• Published 18th Dec 2017
  • 2,339 Views, 15 Comments

Kitzumi the fox pony. Book one. [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A foal goes back in time, and finds herself with no choice but to live in the past.

  • ...

Big changes for Kitzumi

Kitzu approached the train station delighted at the presence of so many of her new friends who’d come out to see her off on the afternoon train. The past few months have been the best she’d experienced in her short life, and she kind of regretted their plans to send her off to school. Smith and Pudding were going to escort her to Canterlot where she was to begin her formal training, only… Kitzu was a little disappointed because Twilight had been called away by Princess Celestia on some urgent errand. Kitzu looked up at Luna, who despite the fact that she’d be teaching Kitzu, had arrived just to cover for Twilight’s absence. Luna smiled, and Kitzu did her best to smile back only to have that expression switched to one of surprise as her ears snapped to attention. Kitzu snapped her head in the direction she’d heard her name whispered. Now despite the noise all around her, and ponies wishing her good luck, Kitzu had very good hearing, and had little trouble hearing that one voice. There just beyond the gathered friends stood a single cloaked pony with a hood over her head. It only took Kitzu a moment to recognize this pony as being ‘her’ Twilight.

“Kitzu wait?!” Luna cautioned as Kitzu made her way through the ponies. A moment later The mare, an Alicorn who is strikingly like Twilight only with dark wingtips, has sat on her hunches so as to better embrace Kitzumi. “Twilight?” Luna asked as the hood dropped back. Twilight looked up at Luna, and although the tears were streaming from her eyes, the smile on her face was that of utter joy. “Every Pony, give us a moment,” Luna said as she made her way to Twilight.

“I’ve missed you so much,” Twilight whispered to Kitzumi.

“Who is she, and why does she look just like Twilight?” Glimmer asked perplexed.

“Twilight’s relative. Kitzu’s mother.” Luna offered as Twilight cuddled Kitzu with her wings. “Give us a moment.”

“Oh- Kaye.” Glimmer said hesitantly.

“I’m Kitzumi’s mother.” Twilight offered. "We, um, had a little magical mishap that resulted in Kitzumi being teleported all the way out to the Palace of the Two Sisters here in this Equestria. - Oh, and Starlight Glimmer, there was a spell you and I had agreed we’d never use again if you might perhaps remember or have a copy, can you keep that safe for me? - I’m going to be needing it.”

“Spell? - How exactly do I even get it to you?" Glimmer asked confused. Who was this Twilight – was she from the future or an alternate reality? No, if this Twilight wanted the spell Glimmer thought she needed, then she must be from the future, but when does Twilight end up with fancy colored wingtips?

“Does this mean I’m going home?” Kitzu had mixed emotions as she now had more friends than she ever had in her old life. In her old life, she was the daughter of an Alicorn Princess, and had few real friends, if any. Not to mention the constant worry of stalkers. Here her anonymity had given her more freedom than she'd ever experienced.

“I’m afraid the conditions for getting you home haven't been sorted.” Twilight informed her. “But I’ll come and visit as often as I can.” Twilight gave Kitzu another hug. “Sorry I can’t stay long. - Luna – Princess Luna, just a heads up, she’ll switch her ‘Ms’ to a ‘W’ when she’s upset, frightened, or excited, and tends to drag the oo… and here I go, spell time’s up. - Kitzu, do as Luna tells you.” Twilight had begun to fade, was surrounded by a soft glow, and simply vanished.

“That – that spell!?” Glimmer blurted out as the sounds of hooves galloping across the cobblestone approached.

“Oh good, I’m not too late,” Twilight called. “Someone… it was a wild goose chase. Celestia never… Kitzu? Why are you crying?! I’m here now.” The present-day Twilight offered on seeing Kitzumi’s distress dropped down and hugged Kizu in much the same way as her future counterpart had only moments before.

“Your relative was here.” Luna offered. “Just for a bit. - She wasn’t able to take Kitzu back with her.”

“Oh,” Twilight said sounding as though what little breath she had left from the mad scramble to get back in time had left her. To be true there was a part of her that was glad Kitzu wasn’t going back to the future. At the same time, Twilight knew that every moment Kitzu was in the past was a moment she would lose in the future.

The conductor called out the last call to board the train, so Kitzu, Smith, and pudding climbed up into their compartment, the conductor blew his whistle, and everyone waved as the train slowly pulled out of the station. Twilight, Luna, and Glimmer lingered as the ponies gathered to see the train slowly drifted back to whatever it was they should probably be doing until it was just the three of them standing there looking at the now vacant tracks.

“Twilight.” Glimmer began, paused, “We need to talk.”

“Let’s go back to the castle.” Luna prompted.

“So when were you going to tell me?” Glimmer asked accusingly.

