• Published 18th Dec 2017
  • 2,339 Views, 15 Comments

Kitzumi the fox pony. Book one. [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A foal goes back in time, and finds herself with no choice but to live in the past.

  • ...

Run Kitzu Run

Kitzu ran through the back halls of the palace. She was in a near state of panic having used teleport several times. Which was in of itself quite the accomplishment considering she’d only just recently learned how to do it. Kitzu’s breathing was coming in ragged breaths now, and the binding holding her wings down made it difficult to breathe. She knew only that she had to find Luna. Why the palace guards were so intent to arrest her was a mystery, but she could only assume it had something to do with the bat pony teens who’d pony-napped her, and the pegasus from before. To a rational mind, it would make no sense, but she was presently beyond reasoning, and under the assumption that there was some kind of plot going on.

That first day back to school, the day Kitzu had encountered the colts from the flight school, that evening at dinner Luna had asked her if anything had happened at school. At first, Kitzu was truly ignorant, but then Luna mentioned that Pudding had said Kitzu’s tail had been all puffed out when she picked her up. Kitzu had to quickly say it wasn’t the older students, but a group from the flight school. Thus cornered she felt she’d no choice but to relate what had transpired. The next day the Pegasi were back, only this time Rainbow Dash had been alerted. Dash gave them the opportunity to try to beat her back to their school. After that, the colts from the flight school stopped coming over, and Kitzu had all but forgot about them. That was until about a week later when some teenage bat ponies grabbed her as she walked across a palace courtyard that just happened to have a large blind spot from the palace guards. They bound her, gagged her, bagged her, and took her to a seldom-used area of the school grounds where the boys were waiting at the top of an old tower where a catapult sat. The cults made no secret that they intended to launch her out of it, and loaded her up. They wanted to see how well she could fly. Kitzu managed to get rid of the gag and pleaded that she couldn’t fly. At this point the bat ponies started having second thoughts, there was a scuffle, and Kitzu was sent heaven word while still bound. Kitzu called out ‘Woona’ as she soared through the air, bat ponies after her, and in a panic, Kitzu made the hasty decision to make a desperate attempt to teleport to Luna’s bed chamber in hopes of hitting the bed. She popped out with a loud reverberating crack that echoed off the sides of the mountain the castle was built on. She materialized with an equally loud crack in Luna’s bed-chamber, crashed into the bed with enough force to cause it to bounce, and bump up against the wall. The impact of the teleport trashing the bedroom. Kitzu she took a moment to assess herself, satisfied she’d suffered no serious injury began to free herself. No sooner had she removed the old bag she was in and untied her legs, a group of bat pony guards rushed in. The room looked like it’d been ransacked due to the force of air expanding where she’d popped in. The guards accused her of being a thief and lunged for her while threatening dire consequences. Kitzu did everything she could to avoid them while insisting she was no thief. “But I live here! Princess Luna is my mother!” she pleaded. They weren’t going to listen to her. They nearly had her once, but Kitzu having decided she’d need to find Luna, teleported again. This time was not quite so spectacular, and she only went a short distance. Truth be told she was doing it out of instinct in an effort to get away and really couldn't say how she was doing it. More guards showed up, and before long there was a mad chase through the keep, and across the palace as Kitzu looked for Luna. Every time the guards thought they’d cornered her, she’d teleport again.

Meanwhile, in a small audience hall situated in the government wing of the palace complex, Celestia and Luna are presently in discussions with a delegation from the Fox Kingdom of all places. Their first indication something was going on was the sound of a lot of running outside the hall followed by a contingent of guards rushing in. Kitzu popped into the hall, not on the floor, but on the ceiling. Pegasus guards flew up to her while Unicorns moved to screen off the princesses. Kitzu in her desperation was too fast, she let herself drop, twisted her body, teleported past them, dashed for Luna, and curled up next to her pressing against her flank while desperately trying to catch her breath.

“What is the meaning of this?!” demanded one of the delegates recognizing the familiar shape of the tail as one of their own.

Kitzu looked back at them from behind her tail, her breath ragged, her eyes like saucers, feathers puffed out, and her fur even more so. She was quite the puffball. Princess Luna looked down at her with a bewildered look as Kitzu pressed against her, tears streaming from her eyes, and then without saying a thing, Luna lay down from her seated position covering Kitzu with her wing and gave her a gentle hug. "It's alright, you're safe now," Luna whispered.

