in the possession of three of the biggest bunglers in Team Rocket. The next, they’re suddenly achieving things far outside their usual weight class, bringing down a lunatic wielding at least two Legendary Pokémon and perhaps saving the entire world in the process, then resigning out of the blue after years of unanswering loyalty. And what’s more, that boy they’ve been chasing shows up with another completely unknown but highly similar Pokémon specimen at around the same time. You saw how they reacted upon running into each other?”

“The purple one hugged the white one underground, then talked to it first once they got back to the surface,” Domino answered him.

“Precisely,” Team Rocket’s leader opened his eyes again, hands folded in front of his face. “The two of them know each other. None of this can be a coincidence. There must be something very special about these strange new Pokémon.” He eyed her. “I want to know what that is.”

“Consider it done, sir,” Domino said, a jetpack already firmly fastened to her back.

“Very good,” he nodded. “You have my leave to proceed.”

The blonde-haired woman saluted, then stepped out of his compartment, sealing the door behind her. A moment later, he heard a sudden hiss, followed immediately by a momentary roar of air, and finally a click and another hiss.

Giovanni smirked.

Back at the clearing, Jessie and James produced three red and white orbs alongside two grey and black ones, huddling in a circle with Meowth around them.

“Well, ‘dese are all of Lysandre’s Pokémon, ‘cept da big blue one,” the white cat noted quietly.

“So, what do we do with them?” James put a hand on his chin. “Celestia, any ideas?”

The only answer came in the form of a loud snore from behind him. The white alicorn was lying flat across the ground, eyes closed and rainbow hair quiescent. Her purple companion was close at hand, awake but only barely so if he was any judge.

“Well, I guess anyone would be tuckered out after all of that.” He shrugged.

“We don’t need her for a moral compass anyway,” Jessie declared confidently. “We’ve always been bad at being bad, so it stands to reason that we must be good at being good!”

“Right!” the other two nodded.

“So, first thing’s first,” the magenta-haired woman picked up both Dark Balls, “the easy part.” She weighed one in each hand. “This one’s empty,” she declared of the one in her left.

“Dat must be da one for da big creepy red and black bird.”

“Well, not anymore,” Jessie declared, crushing it in her fist and letting the pieces fall to the earth.

“So that other one must be for Xerneas,” James said. “And we know it’s in there.”

“You know,” Jessie stared at it, briefly, “If we called the boss – er, Giovanni – right now and told him that we have this, not only would he forgive us for lying to him, he’d probably make us admins on the spot.”

“A few weeks ago, we’d have done dat in a heartbeat,” Meowth observed.

The three looked at each other again. Jessie sighed, then tossed the Dark Ball over her shoulder. Nearby Pokémon and humans alike flinched and scooted back as the enormous blue and black deer appeared, lying limp on its side and covered in injuries. Jessie crushed that sphere as well with one hand, then stood up putting one hand on her hip. She stared at Xerneas as the now-familiar dark energy crackled across its body.

“I could catch that thing right now,” she mused while her fellows stood up behind her. “Toss a Poke Ball at it on the spot and claim a Legendary Pokémon for myself.” Jessie frowned. “But I… don’t want to. Why?” she looked down at her own hands. “What has gotten into me?”

“Maybe…” James was also frowning, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “Do you remember Dustox?”

“Of course I do, don’t insult me!” Jessie snapped at him. “How could I ever forget her?”

“Well, you remember that feeling telling you that it was time to let her go?”

“Yes,” Jessie looked down a little.

“Well maybe there’s a time and place for catching Pokémon, and a time to let them go. Whatever the boss would say,” James mused. “Maybe some Pokémon just aren’t right to catch. At least not by us, not right now. Maybe that’s what we’ve learned.”

“Or maybe ya two dunces knew it all along,” Meowth chimed in. “Otherwise how do ya explain what ya did wid’ Arbok and Weezing?”

“That’s a good point,” James said.

