• Published 18th Dec 2017
  • 2,338 Views, 15 Comments

Kitzumi the fox pony. Book one. [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A foal goes back in time, and finds herself with no choice but to live in the past.

  • ...

A blind fox, and an Alicorn.

“So what’d she say?” Scootaloo asked as Kitzumi walked out into the main hall of Twilight’s castle. Scoot, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle had volunteered themselves to show Kitzumi around town, and possibly help her find out what her cutie mark was.

“Mo... Miss Twilight is still out cold. - And I’ll have all night to do those assessments Miss Cheerilee loaded me up with as well,” Kitzumi announced. Her need to fight the reflex of simply calling Twilight mom was coming out sounding like a stutter, and it’d already garnered her the ire of Miss Diamond Tiara. Miss Cheerilee for her credit would tolerate no one giving Kitzumi a hard time, or asking too many uncomfortable questions. “Apparently Miss Twilight had been on one of her sleepless marathons prior to my arrival. Flying to Canterlot and back didn’t help.”

“Wow, I had no idea?” Scootaloo said. “Not that it’s the first time she’s done that.”

“So are you in a lot of trouble?” Apple Bloom asked. “Where’d you say your home was?”

“Apple Bloom, Miss Cheerilee told us not to be asking a lot of questions.” Sweetie Belle Protested. “You aren’t related to Twilight, are you? You kind of look like her.”

“Whinny Bee Island northwest of Vanhoover.” Kitzumi offered. Kitzumi knew she had relatives there being the island was a fox pony principality, and just far enough away no pony would go to verify who she was. Starlight Glimmer and Fluttershy had both been given the same story, though if either suspected the impromptu narrative as to where she’d come from, neither said a thing. Kitzumi had also made sure Twilight would be on the same page by popping into her dream to let her know what was up. Something she was loath to do being one never knew what to expect in an adult’s dreams. As it was Twilight had been obsessing about suddenly having a foal to take care of, which had manifested in the form of babies being parachute dropped into her care. Kitzumi managed to reassure her that there was only one Kitzumi, at least in this world.

“Folks are on a trip around the world,” Kitzumi explained. “I got it into my head to come out here to see Princess Twilight. - She’s going to let me stay for now. At least until someone can be contacted and arrangements made.”

“And you’re related?” Apple Bloom asked, curious as to why Kitzu hadn’t answered Sweetie Belle.

“Mmm, ya, Nightfoals are related to the Sparkle family. Why I'm here.” Kitzumi offered. “Well, weren’t you going to show me around?” Kitzu was obviously avoiding the question.

“Well come on then.” Scootaloo offered. If Kitzu didn’t want to elaborate on how she was related there wasn’t much point in pressing the matter. For now. Outside waited a wagon and a scooter. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom climbed into the wagon, Scootaloo attached the wagon handle to her scooter, challenged Kitzu to a race, and started out with a push with one hoof, and added considerable wing flapping.

“Hey, how’s she supposed to keep up?” Apple Bloom protested.

“She’s a pegasus, she can fly!” Scootaloo called as they zipped down the lane.

Kitzumi hesitated only a moment and started after them at a gallop while employing her wings as an assist. Like Scootaloo, Kitzumi could manage a fair amount of prop wash, but no lift. Scootaloo was also a pony Kitzumi idolized, and when she found herself being left behind, she’d no choice but to break into a run.


“Um, where’s she at?” Scootaloo asked a short time later as she scanned the heavens. Apple Bloom took hold of Scootaloo’s head and turned it back to aim her eyes at the road into town from the castle. There she was with her wings hanging heavy staggering more than walking was a very winded Kitzumi just entering the town. “Kitzu?”

“I’m, huff, puff, gasp, I’m, gasp, gasp… OK, just give me...” breaths in heavy, “a moment.”

“I can’t believe it!?” Announced Diamond Tiara from across the lane. “She’s as flightless as you are! Just one more loser added to the loser brigade. - Fitting she’d be a blank flank.”

“Kitzu, you really can’t fly?” Scootaloo asked.

“Fly with baby feathers?” Kitzumi asked.

“Ya, she is a bit on the fluffy side.” Sweetie Bell offered. “You’d be the same if you took better care of your feathers.”