“Luna?” Celestia asked sounding as though she was quite mystified, and indeed she was.

“I’m terribly sorry your majesties.” A captain of the guard offered. “If you could Princess Luna, we’ll deal with that little thief.”

“Thief?” Luna asked. “What did she steal, and from whom?” The guard then explained that the filly had been caught in the act of ransacking the princesses own bed-chamber, and had made off with a moon medallion… just like the one Luna was presently wearing. “This medallion? - Ransacked my chambers, and yet she comes to me for protection. - Can you explain this?”

“I’m a little curious about that myself?” Celestia remarked. A filly fleeing to Luna for protection was unheard of. Mostly they just ran away or hid behind their mothers. Celestia raised an eyebrow when it occurred to her that this filly really looked like she was hiding behind her mother.

“Looked a bit like my Nova.” A member of the delegation commented quietly, to be answered by the filly in question, that she was right there, and she didn’t have wings.

“Luna?” Celestia asked.

“Hey now, don’t cry. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Luna said quietly to Kitzu.

“S-say my name?” Kitzu pleaded. Luna looked at Kitzu realizing something was horribly wrong here. “Woona – say my name?” Luna spotting an ornate ribbon around Kitzu’s neck, along with a golden chord, and used her magic to inspect the items. What she found was an exact duplicate of her moon medallion, of which there should have only been one, and a palace ID badge.

"Woona?" Celestia asked quietly.

“I – I'm so sorry,” Luna said softly hoping to reassure Kitzu.

“Luna?” Celestia pressed.

“She does indeed have the very medallion I now wear.” Luna offered quietly. “The exact same one. - And a palace ID badge that says that I...” Luna looked up to look her sister in the eye. “Captain, this filly is my guest, you are to treat her with the same respect you treat myself. - Captain, care to tell me who tied her up?” Kitzu still had straps used to tie her dragging from her hooves and had yet to free her wings.

“Tied up?” Celestia asked the concern showing in her tone. The captain was at a loss for words.

“So you mean to tell me you couldn't catch one little filly even though her wings had been tied down,” Luna asked, and then continued while he attempted to stammer out a reply. “No, what you and the other guards did was terrorize her when she’d done nothing wrong. - When she as likely needed your help.”

“But your apartment?” The captain offered in a feeble attempt to defend the actions of the guards.

“Don’t but your apartment me.” Luna snapped.

“I can answer for what happened to Princess Luna’s chambers.” Twilight offered, approaching. Celestia’s expression changed to one of astonishment, but Luna just smiled. “Miss Kitzu had a power surge due to ill-treatment at the hooves of certain colts who are in a world of hurt right now.” Kitzu stirred from her little ball of fluff to peek out from under Luna’s wing. “Kitzumi, come on, I’ll take you home now.”

“Twilight?” Celestia asked her eyes fixed to the young alicorn standing before her. Kitzu hesitated only for a moment, got up, and hobbled over to Twilight to rub up against her in an obvious display of affection with straps dragging from her legs.

“I’m so terribly sorry I’m late.” Offered a second, and wingless Twilight as she entered the room. She was then followed in by a dark cloaked pony who went to the side of the winged Twilight. Her height and silver hoof guards made it obvious she was no ordinary pony.

“Guards...” Celestia began but was cut off by Luna.

“Don’t you dare!”

“What?” Celestia said. “Do what?”

“You heard me,” Luna replied, the tension showing. “No guard is to do a thing. Not unless they want to take on Nightmare Moon. - And if any harm comes to that filly I’ll join her.”

“Very astute of you.” The other Luna offered, dropping the hood off her cloak. She was wearing her battle armor and looked very much the part of Nightmare Moon.

“A bit theatrical don’t you think?” Luna asked. Her counterpart reminded her that she really had no idea what sort of reception she could expect, as the winged Twilight removed the remaining bindings from Kitzu. Kitzu happily pressed up against her, and then her’ Luna. “Tell me, how did you track her so quickly?”

“Transdimensional tracking spell embedded in the amulet.” the winged Twilight offered. Kitzu for her part couldn't resist stretching out her wings.

“She’s so pretty.” The unicorn Twilight said quietly.