“Then what drove us to do what we’re doing if we already knew this stuff a long time ago?” Jessie looked frustrated. “We didn’t quit Team Rocket after that, why did we do it now?” She rubbed her forehead and stamped her foot. “Why does introspection make my head hurt?”

“Maybe it was her,” James looked back at Celestia, who continued to snore in the background. “Maybe… she was better than us, and just being around her made us want to be better. To be more like her.”

“That’s stupid. I don’t want to be a frilly-looking toy horse!” Jessie crossed her arms.

“Yeah, sounds like a load a’ baloney ta me,” Meowth nodded, paws on hips.

“It was just a guess!” James waved his hands in front of his face.

“Ya know, I tink it was ‘cause we were da ones doin’ da world savin’ dis time,” Meowth said. “We got a chance to be da good guys free an’ clear, and now bein’ bad don’t seem like so much fun anymore.”

“You guys really have changed, haven’t you?” came a familiar voice from behind them.

“Huh?” all three turned around.

Kneeling beside Twilight – who appeared to have finally collapsed into slumber herself – was none other than Ash Ketchum. He had a bottle of potion in one hand and a little yellow rodent by his legs and was spraying some of the medicine onto the purple alicorn’s more prominent wounds. Once that was done, he sprayed what was left of the bottle onto Celestia.

“Thanks for the potion, twerp,” James said brusquely. “But what do you mean by that?”

“You’re thinking,” he said. “When was the last time you did that?”

All three ex-Team Rocket members collapsed to the ground.

“Says the brat who’s been falling for the cheapest disguises in the goodwill section all way back to Kanto!” James yelled at him.

“Hey, those disguises are really tricky!” Ash yelled back, curling a fist.

“You’ve been fooled by me dressed up as a Sunflora!” Meowth barked. “Do I look like a Sunflora ta you?!”

“Pikapi,” Pikachu interjected, stepping between the two sides and raising two stubby arms. “PiPi-kachu. Pika pika pikachu. Pi pikachu, chu chu chu, pika!”

“I guess you’ve got a point there,” Ash stood back up. “What I was going to say was that if you’re not in Team Rocket anymore, then you’re not going to be trying to steal Pikachu or any other Pokémon anymore, right?”

“I… guess not,” Jessie admitted.

“Then there’s no reason we should fight anymore,” the boy declared.

“What, you want us to hug and make up?” James said incredulously. “After all these years we should just be best buddies all of a sudden? Maybe we should bake you an apology cake too while we’re at it?!”

“I do like cake…”

“Pi.” Pikachu stared up at his trainer.

“But that’s not what I meant,” Ash shook his head. “I just meant… if we’re not going to be enemies anymore, there’s no reason to carry any grudges.”

“So, what, years of stalking and kidnapping attempts are just supposed to be water under the bridge?” Jessie looked skeptical. “You’re really just going to let that go? After all this time?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Ash looked genuinely puzzled.

“Dis kid is still as dumb as a box of rocks,” Meowth muttered.

“And what about all your twerp friends?” asked James. “Are they on board with this too?”

“I can only speak for myself.”


“Myself and Pikachu,” Ash corrected. “But if you’re really different now – and the Team Rocket I knew would have handed that over to Giovanni,” he pointed at the prone Xerneas, “then why waste time with bad blood?” He shrugged. “It just doesn’t make sense to me.”

“Because we’ve been harassing you since all the way back on that night in the Viridian City Pokémon Center?” James looked genuinely puzzled.

“And the first time I met Pikachu he zapped me. A lot.”

“Chuuu…” Pikachu rubbed the back of his head.

“Where would I be if I held a grudge against him?” Ash smiled as the little yellow Pokémon hopped up onto his shoulder. “Look, I’m not saying we have to be friends. Just that there’s no more reason to be enemies.”

“Yeah yeah,” Jessie waved a hand dismissively. “Look, don’t think we’re all buddy-buddy all of a sudden just because we’ve taken a new career path.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Ash sighed a little before straightening up. “Anyway, what I came over to do was offer you guys some of these,” he reached into his vest, extracting several bottles of various potions. “We had some extras, and I figured your Pokémon would probably need them.”

