• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 20: Go out in Style

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“Adventure Chic?” Sora repeated the name…. He smiled “Kinda rolls off the tongue when you think about it”

“Oh I just knew you’d think so!” Rarity nearly squeed at the idea of creating a new line of fashion. “And in the future I hope to make them functional as well.”

“Functional?” Sora asked.

“Yeah apparently, Rarity wants to enchant them like how your outfit is.” Rainbow flew over them.

“Oh, that reminds me, one moment” Rarity then trotted off towards a folding screen and walks behind it.

Seeing as this as a moment to gain information Sora turned toward Applejack and Rainbow “So how did she convince you two to come here? No offense but you two don’t seem like the type come to a boutique unless it was visiting a friend a.k.a. Rarity.”

“Normally Sora you’d be right. We don’t really come here on our own decision this time.” Applejack said, as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Rainbow was posing in front of same mirror, floating above the Farmer, “Yeah AJ and I were on the farm beating up those training dummies she had-”



Sweet Apple Acres

Rainbow and Applejack were now in a contest neither of them knew they started, Somewhere along the way they decided to who could destroy the most dummies before they ran out, and it was getting fierce with a lot of pieces that look broke beyond repair.

“How about this?!” Rainbow was running toward another standing dummy before flapping her wings a few times to get a little airborne before flipping and performing a Drop kick, knocking the dummy off the stand and tumbling away breaking into pieces. “HA!”

“Not bad, but ah’ don’t need ta’ fly ta’ do that” Applejack picked out a dummy nearby Rainbow before sprinting straight for it. When she thought she was close enough she bounced off the ground using all four legs before twisting so she was sailing through tail first at the dummy. She then pulled her legs into herself before releasing them like a spring trap slamming both back hooves at its chest, smashing through and shattering it before it came off the stand. She lands perfectly on her hooves and skidding to a halt before standing tall giving a Rainbow a smug look.

Rainbow only glared back “I’d do that too if I bucked apple trees as much you do.” she grumbled as she looked around for another dummy, “Hey wasn’t Sora’s house supposed to be done today?”

“Yeah? What about it?” Applejack was gathering the pieces on the ground. And tossing them into a cart she brought over for that very reason.

“Didn’t the Princess say that place was gonna have a training area too?”

After a moment of thinking Applejack gave another nod. “Ah, think so. Are these questions gettin’ somewhere Rainbow?”

“Well I was thinking… does that mean we get to train there too?”

Applejack stopped and thought about it for a moment “Well… if Sora’s ok with it, ah’ don’t see why not.” she decided to take a look at her “Why do ya ask?” She could see the blue pegasus tense up when she asked that last question.

“W-well, I mean we don’t have to come here and break your stuff right?” she kept facing away from Applejack. It was a good point but it wasn’t gonna cut it for the element of Honesty.

“That maybe true, but you’re still not telling me the real reason” a smirk slowly growing on her face as she noticed her friend cringe from that response.

“W-well, why else would you want to go there? It’s a training room. You go there to train and learn cool moves and stuff-”

“And be with Sora?”

“Quiet you!” Rainbow chucked a broken piece at Applejack who simply dodged holding that same look on her face. “Not like you’re any different” This elicited a laugh from the farmer.

“Ah! There you are!” a posh yet familiar voice from behind startled Applejack before looking back to confirm that it was Rarity.

“What in- Rarity you almost gave me a heart attack” Applejack placed a hoof on her chest as she waited for her heart beat to slow down.

“Terribly sorry dear, but I came to ask for your assistance. Oh, and Rainbow is here as well. Perfect, I was looking for her as well.” Rarity seemed to be in a chipper mood.

Rainbow Dash decided to join in on the conversation and flew over when her name was called. “Yo, Rares. Haven’t seen you ever since we left the forest. You’ve been holed up in your boutique a long time there.”

“Yes and it was all worth it! What I’ve managed to accomplish still surprises me.” She looked like she was gonna go into a giddy fit of giggles from all the excitement building up inside her, immediately forcing herself to calm down and be more professional. “However, I can’t get ahead of myself. There are some important matters that need to be established, and that’s where you two come in!” Applejack and Rainbow could see the sparkles in her eyes, which gave them both of them an uneasy feeling.

“Uuuuh yeah…. This doesn’t involve me wearing a dress or something right?” Rainbow had to ask.

Rarity softly laughed “Of course not dear… but you are on the right track. And I made two sets that were designed specifically for you both.”

Applejack took a step back “That’s what we’re afraid of, Rarity” However it seemed no form of convincing was going stop their friend from dragging them with her. Rainbow gave it her best effort though.


Back to the Present

“So Rarity dragged us here to try on these clothes she made for us.” Rainbow was still checking herself out, as Applejack already left to focus more on telling the story.

“Right, she wanted our opinion on them and if they felt comfortable ta wear.” Applejack continued as she looked at herself “But more importantly she wanted yer opinion since she claims she based these thing off of your jacket and saddle bags.”

