• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 1,245 Views, 200 Comments

The Pinkie Games - King of Madness

Pinkie Pie forces her friends to participate in a series of games. A parody of Saw.

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Mystery Boxes

"Ugh... What in tarnation?" Applejack stirred awake to find herself in a dimly lit- Ehh, you get the point. She pushed herself off the ground and took a look around. She was in the middle of the room and was surrounded by ten pink boxes. A door laid ahead of her and, standing between her and it was a TV on a small black table. Feeling like something was missing, Applejack subconsciously lifted a hand to her head and fond her hat missing.

"What the heck is goin' on here?" Applejack asked to no one in particular. She remembered back to the party and you know the rest. "Pinkie? Pinkie, what's goin' on?!"

There was a flash as the TV turned on, revealing the single creepiest puppet Applejack had ever seen. "Hello, Applejack." The pink pony puppet greeted in a voice that reminded Applejack of one of her uncles. "I want to play a game."

Applejack gave the TV a dry look. "Well, Ah don't feel like playin' whatever ya have in mind. So, why don't ya just get me outta here?"

"Oh, don't worry. I'll let you out and you will get answers. But first, you have to play the game."

Applejack, dry look still on her face, raised an eyebrow. "Ya pullin' mah leg, right?"


"Darn it."

"Now, listen. In order to leave the room, you must get your hat back. It's hidden in one of the boxes surrounding you. However, if you open the wrong one, you find a little surprise. Hehehe."

"Uh-huh... Well, I gotta better idea. How about you just go ahead an' give me back mah hat an' let me outta here and I won't put mah boot in ya rear end?"

"Tempting, AJ, but no can do. The game will start now. Good luck." The screen flashed and showed a picture of a kitten dipping it's paw into a pool of water with that words 'Be Careful' at the bottom.

Applejack sighed and shook her head. "Alright then. Ah guess Ah'll just have to choose one'a these here boxes." She eyed each box, listening to her gut for which of them held her hat and key out of there. Unfortunately, her gut was on break, so she had to pick at random. Deciding on one, Applejack approached the box and hesitantly took the top off. As soon as she did, an apple pie was launched into her face, knocking her on her butt.

She wiped her face off and glared at the TV. "Really?" With a groan, she got up and approached another box. More cautious this time, she distanced herself as she reached out and grabbed the lid of the box. She swiftly pulled it off and backed away. When nothing happened, she determined it safe and looked inside... only to get another pie in the face, knocking her back down.

Applejack grunted as she wiped her face off again and approached another box. Preparing herself, she pulled the lid off and narrowly dodged the pie that was launched at her. "Ha- Ugh!" Her victory was short lived as she laughed at the box only to get another pie launched into her face, knocking her back down. "Ya gotta be kiddin' me." She said with a sigh before wiping her face off and getting back up.

Seeing as there were still seven boxes left and not wanting to get another pie to the face, Applejack contemplated her next move. Taking a physical approach wasn't working, so she had to use her wits. "Let's see here..." After some thinking, she realized something. "Hold on, if there's a pie in a box, the scent should be strong enough to smell from outside." Going with this, she kneeled before another box and take a whiff. She could indeed smell apple pie. She went to the next one and took a whiff. Nothing.

Thinking she had it won, Applejack opened the box... and got a water balloon launched into her face. Applejack stared off into the distance, her eye twitching as water dripped off her face. "...I've about lost mah patience, Pinkie." It was then that Applejack decided to just go on and take whatever was thrown at her. With only half of the boxes checked, Applejack grabbed a lid at random and prepared for impact... only to find her beloved stetson sitting in it. The cowgirl blinked a few times to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her before taking her hat out of the box.

The TV flashed and Pinkie's puppet reappeared. "Well done. Now that you have your hat, the-" That's all she got to say before Applejack superkicked the TV, breaking the screen and knocking it to the ground.

Applejack dusted off her hat and placed it on her head as the door opened. "Well, at least this is over." She said as she went through the door, only for it to shut and lock behind her. She pursed her lips. "Spoke too soon?"