“Judging from the trail of feathers, I’d say she’s molting.” Kitzumi offered.

“Molting?!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Great, just bucking great!”

“Scoots, you really should watch your language.” Diamond offered as she and Silver Spoon walked over to them. “There is a lady present.”

“Where?” Scootaloo asked Looking around. Silver Spoon pointed to herself. Scootaloo couldn't help but crack a smile.

“You know, I can’t help but wonder...” Diamond began edging over to Kitzumi. “..those dark glasses.” Quick as a wink Diamond snatched the sunglasses.

“Hey, give them back!” Kitzumi protested holding a hoof up to try to shade her eyes from the sun.

“Oh wow! She’s got bat pony eyes.” Diamond declared.

“I’m not a bat pony! Give them back!” Kitzumi protested. “I need my glasses...”

“Group photo!!” Pinkie Pie Shouted bouncing up to the foals.

“What?” Kitzu turned to discover to her horror Pinkie had with her the most outrageous collection of flash strobes one could possibly imagine all arrayed on a sort of makeshift scaffolding attached to a large box camera. “No!!” Kitzu had heard tales of the great flash camera debacle.

💥FLASH!!!! Too late, Kitzu had tried to turn away too late.

“Aaaahhh!!! My eyes! My eyes!” Kitzu had been looking right at it as the rig had exploded.


“Alright, every pony settle down.” Miss Cheerilee said as she entered the classroom on the following morning. The students were a bit louder than normal this morning.

“Miss Cheerilee?” Apple Bloom inquired.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Scootaloo won’t be coming in this morning. - Oh, and I don’t think Miss Kitzu will be coming in today either.”

“Is Scootaloo sick? - What about Miss Kitzu?”

“Scootaloo’s fine.”

“Then why’s she not coming to school?” Miss Cheerilee was a bit perplexed, nor was she prepared for the answer.

“Scoot’s feathers caught fire.” Sweetie Belle informed. “My fur’s a bit scorched as well.”

“Poor Kitzu’s eyes got scorched too,” Diamond added.

“Well if you hadn’t taken her glasses.” Apple Bloom accused.

“How was I supposed to know Pinkie Pie was going to blow up her camera?” Diamond shot back. “She had enough flash strobes on that thing to ignite a whole forest! - Ruined my new jacket, and I’m still seeing spots. - Not to mention scorching my fur as well.”

“Didn’t your jacket get burned when you used it to put Scoot’s feathers out?” Sweetie asked.

“The jacket was scorched before I did that. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.”

“Yer mom not happy about the jacket I gather.” Apple Bloom asked.

“I save some ponies life and all she can think about is that stupid jacket,” Diamond muttered sounding rather disappointed in her mother.

“You were kind of cool when you did it.” Silver Spoon offered. Her fur also showed signs of scorching.

“Well, it does seem kind of out of character for you.” Apple Bloom remarked.

“I will admit I can be a little snarky, and do enjoy antagonizing other ponies now and then, but I could never stand by and watch someone in need and stand there doing nothing.”

“So then Scootaloo is alright?” Miss Cheerilee asked trying to take in everything that’d been said.

“She wouldn't even come out of her room this morning.” Apple Bloom offered. “What with scorched feathers and feathers falling out all over. - Why I wouldn't be a bit surprised if her wings are half-naked right now.”

“Wow, that sounds like a full complete molt.” Rumble offered. “If it is, I’d say she’s lucky. - She’ll have a whole new set in a few days.” Rumble is one of the older pegasi in the group, he’d a good idea what was going on with Scootaloo’s feathers the day before. Rumble had been intrigued when he realized what was happening as a full molt was known to be triggered by the onset of puberty. By the time Scootaloo emerged from her room at her foster home, she might well be a brand new Scootaloo.

“And you said something about Miss Kitzu?” Cheerilee asked.

“She and Pinkie had to be rushed to the horsepital.” Silver Spoon informed her. “Then they sent for Fluttershy, and a short time later Princes Twilight Sparkle showed up at the horsepital in a panic about Kitzu, followed by Princess Luna showing up too.”