Sora was a bit surprised by this. “My opinion… I guess I see where she’s coming from, though I’m not really fashion savvy… However” he took another look at the two. “I’m surprised she made those just by studying this thing” he gestured to his outfit. He looked at Applejack “But yeah, I may not know much about this kind of thing, but those really do look great. Like they were made with your personality in mind.” Sora then had a thought about it… “Maybe that’s what makes them great. They speak about who you are… and I guess the adventure part is that they look like they can be worn on adventures.” he placed a hoof on his chin then looked at himself. “Heh… Now I kinda wish my shoes was in this form as well.” He shrugged however.

“Oh yeah, you do where shoes in your real body don’t you?” Rainbow asked “Never actually bothered to look since the only times we would get to see it we’re too busy fighting heartless.”

“While we’re on the topic of clothing everypony, allow me to introduce my next creation.” Rarity said as she elegantly made her out from behind the folding screen head held high and striking a pose to get any stallions attention. Her outfit was definitely more striking to say the least, however it was to be expected if it was to reflect her personality and passion.

( :pinkiesmile: : For Fashion! ) ( Quit it… )

To begin she wore what could be considered as a Sleeveless V-collar top baby blue, with a very light pink band that traced around the collar an inch away from the edge the top reached down till just about her stomach where a magenta sash wrapped around it, fastened in place but diamond shaped gems in the shape Rarity’s cutie mark and where her pants would begin. The pants looked almost like tights and had a gradient. Starting from the Sash it was midnight blue and only started changing to a lighter blue around where the upper and lower leg would meet. two silver lines went the outer sides of both legs and seemed to give off a weak shine.

However it was unclear how far the gradient went since She wore High pleather shoes that were a darker reddish color compared to Applejack’s. There was a pleather strap that wrapped around near the top of the shoes with a buckle on the outer sides of of the shoes.

Whether it was how she posed, what she wore, or from both, she not only left Sora speechless, but Applejack and Rainbow looked on at her with the same look of amazement. “Well?... Don’t keep a girl waiting, now.” Rarity was starting to get a little nervous from the silence

“Sora decided to be the first to speak. “Sorry Rarity, it’s just… Wow… It looks great!” he smiled.

“Yeah I have to go with Spiky on this one, that looks REALLY good” Rainbow said

Applejack nodded “You sure know your way around a sewing machine, Rarity. Especially considering us.” she gestured to rainbow’s and her outfits.

“I think the word for is… elegant right” Sora added with a smile “beautiful design, Rarity” he gave an innocent smile, yet it and his response struck a cord in the white unicorn to actually make her look away flustered.

“Oh, well… Thank you… All of you,” she seemed hold a gentler look on her face now. “It really means a lot hearing it from you, my friends.”

Sora nodded before speaking “We’re just speaking the truth, right AJ?”

The orange gave a nod and grin of her own. “Darn tootin’, Sora” She then gave it some thought. “Now that I think about it, you got the three of us outfits, I suppose you have the same for the other girls as well…

“Yeah, I’d definitely want to wear this on adventures” Rainbow at some point during the conversation returned to admiring herself in the mirror, now striking combat poses. “And of course when I’m not. Looks too cool to just wear for only for that, almost like me.” Applejack rolled her eyes, and at this point Sora was inclined to do the same knowing the pegasus well enough by now.

Rarity giggled “Well, I’m glad it is to your liking Rainbow considering it was designed for you after all” she shook her head as she walked past her. “These of course are just the beginning, I am still working on more and The other girls outfits are still in the works, but they at least they’re past the planning stages like my other designs.”

Sora seemed to pick up on Rarity’s secret. “Oh I get it. You’re hoping to use us as a way of getting the brand noticed, considering all the traveling and tasks we’ll be taking in the future.”

“Should’ve seen that one comin’, sounds like a good business plan.” Applejack nodded

Rainbow gave Rarity a smug look. “Well we are famous already, and Sora here is starting to make a name for himself. Especially after what happened yesterday. Maybe that’s why these things are free.”

“Oh come now, Rainbow. I had no intention of making you pay for them anyway. However, I will admit I did consider it a good investment… I do hope none of you mind wearing them more often. I really think this would be the start of many wonderful things to come if it really kicks off.” Rarity seem to be fidgeting. Though it shouldn’t be a surprise. She was basically pioneering in her line of work. If she messes up or if it holds no interest to other ponies, it would be a massive failure and a waste of material.”

“Ah, don’t worry about it, Rares. If helping your boutique means flying around wearing this-” Rainbow gestured to her jacket and shirt “Then I think I got the better end of this deal”

Applejack nodded “Ah’ have to agree with Rainbow on this one.” She flexed her foreleg a few times. “It doesn’t constrict me or anythin’ and ah’ do like the look. Nothin’ fancy and with the right enchantments ah’ hope it’ll be durable fer my line of work, and our duty as bearers.”

“Exactly, darling. While I’m not quite sure I can replicate the kind Sora’s outfit has, but with some spell books I borrowed from Twilight’s, I believe I made something just as close.” Rarity spoke with confidence.

“Sounds good to me, so like are we done now? Starting to get bored here and I want to back to training… Maybe get something to eat too.” Rainbow’s was already making her way to the door.

