• Published 10th Jul 2017
  • 2,136 Views, 132 Comments

Pokémon: Rainbow League - Silver Screen

The HuMane 7 and a friend have their fated Pokémon tournament. And they don't need their consoles.

  • ...

First Round - Hero Girl vs Mystery Boy

Author's Note:

I'm about halfway done, maybe one third, but finally wanted to update.

Sunset vs Pinkie was mostly a demonstration of what's to come, but I want this battle to have a bit more depth, so it has more dialogue. I want Twilight to develop during their encounter and I need to establish Silver as his own character.

I hope you like Silver Screen or grow to like him in the next chapter.

Changed the rating of the fic. Think about what that could imply.

Lastly, if anybody would volunteer to be my proofreader, message me.

Sunset walked across the field towards Pinkie Pie. The blast from Blaziken's Brave Bird knocked her off her feet. As she reached out to help her friend back up again, she noticed that Pinkie was back to her original attire.

"I might've overdid it a bit, Pinks. Are you alright?", Sunset asked concerned.

"That. Was. Amazing." Apparently she was doing fine. "Holy Moly, i can't remember the last time my heart was beating so hard." Her excitement was apparent. Eyes wide open, breathing heavily. It truely was a rare sight to see Pinkie just lying on the ground, completely spent.

"Come on. We'll take 5 before the next match", she told her before leading her to the stands.

The people waiting there didn't feel much different. They were amazed at how much impact their imagination could have in Sunset's world. Twilight, especially, wanted to study it, but she had to focus on her match.

"Rarity, you've spent the week with Silver, right? What's he like?", she asked her fashionable friend. It was true. In order to prepare properly, Rarity had spent quite some time with her quiet opponent. Though her reaction was surprisingly rather unpleasant.

"Please don't remind me", she said while scrunching her face up.

"Please, Rarity. I need somehing to work with", Twilight pleaded.

"Very well. I guess he wasn't exactly unfriendly, but rather ... oblivious to my slight discomfort sometimes. He clearly doesn't interact with many people. Though, he did make an effort to at least be friendly and teach me all I had to know. From what I got he's very passionate about Pokémon, almost as much as Pinkie Pie. I also noticed an entire bookshelf worth of movies, mostly action and comedies. And that's it. If I had to discribe him in two words though, it would be, 'overly dramatic'."

"I see." Twilight was a bit let down by the lack of intel she actually got out of Rarity, though, it was better than nothing. "I can probably assume that he will have at least a Sceptile, judging by his t-shirt, but other than that... 'Overly dramatic'? And that coming from Rarity herself? That goes completely against everything I've seen from him all day. This doesn't add up. His dead-fish eyes don't tell me anything either. URGH." She ruffled her hair as she tried desperately to devise a plan. She had one prepared for each of the others, so why did she have to be so misfortunate.

She continued to stress over her battle until she noticed that Silver had approached Sunset and was talking to her quite a distance away. As soon as the two of them finished, Twilight rushed over to her friend and grabbed her by her leather jacket, her voice filled with utter desperation.

"Sunset, please tell me he asked you about the mechanics of your mind, about a rule, about anything that can help me put a plan together." Before she answered, Sunset made a point to calm Twilight down. After a short breathing session, Twilight was addressable again.

"He was ... asking me out on a date."

Minutes passed and eventually, it was time to start the second match. Both contestants had already taken their spots on the field. Meanwhile, Twilight has come to terms with her lack of intel. She would just have to come up with a plan during their battle. What frustrated her more was Silver's apparent lack of any emotion whatsoever. That was, up until then.

"Before we begin, I just want to say that I'm honored that you invited me today", he said, before bowing to Twilight. She had to admit that it felt a bit weird. "How about we make this here a bit more interesting?" The tone in which he said that kinda creeped her out. Something about it made her instincively cover herself up, even though she was already fully dressed.

"What do you mean?"

"A little bet, Hero Girl. Should I win, I get something from you, but if you win, you have to do something for me." Now that takes the straw.