“We were all there because they wanted to make sure we were all alright considering we’d all been scorched by the blast.” Apple Bloom offered. “Pinkie was alright but lost most of her mane off the top of her head. - She’s looking rather butch right now. - Princess Twilight was about ready ta snatch off what was left of Pinkie’s mane when she learned what had happened. ”:twilightangry2:

“Princess Twilight did?” Cheerilee asked. “So, um… how would you describe Princess Twilight’s relationship with Miss Kitzu?” Miss Cheerilee was finding this new bit of information to be rather intriguing.

“I suppose I might describe them as having a sisterly relationship.” Sweetie Belle offered.

“It was Princess Luna who signed all the paperwork for treatment though.” Diamond offered. “Once she was satisfied everything was going to be taken care of, she left.”

“And is Miss Kitzu going to be alright?” Miss Cheerilee asked.

“When they finally brought her out she was in a wheelchair, had her eyes all bandaged, and they took her home to Princess Twilight’s castle in a cart.” Sweetie Belle informed.

“Poor Luna must be in a state about this,” Cheerilee said quietly. To Cheerilee, the news that Princess Luna had signed the hospital release forms was proof enough that Princess Luna had had an affair, and had been keeping the foal a secret.

“Umm, Miss Cheerilee?” Silver Spoon asked.

“Is it me, or is she not one bit surprised that Princess Luna signed the hospital forms?” Diamond asked.

“Now that you mention it...” Apple Bloom chimed in. “OK Miss Cheerilee, spill it!”

“Princess Luna was the pony who brought her here yesterday, just after noon, only she was in disguise at the time. That’s why I asked you all to not be pressing Miss Kitzu with a lot of awkward questions. - I can’t say anything other than that because I just don’t know.”

“So then she’s definitely connected to Princess Luna somehow?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yes, she’s definitely connected to Princess Luna.”


“Twilight?” Luna called softly entering the kitchen where Twilight was having a late breakfast.

“How’d you know?” Twilight asked.

“Sudden panic attack coupled with a strong desire to find Kitzu. - I flew all the way from Cloud City. - I think it’s a bond between us as a result of her entering my dream.”

“I experienced the same thing. - No one knew to contact me. They contacted Fluttershy because they recognized Kitzu wasn’t an ordinary Pegasus, and someone remembered seeing Kitzu with Fluttershy. - But she never made such a link with me?”

“Afraid she did. She walked you off the floor, and up onto the sofa. - She mentioned that it’s a very personal thing that she’ll only do when there is mutual trust. I get the feeling that all her emotions concerning the individual she links with go flooding across. - Something I’ll need to teach her how to control. - What happened, and how is our daughter doing?”

“Our? - Hang on, she popped into my dreams to get me up to speed on her cover story. - It seemed so real. There were foals being airdropped by the thousands out of giant storks.” Twilight shuddered at the memory of the nightmare.


“She’s asleep. - I had to let her sleep with me, and I’m keeping a close eye on her. - She wakes up and has a panic attack because she can’t see, and doesn't fully comprehend what happened. - She knows me by voice, so calming her down isn’t a huge problem. - Fluttershy says the damage isn’t too bad, but she’ll need to keep the gauze on her eyes for at least a week. - She can’t have any light hit her eyes until they’ve had some time to heal.”

“I remember a lot of panicky ponies yesterday afternoon.”

“Pinkie got it into her head to attach several flash strobes to a camera she got. - Of all the idiotic things to do. The apparatus she’d rigged up overloaded. - I swear I was ready to kill her, and I can’t even be certain Kitzu is mine or another Twilight’s.”

“You think she might have crossed over from another dimension?”

“It’s a possibility. All I really know for sure is that she identifies me as her mother. Where she came from, the castle of the Two Sisters was intact.”

“At dinner last night Celestia mentioned she’d planned to restore the castle, and use it to entertain dignitaries away from Canterlot.”

“Well, that’s that then. - Meanwhile, what do I do about paperwork? The hospital was asking for documentation prior to your arrival. I think they suspected I wasn’t being truthful. - I could adopt her. I’d like to adopt her.”

“She’d have to be declared a foundling, and you could lose her to the system. - That or the fox ponies will insist on taking her in. That could prove equally disastrous.”