“Yeah, ah’ need to head back. Ah’ still have some things left doin’ on the farm” Applejack wasn’t to far behind her.

Rarity sighed “Oh, if you must. Oh but do let me know how they hold up. Just do what you always do and if they show any rips or tears, please let me know. You’re still testing them out for me after all.”

“Yeah, yeah, test and stuff got it!” Rainbow didn’t even look in Rarity’s direction as she waved and was already out the door and taking to the skies.

“Ah’ll just be headin’ out too. Ah’ll let ya know if sumthin’s up, Rarity.” Unlike Rainbow, Applejack at least faced her and tipped her hat before walking out the door and heading her own way as well.

“Well, I guess I’ll head out too. Thanks for showing me your work Rarity, though it be nice to get a little warning next time” He laughed

“Oh just a moment, Sora.” She turned her attention to the stallion. “I was hoping you could help me with one more thing”

“Um, Sure I guess, what is it?” he asked curiously

“Well you see, I was hoping you could… um try on some designs I made… I-I mean I don’t quite have any stallions I can freely call to try them on… and to be quite honest, I am still rather nervous to show them to anyone other than you-I mean my friends, ahem” she cleared her throat as she had trouble looking at him.

Sora, wasn’t completely sure why she would be so nervous, so far her designs looked amazing, but who was he to deny a friend some help. “Yeah, of course Rarity, I’m free whenever I’m not on the job or fighting heartless.”

Immediately she seemed to brighten up after that response. “Oh splendid, darling! I was hoping you would agree. I do have a few right now that I would like you to try on. Oh! How rude of me, you said ‘on the job’, correct? So then at the town hall were you working.”

Sora thought about it but nodded “Well technically… you see, it’s like this…”


Golden Oaks Library


Twilight gave a heavy sigh. She wasn’t frustrated about a spell Merlin taught her, She had been doing well so far in using and controlling them. She wasn’t being lectured or reprimanded… at the moment for making a big mistake in her spell casting. No, what really got her down was Merlin’s words.

I think that’s enough for now, Twilight. It’s nearing lunch time, get some rest.

Rest? That was the last thing she needed right now, she felt fine and was more than eager to continue their lessons. She just had to get stronger and quickly. Yet no matter how many times she tried to convince the Wizard that she was fine. The stallion simply refused to continue. “I’m not some filly, I’m a full grown mare. Celestia’s student no less. I know very well the things I should avoid when casting magic.” She continued to mutter to herself, hoping Merlin didn’t hear, as she stared at her meal. A simple daisy sandwich and sliced apple on the side, along with a fruit drink. Even her stomach betrayed her when it grumbled at the mere mention of the word “lunch”.

With defeated look on her face, she decided to stop resisting and please her rude belly with food in front of her. That is when she heard Merlin chuckle “I say Twilight, from the way you were staring at that sandwich, I’d half expected you to pick a fight with it.” Merlin took another bite of his sandwich. “Mm… Fascinating, just being in this form and I’m able to eat such a strange sandwich.” he looked lifted the bread on top to look at the daisies inside. “Well, at least the lad won’t be picky with his food.” he takes another bite.

“What do you mean, Merlin? Why would he not like a daisy sandwich? Was he allergic to them in his real body?” He decides to work on her sandwich as well.

This brought on another laugh from the wizard. “No no no, it’s just that the average diet of humans doesn’t normally consist of dandelions… Hmmm… I suppose Sora never really explained it to you did he?” seeing her shake her head he stroked his beard. “I suppose it never really crossed his mind, but from what I’ve been told the Princesses were the ones who altered his body since they didn’t know about the special trick to his garments, correct?” Twilight nods. “Yes, well when you think about it in the long run. It’s actually a better idea to have his body altered into a pony. Otherwise in time, Sora would eventually grow ill.”

She was surprised to hear this and then started to worry “Oh no! You mean he wouldn’t be able to eat any of this? She pointed a hoof to their plates.”

“Now now, we humans still eat salads and sandwiches, however there certain things that you ponies put in them, and other things that you don’t that doesn’t quite match up to human appetites.” he then lifted his sandwich “Like this dandelion for example. While I have heard of humans using them in certain dishes, it is not exactly something you would find on grocery store shelves for humans if you catch my drift. Not only that but it would be a horrible idea to feed a human hay.” Merlin shakes his head “It doesn’t quite sit well in your digestive system. No flowers either.”

“So then… what do humans eat?” Twilight didn’t know this but she had continued eating her meal she was completely distracted in Merlin’s explanation. Meanwhile the wizard seemed to hide a smirk that only spike could just barely notice.

Did he… plan this to make Twilight eat her food? He wasn’t sure if that was true, but if it was, he was had a new respect and fear of the stallion for using psychological persuasion on TWILIGHT and work!

“Ahem, yes well you see, humans are an omnivorous race.” he worded that carefully as he already expected Twilight’s response.

She immediately stopped eating and her pupils shrank when she stared at him. “O-omnivore as in… you eat meat?”

