• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 4: All Aboard

As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music.
Completely optional: Your free to ignore this

In front of the Golden Oaks Library

The next morning

Twilight was the first to wake up…. She was for some reason sleeping where the punch bowl used to be. The punch bowl itself was on some pony’s head as they slept peacefully while half of them was dangling over the edge of the table, there was Trash and ponies all about the front of the library as she place a hoof to her face to rub the sleep form her eyes. Her head hurt. Well more like the back of her neck really. She deduced that she must have slept wrong on the table…. That she also just realized that she didn’t need to sleep on in the first place since her home was literally a few feet away. Her body ached as she tried to get off the table as gracefully as possible, and by gracefully she meant falling to her hooves first on the ground. She failed, to say the least, as she fell over and face planted into the dirt. If she wasn’t awake before, she was now.

“Oooooowwww…..” nevertheless she slowly stood up and tried to recall what happened last night. “Lets see… Pinkie’s party lasted a lot longer then usual” She recalled how late into the night it was and most of the party goers were still dancing and chatting away. She remembered Applejack left early so she could wake up early to get her chores done before they all had to head out to Canterlot. So it was safe to assume that she should be in the midst of doing them judging the Sun’s position as it rose a bit above the hills in the horizon. She saw Fluttershy wave and leave not to long after Applejack and her sister Applebloom, it was probably as much of the party that she could handle anyway. She looked over to her left and saw Rainbow and Pinkie Pie both passed out on stage…. She couldn’t remember why they were there. She must’ve fallen asleep before they went up there. Must have been some sort of encore, perhaps.” She saw Spike on top of some kind of sleeping pony pile, with all sorts of cupcake frosting covering his mouth and big splotch on his swollen gut. She recalled the pile looked like a Pyramid at one point, but the reason why they made a pyramid was beyond her. Rarity was gone. She remembered seeing her when she was awake, she was talking to Sora about something. “Oh that’s right, Sora” she started looking around. “Where did he go?” She started walking about the party area, carefully swerving or hopping over sleeping pony she came across. She couldn’t help but giggle at the look of Vinyls face as it was on the record player, making the sound skip over constantly. After a bit of searching she had finally a sleeping brown stallion leaning against the tree, out like a light, the spiky mane was a head giveaway. However, something was off. “What happened to his clothes.

The stallion in question only had his necklace on. He was slumped over to the side alittle, and looked utterly motionless, save for the small rise and fall of his barrel from his breathing. Twilight wasn’t sure why, but it kind of made him look lazy. When she finally nudged him awake she waited for his mind to fully wake up before she started talking to him. “Mm…huh?” His eye’s slowly opened only a little bit, before he started to finally shift his body and stretch. “Morning already?” he yawned as he slowly got to his hooves.

“That’s right, up and at’em. We got to get ready for the journey” Twilight watched shake the his head as if it would shake away all his drowsiness. “Say Sora, what happened to your clothes?” she had to ask.

Sora paused for a moment, and looked at himself. Seeing that he was indeed naked he would feel more embarrassed if he hadn’t already seen many other ponies not wear clothes. He brought a hoof to his chin and tried to remember.


Flashback to last night

Sora had been listening to Fluttershy as she explained to the best of her knowledge what a Cutie Mark was. “Does that help you understand, Sora?”

He was sitting on his haunches with his fore limbs folded in front of him as he was deep in thought, cataloging what he had just heard into memory. Then with a simple nod he replied “I think so. So basically these tattoo like things explain our special talent” he looked at his.

“R-right” She nodded before looking at hers. “My Cutie Mark symbolizes how I love animals, and love to take care of them. My kindness, if you will” that last part she added made her feel a bit bashful for saying it as she started at the ground looking away.

Sora turned his gaze to her Cutie Mark and gave a nod, able to see the connection to her talent and the image the mark displayed. “Ok, I think I get it then, and you were wondering what mine was?” at her nod of confirmation he held a hoof to his chin and glanced back at his flank. “Hmm… I’m not too sure really, I guess you could say that it displays my talent of being a Keyblade wielder, but I don’t think that’s it. It looks like it’s meant for something else.”