The trio eyed one another briefly, before James took several steps forward and snatched the proffered medicine rather abruptly. Ash flinched, and James walked away, muttering something under his breath.

“What was that?” the boy asked.

“He said… thanks,” Meowth forced from between gritted teeth.

Hours passed. Luna, Seviper, Yanmega, Wobbuffet, Pumpkaboo, Carnivine, and Inkay had all joined Celestia and Twilight in being laid out to rest on what space there was left. Albeit, in the dark alicorn’s case, a considerable number of wild Pokemon including Fearow, Houndoom, Skuntank, and others had all apparently taken it upon themselves to guard their unconscious leader, even from Team Rocket. She lay apart from the others, surrounded by Pokémon that growled and snapped at anyone coming too close. Just as others were doing to those few red-suited men and women who worked up the nerve to try and leave. So far none of Lysandre’s former employees had had the steel to try and outright make a break for it.

Xerneas proved to be a different matter. The Pokémon of life was not easily laid low for very long. One minute it was lying still on the ground, its massive presence a visible deterrent to everyone around it, and the next it seemed to be standing back up if not no worse for the wear, at least much less injured than it should have been. Everyone, former Rockets, wild Pokémon, and Team Flare members alike flinched as its antlered head swept over the clearing, pausing at the tall plume of smoke still rising from the ruins of the ultimate weapon. It nodded once, turned, and in what seemed to all observers just a handful of strides vanished into the now-leafless forest. How exactly, no one was quite sure.

As if they had been waiting on some cosmic cue, only a few minutes after the Legendary Pokémon’s departure there came the sound of rotor blades from up above. As eyes turned skyward, the sounds grew louder and louder until several black, dual-rotor helicopters crested the treeline, flying low. Pokémon and human alike backed off as they touched down rapidly, doors sliding open to unload men in heavy protective gear, faces covered with blast helmets, and riot shields in one hand with Poke Balls in the other.

“Everybody on the ground!” a female voice boomed through the speakers, somewhat unnecessarily. “Hands behind your heads!”

“…Whuh?” Celestia yawned from where Jessie, James, and Meowth were already sitting on the grass. “Wha…” she rubbed one of her eyes with the tip of a wing. “What’s going on?”

“Da most useless overpaid slackers in Kalos finally bothered ta show up,” Meowth replied, filing absentmindedly at one of his claws.

“Who?” The alicorn blinked, as beside her Twilight started to rouse.

“Da cops.”

“The ones who couldn’t catch you?”



Celestia stood up, stretching her wings and cricking her neck. Meanwhile, the riot officers had already released a menagerie of their own Pokémon and begun advancing forwards into the clearing and the wreckage of Geosenge Town. Some of the wild Pokémon were snapping at the newcomers, puffing themselves up, visibly crackling with static, or breathing sparks.

“Everyone!” she called out. “Please, remain calm! These humans are not with Team Flare and mean you and your homes no harm!” Some of the still-unconscious Luna’s followers at least looked over at her. “They are here to take your enemies into custody!”

“Why should these fools have control over their fate?” one of her sister’s followers, a Houndoom, shot back at her. “We won the battle, and Lady Luna is our leader! Let her decide, when she wakes.”

“Because not only do you have no place to imprison hundreds of humans,” Celestia patiently explained, “None of your packs are in shape for another battle right now, are they? Surely you must know what comes of picking unnecessary fights?”

“Who said anything about imprisoning?” Houndoom countered. “I had…” he gnashed his teeth. “Other ideas.”

Celestia blanched, as did almost all of the Pokémon surrounding Houndoom, much to her relief. Even the nearby Fearow looked put out.

“Further, not only am I your Lady Luna’s sister, as you well know,” the alicorn went on, “but surely you must have heard by now that it was I who faced the wretch who dared place her in one of the hateful abominations. It was I who faced Lysandre at the heart of the complex. Do such deeds carry no weight with you?”