He nodded “Correct, Twilight… You can relax. Ponies are not part of our diet. In fact that that goes any creature that talks, and we have no intention of coming here for meat.” Seeing her tension finally fade away he decided to explain more. “Now it is possible for humans to go without meat for awhile, and there are vegetarians among us, but the majority do prefer to eat meat when they can.”

“I see, there are meat eaters here as well, like the Gryphons so…”

“You are quite right, unfortunately since Sora was changed into a Pony, it would be strange and perhaps shocking, if Sora went up to a random pony asking for a ham sandwich”

“What’s Ham?” she asked

Merlin blinked surprised by the question before realizing where he was. “Right, well basically it’s meat. I won’t say any more then that. I wouldn’t want you throw up your lunch, now”

Twilight was confused at first before looking down at her plate, and sure enough she was just about done with it. “Oh… Did I eat all that? I don’t even remember eating that much.”

Merlin stood up from his table and pulled out his watch from his beard. “A good distraction tends to speed time along” after looking at it for a moment he placed it back into his beard again. “Thank you for the meal, again Spike. You are quite the chef”

Spike puffed out his chest and gave a proud look. “Well somebody needs to know how to cook in this place.”

“I heard that, Spike” Twilight glared at the now nervous purple Dragon.

“Now then, I believe it’s just about time” Merlin started walking away from the table.

Twilight perked up and was on her hooves in no time. “Couldn’t, have said it better myself professor, I think I got this blizzard Spell down, and you said thunder was-” she stopped when she looked over where she THOUGHT Merlin would be, on the floating couch they sat on throughout Twilight’s training. However, He was instead heading out the front door. “Uh, um, Merlin, I’m over here.”

“That you are, Ms. Sparkle” he continued onward out the door. Twilight just stood there looking at the doorway the stallion walked through in utter confusion. She looked over to Spike who just shrugged. The two of them decided to follow after him.


Path to The Library

5 minutes ago

After dealing with the paperwork and getting a permit from the Mayor, Fluttershy and Mogson were on their way Sora’s new house. “Mogson? I’ve been wondering… How are you going to run a shop? I’m not sure Sora’s home would be made for that.

“Don’t you worry, Ms. Fluttershy, kupo! The shop won’t be in his home, Leave everything to me!” he made a proud pose “All I needed was the Mayor’s OK. I’ll have everything set before tomorrow, kupo!”

“Um… H-how would you be able to do that?” she asked

A glint appeared in the Moogle’s eye “Don’t worry about the details, I have it all under control, now that I have a place set up.” He then took notice of a large tree in the distance. “Whoa, that tree has a door, kupo?” among other things he noticed about it.

Fluttershy looked ahead and smiled “Oh yes! That’s the library, it’s also where my friends Twilight and Spike live. We’re almost there, Sora’s home is just next door.” She started moving ahead with Mogson close behind. It sped up the trip a little more but just as she was just about to pass Library, she heard the door to it open and that grabbed her attention enough to make her stop and look at it. She was surprised to see it wasn’t Twilight or Spike that stood at the doorway but a rather old stallion, with a long white beard and blue pointed hat. It made her curious for a moment on who the pony was, but once he laid eyes on her and smiled, her “instincts” on meeting new ponies kicked in and she went into full on shy mode trying to shrink away into herself and hide her face behind her mane.

Mogson stopped to look at her enthusiasm take a 180. He turned to face what she was looking at before and saw an old looking pony looking over at her. “Who’s the old guy?” he asked Fluttershy. Who only shook her head in response for him to pick up that she didn’t know.

“Ah, Ms. Fluttershy I presume” the old pony called out to her. Of course this just made her squeak, wondering how he knew her name “I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to have word with you.” She did mind.

Soon after Twilight stepped out from behind the wizard and seemed to be asking Merlin “Um, Merlin? What’s going on here? Why do you need to speak with my friend?”

“All in due time Ms. Sparkle, though I’m afraid I might have frighten the poor dear. I suppose she got her name for a reason.” Merlin shook his head, then looked over to Twilight “Perhaps you could help me break the ice with her? We won’t be getting anywhere if we can’t communicate.”

“Oh, uh, sure I guess” Twilight started walking over the shy and sit next her. “Hey, there Fluttershy.”

“O-oh… Hello Twilight… um… who’s your friend?” Fluttershy stole glances over at Merlin, but never dared to keep eye contact for any more than half a second.

“That’s Merlin, he’s actually a friend of Sora’s and he came here to teach me the same kind of magic Sora uses.”

“Really?” This seemed to calm the yellow pegasus down and she sat up normally now. “I remember, Sora saying his name when he told us his story.” Fluttershy then decided to look at the now approaching Stallion again.

“Ah, hello Ms. Fluttershy it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” he smiled to her

Although, Fluttershy was a bit more relaxed, still talking to a new pony wasn’t easy for her. “O-oh, um… hello, sir” she avoiding looking straight at him.

This was when Mogson flew in. “Sooo, I’m still here, anyone want to fill me in here?” he pointed out.