“Um, excuse, say Twilight, did you find her?” Reynard asked coming up behind the none winged twilight and gave her a kiss behind the ear. Her ears went straight up in shock and surprise.

“I say there old bean, I do believe you’ve my Twilight.” Offered a Prince Reynard among the delegation followed by one of the delegates bursting into laughter.

“Lady Aiko, please,” Grumbled one of the matrons in the delegation.

“I’m sorry, but I find this situation quite comical.” Lady Aiko replied. “That is aside from the fact the guards nearly ran a foal to death. - They’re from another dimension. I can even feel the presence of my counterpart.”

“Reynard, wings...” The Alicorn Twilight prompted giving him a dirty look.

“Wings? Oh right. - Terribly sorry about that.” Reynard offered, going to his Twilight. “Oh hay, Kizu, look at you. - No really look at her.” Sure enough, Kitzu was alight in a soft glow as though bathed in moonlight. She lifted into the air just a bit as a bright glow erupted from her flanks. There, despite her fluffed out sweaty state, appeared a dark purple crescent moon that overhung a small violet star, and partially overhung a larger star that was set a little further down then the small star. The effect was that of a mystic gateway.

“Kitzu, you just got your cutie mark!” Alicorn Twilight announced sounding delighted.

Kitzu turned to look and nearly toppled over. Kitzu’s Luna caught her with her magic. “OK, up you go.” Kitzu was then lifted up and deposited on Luna’s back. Kitzu’s glow slowly faded.

“And she’s asleep, or fairly nearly there.” Alicorn Twilight announced. “No nose bleed so she’s not likely used up her manna.”

“Afraid she’s had it rather rough here.” The Luna of that world offered, getting up and going over to them. “How were you getting home?”

“Twilight set us up a portal in the old wardrobe we never use in the back of the apartment.” The other-world Luna offered. “Should Kitzu find her way here again...”

“I’ll see to it she gets a better reception than the one she got today. - Would you like an escort?”

“Oh, we should be fine.” Reynard countered. “Grandmother has immobilized the guards.” He then bowed to Lady Aiko, followed by a nod to his counterpart.

“Can I ask one more thing?” that world’s Luna inquired.

“I suppose it can’t hurt.” the other Luna replied.

“How is it your Twilight is an Alicorn?”

“Our dear sister gave her the Alicorn transformation spell.”

“She what? - But that...” That world's Luna stopped seeing a cautionary look from the other Luna, who then leaned over, and whispered that it works on naturally occurring alicorns when properly worded.

“Naturally occurring alicorns?” asked Unicorn Twilight having heard the last bit.

“Oh yes, we’ve discovered quite a few that never got the nurturing they needed.” Alicorn Twilight offered, wondering just why her Luna had stopped the other, and what the significance was. Had she unknowingly used a dangerous spell? True it had switched her friends' destinies... She’d trusted that her Celestia knew she’d be able to figure out the spell – though Celestia had given her precious little information as to what the spell was intended for, and her carelessness could have resulted in a far worse outcome now that she thought about it. “Our world has been trying to replace the ones that were lost thousands of years ago during a rather nasty war. Afraid I don’t have any details though seems most of the records were lost or presumably destroyed. But if you want to find alicorns look for talented unicorns of mixed heritage, and pegasi with button horns.”

“From what we’ve determined is they are either born as pegasus or unicorn. Pegasi are dependent on the magic of a close relative for the horn to grow. The pegasus will naturally become an alicorn when the horn grows, but those born as unicorns require the transformation spell to gain their wings. - Having combined heritage seems to be a must, and of those we've discovered, we've been able to positively identify at least one connection to an alicorn ancestor." Offered the Luna who now had a sleeping filly on her back. “And yes, many were not getting the support they needed. To date, our Princess Cadence, Mi Amore, is the only widely known success having ascended all on her own. Of course, there’s our little Kitzu here as well who we have great expectations of.”

“I get the feeling we need to start looking a little closer at our little ponies. Is – is she going to be alright? Kitzu? - You’ll let me know, won't you? - She really seems to have overexerted herself.”

“Yes, I think she'll be fine, but I am a little concerned.” The winged Twilight offered. “We should probably get going now."

They said their goodbyes, and then left. The ponies in the hall remained quiet as they watched the four visitors exit, the silence lingering once they’d gone.