“I’d say you already know the answer to that question.” Luna offered quietly as they left the station. Glimmer gave them both an accusing look.

“Oh come on, we haven't even told Celestia.” Twilight hissed.

“To be honest I’d assumed she was Princess Luna’s filly.” Glimmer offered. “Half the town suspects, what with her calling Luna either Moona or the occasional Muma, but now I realize who she was calling mom. Assuming she wasn’t calling you both mom from time to time.”

“I don’t have all the answers.” Luna offered. “All we can do is try to do the best we can, and tell as few ponies as possible. - That Twilight could easily be from another dimension. - And I’d kind of like to save this conversation till we get back.”

When they did get back to the castle they found Sunset Shimmer, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity waiting for them.

“We’d kind of like an explanation,” AJ stated in a flat accusing tone.

“Oh dear,” Twilight said knowing full well the cat was out of the bag.

“Oh, dear is right!” Pinkie stated melodramatically. “What was with you and the fancy plumage, telling everyone that little filly is your daughter, vanishing, and then rushing back in a moment later? - Minus said fancy plumage. - Was that some kind of spell?”

“It’s my fault.” Glimmer offered quickly before anything else could be said. She’d had the time it took during the walk back to mull things over, and in the confrontation found herself crafting a likely explanation while casting all fault on herself. The part that frightened her most is that what she was about to say might even be true. “A while back I did something I deeply regret. I did something that shattered time resulting in multiple dimensions. That pony, that Alicorn at the station was Twilight, just not our Twilight. - Little Kitzu is from another dimension, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to get her back. I think maybe that Twilight has an idea how it might be done, but it involves using the same spell I used that resulted in this mess in the first place.” Twilight gave her a look wondering just how much of that could be considered a little white lie.

“You did... just what exactly did you do?” Applejack asked.

“I tried to take all of Twilight’s friends away from her by going back in time and preventing Dash from accomplishing her first rain-boom. It is the event which triggered all your cutie marks at the same time, tying your fates together.”

“You what?!” Applejack all but shouted.

“Darling, dear, our fates are tied to all of Equestria.” Rarity offered.

“It resulted in timelines where Discord was never rehabilitated, where Nightmare moon was able to come back unopposed never to have the darkness that had engulfed her soul-driven from her, where we weren’t able to defeat Sombra...” Twilight explained.

“I’ve heard enough!” Rainbow Dash shouted, anger welling up.

“Explain to me why I get banished, and she doesn’t get punished at all?” Sunset asked equally angry.

“Well from our perspective it never happened.” Luna offered. “Aside from that… because no one knows. - I didn’t even know. - And from a legal standpoint, it didn’t happen.”

“Hey, you’ve got to see this!” Little Scootaloo called entering the hall from the mirror room. She had a newspaper in a shoulder pack around her neck and had just come from the human world.

“Um, you’re kind of interrupting something important.” the older Scootaloo cautioned.

“This is important.” Insisted the younger Scootaloo. “Starlight Glimmer better not come into the human world anymore. She’ll get arrested if she does.”

“Arrested?” echoed Glimmer along with several others who, while they knew their Starlight Glimmer was no saint, they knew nothing of the human world Glimmer.

“Let me see that,” Luna said using her magic to snatch the newspaper from the bag. “Oh my. Cult leader Starlight Glimmer was wanted by the authorities for crimes against the state. Considered armed, and dangerous. Do not approach. Call the police hotline if sighted. Ooo, and a big reward too.”

“I say we turn her in.” Dash offered.

“But wouldn't the human world Starlight Glimmer go unpunished then?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes, and I’m going to need our Glimmer if we are ever to get Kitzu back home. - The best I can figure is the world Kitzu is from is out of sync with ours." Twilight offered, wondering if out of sync really was the little white lie it was intended to be. Twilight was sure Kitzumi was from the future, but the more ponies knew, the more likely the future might change in some way. She thought for a moment, and added, “That and the whole time Glimmer was in training with me she was technically on probation under my supervision.”

“Fine, Starlight Glimmer is a wanted fugitive in the human world, and on probation here – let's get back to what’s going on with little Kitzu.” Applejack prompted. “Not only is she apparently the daughter of another Twilight, but she’s also a little more than a button horn. Now if I’m to assume she has or will have a counterpart here in this dimension, who all do we know who’s a Nightfoal?”

Both Luna and Twilight answer ‘I am at the same time.

“We – um – seem to be distantly related.” Twilight offered to the stunned stares leaving off the part about Nightfoal not being Kitzu’s true surname. “In my research, I also discovered that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are separated in age by about a hundred years. Their mother was also an Alicorn, and they had different fathers. There are references to other Alicorns, but I’ve had to send the oldest books off for restoration. Apparently, at one point in time, there were quite a few alicorns of various magical abilities. What I’ve gleaned from the books goes along with the little we could coax out of Kitzu, and that is Alicorns will occur naturally when the pony parents have the combined ancestry of all three pony primary types. The chances increase exponentially if any of the parents are also an alicorn or descended from one. Kitzumi is an Alicorn. She just hasn’t matured enough yet.”