“Whoa! W-what is that?!” Twilight nearly jumped from Mogson’s sudden appearance in front of her.

“Oh, a moogle? Well I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. You little fellows were bound to come here sooner or later.” Merlin stroked his beard.

“A moogle? What are those?” Twilight asked before looking at the little flying creature.

Merlin cleared his throat. “For the short version, you can sider them just another visitor from the stars just like Sora and myself. Though I’m sure he’s here for more than a tour.

Mogson nodded “You got that right, Beardy, I’m here to set up a moogle shop on your world, kupo. Now that you got heartless, you’re gonna need all the help a fella like me has to offer you in the terms of business. But I’ll show you that later.” He then looked to the building next to the Library, there was no longer any construction work, and a note seemed to be placed at the door. It was a rather small looking house with a second story. But on the first floor connected to it was a large enclosed square wing, through it’s windows and could see what he assumed were “training dummies of sorts. “So I’m guessing this is his place, kupo?” he decided to fly over to the home.

“O-oh, yes. I almost forgot” Fluttershy turned to Twilight. “For the time being, Mogson will be staying with Sora. So, I was going to show him here.

“Hmph… beardy indeed” Merlin seemed a bit distracted “The nerve of some people.”

“Wait, why can’t Sora show him the place.” Twilight asked

“Well, he would have, but apparently Rarity came and carried him off somewhere when we were at town hall.” Fluttershy replied.

“That boy seems to be pretty popular here.” Merlin stated.

“Oh, professor, now that Fluttershy is here, do mind filling us in on why we’re here?” Twilight butted in.

“You, need me for something?” Fluttershy looked at Merlin with curiosity.

“Ah, yes, quite right. I believe we have gotten a little sidetracked, there” he chuckled before clearing his throat. “Now, if I’m correct, Ms. Fluttershy, you consider yourself a pacifist, correct”

Both girls were surprised as Fluttershy nodded “Y-yes… H-how did you know?”

“Yeah I’m curious too, I never actually got around to telling you about my friends.” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Oh I have my ways of getting information, don’t you worry about that. Now then, I believe there’s a more important matter that needs to be addressed” he turned his attention to Fluttershy “Now, Fluttershy, what do you intend to do?”

“W-what?” She was confused by Merlin’s question.

“I mean to say is, that you have no intention of fighting. Yet, you still want to go with your friends on a rather dangerous task. You do realize what happens if a heartless manages to get their claws on you right?” This made the shy mare cringe at the dark thought of a heartless stealing her heart from her body.

“That won’t happen!” Twilight demanded “We’d never let that happen to her! We beat any heartless that’ll come close to her. We’ve done it so many times before!” The image of a heartless claiming her friend’s life was something she could not stomach.

“And what if you can’t reach to her in time when such a scenario occurs?” Merlin turned to Twilight. “What if you used too much magic and become too exhausted to do anything? What if you become injured and were unable to move?”

Twilight reeled back at those questions, but then answered again. “T-then I know my friends will protect her.”

“And what if they are injured or exhausted? As strong as Sora is, he is still just one boy, a boy who relies on his friends. In time he will start taking more damage than he can handle and even his mountain of stamina will drain in time. What will happen to Fluttershy then?”

“W-...We’ll… We’ll have Fluttershy retreat then.” Twilight desperately replied

Merlin could only shake his head slowly “But there is a problem… Would Fluttershy really just turn and leave you all behind?

Twilight froze… then looked over at Fluttershy, there were tears forming in her eyes, as she looked at Twilight. No… No, she wouldn’t abandon us… No matter how scared she would be. Guilt filled the unicorn’s mind for even thinking Fluttershy would do something so selfish. “I… I’m sorry, Fluttershy. I guess, I wasn’t really thinking about what you would’ve wanted to do…”

She then received a hug from her the yellow pegasus and her kind words. “It’s ok, Twilight… I know you were only thinking what was best for me” she hugged a little tighter “You all are my friends. I just want you all to be safe. So I have to stay… No matter what?”

Twilight, felt her muzzle form a smile before she returned the hug to her friend.

“So… this is the path you’ve decided to take?” Merlin stroked his beard

Fluttershy timidly nodded her head “Yes…”

“Even though you’ll be face to face with those heartless?”

She cringes at the name, but still nods.

“Even if one day you’ll end up being their target?” He asks again

Fluttershy involuntarily squeezed Twilight in her hug… but still nodded.

This time Merlin was looking directly at her. “Even if it meant, putting your heart at risk… you would still be there to help your friends.”

“Merlin!” Twilight turned and snapped the Wizard for scaring her friend with these “What if” Scenarios. However the old man turned Stallion just kept his gaze on the butter yellow mare.

Fluttershy felt like a rock fell in her stomach now, as the image of a heartless wrenching her heart away from her body filled her mind. It wouldn’t be surprising for her to shake her head. Any other pony in her position would’ve not wanted to interact with such dangerous, emotionless creatures… And yet…. She nods again “Y…. Yes… No matter what, I want to be… I want to be there for my friends…”

Twilight was amazed to hear such conviction in her shy friend’s voice, in a way she felt very proud at that moment.