“Twilight, good of you to make it to your own marriage meeting,” Luna called breaking the silence.

“Marriage?!” Twilight exclaimed feeling rather bewildered. A few moments later the Captain of the guard suddenly spun around in place looking about as though bewildered as to why he was even there.

“I had a guest, and you and your men nearly ran her to death.” Luna scolded as she directed Twilight to her place. “In the future, if a filly or colt should show up in my chambers you will treat them as an honored guest until it can be determined what the true facts are. - Is that clear?!”

A few days later Luna and Celestia are together enjoying a late afternoon tea.

“Luna, I must confess I’m still a little in the dark about who that little filly is.

You wouldn't mind telling me would you?”

“Perhaps I’ll let her tell you.” Luna offered, getting out an opened letter and offered it to Celestia.

“To princess Luna of world… what’s with this number?”

“There’s an explanation from twilight, their Twilight. It’s the number needed for the calculation to get to our dimension from their own.”

“To my mother from another world – Mother?”

“That’s what her identification card said. The evidence would suggest she is that world’s Luna’s daughter.”

“Oh my! - She sure didn’t get much of a welcome here.”

“Considering that they have a pony capable of immobilizing our guards without you even realizing it, I’d say harming that filly would be a very bad idea.”

“I wonder who it might be?” Celestia mused thinking strategically.

“I wonder,” Luna said with a smile remembering how their Prince Reynard had paid his respects to the young Lady Aiko. “It is a puzzle. - But go on and read what little Kitzu said.”

“To my mother from another world, thank you ever so much for protecting me when I was in need.” Celestia read. “I know now that you had no idea who I was, but you chose to protect me anyway. Also, I’m ever so grateful for the flank to cry on. I know that if I should ever find myself stranded in your world that I can rely on you to come to my aid. I hope someday to repay you for your kindness. As to how I came to be in your world, some ruffians...” Celestia took in a deep breath. “Ruffians. - 'Fired me out of a catapult.' - What!?”

“Found and dismantled. Leftover from the war years. I’m just amazed it was still functional. - We’d one on-site as well. I had it dismantled, and stored in weapons reserve.”

“It likely would have been reinforced with magic. - She says she tried teleportation but overpowered. I saw your room, and I can honestly say that Twilight did far worse. She mentions the pegasus involved had their wings clipped, and sent out to earth pony families to work on farms until their next molt. There were bat ponies involved who were sent to their home villages along with their parents in the guard being demoted out of the guards.” “They do seem rather forgiving over there though.”

“You forgave me. - I suspect she intentionally left out the names so it wouldn't reflect on their counterparts here. As is I’ve suspended the guards who started that chase. She’d told them who she was, but they didn’t take it seriously.”

“She mentions her mommy was worried she might be sick from overexertion and called on Auntie Fluttershy who is her doctor. Fluttershy, a doctor?”

“Our Fluttershy specializes in helping injured animals, and Kitzu was no ordinary pony. She has the same type of teeth as our dear Prince Reynard and his family.”

“But he’s marrying Twilight?” Celestia protested.

“Well here, but being all three came to fetch Kitzu, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they’ve got a polygamous marriage.”

“Something tells me such an arrangement wouldn't bother you in the least.”

“I wouldn't mind sharing. He is rather cute after all. - Not quite like typical Earth pony stallions one bit.”

“Well, I can see how you’d fall for her. Miss Kitzu. She is rather cute. So how’d she deliver the letter?”

“I found it in front of the wardrobe in the upstairs spare room.”

“The upstairs spare room?”

“Well where else would you find a passage to another world, but a wardrobe in an upstairs spare room?”

“Oh I don’t know, enchant a mirror perhaps?”


Not long after Kitzu’s misadventure while on her way to school, Kitzu spots a familiar young unicorn filly who seems to be lost, and has presently been detained by some guards. “Do we know her?” Pudding asks. Since the incident, it’d been decided to make sure Kitzu always had some pony nearby. Pudding would take her to school, and the school would keep an eye on her till someone trusted arrived to pick her up.

“Kind of looks like cousin Nova. - Prince Reynard’s relative. Kitzu offered going over to the filly. In Kitzu’s time, Nova had been an older sister who looked after the little foals from time to time. Granted the cousin Nova Kitzu had known was a lot older. “Nova?” Nova was related to Prince Reynard and was strikingly similar in appearance to Kitzu with the exception that her mane was black with a white stripe, and no red or violet streaks in her mane and tail.