Both Fluttershy and Sora were at a loss for words on what it truly meant. That’s when Fluttershy got a look at the sky. “Oh my, it’s getting late.” she started flapping her wings and was hovering off the ground. “I normally don’t stay up this late. And I guess we have to go meet the Princesses tomorrow. So I think I’ll head home for the night. Will you be staying here longer?”

Sora nodded “It is a party meant for me after all, I’ll stick around until the party ends. I’ll be fine sleeping outside for the night, really. You have a good night, Fluttershy” he gave a reassuring smile to her as she could only nod, with a wave goodbye from her she was off and on her way home. After a few more seconds him waving back to her retreating form he turned around to face the ongoing party. Vinyl was dishing out another song she made now and it did give him the urge to dance again, so he started to make his way back to the party. That’s when he heard a rather posh sounding voice.”

“Yoo hoo! Excuse me, Sora! A moment of your time?” Sora stopped and looked to his side to see Rarity trot up to him. She definitely had a pep to her step, like something had her excited.

“Oh hey, Rarity. Whats up?” he turned to fully face her with a friendly smile. Hew was then confused when she first trotted past him, and then stared at him as if scanning him for something. She went a full circle around him before he finally decided to say something. “Um, is something wrong?” he had to admit being stared at so intently by a girl was a bit uncomfortable.

After hearing him speak to her a second time she lifted her head up quickly and blushed at noticing how rude she was being “Oh, terribly sorry, darling. I was just looking at your outfit again. It is very unique, and has it’s own flair that I have never seen before.”

Sora looked at his Jacket and saddlebags and tilted his head “I uh, guess so. I never really thought about it hehe” he then turned to Rarity “but thanks anyway. I wear it everyday so it’s nice to know it’s nice to look at, atleast”

Rarity clicked her tongue a few times and shook her head “Nice to look at? Sora dear, this is by far foreign treasure in the fashion world, and I would love to make use of this opportunity. You see, I was heading back home and I was wondering if it was alright if I could borrow your outfit just for the night. I wanted to study and make some designs with it.”

“Designs?” he looked at his outfit once again. He never thought they would catch that much interest in fashion. To be honest, he didn’t have time to think on it much since most of the time he was fighting heartless, nobodies, villains and such. Though, seeing as for some reason he didn’t need his clothes to keep his pony form, he decided it wouldn’t cause any harm. “Sure I guess, just bring it with you when we’re about to leave I guess.”

It was clear on Rarity’s face that she was ecstatic on his approval. “Oh thank you so much Sora, and do not worry, I am a mare of my word. I’ll only need one night.” once he took his outfit off Rarity picked it up with her magic before neatly folding the jacket and resting it on her back perfectly balanced, and then wore the saddle bags since that was the best way to carry them. “Ah, now I must be off, while the night is still young. Thank you again Sora, good night and enjoy the party.” and like that she trotted off to her home, her body movement couldn’t even hide how excited she was to get to work. He then noticed two little fillies, one white unicorn with two tone mane and tail and an orange Pegasus with purple mane and tail waiting for her, though they seemed pretty reluctant to leave compared to Rarity. He assumed that it must be past their bed time.

Sora chuckled “Well, she certainly enjoys her work I guess


Present time

“Wait, you didn’t know what a Cutie Mark was?” Twilight had been listening intently to the story and found that bit of information odd.

Sora rubbed the back of his head and gave a nervous chuckle “Heh, yeah. It‘s not something you think about where I come from”

“And where do you come from?” Twilight definitely wasn’t going to quit in getting every bit of info out of him. She looked at him suspiciously

“Aheh, very far away” Sora then changed the subject “Anyway, shouldn’t we be getting ready and gathering the others for the trip” he walked past her. “I’ll go get Spike and Pinkie and Rainbow to wake up.”

Twilight stared at the stallion with narrowed eyes. “He knows a lot more then he’s letting on and she didn’t like it. However, he had a point and they had to prepare for the train. Twilight went inside the Library to grab a few things first and make some breakfast.