“Well, if you feel that strongly about it, then I suppose there is just no alternative then.” Merlin seemed to be smiling under his beard.

“Huh? For what?” Twilight craned her neck to look over at the old wizard. Fluttershy doing the same.

“Well it’s simple really, if she intends on going with you all to look after your health and safety, She might as well learn some Supportive magic then.” he nodded

Twilight and Fluttershy were silent for a moment… they looked at each other, as if trying to register what it was that he just said…. In the end, their response was to look back at him and reply at the same time. “What?”

“Fluttershy shall learn magic” he nodded again.

“But…” Twilight looked back and forth between the two. “But she’s a Pegasus…”

“Yes, and Sora is a Human turned Earth Pony, yet you still see him flinging fireballs and and Lightning bolts at enemies.



Sora suddenly released a loud sneeze inside the the changing room. He shook his head clearing his mind from that spontaneous event and looked around. “That’s weird… it doesn’t seem dusty in here, and it’s not cold?”

“Sora, dear are you ready yet?” Rarity called out from outside the changing room.

“Uuh, almost… just learning how to put on pants in this body!”


Back at the Library

Twilight placed her hoof under her muzzle as the realization struck. “That’s… That’s true. So, does that really mean, that even Fluttershy can use magic?” Twilight looked at Merlin with a spark for to learn more about this field now. All of these new discoveries, she would no longer be able to stave off her urge to conduct research, for much longer. Merlin seemed to pick up on that look but decided to answer her anyway.

“Well, I’m sure she may not be able to cast any magic that your world has to offer, but the magic I’m teaching you is a different story.” Merlin looked over at the Fluttershy and it was hard to tell if she was nervous or eager.

“Wait, but, she wouldn’t use those spells, she doesn’t want to fight.” Twilight rebuttaled but Merlin simply raised his hoof.

There are more spells I was going to teach you know and not all of them involve hitting a heartless with it. I mean, haven’t you ever seen Sora use them. One that cures and another that reflects.

Twilight thought about it, back in Canterlot, she did notice the reflective attack for the first time there. And yesterday, Rainbow said that Sora, healed her after she was knocked unconscious. “So, you’ll teach her those spells then?”

He nodded “Exactly” He then turned to Fluttershy. “Of course, that is up to her whether or not she wishes to learn.”

Fluttershy didn’t even give it a second thought. She wanted to help. She wanted to be useful. She wanted to REALLY be there for her friends. So with as much confidence that surprised even herself she spoke out. “YES!-oh!” she immediately covered her mouth. “S-sorry, was that too loud? I mean… if it’s ok with you then, yes um… please.”

Merlin and Twilight stared at the yellow Pegasus after her response, and could only laugh. It was awfully cute and silly how she scared herself.

“Haha, very well then. It appears we’ll be skipping to another part of your training early Ms. Sparkle, However we’ll resume where we left off, once we’ve taken care of our winged friend here.”

Twilight beamed and nodded “Of course, Merlin. I’m looking forward to it.” she looked back at Fluttershy “It’ll be so much fun, it’ll be like having a study buddy.” she gave Fluttershy another hug. Fluttershy could only giggle at her enthusiasm.

“Well then, Shall we head back inside and start” Merlin was already making his way back to the library. The girls hurriedly following close behind.


Carousel Boutique

“Sora, dear? Are you ready?” Rarity called out from outside the dressing room.

“I uh… think so.” Sora finally stepped to reveal the outfit Rarity had him put on.

It was another outfit from the Adventure Chic line. He had a black zipped up undershirt,over that was a white jacket with a red interior along with black trimmings on the short sleeves. On his hind end were baggy pants that were black on the upper portion of it, then the material was replaced with white that, from the way it was designed, it looked it was representing the greeves of a knight’s armor, only it was the same kind of cloth.

His shoes were a color combination of black and gray, with a lighter gray for the soles and red straps fastening it all to his back hooves. The bottoms of the pants somewhat resting over the upper portion of the shoes, hiding where they truly did end. To finish it off, on his left foreleg.

“Oh my! Simply dashing!” Rarity clapped her hooves together rapidly as her giddy delight was bursting from her. “I say Sora in a strange way, it’s like it was suited for you, yet it seems incomplete at the same time” She now took a more thoughtful look. As she gazed at him.

Sora looked at himself in the mirror and immediately could pick up what she meant by that when a memory popped into his mind.

Look Sharp!

Sora shook his head “Yeah… I think I know what it is, but it’s probably best that we go with it as it is. Any closer and we’d be copying his style.” He laughed

Rarity tilted her head before it dawned on her. “Oh my, a friend wore something like that?”

Upon Rarity mentioning the word ‘friend’, Sora had to stop and think about it. “I suppose you could call it that.” He then shook his head. “Anyway, I think the outfit looks great as well, uuuh just avoid using any checker patterns or a big metal ‘X’. for this outfit.” he replied Dangerously close enough as it is

“Oh, but those would look splendid on-oh... OH, Right of course” Rarity thankfully caught on and gave a nod. “Thank you for letting me know.” She then trotted over to Sora and gave him a once over. “Well, I suppose just to be safe, I’ll hold this outfit on standby until I can give it its one original look. Alright Sora I think that’s all the outfits I had for stallions. You can change out into your regular outfit now.