“Princess Kitzu,” Nova said looking over. Nova bowed politely.

“Oh, you don’t have to bow to me.” Kitzumi offered. She wasn’t even going to try to explain she didn’t count as a princess just yet. “It’s Nova isn’t it?” Kitzu hadn’t technically met Nova just yet.

“Yes. I seem to have gotten turned around, and I don’t have my guest badge.”

“Tell you what, why don’t you come with us?” Kitzu offered. “I’m on my way to school. I go to the Academy. Maybe they’ll let you sit in today? Can’t hurt to ask.”

“Really? You think they’d let me?”

“Well if they don’t Mrs Smith can see you back to your family.”

“I wouldn't mind one bit.” Pudding offered. “And then you won’t have the indignity of being escorted by the guards.”

“You’re a guard too.” One of the guards quipped.

“Nope, not anymore. I moved to household staff.” Pudding replied with a smile. “Now don’t worry about Miss Nova here, I know where her family is staying.” They agreed to let Nova go with Kitzu and Pudding, and a short time later they were at the office of the school who were perfectly fine with Princess Kitzu bringing a guest. Kitzu couldn't help but wonder if they’d be OK with anything she wanted to do in that they all thought of her as a princess now. Even if she was technically illegitimate.

“Good morning Miss Nightfoal.” Offered Kitzumi’s first teacher of the day. The other students couldn’t help but smile being it was afternoon for them.

“Good morning Mr Shimmerhorn.” Kitzu offered. Mr Shimmerhorn had been a very understanding teacher right from the start. “And you’ve brought someone with you.”

“This is Nova Silvermane. - She’s here for the upcoming announcement.”

“Is she? - There’s a lot of excitement about it, and you’ll gain a second mother along with a father won’t you?”

“What?” Nova said tilting her head sideways. “What’s he talking about?”

“Let me guess, no one told you.” Kitzu offered. “It’s already widely known among the palace staff and people at the school apparently, so I imagine there’s probably no harm in my just saying it. - Prince Reynard proposed to both Princess Twilight and Princess Luna at the same time, and they both said yes. - Can’t really say how it went, I was in the bedroom sleeping at the time.”

“And here I thought he was just going to marry Twilight Sparkle.” Nova offered. “Does Grandmother Morning Dew know? - And what’s this about you gaining a second mother?”

“Miss Kitzu is Princess Luna’s daughter. Didn’t you know?” Alina offered possibly wondering why Nova hadn’t known.

“Knowing Prince Reynard, I doubt if Morning Dew knows. - Not yet at any rate, and my alleged relation to Princess Luna is only locally whispered about.” Kitzu offered. “Lady Aiko is supporting the marriage, so even if Grandmother Morning Dew knows, she’ll just have to bite her tongue.” Nova looked at Kitzu her face breaking into a big smile.

“Alright then, time we got class started.” Mr Shimmerhorn announced. He’d brought out a cart loaded with stones about the size of his hoof. “We are doing levitation exercises today.” He then went from desk to desk depositing a stone in front of each student. The instructions were to wait, and he’d evaluate each pony individually.

“Miss Nova, not to put you on the spot here, but I’d like to see you try levitating the stone if you please.” Mr Shimmerhorn said looking at her. Nova looked at Mr Shimmerhorn, and then at the stone. Her horn began to glow a pale blue. She looked over the stone a couple of times as if wondering why it wasn’t moving. The color of her magic deepened taking on a silver hue while brightening. A moment later the stone lifted up appearing to be carried on a swirling mist.

“Well, that’s different.” Mr Shimmerhorn said having expected the usual glow around the object.

“There seems to be a spell on the stone,” Nova replied.

“Ya, that’s to make it more challenging.” Mr Shimmerhorn offered.

“Nova, maybe we are supposed to be using our unicorn magic?” Kitzu offered.

“Oh,” Nova said just a little embarrassed. “Yes, that would make sense.”

“So Miss Kitzu, how about you give it a go?” Mr Shimmerhorn suggested turning to Kitzu. “Miss Nova, you can put yours down.” Kitzu waited till Nova set hers down, and then concentrated on her stone. It rose up shakily while enveloped by a light violet aura to match the aura around her horn. She held it there for a moment, someone said something, the aura turned to dark purple, and the stone shot straight up embedding in the ceiling.