“What about asking Celestia to pull some strings? - Shouldn't we tell her something?”

“You’ll forgive me, but I’d just assume not have to explain any of this to her,” Luna said, resolute in her conviction. “I know you think the world of her, but take into consideration that under that exterior is a cold calculating ruler. She will use any asset at her disposal to get what she wants. Granted that’s not always a bad thing, but if she knows Kitzu is from the future, or at least one version of the future, that knowledge alone could be enough to cause her to second guess her decisions. She could become obsessed with knowing what Kitzu knows, all for the good of the kingdom mind you, but it’d drive her to distraction.”

“You don’t really think - do you really see your sister like that?”

“Take into consideration that when she sent you to retrieve the elements of harmony she couldn’t use them anymore because they’d rejected her. She knew you’d be the one who stood the best chance at facing me. It was a cold calculated decision that fortunately paid off or we wouldn't be having this conversation. - No, if there are any strings to pull, I’ll be the one to do it, and I’ll deal with the consequences later. I also want you to keep having the same life you would have had had Miss Kitzu never shown up. I think even my sister would agree to that. A foal is a serious responsibility, and it changes your whole life. Keeping her with you could potentially prevent you from getting together with her father.”

“Alright.” Twilight relented reluctantly. “You sure it’s not the other way around though?”

“Her going back in time is what makes it possible for you to get together with her father? The implications are staggering. It’s not like you’ll never see her again. - It’ll be no different than when you went to Celestia’s school, she can write to you, and you can visit.”

“How’m I supposed to go to school now?” Kitzu said nuzzling up to Twilight from a sitting position on the floor.

“You’re up?” Twilight asked wondering just how much of their conversation Kitzu had heard.

“Been sleeping off and on since yesterday afternoon. - I’m all messed up.”

“Nonsense. Fluttershy said you’re going to be fine. It’s just going to take a little time.” Luna offered reassuring Kitzu.

“My eyes hurt.”

“Did they give you anything?” Luna asked Twilight.

“Yes, pain medication and a sedative to help her sleep.” Twilight offered and got up from the table. “Don’t fall over...” Kitzu had been leaning on Twilight, and nearly toppled over when Twilight had gotten up. “This is why I’m convinced she’s mine. The way she seeks me out and is perfectly at ease with me.” Twilight offered, looking down at Kitzu. She then went to fetch the medicine.

“Kitzu, come over here.” Luna offered. Kitzu got up, and slowly made her way over to Luna, and rested her head against her.

“So how’d you find your way out here?” Luna asked.

“I know every square inch of this place. Long as nothing gets put in the way, I can feel my way.”

“Alright, I need you to drink this.” Twilight requested coming back over. She’d a small cup in which the pain medicine and sedative had been mixed with juice.”

“You bring a chaser too?” Kitzu asked.

“Chaser?” Twilight asked.

“That smells nasty.”

“I put it in juice? Here, drink, and then I'll get something to wash it down.”

A short time later finds Twilight, and Luna escorting Kitzu back to bed. Kitzu being as stubborn as her mother has insisted that she needs no help, and is finding her way by touching a wingtip to the wall, and has made it halfway through the main hall when Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, enter with Pinkie in tow.

“Twilight! I think you owe Pinkie an apology!” Applejack called.

“No, not really, no. We don’t really need to do this.” Pinkie called sounding a bit more like Fluttershy than her usual boisterous self. Kitzu on hearing Pinkie froze in place and began to tremble.

“Umm… who’s that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“One of Miss Pie’s victims,” Luna announced and picked up Kitzu as a mother cat might pick up one of her kittens just as Rarity entered.

“Pinkie! Pinkie Pie! I want to have a few words with you!” Rarity called. “I’ve been looking for you! - Oh my is that Miss Kitzu? - Poor little filly.”

“Applejack, Rainbow Dash, one of Pinkie’s more brilliant ideas didn’t go so well, and this time there were injuries besides her hair.” Twilight informed them with an edge to her voice as Luna carried Kitzu down the corridor that led to Twilight’s bedroom. “Pinkie, there are reasons they warn not to use equipment in any other way other than the manufacturer's intended use.”