Houndoom stared her down. Celestia stared right back, face mimicking Lulu’s as best she could. Red eyes bored into purple ones and found them to be entirely unblinking. Finally, the black canine turned away.

“Very well, sister of Lady Luna,” he growled in a low voice. “But do not think we will submit ourselves to these humans.”

“I would not dream of it,” she replied.

Snorting, Houndoom turned and let out several short, controlled barks. Almost immediately, the Houndour throughout the clearing that had previously been imposing themselves in the police’s path pulled back in good order, making way for the newcomers. Other types of Pokémon seemed to be more or less following suit as herd instinct or simple good sense took over. Thankfully, someone in the humans’ ranks had enough sense to avoid antagonizing the wild Pokémon, contenting themselves with slapping handcuffs onto the largely non-resisting men and women of Team Flare.

“Good job Celestia,” James scratched behind the alicorn’s ears, and she cooed softly. “Whatever you just said seemed to do the trick nicely.”

“I dunno, I was kinda looking forward to watching them get roughed up a bit,” Jessie said.

“The Pokémon?”

“The police, you idiot,” she replied. “It would serve them right for taking hours to show up when the world was on the line. If it hadn’t been for us, they would all have been vaporized before they could so much as get out of bed!”

“I can feel ya ‘dere,” Meowth nodded.

“Same here,” James admitted, while Celestia rubbed her head against his shoulder.

“Still,” Jessie grudgingly acknowledged as the cuffed members of Team Flare were made to sit in circles, surrounded by heavy riot troopers and fully-evolved Pokémon, “at least they’re making themselves good for something, for once.”

“What do you mean we’re under arrest?!” Jessie, James, and Meowth screamed at a blue-haired woman in riot armor.

“I mean just what I said,” Officer Jenny responded, face visible through the clear faceguard. “Per your outstanding warrants, my duty requires that I place you under arrest.”

“Are you people as insane as you are useless?!” Jessie shouted at her, eye visibly twitching. “We show up here, single-handedly save the day and all of your lives, wait around just so these clown-suited freaks wouldn’t have the chance to get away, hand over all of Lysandre’s surviving Pokémon to you, and now you want to throw us in the slammer for… for…” she was grinding her teeth.

“For multiple counts of kidnapping, attempted kidnapping, assault, burglary, theft, racketeering, destruction of public property, destruction of private property, fraud, and resisting arrest,” the policewoman filled them in. “Further, while we have received your testimony regarding your alleged heroism, there has yet to be any formal corroborating evidence to suggest-”

“Except us!” Clemont butted in. “I’m Lumiose City’s Gym Leader, Ash is a publicly-known Pokémon League challenger, Serena is a Pokémon Performer, and Bonnie is…”

“Really trustworthy!” his little sister finished.

“Right,” he nodded. “And we’ll all testify that whatever Team Rocket has done in the past, today they risked everything to help save Kalos and the whole world! Surely that has to count for something?”

“Yeah,” Serena nodded vigorously. “I know what they’ve done, Officer Jenny, but can’t you please go easy on them this one time?”

“Can’t you see it wouldn’t be right just to lock someone up after they helped save everybody?” Ash asked. “I don’t know if you know her or not, but there was another Officer Jenny who worked with Team Rocket against some really bad Malamar and didn’t-”

“Just because my cousin ignores the regulations doesn’t mean that I will,” the woman said firmly. “And further, unsworn testimony gathered in the field is hardly exculpatory evidence, in absence of-”

“Several of the detained Team Flare operatives have already admitted the presence of Team Rocket operatives matching these three’s description fighting against them in their former base,” one of the other policemen noted.

“You’re not helping, Claude,” Jenny replied to him. “Anyway, again, unsworn testimony collected in situ doesn’t make the law go away. I may have been sent here to arrest all operatives of Team Flare, but my duties also extend to any existing warrants I happen to come across as well.”