“Wait, one more thing...” Fluttershy prompted. “Why is her horn growing so much faster than mine ever did?”

“What? - You’ve got a button horn?!” Applejack, Dash, and Rarity chime in nearly at the same time.

“Unfortunately I can’t really answer that.” Twilight offered.

“Wonder if it has something to do with Kitzu’s reluctance to take a bath?” Luna mused. She couldn't help but smile at the many times Kitzu had found herself being levitated in an inverted position. "Not that I entirely blame her though. That thick fur of hers takes a while to dry."

“You think it’s the baths?” Sunset asked confused.

“No, I think it’s the exposure to magic. In this case, magic that would be, for all practical reasoning, be identical to Kitzu’s mother’s.” Luna offered.

“Ah, yes, there was something about a mother’s magic!” Twilight exclaimed triumphantly.

“In my case, it seems to be exposure to the magic of the portal that triggered my transformation.” Sunset offered.

“And closely related to Celestia,” Twilight added with a smile. “Now, what do we tell ponies about the appearance of my doppelganger?”

“That she’s a distant cousin. - Most will believe that.” Sunset offered. “I mean, isn’t that what you’ve been telling every pony? That Kitzu’s mother is a distant relation.”

“And if push comes to shove we’ll fall back on our original plan where I take the heat for having a foal with no clue as to who the father is.” Luna offered.

“Oh my.” Rarity said. “At least I know who Sweetie Bell’s father is.”

“What say we just all pretend no one heard that.” Applejack offered. “Honestly Rarity!” Poor Rarity proceeded to turn red as a beet, which was plain to be seen under her white fur.

“Let's try to keep things in perspective here.” Twilight offered. “From my perspective, I haven't even met Kitzu’s father yet. You know – time flows differently in different dimensions. - And that Twilight is a future me in regards to her relationships. – Let's face it, I haven't even met the colt. At least I don’t think I have? - That's what I meant by out of sync. - That Twilight is already married with a foal, and I haven't even met the pony I'm going to marry yet."

“No, I’m thinking it’s entirely possible you have.” Applejack mused with a knowing smile.

“Who?” Pinkie asked jumping up and down.

“Oh, I don’t think I should say. Might spoil things if I do.” Apple Jack replied. Pinkie continued bouncing up and down prompting Applejack to spill it.

“Now Pinkie, we all know you can’t keep a secret.” Rarity offered and then asked Applejack to whisper in her ear.

“And you can’t keep a secret either.” Twilight reminded.

“I can so.” Rarity protested.

“Rarity, the only secret you ever kept, the entire town figured it out anyway.” Applejack drawled.

“I’ll have you know I know plenty of juicy bits of gossip I keep to myself.” Rarity offered indignantly.

“Like what?” Applejack asked.

“Like who Princess Celestia is dating.” Rarity replied just a little indignantly. “I’ve also got my own hunch who Twilight could possibly end up with. I was just curious if you were thinking of the same pony.”


“First time on a train?” Smith asked as the countryside went by. Kitzu’s mood was subdued owing to the appearance of her mother.

“I suppose.” Kitzumi offered, looking out the window not really seeing anything. To be true, chronologically, so far as Kizumi was aware, it could be considered her first time on a train. It was not her first time though. Twilight had taken Kitzu to Canterlot on many occasions, and the train seemed to be her preferred mode of transport. This despite the palace offering to send and retrieve her by way of an enchanted carriage pulled by pegasi.

“So, ah, you care to talk?” Pudding asked. “Forgive me, but I’m a bit curious about what happened at the station.”

“Princess Luna is my mother.” Kitzu offered. Her tone was flat without emotion or commitment while still having a ring of truth to it.

“And that alicorn who looked suspiciously like Princess Twilight was just some sort of ruse to throw ponies off I gather.” Smith offered, leaning back. “Fine, if that’s the story you want to stick with.”

“Are we just going to leave it like that?” Pudding asked.

“I’ve got a feeling the explanation might be too complicated for my ears.” Smith offered.

“How about this...” Kizu began as she continued to look out the window. “First choice, that pony who said she’s my mother is a relative of Princess Twilight Sparkle. The second choice I’m Princess Luna’s illegitimate daughter, and the whole relative of Twilight is a ruse. The third choice, I’m Princess Twilight’s illegitimate daughter. A fourth choice, the alicorn at the station is either Princess Twilight from the future, or from another dimension, and everyone is desperately trying to think of a way to get me back to where I belong. Meanwhile, I have to make a life for myself here until that can be accomplished, or I find I’m just stuck here until I catch up with myself by which time I’ll have grown up.”