“I got in late last night, and only found out about it this morning.” Rarity offered. “I had to let Sweetie Belle go to school with scorched fur. Believe you me, I’ve got her an appointment to get all the scorched ends shaved.”

“Applejack, no one told you about Apple Bloom?” Twilight asked.

“Well they did, but it’s not the first time she’s come home with scorched fur.” Applejack admitted.

“And Rainbow Dash, by any chance have you checked in on Scootaloo?”

“Umm, no.”

“Her feathers had caught on fire. She had to be treated for burns, and she’s a sight.” Twilight informed them.

“I don’t actually remember that part.” Pinkie admitted. “I just remember getting chewed out at the horsepital.”

“I’m sorry, I was pretty harsh on you,” Twilight admitted. “But what you did was reckless, irresponsible, and there’s a little filly who’s afraid of you now. - Your hair will grow back. I just hope Kitzu’s eyesight hasn’t been permanently affected.”

“I am so sorry.” Pinkie offered with a quiver to her voice.

“It’s OK, you didn’t mean any harm.” Twilight offered, followed by the two embracing.

“So who’s the daddy?” Pinkie asked mid-hug.

“I’ve no idea.” Twilight offered in a moment of candid honesty.

“How could you not know?!” Pinkie said a gasp as the two separated. “She’s your Foal!”

“I never said she was mine!”

“No one gets that upset over somebody else’s foal.” Pinkie countered.

“She – she’s Luna’s.” Twilight offered, trying to think fast. After all, that was what they’d decided on.

“Oh come on. Are we, are we talking about some kind of lesbian spawn between you and Luna? That filly is too old to be Luna’s.” Pinkie countered.

“Now Pinkie if she doesn’t want to talk about it she doesn’t have to.” Rarity offered.

“She’s a cousin who came to stay,” Twilight said as she attempted to fall back on the previously agreed-upon story.

“But you don’t know their names.” Pinkie stated. “Come on, I heard you talking with Nurse Redheart, you gave a different set of names every time she pressed you for an answer.”

“Alright fine, she’s from a different dimension.” Twilight offered, starting to get flustered.

“Please, you really don’t need to go that far.” Rarity offered. “Look, I’ll go first. Sweetie Belle is my daughter, not my sister. Now it’s your turn.”

“How old is Kitzu from the moment she entered this world.” Pinkie demanded.

“About thirty-two hours. Wait, what?! Rarity, Sweetie is your daughter?!” Twilight was in shock.

“Um, Rarity – sugar cube, I’ve been meaning to talk to you concerning that.” Applejack said.

“Umm, I think you broke her?” Rainbow Dash said waving a hoof in front of Twilight’s face.

“Hey, what’s up?” Starlight asked walking up to the group.

“Rarity just told Twilight that Sweetie Belle is her daughter and Twilight sort of froze up.” Pinkie offered.

“Is she? Really? Wow! I never would have guessed it.” Starlight replied.

“And here I thought every pony knew?” Applejack replied.

“Only those who were in Ponyville at the time would know.” Rainbow Dash corrected.

“And Twilight is about as straight-laced prim and proper a princess as a pony can be.” Starlight offered.

“Pinkie was accusing Twilight of being Miss Kizu’s mother.”

“My money is on Luna being Kitzu’s mother.” Starlight offered. “The two are all snuggled up on Twilight's bed right now sound asleep.”

“But wouldn't Kitzu be too old to be Princess Luna’s daughter?” Pinkie asked.

“No, it’s been seven years. If Princess Luna had a, shall we say indiscretion shortly after being freed from the moon, then Kitzu could be just about the right age. - I mean, think about it, a thousand years stuck on the moon? There’d be no telling who that filly’s daddy is. - Poor stallion probably never knew what hit him.”

“You don’t honestly think she…?” Rarity asked.

“First chance she got.” Starlight announced. “Look, the night before last, Kitzu shows up in the middle of the night, yesterday morning Twilight took off early, Princess Luna shows up a short time later, and I find Princess Luna and Miss Kitzu snuggled on a lounge looking every bit like mother and daughter. Princess Luna showed up again today, presumably as soon as she could sneak away, and is snuggled up with Kitzu again. - She’s also the pony who signed the medical release.”

