• Published 10th Jul 2017
  • 2,136 Views, 132 Comments

Pokémon: Rainbow League - Silver Screen

The HuMane 7 and a friend have their fated Pokémon tournament. And they don't need their consoles.

  • ...

New Rules, a Proper Stage and a New Challenger

Everybody could not believe what they had seen. Rainbow Dash actually did it. She actually managed to get an A in Chemistry. 100% in Chemistry. And everybody knew what tha meant. Rainbow was gonna have her Pokémon tournament. To talk it over, all of them met at Sugarcube Corner.

"So, all of you have one week to prepare your teams. Of course I already have everything planned." Rainbow said in a boasting manner. "Do all of you have Pinkie's PokéDex app to select your teams?" They did.

"Are we all positive that Rainbow actually got those 100% on her own?", Rarity pointed out.

"Well, we can't actually know, but after all that waiting, I kinda wanna have that tournament for real now", Twilight declared.

"And besides, that wasn't part of our deal. I just said "Get an A!" That's it", Sunset threw in there.

"Are we jus' gonna borrow your consoles, Rainbow Dash?", Applejack asked. "I mean, Apple Bloom probably won't let me borrow me hers."

"Actually, I came up with something", Sunset said, while fiddling with her amulet. "Hold hands, everyone." As they were finished, Sunset grabbed on to Twilight's arm. Her eyes began to glow and the others soon followed suit. From one second to the other, the sugary décor of the pastry shop vansihed and all of them found themselves to be in some sort of colusseum.

"What is this place?" Fluttershy asked kinda scared.

"I have mind powers, sweetie. I made this arena in my head yesterday. We've dealt with actual demons. I think just sitting down in a room with our gaming consoles would be kinda boring." Now it was Sunset's time to (unintentionally) boast. Both her eyes sparkled and went wide as she was fascinated over what she had accomplished. Her mouth was had a slight grin on it that said "Yeah, I did this." When she snapped out of it again, she turned to her friends, a bright light appearing behind her. As the light subsided, they could make out the outlines of a towering, chicken-like creature. Her friends were awed to say the least.

"No. Fucking. WAY!" Rainbow Dash finally blurted out. Before her stood a full sized Blaziken, fire coming out of its arms and everything.

"Come on, try it. See if you can do that too." They could in fact. Rainbow quickly got to work arm-wrestling a Lucario, Fluttershy cuddled a Wigglytuff as if it were a stuffed animal, Applejack mounted a Rapidash and rode a couple of rounds around the arena, Rarity gaze was fixated on the beautiful white gown of a Gardevoir, Twilight let an Alakazam psychic her through the air and Pinkie Pie slurped at the hair of a Slurpuff, a favor which it kindly returned. It all felt so absurdly real.

"Now, we have place and the means to have a proper battle. But know this, in here, game statistics are worth less than your own passion and creativity. Basically, this place runs on Anime logic", Sunset explained.

"Then we gotta come up with new rules.

  1. One Mega-Pokémon per team is allowed.
  2. First round battles with three, Second round fights with 4 (Double Battle) and the Finale fights with 6 Pokémon
  3. The rule about banned Pokémon gets axed. Still no legendaries though.
  4. And we also need an 8th contestant."

"I know a guy from our school who would do it. He could help Rarity select a team, too." Pinkie announced.

"Perfect. You go talk to him, Pinkie. Anything else?", Rainbow asked.

"I think that's it. Now, When will we do this?", came from Fluttershy

"Two weeks from now. Everybody okay with that?" Rainbow screamed, wanting to get the others hyped up, arm with a cleched fist punching the sky.


The next day, during luch break, Pinkie Pie and Rarity made their way through the cafeteria.

"Are you sure he's even here?", Rarity asked. Both of them were looking for Pinkie Pie's mysterious friend.

"He has to be here. It's all you can eat day and Burgers are on the menue today. He's not gonna miss an all you can eat burger day.

After looking arround for a while longer, so long that they both feared they would not be able to eat themselves, they found Pinkie's friend. Rarity was quite surprised at his appearance. He was rather skinny and even a bit athletic looking, which was quite a contrast to his plate, 3 burgers resting on which, with french fries on the side. His silver skin was covered by a purple shirt with 8 eople and the word "JOJO" written on it and in his harlequin green hair rested a pair of tinted goggles.

"Hey, Silver", was how Pinkie introduced herself before sitting down next to him.

"Wassup? (chomp) Did you bring me a potential girl friend?" Rarity was taken aback by his assumption, but also a bit flattered. The way he talked has a cynical vibe to it.

"No, unfortunately not. I mean, it might, but that's not what I'm here for." She got his attention. "Me and my friends wanna have a Pokémon tournament, but Rarity here has never played the games or watched the Anime", she explained.

"And what am I supposed to do?"

"I wanted to ask you if you could help Rarity with her team."

"And what do I get in turn?" Silver Screen asked, though he couldn't hide his interest.

"You'll get to be our 8th member. Does that sound good to you?"

"Deal." He didn't even hesitate to shake Pinkie's hand. "So, Rarity. What are your hobbies? What are you interested in?"

"Well, I like to design and make clothes. Dresses and evening gowns in particular."

"Uh-huh. An eye for detail and precision. I take you for someone who would rather attack from afar. Anything else you can tell me?" Rarity was stunned at how quickly he analysed her.

"Well, I can make crystal shields with my pendant."

"Fascinating. Any pets?"

"A cat."

"Thanks. I'll think of something and apporach you. Here's my number." After he handed her the 7-digit code he went back to his meal. Rarity was still dumbfounded and glanced blankly at Pinkie Pie, who just shrugged with her shoulders.

"Tell you what, mister. If I can make it past the first round, with the team you have suggested, then I'll make you a tailor-made suit."

"Now that's some motivation. Can't wait 'til you touch me all over my body." And with that, the two friends left. Rarity completely confused as to what had just happened.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I'll be the 8th contestant. Got a problem with that? I will also gladly consider suggestions on which Pokémon should be on their teams.

"Two weeks from now."

That's actually how long it could take me to think of teams for all of them. Who should battle who? How the fight's gonna play out? Yeah, wish me luck.

Also, I kinda struggled with getting it to 1000 words.