• Published 11th Jun 2015
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Celestia's Rocket Adventures - Snake Staff

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

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Watch Out

“Are you feeling better?” Princess Celestia asked, looking down at the brown bird Pokémon. “Is there any lingering pain?”

“Mmph,” Fearow replied, face deep in a massive bag of Pokémon food.

“Wonderful,” Celestia smiled warmly. “I’m so glad to hear that!”

Behind her, Twilight, Meowth, and Pikachu were all staring. Behind them, Team Rocket and Ash’s friends alike were looking on with expressions ranging from concern to bafflement. Dry, portable Pokémon food was meant to provide filling, nourishing repast to almost any species, true, but it was also meant to be eaten in relatively small amounts. One Pokémon not even the size of an adult human eating an entire week’s worth in one sitting….

A moment later, Fearow tipped the bag upside down with its long neck, draining the last few crumbs into its lengthy beak. Then it sniffed the inside of the bag several times. Only when it was satisfied that it had eaten everything conceivably defined as edible did it finally shake off the empty bag and let out a long, satisfied belch. It patted its now-bulging belly with one wing.

“Aw man, that hit the spot!” it said, before burping again. Everyone, barring Celestia, cringed. “You have no idea how hungry I was!”

“I think we can guess,” Pikachu muttered.

“I’m pleased to hear you’re feeling better,” Celestia said. “There isn’t any residual pain, is there?”

“Well, a bit of a headache but that’s it,” Fearow replied, then paused a moment. “I, uh… guess I should say thanks for the nap and the grub. And springing me from that… thing. Evil Poke Ball or whatever it was.”

“A Dark Ball,” Twilight supplied immediately.

“Yeah, that,” the bird nodded. “Can’t say I’ve had anyone show as much hospitality since I left the nest. Back home I’d either be shielded by the flock or get eaten by strangers, so having folks I don’t know take care of me… I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to do from here. Is there a catch?” Fearow looked at the humans. “Is one of them wanting to capture me or something?”

“Not at all,” Ash said after Meowth translated. “We were all just worried about you, that’s all. You and the other five Pokémon they had caught. None of us is looking to catch you.”

“What, am I not good enough for you?!” Fearow puffed out its chest and ruffled its feathers indignantly. “I’ll have you know I’m an experienced and capable battler and a great addition to any Pokémon team!”

“It’s not like that at all!” Ash assured it hastily.

“No, we were just concerned about your health!” James added. “None of us even gave thought to capturing any of you!”

“You guys have been through enough already,” Serena agreed.


“Well then… thanks,” Fearow still looked a bit puzzled. “So if none of you wanted anything, why spend time and effort helping me?” It looked over at the still-unconscious Rhyperior, Swampert, Barbaracle, Toxicroak, and Nidoking. “And the rest of them?”

“Because we didn’t want you to be hurt,” Pikachu said. “Ash and I may not always have had the best relationship with your species, but no one deserves what happened to you guys.”

“I do apologize for interrupting,” Celestia cut in, “but I’m afraid that there is one small error here. There is one small thing I would like from you, if you feel up to it.”

Fearow eyed her with a sudden suspicion. “And what do you want?”

“During your time unconscious you had mentioned a name. ‘Luna’, to be specific. Is there anyone you know that goes by that name?”

“Sure,” Fearow said. “She looks a lot like you but shorter and darker. She talks in big fancy words a lot, and I mean a lot. Do any of you know what ‘reprehensible miscreants disenfranchising the plebian class of their legitimate birthright will not be countenanced’ is supposed to mean?”

“Equestrian social theory broadly subscribes to the belief in the innate rights of even the lowliest of sapient beings,” Twilight immediately told it. “Among these are life, liberty of body and mind, and the opportunity for livelihood. Princess Luna assumes certain villainous personages – most probably representatives of Team Flare – are violating those rights, and refuses to tolerate it.”

Fearow stared blankly at her.

“What she meant was that bad people are doing bad things to ordinary folk,” Celestia interjected politely. “And we are going to go and beat them over the head until they stop.”

“Riiight…” Fearow nodded slowly. “But she’s still handy in a fight. That sound like who you’re thinking about?”

“Yes!” Celestia nodded eagerly, eyes sparkling. “She’s my sister, you see. We’ve been separated for far too long already and I’m eager to see her again. Might you know where she is now?”

“I have a general idea, sure. The flock always moves around a bit but I know the territory,” Fearow ruffled its feathers. “I’m sure I could find her. If that’s all you want for saving me-”

“I don’t think I’m being too hasty when I say it is,” Celestia said.

“If you know where Princess Luna is please take us to her right away!” Twilight nodded vigorously.

“I think we’d be okay with that,” Pikachu said.

“I want some a dat food back,” Meowth grumbled. “It ain’t cheap.”

“Right, so we’re all in agreement,” Celestia said. “If you can lead us to my sister, then that is definitely what we would request from you.”

“Sure, I was going back that way anyway. Back to the flock and away from crazy blue-haired humans,” Fearow glared balefully at the distant, still-bound Team Flare members. “I see you two have wings, we can go right away if you’re ready.”

Fearow stretched out its long, brown wings and beat them several times. After a moment, it tucked them back against its sides, and then looked down at its midsection.

“Okay, slight correction. In a couple of hours we can go.”

“Wait a second,” Pikachu said. “What about the other five?” He looked over at the other, still-unconscious Pokémon that Team Flare had brought. “We can’t just run off and leave them here.”