“Told you it was too complicated for my ears.” Smith offered.

“Didn’t Princess Luna tell you what to say?” Kitzu asked.

“That you are a relative of Princess Twilight, and any questions are to be directed to Princess Luna.” Pudding repeated with an air of defeat. From that point on the train ride continued without any unnecessary questions.

Kitzu’s arrival at the station late that afternoon saw her mood lighten considerably on their arrival in Canterlot. From the station, they took a cab to accommodate the luggage and make sure she didn’t have to walk too much. “Hey, whoa there,” Smith called shortly after arriving at the palace. Kitzu had made a beeline for the royal apartments. The school and the dormitories where Kitzu would be staying were an annex some distance from the royal apartments.

“Aren’t I staying with Princess Luna?” Kitzu asked. “Oh don’t tell me I have to stay in the dorm?” Her ears went flat, and she puffed up her feathers. “Might have told me.”

“Sorry about that.” Pudding apologized. “Last minute change, but don’t blame us.”

“I got the feeling it’s Princess Celestia’s doing.” Smith offered.

“Fine,” Kitzu replied sounding as though her mood had gone sour again. She then turned and headed in the direction of the school muttering as she went.

“Watch your mouth young lady.” Pudding scolded.

“What’d she say?” Smith asked almost certain he’d heard Kitzu say bucking sun-butt.

“I’m not going to repeat it.” Pudding said indignantly as they followed after Kitzu. “She does seem to know where to go, though.”

“She does at that,” Smith noted as they approached a checkpoint.

“Lieutenant Smith, and Miss Pudding. So good to have you back. How was the honeymoon?” asked one of the guards at the checkpoint. The second chimed in that it must have been good, they already had a half-grown filly.

“She’s a relative of Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Smith offered crossly. “She’s here as a student.”

“Well, a relative of Princess Twilight Sparkle must be really bright.” Offered the first of the two guards. “Don’t let us keep you though.”

“Thank you,” Smith replied, prompted Kitzu, and the three continued on their way.

Idiot hissed the first guard, she’s got a horn, and relative of Princess Twilight. What, being a unicorn is kind of a requirement of Celestia’s school ain't it, asked the second? And wings you moron, that filly’s an alicorn. She’ll likely be Celestia’s new prize student.

Kitzu shuddered involuntarily having overheard the two guards. She knew her trepidation was pointless and absurd, but she’d never been able to warm up to Princess Celestia. “I think if I had to be Princess Celestia’s student instead of Moona’s – Princess Luna’s, I’d be too nervous to be able to do any magic.” Kitzu offered to her escorts taking care to address Luna by her title anywhere she might be overheard by anyone outside of close family and confidants.

“Well then, being in the dorm means you’ll not likely cross her path very often.” Pudding offered.

“And what about my continued training with Princess Luna?”

“We’ll see to it you get an escort.” Smith offered, hoping to reassure her. “Are you really that intimidated by Princess Celestia?”

“I can sense her power levels. - OK, that’s a bad excuse. Princess Luna is just as powerful… it’s just different with Princess Celestia.” I… I really don’t know why to tell the truth.”

“It’s the being in charge thing, isn’t it?” Pudding offered. “That and you have a close relationship with our Princess Luna. Maybe once you’ve been around here more often, you’ll get over those nerves.”

“Perhaps.” Kitzu offered. “Not like I ever saw her that much.”


The staff at the school all seemed quite friendly at first, though they mistook Smith and Pudding for Kitzu’s parents, and once they’d explained they were Night Watch assigned to escort her, things seemed to go downhill. Never mind that she’d been sponsored by Princess Twilight, nor did they ever look at her long enough to realize she’d both wings and horn. Nightfoal said a matronly member of the staff clicking her tong in distaste, and Kitzu found herself wishing she wasn't going to have to stay in the dorms.

“Must I stay in the dorm?” Kitzu asked Luna later in the evening. Lieutenant Smith had collected her immediately following dinner in his uniform. He’d looked quite dapper to her, nor was she opposed to the rescue as she seemed to be having difficulty making friends among the unicorns.

“Afraid it was my sister's idea.” Luna lamented. “She seems to think it wouldn't be appropriate for me to have a student living with me, and that it’d be good for you to be among students your own age.”

“My own age? I haven't even been born yet.” Kitzu lamented and then smiled after considering the absurdity of what she’d just said.