Sora meanwhile made sure to wake up some passed out ponies he passed by to let them know the party was over with them in turn trying to wake other sleeping ponies. He eventually made it to the pony pile from before. He didn’t see what it was originally, so he was confused as to why such a thing happened with Spike on top covered in frosting. “Hey Spike? You awake?!” he called out to the dragon. Whether or not he was awake, Sora could hear many moans and groans from within the pile. His voice managed to wake up the rest of the ponies within it. He got a good look at as the pile broke apart into half awake ponies that staggered and stumbled around yawning and mumbling. This left Spike sitting up from all the commotion and ending up being the only one there.

He looked up at Sora stretching his arms. Before clutching his now round belly. “Ugh….. What a night… how many cupcakes did I eat” he definitely not looking his best. Sora couldn’t help but chuckle as he helped the dragon onto his back.

“Guess you went pretty wild last night” He said as he made his way over to the stage

“Urp!… Too wild… Ugh, please don’t run. My stomach can’t handle such movement.” Spike said as he struggled to stay on him.

“Heh, right, sorry, Spike” as he finally reached the stage it looked like Pinkie was already starting to wake up. “Well there’s one. Morning Pinkie, sleep well?” He took the steps up instead of jumping onto it for Spike’s sake.

At the sound of his voice the pink mare managed to shake every bit of drowsiness form her body and flash a big grin. “Morning, Sora! That was party was the Bestest Party Ever!” She bounced around the still unconscious Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, thanks for throwing it for me. I had a lot of fun” Sora replied as his eyes followed as she hopped around.

“Anything for a friend! That’s you by the way.” She whispered that part. It was unnecessary to whisper about it but he didn’t ask. Instead his gaze turned to the rainbow mane mare still sleeping on the floor. “I’m surprised she hasn’t woke up yet” he referred to all the noise and movement he and Pinkie were making right next to her.

“Oh Dashie isn’t a morning pony, plus she danced SUPER Hard last night too” Pinkie stood on her hind hooves and started grooving to emphasize her point.

Sora laughed “Well, as much as I’d like to let her sleep, Twilight wants us all to get ready. After I take Spike inside to um… rest up” He glanced a look up at the purple dragon who was now laying his head against the back of Sora’s neck making rather pathetic groaning and moaning sounds. “I’ll help you with cleaning up around here” He received a rather surprisingly tight hug from the pink mare, which unfortunately so it Spike.

“Oh Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sora! You’re Super Duper Nice! We‘ll get this all cleaned up lickety split!” Her grin even brighter then ever now. When she finally let go both boys gasped for air and Sora flopped to the the ground, with Spike not far behind.

“Ugh… Can you keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep here” Rainbow said as she was finally waking up but trying so desperately to return to her dreams. That is until the gears in her mind started working. “Wait… Pinkie, What are you doing in my house” her eyes opened partly as she lifted her head up and looked around. “Wait…where am I?” The gears were turning, but not at full speed yet.

Pinkie just giggled and went back to bouncing around Rainbow Dash “Silly Dashie, don’t you remember. We were partying on stage and doing Karaoke to all the rest of the night, then you got super sleepy and fell down really hard and wouldn’t wake up.”

“Oh… yeah… right the party” Rainbow slowly got to her hooves and gave a big yawn. She then noticed Sora and Spike slowly getting back up as well after Pinkie’s “special” hug. “What’s with you two?”

Sora coughed a bit before shaking his head. “Ahem, N-no reason” and giving a weak smile.


Sweet Apple Acres

Applejack was up earlier then anyone else on the farm, and that’s saying something for a family of farmers, and quite possibly in all of Ponyville, bucking her Apple Trees and getting enough for selling today. Her brother Big Mac and Granny Smith had agreed to take over selling apples at the market while she was away, so the least she could do was get the Apple collecting done for them as they ate breakfast. She had just finished bucking enough apples for sale and went to start collecting them into the baskets. That’s when her brother stepped out and was taking care of his Morning chores as well hoping to get it done before taking over Applejack’s job. “Mornin‘, Big Mac! Sleep Well?”

“Eeyup” was his response as he made his way to the barn.