“I’m terribly sorry,” Kitzu said looking up at the stone. “I seem to have experienced a power surge.”

“Indeed.” Mr Shimmerhorn said softly as he gazed up at the ceiling.

“That look on his face reminds me of the look on Princess Celestia’s face when that Alicorn Twilight Sparkle showed up at the marriage meeting,” Nova whispered to Kitzu.

“What?” Kitzu said turning to Nova.

“Oh right, you weren’t there. - A bunch of doubles showed up, there was even another one of you and mmmf. - ??” Kitzu had put her hoof on Nova’s mouth.

“Mr Shimmerhorn, Nova just remembered she had to be at an important gathering – yes you do – I’m going to show her the way.”

“But?” Nova protested as Kitzu proceeded to maneuver Nova out of her seat and escort her out the door.

“Hang on, you’re supposed to have an escort.” Mr Shimmerhorn called as the two-headed out the door.

“I’ll call for a guard,” Kitzu called back.

“What are you on about? I don’t have anything scheduled? Do I?” Nova protested as they hurried down the hallway.

“Never mind how it happened, but you went into Luna’s wardrobe, admit it.”

“Wardrobe? - What?”

“Did you, or did you not climb into a wardrobe in Princess Luna’s apartment? - And don’t lie, I already know you did.”

“And how would you know I was in Princess Luna’s apartment?”

“Because if I existed in your world, the guards would never have tried to arrest me. - That and no doubles showed up here.”


“The wardrobe is a portal.”

“Oh no,” Nova said with an air of panic, her reluctance to go with Kitzu now gone. The two hurried out a door, and across a compound where Kitzu led Nova to a back entrance to the palace that was used as a service entrance to the royal apartments. It also had the benefit of not being heavily watched allowing the two to enter relatively unnoticed, and was frequented by students who lived in the apartments. The staff, were accustomed to Luna taking the back service passages to avoid people whenever she had to go anywhere within the palace that she couldn't otherwise fly to as well, and Kitzumi had been a frequent companion as of late, so the staff paid them little attention other than to tell them to slow down.

“Come on, this way.” Kitzu offered, peeking through a service door. The two emerged into an empty conference room, crossed it, and exited to an open corridor.

“Nova?” called a voice. Both Kitzu and Nova looked to discover a small group of fox ponies to include Nova’s Grandmother Morning Dew. Her call was momentarily answered by the Nova who belonged to that dimension coming around a corner.

“Oh buck,” Kitzu muttered having been hanging around Apple Jack too much. What were they doing there of all places? They were also on the wrong side of the keep. Kitzumi had hoped to make it to the lower entrance to Luna’s tower, but they’d have to go through Grandmother to do it. Kitzu looked about, up and down, picked a spot high on the walls of the keep, hugged her Nova with a wing, and teleported them both. A loud crack echoed off the walls followed by another crack as they appeared on a balcony some distance away.

“Warn a pony before doing that!”

“Good, I landed where I wanted to be,” Kitzu commented looking about as the hooves of guards could be heard approaching. “Come on, not much further.” She pulled a large glass doorway open. “It’s OK, just me.” She announced to the guards.

“And who is this with you, and why can’t you use the stairs, same as every pony else?” One of the guards asked.

“Sort of a cousin.” Kitzu offered. “Followed me thru the portal Princess Twilight set up.”

“Why’d you go and tell him?!”

“Saves time. - Come on then, and welcome to the north wing of the keep.” Kitzu replied to Nova and continued down the hallway.

“Ya, well tell Princess Luna to lock that portal.” the guards said following so as to return to their post outside the Door to the Night wing. The Night or East wing had Luna’s apartments on the top floors as well as accommodations for visiting relatives.

“You do realize she walked right past everyone, and no one stopped her till she was out in a common area?” Kitzu replied. The guards cringed at their own failure. A moment later Kitzu and Nova had arrived outside Luna’s rear entrance to her apartments.

“I’m home early,” Kitzu announced, led Nova inside, and closed the door.

“What are you doing here, why aren’t you in school?” Luna asked. She’d been having tea with Celestia in a small tea room just off the entrance that looked out over the east approach to Canterlot.

