• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Spike Adventures: Royal Knight and Court Wizard

There was a duck flying through the air.

Now, normally when one sees a flying duck, they don’t think much of it. It’s a duck, therefore it can fly. However, this particular duck had no business being in the air whatsoever, considering that he has arms instead of wings.

“WAAAAAAUGH! Take us down! Take us down!” Said said duck.

“I can’t! You won’t get off my face!” Replied Scootaloo as she tried to simultaneously push the duck away and steer her plane. This accomplished little as the quacking mallard quaked in terror upon seeing they were now flying straight at everyone else.

Now you may be asking yourself, how did these two end up in their peculiar predicament? Well, it was a rather pointless affair, but it started with the Crusaders and Spike retaliating towards the angry wizard named Donald and the somewhat confused knight dubbed Goofy. The fight itself may have only lasted a brief moment, but what a moment it was.

The battle started with both sides running right at each other, while Merlin and Queen Minnie stood on the sidelines. The queen looked to her old friend. “Merlin, shouldn’t we stop them?” Donald cast a Firaga Spell at Spike right off the bat, but it was useless against a dragon. Goofy charged forward, shield held up in front of him, only to ram it against the front of Applebloom’s truck… Needless to say, the truck won that standoff, knocking goofy into the air while giving his signature yell.

“By the looks on their faces, I’m afraid mere words aren’t going to cut it. Not to worry, just give me a moment. Now, how did that spell go again?” Merlin replied before adjusting his hat and rolling up his sleeves. Meanwhile, Donald cast Blizzaga on Applebloom’s truck which had been barreling toward him, making its wheels and jet thruster freeze up and slide to a stop right in front of him. The filly inside was shivering so much her teeth chattered from the effects of the powerful ice spell, even if it was mostly directed at her vehicle rather than herself.

Goofy at this point in time was hurtling straight toward Sweetie Belle’s airship. When he noticed this he instinctively held his shield out in front of him before smashing into it, catching her off guard and causing the airship to slowly but surely fall to the floor. “We’re going down! Get your flank off the controls!”

“I’m trying, but I’m stuck!” Goofy had apparently gotten his leg caught on something in the cockpit during the clash. Back on the ground, Donald’s tail feathers were being roasted by green flames, courtesy of Spike coming at him from behind while he was distracted with Applebloom.

This caused the Duck to leap skyward and scream in pain, covering his rear end as he tried to pat out the fire, only to become Scootaloo’s first unintentional bird strike. “Whoa, hey! Get off!” He barely managed to grab onto something to avoid falling to his doom, and the moment he took hold he latched on out of fear due to being so high up. Unfortunately, the thing he latched onto was Scootaloo’s head, effectively blinding the pilot of the small aircraft. This was when Goofy and Sweetie’s slow crash to the floor had finally reached it’s end. Spike barely managed to dodge out of the way of Applebloom's truck, which had been tipped over after getting nicked by the airship as it screeched past.

Which brings us to where we are now.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Was the one phrase that most, if not all the combatants yelled as the ones on the ground tried to scramble away, while the ones on the plane were coming in hot.

However, just before impact, someone cast Stopga on the group. “Ah! That’s the one,” exclaimed Merlin as he cast the spell with his open palms. He then made a swift gesture with them which caused the Crusaders, Spike, Donald and Goofy to somehow levitate from their positions and practically fly toward the wizard and queen, all while they were still frozen in time, mind you. As he placed them gently on the ground, the spell vanished and time resumed for them, as well as the now unmanned vehicles, leaving the plane to crash not in an explosion of fire but one of many small gummi block pieces. The airship fared no better as a good portion of it was scattered and strewn about the floor. The truck was still mostly intact since it was simply knocked over by the airship’s crash landing.

As for the participants of that brief fight. “AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaah!!!… aaaah!… uuuuh… huh?” it took a moment for them to get their bearings after time resumed.

“...Are we dead?” Scootaloo asked in a muffled voice as she was still blinded by Donald, who himself was still latched onto her head in terror. “Did we crash yet?”

“Fortunately, you have not.” Merlin dusted off his hands. “I do not believe that your sisters and Rainbow Dash would think too kindly of me leaving you three to your demise. The same for Twilight as well, in regards to you Spike.”