After an hour Applejack had taken care of everything on her to do list and was inside having breakfast, The Pancakes were still warm even after all that time she was outside and everyone else had already eaten. She made sure to take care of her dishes before she made her way to the Library, figuring it was better to meet up with Twilight and Sora before they started gathering the others. Before she headed out the door however, She was stopped by a small yellow filly with a red mane and tail.

“Hey Applejack, where ya goin‘?” the the little pony already running up next to her and followed her big sister as they walked.

“I’m goin’ ta meet up with Sora and the gang for our trip ta Canterlot, Applebloom, remember? I told this to ya when I was discussin’ it with Big Mac and Granny” that’s when the filly named Applebloom perked up as that bit of memory returned to the front of her mind to confirm it.

“Oh right? Is it because of Sora being here and all. Who is he anyway?” She was just a mountain of questions today.

Applejack nodded “That’s right. Apparently, the Princesses was expectin’ him at the castle, but he ended up in Everfree forest by mistake. Also whatever he is here for, apparently it includes the others and myself as well.”

Applebloom then stopped for a moment and thought. “Wait, how do you get lost in the Everfree Forest when yer going to Canterlot?”

Applejack shook her head “I don’t rightly know, sugarcube. I’m hopin’ Sora will explain that to us when we get there. He seems ta be obligated to keep his muzzle shut about it until we get there. I don’t blame him. It must be really important if the princesses are involved.”

“Oooh, what if he’s like a secret agent or sumthin, and he has all the dirty info on folks that are causin’ other ponies trouble.” her little sister seemed to already be imagining Sora in some kind of Spy set up while hiding behind the corner listening in on bad guys in his mind. Until it shifted to her next opinion “Or maybe he’s a Super knight! Sent out on the toughest missions in Equestria!” now an image of Sora in big shiny armor while lifting a sword toward a dark entity in front of him was now on her mind.

At that last suggestion Applejack could only look at her with a raised eyebrow “Have you been hangin’ round Pinkie Pie lately?”

“Huh? What’s that suppose to mean?” Seeing clearly the clueless look on her little sister’s face she shook her head.

“Never mind, anywho I believe your suppose ta get ready for school soon, so shake a leg, darlin.” Seeing her sister pout at being reminded of her day’s schedule she chuckled. “I promise when I get back, I’ll tell you all about it. Alright?”

She tried to hide the excited look in her eyes, but it was clear to Applejack and anyone else who would happen to look at the now excited little filly. “You, mean it”

Applejack nodded “Course, I do. Just don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone, alright?” A request she wasn’t so sure her little sister would keep, but tried for anyway.

Applebloom was reluctant but still smiled and nodded before turning around heading for their house. “Ok, but I want to hear everything!” she gave Applejack a wave, as did Big Mac and Granny Smith who happened to see her on her way out. Applejack gave a nod and wave to her family as well as a confident smile before turning around and making her way over to Twilight’s house.


Fluttershy’s Cottage

Fluttershy had the same idea as Applejack of sleeping early to wake up early, however at best she just woke up an hour or so earlier then she usually would. She wanted to make sure all of her duties were met before she had to leave. Fresh food for when they wake up and for those that are already awake, double checking any creatures she was nursing back to health, so far that area seems to be just fine much to her relief, and making sure Angel, her bunny, was awake and able to look after things why she was gone. Of course, unlike his name, Angel wasn’t doing it just for the feeling of doing something nice. So Fluttershy promised to make him a special Carrot feast when she got back.

“Oh that reminds me, I should buy some more carrots have it sent home for later” After realizing her low stock in the orange produce, she decided to pick up pace in getting everything done so that she had time to spare to order a delivery, because this was all routine, she was allowed to have her mind wander a bit. Her mind started thinking about the events that happened yesterday and her new friend Sora. Looking back at it now, it seemed kind of silly how well she and her friends were taking in all the things Sora could do. He did seem like the kind of pony that you could be friends with, but for Fluttershy’s case that’s not something you can do so quickly with her. Sure he had broken the ice talking about the animal and creatures he was friends with, but it felt like there was more to her reason for being so comfortable talking to him like her other friends.