Sora nodded and wasted no time on putting his regular duds and gear on. After Sora explained to Rarity Earlier about his day and his new job, Rarity originally felt bad for rudely dragging him away from his job. Even when Sora said it was ok. This also brought on an idea to make amends and help her issue as well.

“Sora I’d like to thank you again, for taking the job of testing the stallion line of my future outfits, I’ll be honest when I say I don’t have that many friends of the male gender to ask to take on the task.” Rarity decided to sit next to the dressing room to speak to him. “And to again apologize for my uncouth behavior earlier. I was just so… excited when my first set was completed, that I just… Well”

“Hey it’s no sweat, Rarity. These clothes so far look great. Besides you’re paying for this job so I’m not complaining.”

“Yes, I know. Still it needs to be said, and I am very grateful for your patience with me as well.”

Soon enough Sora stepped out in his regular outfit before turning to her “Rarity I always make time for my friends. True next time some warning would be nice, but I’ll always be willing to help you out.”

She nodded “Thank you, darling… I suppose I should be fortunate. You’re very forgiving, Sora. you certainly keep your composure after all of the…. Antics myself and the girls may have caused you. Especially now that I’ve heard about that, ‘Apple Delivery’ you and the crusaders did.” Rarity shook her head as she properly folded the clothes neatly with her magic. “I swear those three can drive anypony up a wall if you let them.”

Sora just shrugged “Well, it wasn’t so bad-” Seeing Rarity glare at him, he cleared his throat. “Well, ok it was bad, but everything turned out ok in the end after all”.

Rarity gave a sigh “You certainly have a positive outlook on the situation.” She smiled giving Sora a rather playful wink “One of your more charming features I might add.”

Sora immediately tensed up from the gesture. Charming? He was unsure how exactly to respond and was even more confused on why he was thinking too hard on it for her, as Rarity giggled at the boy’s flustered response.

“Well, I shouldn’t hold here any longer, darling. Just a moment” She made her way over through an open door way and after a few moments returned with a sack that jingled every step she took. “Here, is your compensation for your much needed assistance.”

Sora couldn’t even hold his amazement at the size of the bag. After taking a moment to open and looked inside it, he blinked a few times to see if he wasn’t imagining what he was seeing. “I know I’m not from around here and all but… Are you seriously giving me all this?” Sora looked back at her. That look of astonishment never left his face.

“Why of course, Sora. You’ve helped me so much it’s only polite to reward you for your services.”

Sora just looked back at the bag again. “Rarity, I don’t know if I deserve this much…” He was worrying that he may be taking advantage of her.

Rarity simply held up her hoof. “Oh don’t even bother with that excuse. You’ve been so wonderful that I’m afraid that this isn’t even enough to compensate. Without you I wouldn’t even be venturing in this new territory in the first place.” she flashed him a sweet smile. “I truly am thankful that you came to Equestria…” In more ways than one I suppose it seemed like she wanted to say that thought out loud, but seemed to have lost the nerve to, however her cheeks seem to radiate some warmth and redness at the thought.

Sora looked at her then back at the bag… then smiled. “Well… If you’re ok with it.” he carefully placed the bag into into his saddlebag before looking back at her “Thanks Rarity” he walked up and surprised even her when he went and hugged her. Ever since Fluttershy gave him one he decided to start giving some back whenever the moment arises. “Just want you to know I’m grateful for this.”

Hilarious how the oblivious hero is unaware of how ‘effective’ his actions could be at times. Now the poor unicorn’s cheeks grew even redder and if nothing was done soon, so would her face. However, she did appreciate his words, A Purple flash of light grabbed their attention, but the moment the noticed it, it already vanished “W… what was that?” Rarity looked around the room.

Meanwhile Sora already had an idea of what it could be and looked at her element gem. He was certain he could saw a little bit of light before it eventually vanished from it… What is the key to activating these things? after a while she suddenly heard Rarity clear her throat and he immediately looked up at her.

“You know, Sora, it’s um, a bit rude to be staring at a lady in such a way.” however she let out a soft giggle as she watched Sora realize what was going on and fumbling with his words to make an apology. “My, my, you certainly are cute when you’re flustered.” she continued with another set of giggles.

“Fl-flustered?” he blinked a few times, unsure why she would say that until he walked next to a mirror. That’s when he got a good look at his face. Wait… Am I… blushing? Now he was utterly confused, and wanted nothing more than to get out of this embarrassing and confusing situation “W-whoa, uh l-look at the time! I bet my house is done now, yup!” he immediately turned and vigorously trotted out the front door. “It’s been fun, let’s do this again sometime, bye!” his speech sped up at the end as his trotting turned into a gallop out the door.