Later that night, or rather early in the morning, Kitzu was returned to her dorm oblivious to the turmoil her absence had created. A short time later she was rudely awakened by a very cross mare who demanded to know where she’d been while never once giving her an opportunity to explain herself. From there it was off to the dining facility for breakfast, none of which did she eat owing to the condition of her constitution at that hour, and then off to classes. Most of which she slept through until noon when she finally started to wake up but had missed lunch. At least she managed to redeem herself in her afternoon classes as Twilight had made sure she’d be more than ready for anything the instructors might throw at her. Dinner was the same routine as the night before, fairly bland, and with none of the things her dietary needs required. Once again she was collected after dinner, said nothing regarding her day to Luna as she wasn’t quite sure what to make of her day, though she did at least get one decent meal, and returned to her dorm early in the morning as before. Once more she found herself being rudely driven from her bed at the ungodly hour of having just gone to bed and repeating the same routine as the day before. By that evening her lack of food and sleep was beginning to show. Luna seeing the warning signs gave Kitzu time for a nap and made sure to go easy on Kitzu with the intention of consulting her sister regarding her concerns.

What Luna walked in on the following morning just about made her mad enough to turn back into Nightmare Moon. Kitzu’s dorm head, along with one of the school's deans had drug Kitzu into Celestia’s office to berate Kitzu and lament her ever having been allowed in the school. Why was a pegasus allowed in a school for Unicorns one questioned? Celestia was at a loss herself being Kizu’s mane was so messy it was presently obscuring her horn. Kitzu herself was fit to be tied, and near panic in her present situation, looked about, saw Luna, called out ‘Woona’ in a plaintive desperate voice, attempted to go to her, and when her escape was cut off, somehow managed to teleport herself leaving nothing behind but water vapor where the air had rushed in with a snap.

Luna had a moment of panic, followed by relief and pride to discover her prize pupil now pressing against her side.

“Well, would some pony like to explain what in thunderation is going on here?” Luna said in a low agitated, and undeniably angry voice. Her demand coupled with the fact that the object of their scorn was now attaching herself to Princess Luna as though she was her parent met stunned silence. “She should be asleep right now, and yet you seem to be holding some kind of tribunal?!”

“Woona?” Celestia asked hesitantly.

“Yes, dear sister of mine? Owe… Kitzu?” Luna turned her head to discover Kitzu had her head pressed against Luna’s flank. “Hey...” Luna said in a soft gentle voice, her tone suddenly like a warm summer breeze where it had been more like a winter's storm a moment ago. She nuzzled Kitzu gently, and let out a sigh. “You have a slight fever so I think it best I take you back to my apartment so you can get some sleep. - Come on, you’re digging your horn in. - And I should probably carry you. Up you go.” The others watched in stunned silence as Luna used her magic to lift Kitzu up onto her back, and then slowly walked out careful to maintain a nice steady pace. Kitzu had fallen asleep before they’d even made it to the door.

“What was the filly’s name?” Celestia asked of her staff.

“K-k-kit-zoo Nightfoal.” the dean replied shaking.

“Her name is Key – sue.” Celestia corrected. “And you’ve probably set my relationship with my sister back a thousand years!” Celestia emphasized her point by standing and slamming her hooves down on her desk. “Is there a reason you can’t spot an alicorn when one is right in front of you? On top of that, Kitzu is nocturnal. You were given instructions that she was to be allowed to sleep until noon. - Now if you’ll excuse me I need to see if I can salvage this mess.”

Celestia caught up with Luna a short time later as she was crossing the campus of the palace. The sight of a sleeping foal on Princess Luna’s back gathered more than a few curious looks and stunned stares.

“I’m so sorry,” Celestia said approaching. “I was completely blindsided, I had no idea what they were doing. - Is...”

“She should be fine once she’s caught up on her sleep, and had something more to eat.” Luna offered quietly. “I know you’d never intentionally hurt someone so innocent. No matter who she’s related to.”

“Luna…?” Celesta let at a sigh at the pointed barb. “I’ve learned my lesson, you didn’t have to hide her from me. - Might have helped if she wasn’t hiding from me every time I visited Twilight.”

“Afraid I don’t have an answer for that. She’s just terribly intimidated by you.”

“And that confrontation probably didn’t help. - She’s not one bit afraid of you though. Not even when...” Celestia let her voice trail off.

“She’s got me wrapped around her little hoof,” Luna admitted and stopped. A short distance away was a white stallion earth pony with a dark mane that had a white streak in it. He’d a hoof from which a blue flame had been produced that he was looking through. His gaze turned from puzzlement to bemusement, to utter confusion, followed by a little bit of fear and concern. He slowly dropped the flame, a type of magic unique to his kin, and set his hoof down while managing a smile.

“Prince Reynard… what spell was that?” Celestia asked. He laughed nervously while scraping the ground with a hoof.

“That, well, that was...” Reynard replied rather sheepishly.

“A fox spell.” Luna offered and started walking again.