She was lost in thought, but thankfully her morning routine was practically engraved in her subconscious that she just went through the motions. But of course she still would always greet any of her animals she would run into if they were awake. It would be rude not to, after all. With her work done, she gave her pet bunny a hug “See you later, Angel. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Angel hugged her back but the grumpy look he was making seemed to indicate that he wanted to get back to sleep. And just like that she was out the door and off to the Library.


Golden Oak Library

A Half Hour Later

The clean up went by relatively smoothly since some of the pony’s that woke up spared some time to pitch in. Pinkie somehow managed to break down the stage when no one was looking and was tossing it all on a cart with a few other ponies, in pieces, “That was so much fun we should do that again next time” She said as she chucked the final plank onto the cart. Then waved goodbye to Vinyl, who was pushing her packed up equipment down the trail to her home.

Rainbow Dash was flying over her carrying trash bags off to the nearest dumpster. “I’m all for that, but we should get some of Cider from AJ next time!” She seemed rather happy to suggest that.

“Applejack’s farm makes Apple Cider as well?” Sora was definitely interested in this drink seeing the flying Pegasus’ reaction to it.

“The best this side of Equestria” Came a southern voice from behind Sora, the owner being no other then Applejack who trotted her way up to the others. “Mornin’ ya’ll!” she gave a wave. “Look’s like your getting things all straightened out here.”

“Hey Applejack, yeah I thinking we’re just about done here” Sora waved back at her before looking around seeing all the other ponies start to leave. “So I guess we’re leaving once everyone is ready to go?”

“Exactly, but first how about some breakfast? Twilight stepped out of the library levitating a few plates of pancakes. Then placed time on a table that wasn’t taken down yet.

“Sweet! Spike made pancakes?!” Rainbow Dash was the first to get to the table “Wait…” he looked over to Sora still had Spike on his back, who finally looked like he was recovering from all those cupcakes. Though the sight of the pancakes turned his purple face to green as he tried to look away from it.

“That’s Right, I made them this time” She said proudly as Sora decided to set Spike down on the side to before heading over to the table, Pinkie being the last to make it there.

“Oooh… That’s cool then” Rainbow said in much less excited tone to before as she grabbed the syrup.

“And what’s that suppose to mean Rainbow Dash?” Twilight seemed easily offended to that response.

“Nothing” she shook her head “I’m sure it’s fine, it’s just Spike’s cooking is better” she put it bluntly. Sora had to stifle a laugh from how she didn’t miss a beat with that response. If anyone looked over at Spike, they would see him smirking after hearing that as well.

It wasn’t a surprise that Twilight felt offended by this as she started pouting and levitating Rainbow’s plate away from her. “Fine, then I guess I’ll just give this to someone else”

“Hey, wait I’m still hungry!” Rainbow got up and flew after her runaway meal. Now Sora found it as the right time to laugh, and so he did along with Pinkie and Applejack, who opted out from Pancakes since she already had breakfast.

Once Fluttershy arrived Sora, Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow had finished breakfast and with the five of them together decided to all travel to Rarity’s Boutique to pick her up. Of course with a short detour to the market so that Fluttershy could get make a delivery.


Carousel Boutique

20 minutes later

The Purple maned fashion pony was not in her bed this night, She had been up all night with her latest project. Since she had borrowed Sora’s outfit, She had spent all her energy and concentration on studying the designs and implementing them in many rough drafts which dwindled down to a set of of final results that had so much variety for Stallions and Mares alike. The color choices were bold but nothing random. Almost everything seemed to look like it had a purpose of some sort, but did so in a way to give it it’s own unique style. The more she observed it the more excited she was at all the possibilities this would make. And not only that, but whoever made this outfit definitely thought of the long term for it. Enchantment ,hat focused on durability and to prevent the average wear and tear, there was even enchantment that gave the wearer light defense as well as prevention to many forms of trauma and concussions. It would seem odd but given Sora’s brief explanation of himself, and last night’s battle in the forest, she assumed that part was made for his duty’s as a Keyblade bearer. That got her to thinking, what was a Keyblade bearer, and what was a Keyblade Master? From what Sora had explained to her and her friends he did sound like a knight, or rather a noble being on his way to becoming one. She couldn’t help but imagine Sora in knight’s armor with a long flowing cape. Then after that she couldn’t help but giggle, for some reason it didn’t seem to quite fit him, and even seem a little silly. Perhaps it was that, somewhat foalish look he had. However, she could also see that he was very reliable and was always thinking of his friends and others. She had to admit she found that quite charming about him.