“If you want more proof then for goodness’ sake look behind you, woman!” James shouted in her face, pointing. “There’s the wreck of a giant robot with our logo painted on the front with an ultimate weapon-sized hole right through its torso! What more proof do you need?!”

“I believe you,” said another police officer.

“It’s not a matter of belief, it’s a matter of the law,” Jenny argued. “Evidence is a matter for courts to hear, not for field officers to arbitrarily decide not to arrest criminals with outstanding warrants for.”

“You people are the dumbest, lousiest police force in the entire world! And I’ve seen some pretty bad ones!” Jessie fumed. “Your incompetence let a gang of clown-suited psychopaths almost blow up the world, and your response is to arrest the ones that saved your collective behinds!”

“Look,” Jenny said with a sigh, hands on her hips. “My sworn duty won’t allow me to not take you three into custody tonight. So…” she bit her lip a little, “Why don’t I take you into personal custody? You come over to my apartment for the night, I’ll call the higher-ups, and we’ll see what we can do?”

“Won’t be da worst prison we’ve busted outta,” Meowth muttered under his breath.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”

“What we can do” turned out to mean “pass the buck right up the food chain, over and over again, until the Prime Minister’s phone is ringing in his bunker”. In an emergency meeting the next morning, the National Assembly of Kalos almost unanimously passed SB-6231 (soon to be unofficially dubbed the “We Like Being Alive Act” by the press), formally pardoning those previously accused of crimes for extraordinary services to the nation, along with extending an offer of full Kalosian citizenship to all involved in stopping the Ultimate Weapon Incident who didn’t already have it.

After all, it would hardly be politique to arrest someone right after their award ceremony.

Comments ( 36 )

Hah, Team Rocket’s Jessie, James, and Meowth opinions of the police and Ash and co. inability to see though dime store disguises was hilarious and spot on. On a related note though, what do we use for shorthand for our former Rocket buddies here?:derpytongue2: Excellent chapter!

“We’ve always been bad at being bad, so it stands to reason that we must be good at being good!”

Plenty of evidence to support that. These three are quite reliable when the world's in danger, going all the way back to Mewtwo's plot on New Island.

“That’s stupid. I don’t want to be a frilly-looking toy horse!” Jessie crossed her arms.

Foreshadowing? Depends on whether they go to Equestria, and how the planar transit will work.

It nodded once, turned, and in what seemed to all observers just a handful of strides vanished into the now-leafless forest. How exactly, no one was quite sure.

Freaking fae...

Even if he appears to be an unaging lich, Ash is still a good kid.

And yeah, saving the world should count for something. Even the most hidebound Jenny has to acknowledge that that's the sort of behavior you want to encourage.

Still, Domino's new mission makes for a concerning complication. We'll have to see where how it develops from here.

That is a great law

The only answer came in the form of a loud snore from behind him. The white alicorn was lying flat across the ground, eyes closed and rainbow hair quiescent.

Like this?
Or like that?

I’m afraid I can’t suss that out. What’s it stand for?:rainbowhuh:

Celestia James Mewhe Jessie. I tried for a RAWB stile team name but faild.

We need fan art of JEssie James Meowth and Celestia together :trollestia:

Jenny, you are a moron as the gang said. you let Team Flare get so close to ending the world. clearly YOU failed somewhere.

Doing the updated mantra style!

Well seems this story still as some fuel to burn before it's end.

And yeah, for a world ending terrorist threat for who knows how long, the authorities were pretty damn slow to act.

At least they had the decency to give our trio an international pardon as a reward.

Sounds like me grandad. Got a medal from France for helping save their rears in WW2, then got banished from the country cos the way he saved them was by gun running for the resistance. :derpytongue2:

The problem for Jesse, James and co. they cant use up all teh hot water if its a power shower, but at least leaving it running makes noise to cover going out the bathroom window. :moustache:

In an emergency meeting the next morning, the National Assembly of Kalos almost unanimously passed SB-6231 (soon to be unofficially dubbed the “We Like Being Alive Act” by the press)

I wanted to laugh uproariously at that.