“Um, if-if you ever need anything...” Reynard offered.

“I’ll let you know.” Luna offered.

“Did I have a meeting with you?” Celestia asked.

“Not until later, though I’d say I've my answer,” he responded still trying to make sense of what the flames had shown him. Luna looked back at him momentarily with a smile. Was this the pony Twilight would end up with? Celestia gave the stallion another look and followed after Luna. He was handsome, and on the occasion, either Luna or Twilight had an opportunity to spend time with him, they got along quite well.

“So, umm...”

“Ask me no questions I’ll tell you no lies.” Luna offered.

“Is Miss Kitzu yours?” Celestia asked fearing her sister’s reaction.

“She’s my student.”

“That’s not a denial.”

“No, I suppose it’s not. - Oh, and if he’s here to inquire about this little filly tell him she’s mine, and he can’t have her.”


“Any chance you can get her schedule fixed? - I’d kind of like to get some sleep myself, and considering they’ve seceded in impacting the health of an otherwise healthy filly...”

“Say no more.” Celestia offered. “I’m a bit curious as to why they didn’t follow orders myself.”

“Thank you,” Luna said continuing on. Celestia stopped, watched her sister go, and then turned to the prince who was standing a short distance away.

“Prince Reynard. Any chance we can discuss what you needed?”

“Rumors concerning a certain filly.” He offered trotting over to her. “It looks like she’s in good hooves though.”

“Afraid I can’t discount that my sister might be her mother. - So what was that spell you used.”

“Fox magic. I was prying. Being that filly is a fox pony she kind of falls under our jurisprudence.”

“Well, I’d caution you against trying to take her away from my sister.”

“Being I can’t rule her out as the mother, I’m going to leave well enough alone. However, being fox ponies fall in our jurisprudence I’d be interested in making sure her needs at your school are being met.”

“Well then, I was just in a meeting, perhaps you’d like to join me while I grill me some horse flesh regarding a certain screwup?”

“And what was it they did?”

“Making our niece who is nocturnal get up with the sun when they’d been given orders to let her sleep.”

“I must confess I too dislike being up at this hour, but sometimes I’ve little choice in the matter.”

“Well, then we’ll try to remember to schedule you for late afternoons.”


Kitzu woke up late in the afternoon. A pony that looked suspiciously like her father propped her up. “You have got a nasty fever.” Prince Reynard informed her. “I’ve prepared a bowl of herbal chicken soup.” The soup bowl was suspended by a strange mist like a magic aura. Prince Reynard was for all outward appearances a white earth pony with a short dark mane, and dark tips on his tails. Yes tails, he had three but was cautious to keep them bound together into one by means of a spell whenever about in pony lands. Despite the Prince's outward appearance, he was a fox. A very special kind of fox. As for his appearing like a pony, well that had something to do with the magic of Equestria.


“Princess Luna has left you in my care while she has it out with the ponies who got you in this condition in the first place.”

“Not the daddy,” Kitzu said sounding grumpy. He smiled.

“Here, drink.” He held the bowl for her to drink from it.

“You did a reading on me didn’t you?” Kitzu asked plaintively after taking a sip.

“Afraid I had no choice. There’d been a report of a lost kit living with ponies in Ponyville. Agents went there just the other day, but found they’d missed you.”

“Well, I don’t need that kind of rescue. - More soup please. - Is good.”

“Here you go. Little imp.” Kitzu sipped slowly at the soup. “Do you know where you are?”

“I’m not that out of it. I’m in Muma’s apartments in the palace in Canterlot.”


“Princess Luna to you buddy. - More soup.”

“Precocious little rascal aren't you?” He said holding the bowl for her to drink. Kitzu looked at him, and then went back to the soup. “So is Princess Luna your mother?”

“Ya.” Kitzu offered between sips of soup.


“You did a reading on me.” Sips soup. “So you know I’m not lying.”

“Indeed. - Who’s your father?”

“What’d your reading tell you?”

“Strangest reading I’ve ever done. Saw myself married to Princess Twilight with Princess Luna all but living with us, and you...” He trailed off.


“Oh, sorry.” He put the soup bowl back to where Kitzu could drink. “Well, you’ve still a good appetite.” Kitzu sipped a bit more and then announced she’d had enough. “OK, you nearly finished it. Go back to sleep, and don’t worry about school. Oh, and I’ll be your instructor for fox magic.”

“Don’t mess things up,” Kitzu said closing her eyes.

“Don’t mess what up?”

“You, and Princess Twilight.”