“Princess Luna and I are good friends, and she and Kitzu just happen to have similar sleep cycles.” Twilight protested, and then a thought hit her. Twilight would likely need Princess Luna to help her keep an eye on a nocturnal baby. As for the narration, Starlight had just concocted, it fit just a little too perfectly. “Alright, alright, you figured it out, but we need to keep this quiet.”

“Yes, of course. We wouldn't want to intrude on Princess Luna’s privacy.” Rarity offered, giving each of the others a dirty look.

“Somehow I have a feeling the whole town will hear about it by noon.” Twilight predicted while giving Applejack a look.

“Oh come on, I'm not that bad… am I?” Applejack asked.

“I knew about Sweetie Belle, and I wasn’t here at the time.” Rainbow Dash offered.

“Well don’t look at me, I didn’t attend high school here either.” Pinkie offered.

“Applejack...” Rarity growled.

“My lips are sealed.” Applejack offered with a half-smile on her face.


“Watch it,” Spike warned Kitzumi. It was late afternoon on the third day since the accident, and Kitzumi was feeling well enough to explore the castle. Spike had been charged with keeping an eye on her, make sure she didn’t get lost or bump into anything. Spike had grown bored with this assignment and was presently teasing Kitzumi by telling her she was about to bump into something when there was nothing there.

“Spike, knock it off! There’s nothing there.” Kitzumi said, her frustration beginning to show. “There wasn’t anything there the last time, and there’s nothing there now.”

“How do you know there’s nothing there?” Spike teased.

“Nothing!” Kitzumi declared waving her hoof in front of her. “You satisfied?” Truth was, Kitzumi had discovered she’d had an extra sense that she’d never really paid much attention to. In her mind's eye, her brain was attempting to make crude sketches of the things around her. It was kind of like seeing an after-image of an object after having stared at it for a long time. Everything was really blurry though with the exception of one direction. Kitzumi moved around Spike until she had him lined up. Spike looked at her puzzled as to Kitzumi’s odd behavior and was even more surprised when she reached out and bopped his nose.

“Hey?!” Spike protested.

“I’m sorry, was that you?” She lied.

“Ah, no,” Spike said sidestepping away. Kitzumi circled around, lined him up, and bopped his nose again.

“Hey?” Spike was beginning to become alarmed. How was she doing that when she couldn't see. Was it the ears? As for Kitzumi, she’d come to realize that she was lining up on magnetic north. Any object living or otherwise with a strong aura would light up the moment Kitzumi lined up the magnetic lines of force when she faced north. Living items having stronger auras would light up more. When added to her keen hearing she’d found that tracking him was quite easy. She’d been subconsciously aware of it but had never found herself having to rely on it. It was also a bit like seeing a sketch of the environment she was in slowly coming into focus as objects got closer, and fading as they drew further away. Spike sidestepped away, Kitzumi would maneuver to cut him off, line up the lines of force, and bop him again. “How are you even doing that?” Spike protested as the two maneuvered about the room. “OK, I get it, you have really sharp hearing or something, quit it!”

“I know you’re there… I can hear you breathing.” Kitzumi taunted. Without realizing what he’d done, Spike had found refuge on an east wall, between a couple of cabinets, making it very difficult for Kitzumi to sense his location. As for spike, he was starting to get really concerned as the thrill of the hunt was causing Kitzumi’s fox magic to flare in the form of a glowing vaporous vortex at her feet. “Aha, got you again!”

“No princess, you got me.” replied the voice of a stallion.

“Captain Smith, Thaddeus Smith?” Kitzumi asked recognizing the voice. She tilted her head and rotated her ears to get as much information as she could about the visitors. Nearby was the sound of a stifled laugh from a mare.

“It’s Lieutenant Smith.” He replied. He was barely distinguishable from any other pony in his appearance, dark with a bit of peppering in his coat and mask, and ears that were slightly wider at the base. Both he and his companion had sunglasses. She was a ginger red with a white bib front, black at the tips of the ears, black legs like Kitzumi, and a long luxurious tail that ended in a white tip. Both looked to be ordinary earth ponies to anyone who didn’t know how to spot a fox pony.