A sigh of relief sounded throughout the area as Donald and Goofy immediately sprang to their feet. “Merlin? What are you doing here?” Goofy asked.

“And who are these guys?” Donald asked as he got into a ready stance in case the adorable defenseless ponies and dragon tried anything.

“To answer Donald’s question, children would be the best term to categorize them all,” Merlin replied causing Donald to stumble over a little at the realization.

“Yeah! You guys were getting beaten up by children! HA HAAA… Hey, wait a minute!” Scootaloo quickly got to her hooves.

“Alright, I think that’s quite enough for one day.” Minnie finally stepped in between the two glaring individuals. “Donald, Goofy, I thank you both for coming to my aid, but fortunately Merlin and these young warriors arrived first and took care of the Heartless attacking me.” She then turned to Spike and the other Crusaders that had now gathered around Scootaloo “And you all have my thanks for your valiant effort today.”

Scootaloo puffed out her chest at the praise while Applebloom, Sweetie, and Spike kneeled to her as they would for their two princesses back home. “Wasn’t an issue at all, your majesty! Those guys were just a bunch of small fry anyway. If Sora and Rainbow were here, they’d have totally wiped the floor with them in a snap.” Scootaloo boasted.

“Oh! You guys know Sora as well?” Goofy walked up to the group with a big smile on his face now that he knew there was no reason to fight.

“How’s he doing, anyway?” Donald responded. “I bet he’s been slacking without us around to keep him on track.”

Scootaloo just stared at him. “...Does anybody know what the big duck said? Cuz I didn't understand of a lick of that.” This made Donald give her a deadpan stare.

“Ahem.” Merlin cleared his throat, gaining everyone’s attention. “I believe it would be best if we discuss all of this in the garden. I still have to return these young ones home after all.” He then turned to Minnie. “Would that be alright with you, your majesty?”

Minnie smiled and nodded. “That should be quite alright, I’ll even send for some tea and snacks for us.”

“That sounds quite lovely, I’m sure the young ones would like that.”

“You had us at snacks, your highness,” Spike spoke out as he and the Crusaders suddenly looked very attentive at the prospect of free food.

Donald just shook his head. “Kids...”

“Aw, don’t be like that Donald. After all, you have three nephews that aren’t too different.” Goofy patted Donald behind his back.

“Ah, what do you know, you big palooka.” Donald huffed before following the group back to the garden, leaving Goofy to laugh before following along as well. They both knew he was right, however, it did beg the question. What would happen if both the triplets and crusaders met? ...A story for another day perhaps. ( :pinkiesmile: : You tease, you. )



A Few Hours Later

During the explanation, everyone enjoyed the refreshments the castle chef had to offer after a table and chairs were delivered to the garden, of course. Merlin, Spike, and the Crusaders took turns telling stories of what Equestria was like, the current events and the tales they’ve heard involving Sora and the bearers. They also recounted a few of their own little adventures against the heartless and Maleficent, the latter of which actually genuinely impressed their audience, who knew first hand how tough of an opponent the witch could be.

Meanwhile, Merlin was back standing in front the house, busy overturning the spell their unwanted guest placed on it. He took a few breaks for a spot of tea and a cookie when he felt like of course, but other than that he diligently continued his work. Spike and the girls were more than happy to pick up the explanations whenever he needed time to focus on his magic.

“Gawrsh, sounds like Sora has been busy helping you fellers out than he has been with his training,” Goofy said as he took off his hat and scratched his head in thought.

Spike was then reminded of Sora saying the same thing once before. That’s right, he did say that’s the reason he was brought to Equestria, but why? Spike asked himself. Was it to learn about fusion or something?

“Don’t you remember goofy? That’s exactly why Master Yen decided to send him there.” Donald replied. This brought Spike out of his thoughts. “After we dropped him off, Master Yen Sid said that Sora needed to prepare himself for what lies ahead.”

“What lies ahead?” Spike asked, “What’s that mean? Is it about that Xehanort guy he told us about?”

Donald nodded before taking another sip of his tea. “Did Sora tell you about how he failed his Mark of Mastery exam?”