“Nova followed me thru the portal.”

“Kitzu?” Nova protested quietly.

“Best get it over with as quickly as possible,” Kitzu said to stunned silence.

“I’m so terribly sorry.” Nova offered to Luna and bowed.

“Excuse me, and please pardon the intrusion.” Said a second Luna coming down the hall that led to the rest of the apartment. “We seem to have misplaced our little Miss Nova.”

“Found her.” Offered the resident Luna with a smirk.

“Well, that was quick. - Young filly, there are a lot of ponies looking for you. - What are you doing here?”

“I didn’t even know I was here? Wherever here is?” Nova protested.

“Maybe we should lock the wardrobe?” The resident Luna offered.

“Shouldn't you two get going?” Kitzu asked sounding concerned.

“Now let's not be packing them off so soon. Tea?” Celestia offered.

“No really, I think they...” Kitzu began to say, but then the Luna from the other world declined while mentioning that there were a lot of ponies out looking for Miss Nova.

“It is a bit disconcerting seeing myself like that.” The resident Luna offered. “No offense.”

“None taken, and your right. It’s a bit disconcerting.” She gave her counterpart a wink. “Though I think I could get accustomed to it, and we’d become good friends in no time.

“So, you planning on heading back to school?” Luna asked.

“I probably should.” Kitzu offered. “Any chance there’s someone about to provide an escort?”

“So, you have the portal in your apartment?” Celestia asked.

“They had to retrieve me.” Kitzu offered, feeling a bit awkward. “It’s in one of the attic rooms.”

“I thought it’d be a good place for it in case she overpowers on a teleport. - We put the mirror inside a wardrobe so it could be locked. - To be honest, I thought it was locked. - And for that matter, why was a young filly snooping around in your upstairs bedroom?” The resident Luna offered.

“I’m a bit curious about that myself. Come on Miss Nova, your family is frantic.” The mirror world Luna remarked, thanked Luna, Celestia, and Kitzu, and then escorted Nova back the way she’d come.

“So how is Miss Kitzu doing with her classes?” Celestia asked remembering how frantic Luna and Twilight had gotten when Kitzu had vanished.

“I embedded a lifting stone in the ceiling today.”

“So much like Twilight. Just out of curiosity, can I take it that wasn’t your rightful home?” Celestia asked.

“Their Twilight isn’t an alicorn.” Kitzu offered. “My mother has had her wings long enough for a new set of plumage that is more colorful than her first set.”

“She does have some nice plumage.” Luna offered. “A bit like Scootaloo’s new flight feathers. - And a little taller than our Twilight, but not by much.”

“I should get going.” Kitzu offered.

“Alright,” Luna replied. “Watch out for tour groups.”

“OK, I will.” Kitzu offered, heading for the door.

“Nova?” Celestia called to be rewarded by Kitzu looking back. Kitzu froze for a moment. Kitzu had answered to Nova.

“Princess Kitzumi Nova Silvermane.” Kitzu offered, realizing she really hadn’t given anyone her full true name, and as far as Celestia knew, she was from another dimension with no knowledge of any time travel. Nor could they know her full name being the only identifier she’d had on her was a simple name tag her mother had given her. “I couldn't very well tell any pony my real name,” She thought for a moment. “At first I thought your Twilight was my mother. When I realized she wasn’t even married yet I lied about my name. I’m really comfortable around Princess Luna because my Luna nursed me whenever mother couldn't. So in essence, they are both my mother, and I’m ever so grateful they took me in when they could have so easily just assumed it was a scam being perpetrated. And yes, it hasn’t even been a year yet, but in the time I’ve been here, I’ve had to do a lot of growing up.” Kitzu bowed, turned back to the door, and exited.

“You know she doesn’t like you.” Luna offered. “Putting her on the spot like that isn’t going to help.”

“Was it your idea to have her call herself Nightfoal?”

“Oh no, that was her idea. Apparently, there are Nightfoals in her family tree. - You heard what she said, using Nightfoal was all her doing.” Luna smiled delightedly at her sister’s moment of discomfort.

Author's Note:

When Kitzumi discovered that she hadn't dreamed about getting a cutie mark she got so excited she chased her tail until she fell down from being dizzy.

What looks like a wrong word where Reynard says "Oh hay" instead of "hey" is intentional. He's making a really bad dad joke.