• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 1,245 Views, 200 Comments

The Pinkie Games - King of Madness

Pinkie Pie forces her friends to participate in a series of games. A parody of Saw.

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The Jumpscare Quiz

Twilight Sparkle awoke and opened her eyes. She lifted her head up to find herself sitting in front of a computer. She looked around her to find that she was in a chair with her arms and legs shackled, a quick jerk proving that they were locked tight. The computer was on a desk attached to the chair like the ones in school and Twilight noticed that there was also a key board; here hands having just enough movement to type. She was in dimly lit room and a glance behind the computer told her that the door was on the opposite side of said room.

"What the..." Then Twilight remembered what happened before she blacked out. "Pinkie, what's going on?!"

The computer flashed on and the screen showed a puppet of a pony that bared a resemblance to Pinkie Pie. "Hello, Twilight." It greeted in a voice that sent chills down Twilight's spine. "I want to play a game."

"Well, I have a feeling that I won't enjoy whatever game you're thinking of, so I'll pass." Twilight deadpanned, slightly disturbed by the demonic-sounding puppet.

"Oh, don't knock it 'till you try it. Now, listen. In order to escape this room, you have to answer twenty questions correctly. But there's a catch. If you get an answer wrong, you will be jumpscared."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Wait, no! No, Pinkie! I-I have a really bad history with jumpscares!"

"All the more motivation to succeed, silly." Hearing the word 'silly' come from a voice like that struck Twilight as just being weird. "Don't worry, Twilight. You're great with tests; I have full confidence in you. Let the games begin. Good luck." The screen changed to the first question.

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay, Twilight. Pinkie's right, you can do this." Twilight opened her eyes and bit her lips. "And if you don't, you're gonna have a heart attack... or wet yourself. Not sure which would be worse." With another deep breath, she read the first question.

1. Why did the toilet paper cross the road?

"Oh, no... It's joke questions." Twilight realized. Luckily, even she could see right through this one. "To get to the bottom?" She asked as she typed it out.

There was a ding as the next question popped up.

2. What do you call a boomerang that won't come back?

Twilight deducted that this was gonna be a bad pun and rolled her eyes. "A Boomewrong?" She typed it out.

For two seconds the screen was filled with a horrifying picture accompanied by a bone-chilling screech. AAAAAAHCK!

Twilight screamed and reeled back at the jumpscare. Once the screen returned to the question, she took a moment to compose herself. "Goshdangit! How am I supposed to know?!" She asked Pinkie, who refused to answer. She sighed and went over the question. "...Maybe it's one of those jokes where the humor comes from the obviousness of the answer." Deciding it was worth a try, she tried to bring logic into it. "Well, if a boomerang didn't work, wouldn't it just be a plain..." She winced and typed in her answer. "A stick?" She steeled herself for another jumpscare.


"Oh, thank goodness."

3. What do boobies and martinis have in common?

"Excuse me?" Twilight said out loud at the odd question. She thought for a second and raised an eyebrow as she typed. "One is not enough and three is too many?"


Twilight chuckled. "Okay, that was pretty good."

4. What do you call a row of white rabbits hopping backwards?

Twilight set her jaw as she went over the question. "Okay, there must be something to how this is worded. A row of white rabbits... hopping backwards. A row... of white rabbits... hopping backwards..." It dawned on Twilight what the answer was. "A receding hare line?"


Twilight smirked and nodded. "Clever, Pinkie. Very clever."

5. What horse never comes out at night?

Twilight rolled her eyes. "A nightmare?


6. What do you get from a pampered cow?

"Spoiled Milk?"


"Heh, this isn't so hard."

7. Why do seagulls live near the sea?

Twilight figured this was another obviousness joke "Because they are seagulls."


Twilight's scream caught in her throat, coming out as a mere whimper. "...What?" She asked weakly. "I thought that was right. Um... There must be a pun in here." She decided. "Because they are not landgulls?"


Twilight reeled back and forced her breathing back on track. "Pinkie... You're gonna give me a heart attack." She took a deep breath and tried to better process the question. "Well, seagulls live around the bay..." If it weren't for the restrants, she would have facepalmed. "Because if they lived near the bay, they would be called bagels?"


Twilight sighed with relief. "That wasn't fair, Pinkie. That joke could have been taken in multiple directions!"

8. What will find furniture in a dark room?

"I'm guessing a flashlight is out of the question?" Twilight thought about her own experiences with dark rooms and how she came upon furniture; usually by hitting her... "A shin?"


9. Why are fish easy to weigh?

"...Because they have their own scales?"


10. On a turkey, which side would you find the most feathers?

"But most turkeys have an even amount on each side," Twilight contemplated. "Unless you mean... The outside?"


"Hehe. Okay, we're halfway through."

11. If a cat has nine lives, what has more?

Twilight racked her brain, trying to think of an animal that would fit the joke. "Umm... Oh, boy." She ran through the animal kingdom, trying to find something about each animal that would work with the joke. After a few moment, she hit a bingo. "A frog because it croaks all the time?"


12. Why did the room full of married people seem empty?

"Married people..." It only took a moment for it to hit Twilight. "Because there wasn't a single person there?"


13. How do you discipline a rock?"

"...You hit rock bottom?"


14. I can jump higher than a house. Do you know why?

Thoughts of trampolines, pogo sticks, and Pinkie being Pinkie went through Twilight's head, but none of them felt right. "Well, logically, for someone to jump higher than a house... Or am I reading it wrong?" Twilight went through the question in her head and hit another bingo. "Because houses can't jump?"


15. What path do crazy people take through the woods?

"...The psycho path?"


"Alright, just five left."

16. What was the name of the person who made King Arthur's Round Table?

"What? The novels never said anything about..." Again, Twilight's restraints kept her from smacking herself. "It's a joke, Twilight. Ugh... Well, let's see. King Arthur ruled in medieval times..." Twilight could feel the joke. It was on the tip of her brain. "Knights of the Round Table...... Knights of the Round Table..." Twilight couldn't help but smile once she got it. "Sir Cumferance?"


Twilight giggled. "Thank you for that one, Pinkie."

17. Why is it hard for leopards to play hide and seek?

"...Because they're always spotted?"


18. What is red and smells like blue paint?

"Doesn't all paint smell the same... Oh... Red paint?"


19. What do you call a bear without an ear?

Now, Twilight was stuck on that one. "Umm... Let's see. What looks like a bear without ears?" She once again started listing through animals, but she couldn't think of any that fit the description. "Hmm... Maybe it's another super obvious answer." Going with that, she started typing. "An earless bear?" She answered confidently.


Caught off guard, Twilight jumped and made the entire chair, computer and all, jump with her. "Good Grief! Ugh... I bite my tongue." She took a deep breath and tried to ignore her sore tongue. "What is it then?" She read through the question again and started noticing something. "...Wait a minute." She looked through it again and finally saw it. "Oh, for the love of... B?"


Twilight sighed. "Alright, just one more."

20. What is purple, has four eyes, and gets along great with dogs?

"Purple... Four eyes... Dogs..." Twilight gave the screen a dry look. "Twilight Sparkle?"


The screen changed to the puppet again. "Well done. Now, you may leave to the next room."

The shackles came undone as the desk opened to the side like a door, allowing Twilight to get up and stretch. She noticed the door open up and slowly made her way to it. "I really hope this is the last of... whatever this is." She stepped into the room and the door shut and locked behind her. "...Probably shouldn't have said that."