“Mark of Mastery?” Spike thought for a moment. Then he remembered Sora had mentioned it with a bit of sadness in his voice. “That’s the test that would’ve made Sora and his friend Riku Official Keyblade Masters, but Xehanort ruined it all when he tried to take Sora as a vessel or something, I think.”

Donald nodded. “True, but do you know what they were after during that test?” This got Spike and girls looking at each other. Come to think of it, Spike never did ask what was the point of the test. Waking sleeping worlds? He assumed it was just to help more worlds that were locked away like before, but this time locked in slumber instead of darkness. Other than becoming a Keyblade Master and helping sleeping worlds, was there another reason for all of it? No one even bothered to ask him. He was brought out of his musing when Donald continued. “It was for Sora and Riku to gain the power of waking.”

“Power of waking?” Applebloom asked. “Waking ponies up is a power?” After a moment she perked up. “Like a special talent?!” This got the other Crusaders’ attention, as well as the confusion of Donald and Goofy.

Spike immediately waved it off. “If that were the case, then Twilight would’ve gotten that Cutie Mark instead after all the times she had to get me out of bed.

Goofy looked at Donald. “Cutie Mark?” Donald just shook his head and shrugged in return.

“Anyway, what’s so great about being able to wake others?” Spike asked.

Donald and Goofy looked at each other. Was it really necessary for them to explain everything? It had nothing to do with Spike or the Crusaders so perhaps it was a subject that didn’t need to be brought up. However, the queen spoke her mind. “Well don’t stop there, if they don’t get an answer they’re only going to be more curious. And besides, if you don’t tell them they’ll probably just ask Sora when they return.”

“She has a point, boys,” Merlin called out in the middle of his work. “Regardless, I actually feel it’s important that they know.” He then spoke under his breath. “Or at the very least, Spike should.” Before speaking normally again. “Besides, we’ll be here for a while longer, as you can see.” He motioned to him casting a spell on the house. “It would help pass the time.”

“They have us there, Donald,” Goofy said.

Donald just sighed. “Yeah yeah. Alright, listen up you four.” He pointed to Spike and the girls which made them all straighten up and focus than earlier. “This is about all that we know, so don’t complain if we can’t explain the more detailed parts.”

“Uuuh, can that Goofy guy explain it?” Scootaloo raised her hoof. “No offense, but I can barely understand what you're saying.” She said bluntly.

“Well you’re getting better,” Sweetie Belle said. “Just a while ago you couldn’t understand him at all.”

“SHHHH!” Both Spike and Applebloom shushed the other too. Donald meanwhile turned to Goofy with a look of exasperation.

“Well, let me see here, I suppose we should start with the fact that we’re looking for some old friends of ours...”

And so began a long and winding tail of Donald and Goofy’s experiences and adventures involving keyblade wielders. How they met Ventus, Aqua and Terra, and the times they spent with them. Their own perspectives during their adventures with Sora and how they looked high and low for them the first time they met. All the way up till the point where Sora failed his Mark of Mastery exam. Once it was finished, Spike and girls understood that Sora needed that power so he could wake the sleeping heart of Ventus, as well as free Terra from Xehanort, and find Aqua who was lost in the dark realm. Though Spike was surprised that they were trying to bring back Roxas as well. From what Sora told him, Roxas was his nobody, his other half. And he returned to Sora, in the end, so wouldn’t be better to leave Roxas as is?

It was getting to the point where all this was starting to overwhelm the kids, so goofy and the others took breaks in between to help explain the parts of the story they didn’t understand. ( :pinkiesmile: Cuz Celestia knows how hard it is explaining KH lore to someone out of the loop. ) by the time the explanation came to a close the Crusaders and Spike had a better grasp on what was going on, but still nowhere close to a full understanding. However, it was probably as good as they were gonna get for now. What they did understand was that some important people needed to be found and Sora is training to help him in this quest.

“So basically, Sora is training in Equestria… So that he can receive that “power of waking” thing you mentioned, right?” Spike folded his arms and tried to contemplate the whole discussion.

“Uh huh.” Said both Donald and Goofy.

“Does this have anything to do with that fusion thing he does?” Scootaloo asked.

“Fusion?” This got Donald and Goofy confused.

“Yeah! That thing Sora does with Twilight and her friends with their Elements of Harmony!” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Elements of Harmony?” Donald seemed even more confused.

