• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 1,245 Views, 200 Comments

The Pinkie Games - King of Madness

Pinkie Pie forces her friends to participate in a series of games. A parody of Saw.

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The Ice Cream Pit

Rarity let out a groan as she woke up, opening her eyes to find herself in a dimly lit room, laying on the cold hard floor. She pushed herself off the ground and stood up, putting her hands on her back and popping it with a loud crack. "What on Earth?" She muttered as she looked around. There was a door opposite of her and a pit of some kind a few yards away from it. Between the two, there was a TV atop a black table.

Curious, Rarity slowly walked over to the circular pit, which had a circumference of about six feet from the looks of it, and looked down to see... "Is that... ice cream?" Indeed, about five and a half feet into the pit, there was a lake of ice cream. From the looks of it, there was every flavor of ice cream in the known world in that pit. Rarity couldn't help her mouth watering. "Oh my... That certainly looks delicious. Such temptation..." Then a crucial detail hit Rarity, causing her to back off. "Hold on just a moment! I have been kidnapped!" She glared at the pit of gluttonous temptation with spite. "Nice try, but my mother warned me about accepting sweets from strangers. Especially from a stranger whose face I haven't even seen and has put me in a room where... Hold on. How did this happen?"

Rarity thought back to what had happened just before she fell asleep and she finally realized who the culprit was. "Pinkie Pie, darling, if this is some kind of prank..."

Suddenly, the TV flashed on, catching Rarity's attention. The screen displayed a puppet that would resemble Pinkie were she a pony. "Hello, Rarity." It greeted in an atrocious voice. "I want to play a game."

"Pinkie?" Rarity raised an eyebrow as she walked up to the table to get a better look at the puppet. "...Goodness, darling, is that the best design you could come up with?"

"You want answe- Wait, what?" The puppet stammered.

"Don't get me wrong, it's a fine design, but it leaves much to be desire." Rarity explained. "For one thing, the choice of making it a wooden puppet makes it far too stiff. Making the puppet operate as a traditional marionette would make it far more appealing."

"W-Well, I, uh..."

"And the design itself tries too hard to be in the uncanny valley. It's too clean cut. A deliberate scar or missing appendage would go a long way. Really, you should have came to me before doing this."

"I-I didn't, uh, I never thought, uh..."

"And, darling, why would you choose to use such a low, dark voice? It just doesn't match up with the puppet. A little girl voice or even a clown-like voice would have worked so much better. As it is, it's just silly."


"Just giving you my thoughts." Rarity said with a shrug.

"...You want answers? You must complete the game. Now, listen. The door to the next room is locked. In order to exit, you must acquire the key that is hidden inside what I like to call 'The Ice Cream Pit'."

Rarity looked from the pit to the puppet and crossed her arms. "I hope don't expect me to jump into the pit to find it." She deadpanned. "I am willing to do many things in humoring you, darling, but I must draw the line here. The stains would be devastating!"

"Oh, lighten up, Rarity. It won't be so bad. Besides, at least you get free ice cream."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Very funny."

"Let the games begin. Good luck." The screen changed to a picture of kitten jumping from a couch to a table with the words 'Believe in Yourself' at the bottom.

Rarity let out a 'humpf' and turned away from the TV as if it were a person. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Pinkie, but I cannot allow myself to participate in this nonsense."

30 seconds later...

"I mean it, Pinkie Pie. I will not participate."

25 seconds later...

"No, ma'am. Not going to do it."

15 seconds later...

Rarity sighed and walked over to the pit. "I hope your enjoying this, Pinkie." She said with annoyance before jumping in. She landed on her bare knees in the pond of cold, sugary goodness. She shivered as the icy feeling immediately hit her, goosebumps crawling over her body as she stuck her hands in it, trying to find the key. To her dismay, the ice cream had been partially melted; not only causing her to sink deeper, but also making the stains on her beautiful outfit worse. "Oh, goodness gracious..." She muttered.

She continued to search for they key for what felt like hours, shamelessly helping herself to some of the ice cream in the process. It may not have been ladylike, but she felt that she deserved a reward for going through with this. She shivered and groaned as it continued. Occasionally, she would have to pull out her hands and rubbed them together to regain feeling in them. It got even worse when she discovered that Pinkie had put ice cream cones in there as well, which are apparently rather painful when you unknowingly stick your hand into the sharp part. "Ow! Pinkie, was that really necessary?!"

She continued to dig and dig, searching through the ice cream and random condiments and whatever else Pinkie snuck in there to find that goshdarned key. Her hands and legs had gone completely numb and her dress was ruined. Even her hair was ruined by this travesty of a prank. "When I get out of here, I am going to give Pinkie Pie a piece of my mind... and perhaps a good kick in the derriere." She muttered.

After what felt like an eternity (though it was really just a few minutes), Rarity's hand wrapped around something and she pulled it out. She gasped when she saw it was the key. "The key! I've got it!" She clumsily got to her feet and throw the key out of the pit before waddling stiffly to the wall of the pit and climbing out. Once she was out, she laid on her back on the floor.

The TV screen returned to the puppet. "Well done, Rarity. You've gotten the key."

The door automatically opened.

Rarity sat up and stared at the opened door. "...What?" She got up and confronted the TV. "The door was automatic the whole time?! What was the point of getting the key?!"

"The key is for what lies ahead." The puppet said with a chuckle before the screen flashed and turned to black.

Rarity stared at the TV for a moment before sighing and walking over to the key, picking it up before heading to the next room. "The things I put up with for my friends..." She stepped into the room and the door shut and locked behind her.