Through the rest of the night she had been thinking about that as well as working on the designs that she eventually just fell asleep at her desk. Only to wake up the next morning, her mane a mess and some of the pencil markings on one of her final drafts she rested her head on attached to her cheek when she finally got up with a soft yawn. “Oh dear… Morning already?” her half opened eyes gazed at her work in front of her. Soon smiling and approving the designs. She would have to think up what fabrics and material would be needed for them, later. Right now, her mind was trying to help her remember something. “Oh! That’s right? We’re meeting the Princesses today!” Instantly any hint of drowsiness on her face changed to shock and concern as she looked over to the mirror to evaluate herself. Her muzzle scrunched up and she turned her head in discuss. “No, no, no, this won’t do at all. A lady must always look her best” she hopped off her stool and trotted off to go shower and prepare for the day.


10 minutes later

After making the short trip to the market for Fluttershy’s sake, the gang had finally arrived at the Carousel Boutique. “Huh, it really does look like it’s name sake” Sora stated as he got a good look at the building’s theme, as well as the pony mannequins in various sets of clothing he was able to make out through the windows. Spike, much to his dismay, had to stay behind at the library to look after it. Sora, kind of felt like Spike was apart of this too. If this Celestia made it ok for him to tell his new friends about himself, he would be sure to explain it to Spike when they get back as well. It was least he could do for him.

“Well knowing Rarity, she must have been up all night since she borrowed Sora’s clothes.” Twilight was ahead of the group and made her way up to the door and knocked on it. After a long moment of silence, she tried again. “Sigh, she must be sleeping in now” she shook her head before her horn started glowing, encasing the door in the same colored aura before opening it. “We’ll just have to wake her up ourselves” She stepped inside with the others close behind her. Once inside Sora got a better look of everything.

He honestly never been to a fashion store, so he couldn’t compare it to any human ones. However, the place did have that kind of that Rarity gave off. “Alright, I’m sure she’s probably asleep on her desk or something so I’ll check there.” Twilight suggested then turned to Rainbow. “You can see if she’s in her room, Rainbow Dash”

“No problem” the blue Pegasus mocked a salute before flying off. Applejack decided to follow after Rainbow just to make sure she didn’t get distracted and cause trouble.

“I guess, that just leaves us three.” Sora said said watching Twilight and Rainbow head on their way

“Ooh Ooh! Why don’t we look around here, You should see all the outfits Rarity made” Pinkie replied “This place has some neat stuff too!” she was all over the place “Like this!” She then hopped on a pedestal that had three mirrors around it, then started making silly poses in front of them.

“Well, I guess we could look around, how about you Fluttershy?” Sora turned to the shy mare.

“Oh um, I guess so, if you don‘t mind” she hovered next to Sora as Pinkie followed close behind them. As the three of them went about looking at things, they’re little boundary they set for exploration expanded to the whole entire without them knowing when they reached a certain part of it and they could all hear a noise.

“You guys hear water?” Sora asked as raised and eyebrow and started looking around

“Ooh, is someone having a pool party!” Pinkie seemed excited at the idea.