“What’s that about our friends in Twilight Town?” Goofy asked while scratching his head.

Spike and the Crusaders looked at each other, wondering how to respond when Merlin spoke up. “I’m sure it goes without saying, but perhaps you young ones should return the favor by sharing some info in return. Best to keep Sora’s friends up to date after all.”

“Nah, that’s ok.” Donald shook his head. “We’re actually going there ourselves today anyways.” He stood up.

“We are?” Goofy turned to Donald, “But I thought you said we would check on him next week?”

“I changed my mind. After hearing their story, I’m getting a bad feeling about all this.” Donald said as he readjusted his hat.

After a moment Goofy just smiled and chuckled. “Why I betcha you’re just as worried about’em as I am, a-hyuck.”

Donald just looked away. “Nah, he’s just hopeless is all.” He quickly changed the subject before Goofy could figure out he was right. “Merlin, how long until you think you can send the house back along with them?”

“Oh, it should only be a couple more hours… Probably.” Merlin replied curtly as he remained focused.

Donald shook his head. “Nevermind then.” He then turned to Goofy. “I still have the warp coordinates to that place, we’ll just use the gummi ship and get there in a jiffy. Let’s go Goofy.”

“Gummi ship?” Spike took a moment to recall Sora’s story. He had mentioned that subject before. Some kind of ship made of gummy parts or something that flew through space, if he remembered correctly.

“But uh, how are we gonna find this ‘Ponyville’? We've never been to Equestria before, remember?” Goofy brought up a good point, but Spike perked up and stepped forward.

“I can show you where it is!”


Gummi Ship Hangar

Some time later

“Whooooa….” Spike was in awe as he got a look around the place. Everywhere he turned there were parts and devices straight out of one of his comic books. He had no clue what most of them were for, but they sure looked interesting. “You hid all this under that hedge castle in the garden? You made it into a secret passage or something.”

“Well, that’s because we… Huh… What was the reason we hid the doorway there again?” Goofy tapped his chin with a finger.

“Well, that’s because…” Donald stopped in the middle of his sentence as well. He couldn’t remember either but immediately decided to shelf that for another day. “We’ll ask about that later.” He concluded as they stopped in front of what looked to be a control panel, but scaled down to an incredibly tiny size. “Chip! Dale!”

Suddenly from under one of the seemingly random panels in the room, out popped a little chipmunk that immediately saluted “Chip.”

“And Dale!” Said another chipmunk with a rather distinguishable red nose as he stumbled out of what looked like a circuit box and wobbled a bit until he finally got his salute right. The two then continued in sync ”Reporting for duty!” Both Chipmunk seemed to be wearing some kind of workshop attire.

“Whoa, these little guys can talk? Normally I’d have to get Fluttershy to translate.” Spike stepped up and gazed at the two little guys, catching them off guard and causing them to stumble back. “Oh, sorry? Didn’t mean to freak you out there.” He chuckled nervously.

“Chip, Dale, How’s the ship?” Donald asked, ignoring the mini dragon’s antics.

“Oh, uh.” Chip straightened himself out before nodding. “All tuned up! We even replaced the wing parts. Same model though.”

“It should run like a dream now.” Dale continued while jumping in excitement for a job well done.

“Good, prepare it for launch.”

“Already?” Chip tilted his head. “But you two just returned here today. Also-” he then turned to Spike. “Who is that? Is he the reason?”

“We’ll explain another time, right now we gotta get going.” Donald changed the subject.

After a moment Chip just shrugged. “Aaaalrighty then, Let’s get moving Dale.” He then scurried off with Dale not too far behind.

“We should get going too,” Donald said as he and Goofy started walking.

“Where to?” Spike asked.

“To the Launch Bay, of course, those two fellers will prep the ship for us by the time we get there. They’re small but they’re pretty fast at what they do.” Goofy said as they went down another corridor.

“You called it a gummi ship right? Is driving it through space like flying an airship, or riding a boat?”

“Hmmm...” Goofy scratched his head and thought about that question. “Well now that I think about it, it’s pretty hard to describe to someone that’s never ridden in one,” After a moment of thinking he just chuckled and then looked forward again. “Well, I figure it’ll be easier to just show you instead.”