"I'M NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL, YOU CREEP!", she shouted furiously. He was shocked at her response.

"WHAT? NO! If I wanted to see your boobs, I'd just say it out loud." Rarity unfortunately knew that that was likely very true. Over the course of the last week, she had to constantly endure his loose tongue. He might be a pervert, but at least he's honest about it.

"What I meant was like mowing the lawn, or doing the other's homework for a day. Nothing perverted. Just a friendly turn." Twilight felt kinda stupid after that.

"Oh, well, yeah whatever, fine. Let's just get this over with."

"So're both a y'all done talkin'?" Applejack stepped in as referee. She repeated the rules Silver Screen had set before and both opponents agreed to them.

"Then, BEGIN!"

"Chandelure, show yourself."

"Golisopod, show them who's boss."

"So that's his first. Dangit." Twilight had hoped that he would start with his Sceptile. "Now I have to face Water with Fire."

"Chandelure, use Shadow Ball", the purple girl said, arm stretched out towards her opponent.

"Come on, Hero Girl. Let's give our audience a show", he said right before snapping his fingers. "Golisopod, First Impression."

Before the Shadow Ball was even fully charged, Golisopod darted towards Chandelure and rammed its claws into its face, making the ball of ghost energy go up in a puff of smoke. It wasn't for nothing, though, as Chandelure used the smoke as cover to gain more distance and float higher.

"Let's try this again. Chandelure, Shadow Ball." This time, the attack hit its mark, but Golisopod was able to block it.

"You think you can just float away from us? Well, I've got a word for you. Liquidation." With its master's command, water started to emanate from Golisopod, which it then used to propell itself towards its decorative opponent. The unexpected maneuver didn't quite have the intended effect as Chandelure was just barely able to dodge its water-coated claw. Almost. Golisopod grazed it a little.

However, one thing was interesting to Twilight. Silver's expression has finally changed. He seemed genuinely euphoric. Not only that, but he actually mimicked the move his Pokémon made. He jumped up, raised his fist to punch the air and made a full 360° turn.

"Interesting. I may be able to work something out yet. He seems like a totally different person. Was he trying to fool me? Anyways, if he really gets into the battle this much, I can probably assume that the rest of his team will be anthropomorphic physical attackers, as well. That's at least a start."

But things started to get worse for the boy as Golisopod landed on the ground again. Shortly after it stuck the landing, flames errupted from its exoskeleton, Chandelure's Flame Body ability, making it sink to its knees. "Oh no, are you okay, buddy?" Golisopod responded with a quick nod.

Finally, the opening Twilight was looking for. She confidently ordered her Pokémon to use Hex, now that the attack would have double the strength.

"We're not done yet", he retorted while his partner stood up again. "You've got to power through it, Champ. Plow through it with Razor Shell." Golisopod stormed right away at the ball of purple ghost mist, its target directly behind. Twilight only stared in utter disbelief.

"Is this guy serious? With Golisopod's special defense and Hex's increased power, there's no way-" Golisopod did as its trainer said and broke through Chandelure's attack, running straight at its source. "WHAT?" Stunned by the feat of their opponent, Twilight and her Pokémon could only stare as Golisopod used Razor Shell against Chandelure.

The damage from Hex still remained, though, as Golisopod changed back into red light and headed back into its Pokéball. Emergency Exit had taken effect. Chandelure, however, was still good to go and not quite down yet.

"You're doin' well, Hero Girl. I'm startin' to have fun."

"Why does he keep calling me that?"

"But I'm here for a challenge. You've got quite the reputation, so my hopes are way up. This is a dream come true for me, so I want you to make me give 100%. Got it?"

Twilight didn't know what to say. "I guess he really did consciously try not to give anything about himself away. 100%? Is he implying that he went easy on me?" "Yeah, I'm gonna do my best." She finally said, smiling confidently (but not cockily) at her opponent.