“Tell me little dragon, why are you hiding from this little filly?” Asked the mare.

“Miss Pudding!” Kitzumi declared recognizing the voice.

“She keeps bopping me on the nose.” Complained Spike.

“Well after repeatedly telling me I was about to run into something when I wasn’t, it’s what you deserve,” Kitzumi stated. “And so help me if you want me to call you Uncle ever again, I think you should apologize, and promise to never do it again. You were making me doubt my own senses, and that’s not funny.”

“Alright, I’m sorry. Just stop doing whatever it is your doing?” Spike pleaded. “And who are those two anyway?”

“They are Night Watch,” Kitzumi announced. “If I’m not mistaken.”

“Interesting… and yes you are correct.” Miss Pudding offered. “You’ve also apparently been in the palace often enough to be able to recognize Mr Smith and me from the sounds of our voices.”

“Can I ask how you were able to so accurately pinpoint my nose, and what was that mist that was forming around you?”

“Mist?” Kitzumi asked not having a clue.

“Your fox magic playing up.” Lieutenant Smith explained. “As for the other, having her eyes covered she was forced to rely on F G P S to create a mental map of everything around her.”

“F G P S?” Kitzumi asked.

“Foxy Geomagnetic Positioning Senses.” Miss Pudding offered. “All fox ponies have it. - Not all know how to use it though.”

“I’m just now figuring it out,” Kitzumi replied. “Hadn’t even realized I could do it, till… Say why don’t I let someone know you are here. - So what brings you here?”

“We’re actually here for you.” Lieutenant Smith offered.

“Are you now...” Kitzumi said stepping away and then made a dash for the library.

“Kitzu, don’t run! Look out!” Spike shouted as he exited his hiding place. Kitzumi realized her mistake too late, her speed overshooting what her ability could cope with, she’d veered off to one side of the hallway, and right into a cabinet. She’d tried to stop, but it was too late.

“Kitzu!” Spike called rushing to her as she crumpled to the floor with a cry of pain.

“Princess!” the lieutenant and Miss Pudding called following after.

“Kitzu, why didn’t you listen to me?” Spike asked sounding confused.

“How am I supposed to know when you mean it?” Kitzu asked from the floor. “That really hurt!”

“Why did you run like that?” Miss Pudding asked.

“Because I don’t want to go with you, not yet.” Kitzumi offered in a quiet voice that sounded of defeat.

“We aren’t here to take you anywhere.” Lieutenant Smith offered. “Princess Luna sent us here to be your shadows.”

“Then why didn’t you just say so?” Kitzumi asked. “You’d still need to tell M-miss Twilight first anyway.”

“Well, we blew it.” Miss Pudding offered. “Can you get up?”

“Please tell me you didn’t break anything?” Lieutenant Smith asked sounding concerned.

“Give me a moment.”

“Please tell me nothing is broken?” Smith pleaded. “I’ve a feeling Princess Luna would break me into little pieces if anything were to happen to you.”

“Come on, let me help you up.” Miss Pudding offered.

“I can see that FGPS probably isn’t going to be of much use while flying,” Kitzumi muttered as she slowly got back on her hooves with a little help.

“You’d have to be able to extend your range quite a bit, even so, it still makes it possible to pick out which direction is north.” Miss Pudding offered. “Now perhaps we’d best go find Princess Twilight.” Kitzumi walked out into the center of the hall, turned around a few times, and then stopped. “You are completely turned around; aren’t you?”

“It’s like living in a low-res computer game.” Kitzumi offered.

“A what?” Lieutenant Smith asked.

“A technological marvel that can be found in the human realm.” Spike offered.

“So is that where Princess Luna was hiding you?” Miss Pudding asked.

“I’ve been. It wasn’t very fun.” Kitzumi offered, remembering her one trip to the human world. She’d turned into a fox on crossing through the portal, chased by dogs, impounded, and narrowly escaped execution simply for being a fox that was too friendly. “Umm, spike, can I trust you to direct me in the correct direction?”

“We’re in the main hall, you're facing the front doors.” Spike offered.