The arrest scene and the acts that followed reminded me of the season finale of Epithet Erased. I like it.

“Says the brat who’s been falling for the cheapest disguises in the goodwill section all way back to Kanto!” James yelled at him.


“Da most useless overpaid slackers in Kalos finally bothered ta show up,” Meowth replied, filing absentmindedly at one of his claws.

He's not wrong

Looks like there is still more to the story to squeeze out of this, possibly Giovanni getting more involved and how to get the princesses back. I thought that there was going to be a penultimate chapter along with an epilogue after Lysandre's defeat but I'm glad that there is more. Despite how slim, I'm still hoping that Keldeo can make an appearance at the very least and see Equestrians reactions to him.

Now I'd like to see them do that in front of the other alicorns, Ash, Pikachu and the others.

Ah, Ash. He may have a host of other flaws, but he's probably the pokemon world's foremost practitioner of forgiveness. His willingness to immediately forget the last few years of conflict would be hard to swallow if it was literally anyone else. But with Ash, I can totally believe it.

Ash doesn't experience time the way we do. When you have no past and no future, only an eternal present, it makes no sense to hold grudges.

“What we can do” turned out to mean “pass the buck right up the food chain, over and over again, until the Prime Minister’s phone is ringing in his bunker”. In an emergency meeting the next morning, the National Assembly of Kalos almost unanimously passed SB-6231 (soon to be unofficially dubbed the “We Like Being Alive Act” by the press), formally pardoning those previously accused of crimes for extraordinary services to the nation, along with extending an offer of full Kalosian citizenship to all involved in stopping the Ultimate Weapon Incident who didn’t already have it.

I like this law! Hehe!

Pokemon world full of crime and animal pouching. So yeah they sucker at their jobs

Absolutely loved this and I’m pumped for more!!!

After all, it would hardly be politique to arrest someone right after their award ceremony.

Wouldn't such an event be publicized by news media across the world, and as such, couldn't it be used by Jame's family to track him down?

Well since they never killed anyone and did save the world I think being pardoned for all thier past crimes is a suitable reward for Jessie, James, and Meowth. And hey maybe James can use his new fame to get his parents to give up on the whole arranged marriage thing? Remember James is rich, he only joined team rocket after running away from home cause his lunatic parents arranged his marriage to an abusive sociopathic socialite.
I do like how you implies the Sun and Moon have personaities, and the moon comes off as kind of diva since I won't "let" ponies other than Luna raise it with out resistance.

Any grammatical errors aside, this was a FANTASTIC story! It genuinely felt like these characters were really meeting, and acting reasonably within character!

The weakest part, to me, was the part with Luna and the Haunter, but it wasn't actually bad; it just wasn't entirely gripping me.

And, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I truly like Team Rocket now. I did enjoy them as villains previously, but only now do I fully appreciate them as characters, and I felt great when they started succeeding.

All in all, I feel like this was as close to perfect as I could've imagined, and I wouldn't be discontented if the story ended right now. But since the story's still 'incomplete', I look forward to what you have in store!

I've been putting off reading this story for a while.

Now that I've finished binging it, I want to strangle my past self for waiting this long.

“Says the brat who’s been falling for the cheapest disguises in the goodwill section all way back to Kanto!” James yelled at him.

PFFFFHAHAHAHA!! That was a good line right there!

Dangit why did you make me pull an all nighter reading this?

Amazing story. I know you haven't been online in some time, but should you ever read this, just know this is one of the best stories I've read in quite some time. The characterization is simply phenomenal.

I'd love to see this continue, but even so, this was a pretty good place to leave off and it has been an excellent story. Thanks for writing it!

Everything is pretty well wrapped up, but I would really like to see a few more chapters showing the general reunion, Team rocket in Equestria, and probably ash's team too.

Still, even if this is never technically finished, it was a wild ride, and satisfying.

tis a shame this story died during its climax

Well, this has been a journey. I would like for the author to finish or ask if he's interested in having one adopt the series.

Well, story is dead, but the main plot was still finished. Great story.

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