"Just try to be a little less predictable", he added, making her smile go away instantly. "A little bit of advice. You need to start thinking a bit more unconventionally. Now then, Gallade, let's have some fun." Out of the ball came a humanoid creature in white and green, which resembles some sort of Gladiator. Their faces, chins raised high, beared one sided smirks, gave both of them an aura of arrogant confidence. Once again, Silver Screen and his Pokémon acted in complete unison.

"But why? A Psychic/Fighting type is at a complete disadvantage against Chandelure. I need to keep him aw-" And before she could even finish her train of thought, Silver gave his next command.

"CHARGE!!" And his Pokémon stormed Naruto-style at Chandelure, once again opting for a head-on collision.

"We need to keep him at a distance, Chandelure. Bombard him with Shadow Balls."

But none of them affected her opponent in the slightest. His Gallade, never once missing a beat, effortlessly dodged every single one of them. He simply had to, Twilight thought, even if she could've sworn that some of them hit their mark.

"Then how abow this? Chandelure, Over Heat." Out of its five "candles" shot blazing hot flames and Chandelure made those streams of fire head towards Gallade from 5 different directions. As they all met, a giant ball of flames ignited, followed by a thick smoke screen. Noone would be able to dodge that.

"Yes. Finally", Twilight cheered, but as the smoke blew away, her opponent stood there glaring at her, completely unsinged. "Wha-? How-? Did you-? UUUUUUURRRGGH." Twilight stuttered, lost for words, her brain unable to process the current events. Silver on the other hand just laughed at her distress for a while.

"Kishishishishishi. What's wrong, Hero Girl? Need some advice? How 'bout a riddle?

You seem distressed, a clue from me.
Cards and faces, Desert, sea.
You see me there, but touch you can't.
If you fell, you might just rant.
As time moves on, I become clearer.
Brought often forth by smoke and mirrors."

"You cheeky little bas-", she stopped herself before saying something she might regret.

"He's kidding, right?", Twilight thought to herself. "What do deserts and seas have in common? They're practically opposites. And where would you even fall from in a desert or an ocean? And what do cards and faces have to do with them anyways? She was in the same over-thinking, jittery state as before, literally pulling out some of her hair out of frustration.

"Keep your eyes on the battlefield", she heard from her opponent. And she immediately understood what he meant. While she was busy thinking about what he said earlier, Gallade made its way across the rest of the field, quite literally standing in front of a terrified Chandelure.

"I need time to think." Everything was going way too fast for Twilight. Too much happening all at once. "CONFUSE RAY!"

But just as Chandelure was about to fire, Gallade deliverred a punch with full force and now, for the second time of the day, another attack blew up in Chandelure's face. This time, it didn't recover so easily. It was Chandelure that got confused.

"How 'bout we get some training done, buddy? Let's have some fun", Silver asked and his partner, who in turn nodded and picked Chandelure up. It then proceeded to balance it on its knee, before kicking it repeatedly into the air. None of the HuMane 7 could believe their eyes. Gallade was playing hacky-sack with Twilight's Pokémon.

"Galla Galla Galla Gallade. Galla Galla Galla Gallade. Galla Galla Galla Gallade."

"Oh Yeah. Hold that beat. Hold that beat. Hold. That. Beat."

"I can't stop this feelin' / Deep inside of me.
"Galla Galla Galla Gallade
Girl, you just don't realise / What you do to me.
Galla Galla Galla Gallade
Bitter-sweet as candy / its taste is on my mind.
Galla Galla Galla Gallade
Girl, you got me thirsty / for another cup of wine."
Galla Galla Galla Gallade"

The audience was stunned by Silver's ... karaoke party, their eyes figuratively glued to the performing duo. If the two of them were to stop at that moment, they could've heard the drop of a pin at the other side of the stadium. (Why did Sunset make this place so huge ?) It was only when Fluttershy spoke up that they could take a break from the freaky show down there.

"So, uhm, Pinkie? I know that it might be rude to ask, but ... where do you know this ... boy from?"

"Oh well, you know how I sometimes help out at the Cafeteria?" Pinkie said, surprisingly dead-pan for her. The others nodded. "And you know how we suspected that someone was stealing food?" Again, the others nodded, an uncomfortable suspicion creeping into their minds. "I caught him trying to make his way out with six slices of pizza."