“Um, I think that, sounds like someone using the shower” Fluttershy suggested as she tried to make out where it was coming from. Soon after it cut off

“Oh, well maybe that’s why Twilight and Rainbow haven’t found Rarity yet. She must be in the shower.” Sora then turned around “Let’s go head back and let them know” no more then 3 steps did a door next to him opened revealing steam warm air and a white Unicorn in the middle of drying off her wet purple mane until the both of them locked eyes. At this moment Sora locked up and a question appeared in his mind. OK, normally in this kind of situation, this would be bad news… but she never wore clothes to begin with as do a lot of other ponies… so this… should be fine? He decided to speak “Ah-” there was a gasp then a slam of the door as the unicorn before him suddenly vanished. “Huh? Where’d she?” the door then opened up again but this time, in place of the wet furred mare, stood Rarity as she regularly looked. This was a magic trick Sora never seen before

“Ahem, why hello Sora, I didn’t expect to see you so soon. Welcome to the Carousel Boutique wher-” She then noticed Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as they joined Sora “Oh, Fluttershy and Pinkie are too, does that mean the others are as well?”

“Yup yup, We’re all here to pick you up and head to the train station for our Awesome adventure!” Pinkie was now hugging Rarity, more then eager to express her excitement of going on a trip.

“Y-yes, quite I remember, Pinkie. You can let go now.” When the pink mare obliged, Rarity checked herself just in case a hair was out of place.

“I’m also here to get my stuff. I’m going need them after all.” Sora added. She certainly does care about her appearance. He made a mental note of that, a good friend always tries to understand their friends. That was one of the things he believed.

“Oh of course, dear. Thank you again for letting me borrow them. It was an absolute pleasure. You must tell who designed it, Its so unique and has it’s own personality.” Rarity was now making her way down the hall which obligated the others to follow.

“Hehe, perhaps another time. From the looks of things I think Twilight wanted us to make it for the first train in the morning.”

“Well Twilight definitely wants to know what’s going on. She’s not very fond of when someone knows something that she doesn’t.” Fluttershy said “So to her, the sooner we get to the princess, the sooner she can know what’s going on.”

“Oh… you don’t say?” Sora gave a nervous smile, based on last night’s “interrogation” and how she reacted when there were some questions he couldn’t answer her. He could definitely vouch for what Fluttershy said. It wasn’t like he wanted to not do this on purpose.

“Then I guess you won’t be telling us what exactly are those bottles I your saddle bags?” Rarity turned back to face the other 3.

!! He had forgotten that he left those in there, it was all his potions, and elixirs. “Oh, y-yeah those… haha” Did that count as well, he wondered. This world had magic, so perhaps this kind of things exist in this world too. He decided to let that one slight. “Well it shouldn’t hurt to say those are potions that I use in battle.”

“They are?!” the group all had to look forward at the new voice, it was Twilight. Apparently during the walk they had already reached Rarity’s work station, with Twilight rummaging through Sora’s saddlebags looking holding a strange bottle in her hooves. This causing the purple pony to look back at them blushing at the awkward moment she was in. “Ahehe, hi” she slowly tried to put the bottle back in the saddle bag.



Twilight managed to reach Rarity’s designing room. Looking over at the desk she realized that Rarity was nowhere to be found, she sighed as she got a closer look. “Well she definitely was here” seeing all the designs and notes on the desk. She then looked back to Rarity’s object of interest last night. Sora’s clothes. Trotting over to it. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look at them for a moment. She tried to justify her actions as she made her way toward it. She could definitely sense magic coming from it. Enchantments she deduced, she would need more time to actually analyze what kind, but she figured given Sora’s fighting ability, it must be enchantments that would aid in his battles and mobility. She then noticed the red saddle bags and noticed that they were definitely filled with something. Looking around to make sure no one was nearby, she popped open the top of one of them and was surprised to see that so many things were inside such a small container. They all were bottles filled with strange somewhat luminescent liquids” she pulled a green one out. It’s bottle size was much smaller then some of the larger green ones inside but the contents looked near identical, though the larger ones seemed brighter. Perhaps this was a lower grade of whatever this green stuff is. She couldn’t recognize it so had no clue of it’s purpose. She was also aware that it wasn’t the green ones weren’t the only ones in there. There was even a big one with a gold liquid and looked even more extravagant then any of the other bottles inside the pouch. Clearly whatever it was, it was the most Superior concoction. This much she could gather. “But, what are they for” she mumbled to herself.

“Well it shouldn’t hurt to say those are potions that I use in battle.”