Rarity couldn’t help but be amused at his behavior, but waved anyway “Ta-ta, darling! I look forward to seeing you again! Definitely” She teased just to see him tense up from her response. However, once she noticed that he was really gone, her mischevious face changed into a more nervous looking one as her blush returned with a fury. She placed a hoof at her chest “Oh dear, that was... Quite the experience.” her memories replayed the moment of Sora hugging her gently.

She was beside herself, unsure what to do in that moment other than to continue staring out that open door as if Sora would suddenly come back in a suave suit, a rose in his mouth and gazing at her with-Focus, Rarity! she immediately shook the image out of her mind before it would get any more ‘intense’. She needed to work. Something to get her mind off this for awhile until her thoughts weren’t clouded by raw emotion. With her magic she finally shut the door and turned around, eager to distract her mind’s active imagination with something more productive.


Changeling Hideout

In the meeting room, a very angry insectoid Queen paced about as Maleficent looked to be more interested in the book they “lifted” from the Canterlot royal Library.

“Must you keep pacing about, your majesty? Your anxiety is becoming irritating.” The witch stated as she flipped to the next page. Her eyes glued on the book and never bothered to look anywhere else.

“Silience! How can I be calm, Now that one of my top agents have been captured, no doubt this will just make it more difficult for the others to gather recon.” Chrysalis gritted her teeth “Who was that being? If the guard had caught her it would’ve been by dumb luck or something just as foolish.” She stopped pacing but her expression became darker. “That being though… he knew her identity beforehand.”

“You think he works for the Princesses?” Maleficent decided to humor the Queen a bit more. However her face seemed more interested on a particular page she stopped at.

“That would be the most likely choice.” Chrysalis sat down and took a moment to think. “You and this Sora are from another world. Who’s to say that the Princesses did not summon another being from beyond?”

“For that to happen, these princesses would have prior knowledge of the worlds beyond. Yet I have not seen a single pony within my travels, and from what i’ve seen thus far, the general populace knows nothing of it.” Maleficent placed a bookmark on the page she was reading before closing it up and standing to her feet. “Then again, it has come to my knowledge that the boy has arrived here on request of… Celestia and Luna, was it?” She barely remembered their names, she didn’t find it necessary to keep such knowledge for a soon to be gone monarchy. “If I had to guess, these oh so “benevolent” rulers of Equestria have some secrets of their own to hide from their subjects.” she chuckled “My, my, a bit selfish, don’t you think? Perhaps we should do the good people of this world a “Civil service” in a manner of speaking.”

Chrysalis turned to her “What do you mean?”

“Well, your agents need more time to gather information, and with this. Mystery helper to the crown running about, They would certainly need the distraction. I believe I told you of my bumbling oaf of an assistant?”

“Ah, yes, that Pete fellow you speak of? How could he be of use to this plight.”

“As much of a buffoon that he is, if there three things he is good at, it’s getting unwanted attention, blurting out secrets that are meant to be kept, and distracting you with his insufferable ego.”

At this the Queen started make a smirk “When you put it like that, he would be absolutely perfect for the job.”

Maleficent then bowed “Well then your majesty, if you don’t mind, I shall go prepare things.” and then she turned and stepped out. Queen Chrysalis couldn’t help but end up laughing maniacally.

“I wonder if a kingdom is still a kingdom when their subjects lose faith.”

Author's Note:

It's That time again, folks! Another Chapter installment, On time as always. :rainbowdetermined2: *puffs chest proudly* Alright with the "self pat on the back" junk. ON to business!

As you can clearly in this chapter, its still me setting up the "dominoes" so to speak for whats to come. So for those that placed their choices on who get's to fuse next last chapter. You still gonna stick to your guns? or are you gonna change your decision for this chapter? I think I'll even make it a bit more fun. for those that read the author notes. The First person to post up who the correct mare that's getting "gem"olution (Lame pun I know) Can post up what they wanted to see in this story, and I'll add it in (within reason to what I already promised in the past) in there. your call, 4th breakage, wanting to see a love path sooner, wanting to add something either the MLP or KH universe that you have yet to see, etc. I got no issues with it so long as the basic plot of the story remains as is.

Alright moving on to the next subject, that some of you might be wondering: Yes... that was Pinkie Pie... and Yes I left there on purpose. Why? Well... Did you smirk, smile, or chuckle? :ajsmug: Yeah I'm that guy that might throws in something just give you readers a bit of fun.

*Bro hoofs Pinkie* :pinkiesmile: : I love surprises!

I figured as much. For those that worry, don't worry I don't in tend to go crazy with it. Its not a fun surprise if it happens all the time.

Uuuh, lets see.... anything I've forgotten.... Well, the next Chapter is giving a bit of writers block to go about it, but I don't think it'll threaten an extension on the deadline so, you guys shouldn't have to worry. Story wise, The main plot is slowly moving along, but I still want to manage one last "topic" before we dive right back into it. You'll see what I mean eventually.

OK, That's all I can think of so I'll you guys in next installment.... and in the comments when I get the chance.

Next Chapter: Something to run the imagination for those that look at this story like it's a game :twilightsmile: ( Atleast I enjoy that sort of aspect in a game )

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to future ones.

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