"WHAT?", Rarity and Fluttershy ... well Fluttershy didn't exactly scream. It was more like she slightly raised her voice.

"Relax. I said if he didn't do it again, I wouldn't snitch on him. It's not like he didn't have a reason. He told me that his sister's lunch and money were taken by some bullies and, as long as the school would ignore it, he'd make them pay in food."

The others couldn't really say anything against the part with his sister, even though there were better ways he could've dealt with the situation, but some of them (Rainbow and Sunset) even admired his resolve.

"We kinda started talking and realised that the two of us had a lot in common, so we started hanging out at his place."

"That all good and nice, but why doesn't he call Twilight by her name?", Rainbow asked.

"He's terrible with names. It took him two years to remember the names of everyone in the drama club. You gotta make an impression if you want him to remember. During our first weeks he- Nevermind."

"Ohoho, now I want to hear what he called you."

"I don't wanna tell you", Pinkie said, putting on a pouty face. Everyone else just had one exact thought in their heads. "Who is this dude that he puts Pinkie Pie in a bad mood?" Meanwhile, Rainbow kept bugging Pinkie about her nickname.

"Urgh, fine. He called me ... Princess Bubblebutt." It took a few seconds to really settle in Rainbow's brain, but when it finally hit her, she was rolling on the floor with laughter. Pinkie on the other hand only sighed. "I just hope he behaves himself." Rarity and Fluttershy were shocked to see Pinkie Pie actually worry about somebody elses behavior.

"I don't", Sunset interjected and smiled in anticipation. "This guy's got quite the show in store for us."

Back at the fight, Twilight was still having trouble. Now she knew why Sunset needed a break before. Each and every one of Gallades kicks echoed inside her head and she had felt drowzy ever since Chandelure got confused. On top of that, she felt a light jolt of energy surging through her correspondant body part, every time Chandelure got hit. Twilight finally had enough.

"COULD YOU NOT, DAM- dang it?", She yelled across the field.

"Not your type of music? How 'bout a nice little Shanty?

Sail away where no ball and chain
Can keep us from the roarin' waves,
Together undivided but forever we'll be-"

"SHUT UP. Could you at least try to take this seriously?"

"Okay. Night Slash", he, out of nowhere, commanded his partner, completely non-chalantely. Gallade immediately got to attacking its, still confused, opponent. Chandelure was smashed into the wall behind its dumb-founded Trainer.

"Chandelure is unable to battle. Gallade wins."

At least now, Twilight had some time to think. "I understand now. He's playing with my mind. He's trying to distract and confuse me. I still haven't seen through his tricks though, so I need something that can take hits, while I'm figuring out a way to beat him.

"Metagross, I choose you", she proclaimed. Upon release her Pokémon let out an ear-drum shattering growl.

"Oh, bringin' out the tanks. Planning on taking hits while you try and figure me out, are we? Have you solved my riddle, yet by the way?"

"What? But how-?"

"Plans are so boring. You try to get the better of me with your big brain, but how has that worked out so far? We may be in the mind scape, but your mind only controls your actions. It's your emotions that decide how strong you are in here. Your passion, your fighting spirit, your drive to win. You try to beat me with your planning and logic and normally I'd be all for that, but your head is in your way. You have to find a way to trust your instincts and use your intellect to make decisions in the blink of an eye." Twilight was listening intently. It almost sounded like he was trying to help her.

"You saved someone dear to me in Camp Everfree, your drive to gain knowledge was great enough to turn you into a demon, you're the interdimensional equivilent of the being that introduced our world to a plain of existance we didn't even dare to imagine, because a dimension populated by magical horse people sounds so fucking dumb." Sunset Shimmer was kinda bummed out by what he said. Basically all those discriptors applied to her as well, just replace knowledge with power and she actually is from that dumb place.

"So come in now. Show me what you've got. If you want me to get serious, give me something to be serious about", he finally said, even sounding a little bit angry.