“They Are?!” Twilight whipped her head back to the source of the voice her eyes wide in excitement to know more about them. Then reality and her short term memory kicked in on the current situation. Sora was here with Rarity, both looking at her holding one of his mysterious green potions. Aaaaaand now I look like a nosey invasive thief. She could feel heat creep onto her cheeks before she tried to make a friendly smile and carefully put the bottle back in the saddle bag. “Ahehe, hi”


Ponyville Train Station

A half hour later

Happy to have his outfit back on him and his gear ready at anytime. Sora felt ready for whatever the day held for him and his new friends. Even though the fact that they already encountered heartless yesterday wasn’t good news on his part, he was sure that everything will be just fine. The train had rolled into the station and was already preparing for a trip back to Canterlot.

“Alright everyone trains here, the sooner we’re on the sooner we’ll be at the castle” Twilight said already trotting ahead of them. The others following suit “By the way Sora, I was wondering” she looked back at his saddle bags. “You said those potions help you in battle? What do you mean by that?” She was definitely tenacious that much he could say about her.

“Well, I use them whenever I get pretty banged up and need to get back in the fight, I normally drink my Potions, Hi-Potion”

“I knew it, those other green bottles didn’t look different for show “ Twilight beamed. “I saw a really large green one in there as well.”

“Oh that’s a Mega Potion. I can use that heal my team and myself” Twilight could agree to that, it’s contents defiantly looked even higher quality then the smallest green. “So what of that big golden one I saw?”

“Elixirs? Oh those are a good choice to have. They fully heal you and replenish your magic power.

“Really? Fascinating” Twilight brought a hoof to her chin as the group were finally inside. “That would definitely be more then useful for ponies, why haven’t I heard of this before?” Of course before Sora could even reply to that question, another more pressing question appeared in Twilight’s mind. “Wait, then why do you need an elixir?”

“Huh?” Sora was confused at the question. ‘Uuuh, didn’t I just say it completely replenishes health and magical power? Seems obvious for me to have it around with me juts in case.” he looked around seeing all the mares now realizing what he said and all giving confused looks.

“But wouldn’t that be a waste of this elixir thing? Why not just have another one of those potion things” Rainbow Dash asked for the group.

This caused Sora tilt his head to the side and raise an eyebrow. “Well, I don’t usually pack an ether with me so having an elixir takes care of two problems at once. I get my second wind and I can use my magic again.” At this point the train was already moving and on it’s way to Canterlot. That’s when twilight finally spoke after a moment of awkward silence.

“But you can’t use magic… You’re an Earth Pony”


Meanwhile on top of the train

A corridor of Darkness opens. And yellow eyed creatures are seen crawling out of it along with Queen Chrysalis “Now, a little test to see what these new powers can do…. Go heartless… seek out the key bearer and the elements of Harmony… then claim their hearts” a fit of maniacal laughter as more and more of the dark creatures poured out of the portal that soon vanished without a trace. This train ride won’t be a quiet one.

Author's Note:

Alright 4th Chapter up.

I basically wrote this Chapter as a sort of prep chapter for whats to come. Let me just say that, I am very excited to show you all Chapter 5, which was just sent to be proofread. Why I'm excited, is that in two ways, the 5th Chapter, is as you maybe have picked up on form that last Paragraph, is that a big battle si on the way. Its basically what I can do with everyone in their current condition, cuz Chapter 6, they're way of fighting will slowly change from what you'll see in the upcoming 5th chapter.

Now a bit of bummer news. Now that 5th Chapter is being proof read, that means there are no more pre made chapters. From here on out, the wait for the future chapters, will be abit longer. I want to keep it under two weeks per last Chapter post, but I think thats just me giving myself room to breathe so I don't rush. More often then naught I'm sure you guys will be getting chapters, far before the 14th day. I've also came up with another rule for myself. In the event that I take a whole month to post a chapter (highly unlikely if you ask me) I will update you on WTF happened. and as an apology, I will post 3 chapters at once before going back to the two week thing. I'm doing this more for myself really. its like training myself to take on a task with a deadline.

Stiiilll pumped up to show you guy's the 5th Chapter, :pinkiehappy: Just sayin...

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and Look forward to future ones.

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