“Thank you,” Kitzumi said, turned, and promptly sat down. “I’m sorry, I seem to have hit my head a little harder than I realized.”

Miss Pudding and Lieutenant Smith rushed to her side. They hoisted her up on the Lieutenant’s back and carried her to the library with Spike acting as a guide.

“Kitzu! What happened?” Twilight called, getting up from the table she’d been at.

“Hit her head out in the hall. - Hi, I’m Miss Pudding.”

“We were sent over by Princess Luna to help keep an eye on Princess Kitzu here.”

“Princess?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t be calling me Princess like that, you’ll be giving ponies the wrong idea.” Kitzu protested as they put her down on a sofa. “Mom – Miss Twilight, don’t be fussing over me, I just got a little dizzy.”

“I’d say you’re a little more than dizzy if you can’t keep track of who your mother is.” Miss Pudding quipped.

“It’s an inside joke.” Twilight offered. “Don’t pay any attention to it if she calls me mom.”

“Well, perhaps we should send for Miss Fluttershy?” Lieutenant Smith offered.

“Spike, do you think you can find Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. Spike declared he was on it and was out the door grateful to be away before any awkward questions could come up. A moment later Miss Cheerilee came rushing in and announced that everyone was out looking for Scootaloo. After a brief explanation, Twilight jotted down a quick note in the book she’d been writing in, and left with Cheerilee, and the Lieutenant.

“Well, that just leaves us.” Miss Pudding offered, going to look out the window. “Anything I can get for you?”

“Well if you could...” Kitzu said as a thought hit her. Kitzu knew the book Twilight had been writing in, and while it would be breaking the rules so far as interfering with the past, surely Twilight would have put the book back? Kitzu thinking back to the incident where Scootaloo had vanished seemed to remember that Sunset Shimmer had come to help find Scootaloo. “Miss Twilight can be rather picky about that specific book she just left out. - Do you see that mirror at the far end of the room with the equipment attached to it? If you could bookmark where she left off, and place the book in the slot at the top, I’m sure she’d appreciate it.”

Pudding went over to the table. “This book? - What an odd thing to write? - She’s written put the book back several times.”

“Well then, put the book back.” Kitzu prompted.

“Alright then.” Miss Pudding replied as she placed a bookmark in the book. “Hang on, there’s a new line, Twilight, put the book back, exclamation, exclamation, exclamation?”

“Put the book back, hurry!” Kitzu ordered. “I’ll explain later. - It’s very important that the book is in that slot on the mirror.” Miss Pudding looked at Kitzumi with a measure of bewilderment, peppered with urgency as more lines began to appear on the page. She closed up the book, took it over to the large floor to ceiling mirror, reached up, placed it in the slot, and found herself being bowled over by a wingless Twilight, along with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack. Pudding looked about quite literally floored just as a golden Alicorn with wide streaks of red in her mane and tail, and wings that ended in the same red color along the trailing edge. “Auntie Sunset.”

“Auntie?”Sunset asked. “Who are you? No, forget that.”

“Pinnacle point. - You’d better hurry.”

“Pinnacle point?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“An Alicorn?” Pudding said looking at Sunset.

“Alicorn? - But I’m not...”

“Wings.” Kitzu offered. Kitzu didn’t need to be able to see the wings, she already knew.

“Wings? Oh wow, when did that happen? - How did that happen? - I haven't got time for this!?”

“I told you, Pinnacle point. That’s where you’ll find her.”

“I don’t know who you are, but thank you.” Sunset offered and hurried out the door.

“If you knew where Scootaloo was, why didn’t you tell Princess Twilight?” Miss Pudding asked as she untangled herself from the ponies who’d just tumbled through the mirror.

“Because Twilight doesn’t find her, Auntie Sunset finds her,” Kitzumi explained.

“That doesn’t even make sense!” Miss Pudding protested.

“Hey, wait for me!” Rainbow Dash called getting up and following after Sunset.

“Rainbow, maybe we shouldn't...” Twilight called.

“Too late, she’s gone,” Applejack announced as Rainbow dash rushed out the door.

Author's Note:

Yes, I've done it again, turned another pony into an alicorn. And I'm not done. Soon - Alicorns everywhere! [evil laughter]