Celestia winced, but nodded. “You do have a point there.”

“We still don’t know what kind of internal damage the Dark Ball or the battle itself might have inflicted on them,” Twilight pointed out. “I’m not a medical professional, but from what I’ve read I don’t think you’re supposed to move patients in a state like that if you don’t absolutely have to.”

“Well it ain’t like da balloon’s got room for all a us, all a you, and all a dem. And we can’t exactly split up now,” Meowth hmphed. “Not like I like you twerps or anything, but what if dere’s more a dem Flare freaks on da way? You’da been goners if it weren’t for us!”

“You say that like you wouldn’t have been mincemeat without us,” Pikachu glared at him.

“All the same…” Celestia chewed her lip, “It’s a legitimate point. If it turns out that Team Flare has sent out more than one squad of assassins of that quality… And we were to split ourselves… Our odds should one of our groups encounter them alone…”

She didn’t say the rest. From the group’s collective face, she didn’t need to.

“We still know little about the overall disposition of their forces,” she went on. “To be frank, I don’t know how many more Mables they have to throw at us. One was far too close.”

“So you think we ought to wait a little while?” Twilight asked her mentor. “Until these other Pokémon have regained consciousness?”

There weren’t many moments that Celestia could say that she was genuinely tempted to ignore the suffering of innocents when it lay in her power to do something. Still, a thousand years of separation leaves some awful memories in its wake.

“I do,” she pronounced after a moment, eyes a bit downcast. “We cannot simply abandon these poor souls, and to split ourselves invites doom on us all. I don’t like it, but…” the princess sighed. “I have faith in my sister.”

They are mocking me. Luna thought through clenched teeth.

High in the sky – much, much higher than any human could possibly toss a Dark Ball – the dark alicorn stared down from amidst the clouds. Many humans dressed in the distinctive uniforms of Team Flare were plainly visible below in a forest clearing. Wheeled vehicles were parked and tents were pitched in the open. Smoke trails rose from multiple campfires, easily visible from every direction. In the dead center of the encampment was a projected image of a stylized “F” resembling a flame, resplendent and orange even in the dimming light of the dusk. The technology might be different, but Luna knew a proudly flapping banner when she saw one.

Even from on high she could make out multiple groups of humans and Pokémon, whether sitting around their dinner fires, using some technology she did not understand, or patrolling in and out of the surrounding trees. There were dozens total that she could see, including what had to have recently been the very Pokémon she was trying to appeal to. The enemy had gotten to them first, and that brought waves of pity and rage in equal measure.

They could not have offended her sensibilities more if they had tried. To rove and enslave in the territory that she, however vainly, considered in a sense her own was horrifying enough. To act proud of it, to plant the flag in the open and strut about like they owned the place, now that grated. Noble knights won the right to proudly raise high their banners by acts of valor and righteousness, to see criminals and slavers doing the same made the princess grind her perfect white teeth.

No doubt they are trying to offend you. Luna’s wiser side told her. They know you are here. They will wish to add you to their twisted collection.

To a mare well versed in classical warfare, the challenge could not have been more obvious. To raise a banner in another’s lands uninvited was to declare them impotent, helpless to stop you from doing anything that you wished. That what they wished was to cruelly reave the very minds of the locals only made it more glaring.

Here we are. The image seemed to say. Come and get us, if you dare.

Such traditions had evolved for reason. If a sovereign could not stop an enemy from raising banners in their lands, they truly were impotent. When the Pokémon she had gathered, was still gathering, found out that the enemy was camped comfortably in the midst of their homes, what would they think? If they were allowed to stay, allowed to seize yet more innocents and send them abroad to wreak havoc, then what?

Luna knew very well what. She had promised them safety, and even retribution, in numbers and under her command. If her followers learned of this situation, and then saw her doing nothing about it, what cause would they have to believe in her? If a campsite with a fraction of the enemy’s total numbers was impervious, why would they believe she could lead a counterattack on their base? Many of them had had instincts to run and hide, and had had to be persuaded safety could only be found in banding together to defeat the threat. If she was seen to be incapable of doing so, they would doubtless desert her in droves. And she would not blame them.

It is undoubtedly a lure. They cannot but know they challenge any who claim this land as their domain. They will be prepared.

But, Luna told herself, they must fall all the same.

Not so far away, Jessie, James, and Meowth were huddled around a small, faintly beeping projector. After taking a quick look around to make sure no one else was too close, Meowth hit a button, and Giovanni’s face appeared on the screen.

“About time,” he said with his usual serious expression.

“What’s da scoop, boss?’ Meowth asked.

“Have we got anything new out of Team Flare’s computer data?” Jessie asked.

“Or is there anything you want us to be doing?” James added.

“I’ll take that for eagerness to work, this time,” he said flatly. “But don’t grow used to speaking out of turn.”

“Yes sir!” the trio saluted.

“Good.” Giovanni nodded. “To answer your relevant questions, no there has not yet been a serious breakthrough with the stolen data. Whomever encrypted it knew what they were doing, or perhaps my subordinates do not. It wouldn’t be the first time.”

Jessie, James, and Meowth exchanged nervous glances.

“But what I want you to do is confirm your location to me. In light of recent events, I’ve decided to send you a little something, and I want it there without delay.”

“Wow, you really mean it, boss?!”

“Would I lie?”

The trio stared awkwardly at the screen.

“To you?”

The staring continued.

Giovanni rolled his eyes. “Yes I mean it, you idiots.”

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