“Because here we are,” Donald said as they reached the end of the corridor to open up to a larger room mostly empty but at the center of a circular looking pad was what Spike could only assume as the Gummi Ship they spoke of.

( Scene from Square Enix, but Picture found on gamespew.com )

Spike ran up to it and got a good look. “It… looks like it’s made of the same stuff the Crusaders’ vehicles were made of.”

“They’re called Gummi blocks.” Donald pointed out as he walked past the little dragon and patted the side of the ship. “It’s a very useful material, letting you customize a ship however you want… almost.” He nodded before jumping on board and getting into the cockpit. “Though I suppose it’s not really surprising that Merlin found more uses for them. How does he do it...” Donald muttered mostly to himself as Goofy helped Spike get in before boarding it himself. There were three seats inside, one up front where Spike could only assume the steering controls were, and two others located just behind it on either side.

“Whooooa.” He admired all the bits and bobs and blinking lights that circled around him as the glass like dome closed above them once everyone was inside. Spike went to the front, staring at the controls before noticing Donald take a seat there. “Hey, can I-”


“Aww, you didn’t let me finish.” Spike frowned.

“You were going to ask if you could pilot, right?” Donald replied without even looking at him as he started getting the ship up and running.

Spike blinked. “Uh, yeah, How-”

“Sora was no different when we first met him,” Donald said as they could now feel the ship come to life after he got the ignition going. “Would you trust a kid to fly a highly advanced spaceship they knew nothing about, let alone ever even ridden on one?”

“Oh… So I guess even Sora never got to try then.”

“No, he did.”

“What?!” Spike said, outraged.

“In time. Nobody becomes an expert in a day, you know.” Donald replied.

“Ever since that Incident in the deep jungles, we started him off with small tasks like parking and moving him up from there.” Goofy elaborated while he hopped into one of the free seats.

“I still don’t know how he was able to make it stop and go so sudden and abruptly like that...” Donald was confused on that to this very day. It was like when a new student driver would press the gas and brake pedals in a way that make the car abruptly jerk forward and stop repeatedly… and Sora somehow managed to do that with a spaceship, which had no friction based brakes.

Just then Spike was shocked to hear Dale’s voice from out of nowhere. “Launch Bay is ready to go!”

“Ok!” Donald said before turning to Spike. “Take a seat Spike, the launch is a bit jarring for the first few times.” Spike did so immediately. Suddenly Spike notices the ship rising up, the pad below the ship lifting them up toward the ceiling. He was about to protest and freak out about getting crushed flat when he also noticed the ceiling directly above them open up with a circular hole that just managed to fit the ship and rising pad.

“COOL!” He looked around as they rapidly started rising up the hole. After a few moments, he noticed a light above, which he soon realized was the Launch Bay, as multiple metal doors started rapidly opening up before them showing one long corridor.

Above it was a large screen that lit up and showed Chip as he gave a salute. “Green for launch!” He said.

“OK!” Donald said as the ship began to hover off the pad it was on before slowly moving toward the long corridor in front of them. “Spike, you might want to sit back and hang on to something now.”

Spike complied but was wondering why he should as the ship seemed to be barely crawling, and that's when it hit him. The moment the ship reached that corridor it shot through it like a bullet, slamming the purple dragon to the back of his seat, gritting his teeth and, temporarily, freaking out for a few seconds before they reached the end and the ship careened straight toward the stars above.

“GO GUMMI!” Donald switched on the thrusters, causing the ship to shoot forward as the warp drive activated and they blinked out of view from everyone down below. The Crusaders, the Queen, the Chipmunks, and Merlin all watched the ship fly skyward, then blink out of existence.

“Hm… This is good.” Merlin said as he then refocused on the house. “It should be a good learning experience for the lad.” Merlin certainly seems to have high hopes for Spike.

But for what?

Author's Note:

Hey Guys, Sorry for making you wait, but once again I still made the deadline. Here is the 2nd half of Spike's trip to Disney Castle. With that out of the way, all that's left to return to meet up with Sora and the girls.

Things have been kinda busy for me since I decided to run two stories at the same time, but not to the point where it is unbearable.

There is more for me to write but for now, I'll temporarily cut it off. and write more later.

Next Chapter: Stand By Me

As Always, I hope ou enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to future ones.

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