• Published 10th Jul 2017
  • 2,136 Views, 132 Comments

Pokémon: Rainbow League - Silver Screen

The HuMane 7 and a friend have their fated Pokémon tournament. And they don't need their consoles.

  • ...

Intermission *Rewritten*

Author's Note:

Lesson learned. Don't write when you're pissed. Got it.

Who do you think'll win?

The newbie or the pacifist?

By the way, I'm getting the hang of my new touchscreen. I think I can work with that.

Since the two contestants were so exhausted from their duel, their friends decided to carry them to the sidelines. Sunset and Rarity shouldered Twilight while Rainbow Dash took Silver on a piggy back ride, Pinkie staying at their side.

"That was seriously awesome dude", Rainbow complemented him. "I have never seen anyone grind old egg head's gears like that. Keke."

"You Pinkie-promised to behave yourself", Pinkie bellitled him.

"Sorry, Pinks. She still has her money so cut me some slack. HihihiHahahahihi." Then it dawned on Pinkie.

"You only got 4 hours of sleep last night, didn't you?"

"Mohohore ohor less. Hihihihihi. Snore

"Congrats on your victory, Twilight."

"It was simply splendid how you handled his tricks."

"Thank you for trying to cheer me up, but I don't know what I would've done if he hadn't surrendered." That very fact left a bad taste in her mouth. She went into this contest thinking that her carefully calculated plans and strategies could get her out of anything. But now, she was reconsidering her options.

Back at their seats, everyone applauded Twilight. Pinkie Pie, back to her original cheery self, even hug-tackled her on sight.


"Looks like some of us will be out of it for a while", Sunset noted. "Let's wait for them to recover." Her friends agreed.

However, when she turned around, she noticed Rarity bawling her eyes out, Fluttershy holding and comforting her. Rainbow, ran over several rows of seats and even almost tripped. Concerned, she knelt down beside her.

"What's wrong. Did you get hurt or something?" It truely was a confusing sight.

"That's not it. I just realized that our match can't possibly compare to those two. WE'LL BE UNENTERTAINING."

A couple of, what felt like, minutes passed and Rarity and Fluttershy got over their issues.

"Well, that was weird." Rainbow said to Applejack, who had been oddly distant that day.

"They ain't the ones ya should worry about t'day", Applejack answered. She turned towards Rainbow Dash and glared at her. "This is it. The day that'll finally settle our lil rivalry."

Upon hearing this declaration of war, Rainbow felt like she was on flames. Both their auras spiked up and they seamed to give of a shimmer of red and blue respectively.

"You know", Rainbow began, grinning the widest she had in a long time. "The reason I'm here is to win this whole thing."

"Funny you'd say that." Applejack retorted. "Ahm here ta beat you."

Meanwhile, Twilight had recovered so much that she could move by herself again. Silver woke up again and decided to talk to her.

"Hey, uhm, you're not actually hurt, are you?", he asked genuinely concerned.

"Don't worry. It just feels like my muscles are sore. I wonder what it's gonna feel like when we get out of Sunset's head again. I'm gonna have such a headache."

Upon hearing this, Silver hastily bowed his head. Not like before when he was acting like a gentleman. That was the kind of bow you'd see in Animes when one character is asking for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry. I know you have no reason to, but trust me when I say the last thing I want to do is hurt anybody. I just can't control my excitement sometimes. Please forgive me. That headache will be my fault."

Twilight was stunned once more. This guy kept on surprising her. She started to get interested in him. Not in a romantic way, more like an object to study. The left-over aggressions she had for him made her feel kinda bad.

"It's alright. I'll just have you mow my backyard next weekend and we're even. I won our bet."

"Actually, you didn't listen well enough. You had to do me a favor either way."

"What do you mean?" Confusion was practically written on her forehead.

"My exact words were: Should I win, I get something from you, but if you win, you have to do something for me."

"He's right you know", said Pinkie, who popped out behind the seats, just to disappear just as quickly.

"There's no way I wouldn't have noticed that", Twilight defended herself.

"Oh, people tend to not notice a couple of tiny details when they're startled. When someone is talking to them in a creepy voice, for example."

There it was again. That blasted, cocky smile of his that made the nerdy girl's blood boil. It took all of her willpower to push them down against the thought of being made a fool before they even really started.

"I really don't like him.", she thought to herself.

"Finally awake again, huh?" Sunset chimed in. She had made herself an imaginary can of grape soda. "Great show you put on down there, but I'm disappointed that you didn't pull out the big guns."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh yeah. You don't know. Before the fight, Silver asked me if I could deflect a blast if he shot it as us."

"He did WHAT?"

"Yeah. He told me he wanted to go full villain if you couldn't give him a challenge. You know, threaten us, power of friendship will make you stronger, yadda yadda." She explained before taking another sip of her soda. Twilight was at a loss for words.

"Of course, when she said she didn't know if she actually could, I dismissed the idea entirely", Silver finished the story.

"You said he asked you out on a date."

"I had to tell you something. Besides, he is kinda cute." Both of them turned to see the boy standing there petrified. Eyes open wide, breath caught in his throat and a face as red as a freshly cooked lobster. Sunset had to spit out her soda at the sight.

"HAAAAAHAHAHA. You should see your face right now. You could work as the upper third of a traffic light. Hahahahahaha. Relax, I'm just messing with you", she said with a light punch against his shoulder.

"By the way, Condiment Queen", he took the word again. "Did you experience any sort of pain when you fought Princess Bubblebutt over there?"

"You promised you wouldn't call me that anymore! " Was heard in the distance, followed by raspy laughter.

"I guess it did sting a couple of times. Why?"

"Uhm, uhn... Twilight here's got to tell you something."

Sunset called the others over. Twilight told them what she felt during her match and the theories she came up with. How the sensations became more and more intense the more she got into the fight. How the mental connection one has to the Pokémon seems to be a factor as well and everything else.

"Well, that's new."

"If you guys wanna stop, then I can get us out of here right now." Sunset offered, but everybody agreed to stay and compete.

"Well, it's your choice. I'm pretty sure you can't actually die in here. The pain is probably just the brain's reflexive response since this is all so life-like in here. Once you realize this, the pain should go away", Sunset explained.

"Okay, I get it. Well, I guess it's time for you to release me", Silver continued.

"What in do you mean?"

"I've done my part. You don't need me anymore. I'll be off then. This is your thing, not mine and I don't wanna intrude any further." He explained, but Rainbow had something else in mind.

"Quit talking that nonsense and sit down. You don't wanna miss your "student" in action, do ya?"

That's right. Rarity was fighting Fluttershy next. Being reminded of that, Rarity took Fluttershy by the arm and both rushed down to the arena. Applejack made her way to the referee's position and the rest urged the boy to take a seat next to them. It was Silver's turn to look confused.

"Why are you nice to me?", was all he could ask before Sunset pulled him into the seat next to her.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

"It is now 15h38. It has been half an hour since they began what I can only describe as a midday slumberparty. I am 100% certain that there has to be a deeper meaning behind their gathering.

The fact that they're still wearing their clothes and holding hands leads me to believe that one of them has acquired telepathic abilities and they are sharing one experience in the mind scape.

I don't know who the boy is. I shall research him once I'm done investigating this gathering.

I am getting kinda hungry. It's not likely that they'll awaken any time soon, so I will head out and acquire nourishment.

End of Report #13."

A hooded figure spoke into a recorder outside of Sunset's window. She grabbed her backpack and archery equipment and headed out to restock her backpack.