Prince Reynard gave her a puzzled look, told her to go to sleep, and exited with the bowl trailing like a dutiful child. He deposited the bowl on a cart that had been prepared by the staff. It was fortunate there were foxes on staff or he might not have been able to scrounge up everything he’d need when Princess Luna had come in search of him shortly after placing Kitzumi on her bed. In the time it’d taken Luna to traverse the distance from the school to her apartment the fever had gone way up, and Luna was frantic. As frantic as a new mother it seemed. Who’s her medical provider Reynard asked to which the answer was Fluttershy. Fluttershy was in Ponyville. Fortunately, Prince Reynard was also a trained healer among his people. He agreed to go straight away to see Kitzumi, assessed her, roused the foxes on staff who then went out and procured the medicines he’d need. The first being administered as soon as he’d the ingredients. Luna stayed by her side where she eventually fell asleep. He’d fallen asleep as well, but his place of rest had been a lounge out in the great room outside of the apartment with Miss Pudding standing by. He’d been awakened by Luna later in the day announcing that Kitzu’s fever had gone down. But rather than ask him to leave, Luna desired he look after Kitzu a while longer as Luna wanted to hear for herself from the staff at the school their explanation of what had gone wrong. Now that Kitzu was doing better she might manage without losing her temper. Prince Reynard was convinced she had every intention to flay them alive given what he’d learned of the incident. To Prince Reynard, it looked like a classic case of wholesale wanton prejudice. Drive out the nocturnal pony with fangs. He’d seen it far too many times.

Reynard returned once more to the great room to discover a nightguard, black in color, looking out the large windows onto the private courtyard. Miss Pudding was still asleep.

“Smith. Your Highness.” The lieutenant announced. He continued looking out the window. “Lieutenant Thaddeus Smith.”

“Undeniably an old-world name, Thaddeus. - You here to protect the kit?”

“Princess Luna saw fit to trust you in that regard. - I’m here to protect my Raspberry Pudding.”


“Miss Pudding.”

“Oh, that Raspberry Pudding. - For a moment I thought you feared I might raid the refrigerator.”

“Your reputation suggests you’ve raided your fair share… of refrigerators.”

“All lies. - OK, some of it is true, but most of it lies.”

Smith turned to look back at the prince. Both stallions couldn't help but smile.

“So why is a member of the honorable house of Smith serving under the house of Equestria?”

“I don’t.”


“Princess Celestia is House of Equestria. You of all foxes should know the history of the Princesses of Equestria.”

“Then what you are saying is that you serve Princess Luna.”

“Granted I am bound by oath not to betray the elder sister and serve the house of Equestria, but my loyalty lies with Princess Luna and the House of Nightfoal.”

“Ha! - If ever there was a wrong horse to back it was Lord Nightfoal. - Though I must confess I only know the history.”

“My great Grandsire was there. - To hear him tell it, it was for the love of Princess Luna that drove him to madness.”

“Desired immortality he did. - Not even the Alicorns are truly immortal.”

“What of the Matriarch?”

“Ah, if ever there was a true immortal it’s that vixen. - Doesn't look a day over two hundred. - The little temptress.”


“Well, I’m two hundred-and-thirty-seven myself.”

“You are practically a kit yourself. - Just turned three hundred myself.”

“You’re what?” Asked the voice of Celestia. The two foxes turned to see Celestia and Luna had just entered the apartment.

“You’re not immortal… are you?” Luna asked.

“Oh no. We just happen to live a very long life. - Even as measured by your seasonal cycle.” Prince Reynard offered, bowing. “It’s not unheard of for one of our kind to live well past a thousand harvest moons. - Though life expectancy does drop off dramatically for those of mixed heritage.”

“I see,” Luna replied. “What about my little Kitzu?”

“Well, being that her mother is an alicorn, and well on her way to becoming one herself, I’d say barring tragedy, she could potentially live well past a thousand years. Even longer.”

“Is she going to be alright?” Celestia asked.

“The little princess is going to be just fine.” Reynard offered with a smile.

“Hang on you said she’s well on her way to being an alicorn,” Luna stated closing in to look him in the eyes. His eyes were the same deep-sea of jade green of Kitzu’s eyes. Luna backed off, blinking as she was overcome by the irrational notion that she might plummet into his eyes. He smiled.

“From time to time we find a lost foal, or I should say abandoned foal with a button horn. We raise them as one of our own. Occasionally they’ll have a foal that’s a unicorn who will produce a pegasus with a button horn. When the horn is exposed to the mother’s magic, it grows. The foal that was born a Pegasus becomes an alicorn. Their magic abilities vary, but they are undeniably alicorns possessing the magical abilities of all three primary types of ponies. - They’ll also respond to close relatives as well. - My understanding is that exposure to large magical fields can trigger a transformation as well, but it only happens to ponies of mixed heritage.”

“And you’ve known about this for some time I gather,” Celestia said taken back a bit by the revelation.

“They’ve been rescuing our cast-offs,” Luna pointed out. “Given how Kitzu was being treated, why would they even bother to bring it to our attention?”

“Perhaps it would be in all our interest if we had closer relations.” Reynard offered just as Twilight and Fluttershy entered.

“I came as soon as I got word – Celestia. - I brought Fluttershy.”

“Umm, hello.” Fluttershy offered.

“Twilight?!” Luna asked realizing she hadn’t sent word that Kitzu was sick. Reynard whispered that it was his doing. Luna asked what sort of spell was it that he’d done earlier, and he replied that it was a spell that identified parents.

“Princess Twilight, Doctor Shy. Princess Kitzumi is doing much better now thanks primarily to a decent day’s sleep.” Reynard said greeting the two with a warm smile. His was a toothy grin, but Twilight never seemed to mind. Perhaps it was the odd assortment that often drifted into Ponyville, but there was little that bothered Twilight anymore. That and her heart of gold.

“She’s in my room.” Luna offered.

“I’ll go check on her.” Fluttershy offered and retreated into the back.

“Princess Twilight, could you stay a moment?” Prince Reynard asked. “It’s important.”

“Mkay,” Twilight said, anxious to follow after Fluttershy who’d headed down the length of the great room which ran the better portion of that wing of the keep. Luna’s bedroom was the door closest, but Fluttershy had no way to know.

“Princess Celestia.” Prince Reynard said addressing her. “I’ve heard rumors concerning an arranged marriage in the works for a certain Alicorn Princess.”

“Oh?” Celestia replied with a knowing air.

“Alicorn… what?” Twilight said.

“I find myself wishing to be considered, and placed at the top of the list of eligible candidates.”

“Luna, are you going to marry Prince Reynard?” Twilight asked.

“Forgive me Princess Twilight, it’s you I wish to be wed to.” Reynard corrected.

“Oh – wait. Me?”

“And shouldn't you be marrying Luna?” Celestia prompted. “Considering.”

“Why whatever are you suggesting dear sister of mine?” Luna asked innocently.

“Well, I wouldn't be above marrying both princesses.” Prince Reynard replied with a grin, Smith muttered ‘waifu stealer’, and Miss Pudding hissing at Smith to be quiet while pretending to be asleep.

“Just exactly why are you two here, and why is she sleeping on the sofa?” Celestia protested as though she’d only just noticed them.

“Mrs Smith is acting as a chaperone, and Mr Smith is acting as a bodyguard,” Luna replied.

“They’re married, but they are both guards on the Night Watch?” Celestia protested.

“Pudding handed in her resignation, and I hired her on as Kitzu’s nanny.” Luna offered. “That way it wouldn't be a fraternization issue.”

“I’m going to go check on Kitzu,” Twilight announced turning.

“That’s not a no.” Prince Reynard prompted.

“Let me get back to you on that.” Twilight offered as Fluttershy emerged from the back.

“Um, I don’t know where the bedroom is? - What’s going on?”

“Prince Reynard just proposed to me,” Twilight announced. Fluttershy let out an excited squeak. “Come on, the bedroom is right here.”

“But aren’t you going to say yes? I mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“Alright, what exactly has been going on?” Celestia asked starting to get agitated. “Luna, Twilight, you two have been hiding something from me for a while, and Prince Reynard seems to be mixed up in it. Now I want a straight answer out of both of you. Which one of you is that filly’s mother?”

“Kitzu is from another dimension and identifies both of us as her mother,” Luna said quickly while leaving off any mention of accidental time travel.

“Ah, now it makes sense,” Reynard announced.

“Does that mean the proposal is off?” Twilight asked looking a bit hurt.

“Still on,” Reynard replied enthusiastically.

“I asked for a straight answer,” Celestia said sounding like she just had the wind knocked out of her.

“Well, you’re not going to get one.” Luna chided. “And before you say anything, no we haven't been able to identify where precisely she came from. She’s stuck here for the duration. Maybe even permanently. - We also decided that I’d be her mother so far as the public is concerned to protect Twilight’s reputation.”

“But why didn’t you tell me?” Celestia protested, the hurt feelings evident in her tone.

“We didn’t want to burden you with this.” Twilight offered. “They’ve been trying from the other end as well.”

“I’d imagine they’d be frantic.” Reynard offered. "Princess Twilight won’t you please give me an answer?” He got down on one knee. “It’s not like we don’t know each other.”

“But I?” Twilight replied not wanting to commit just yet.

“No second-guessing,” Fluttershy counseled.

“How about it? Shall we marry him?” Luna asked. “Assuming he really is willing to marry us both.”

“Oh, I’d be delighted. If you’ll have me tails and all. - Time I settled down before some pony makes the decision for me,” Reynard said with a smile.

“Alright. I will.” Twilight replied returning the smile.

“Two brides for the price of one.” Luna offered taking hold of both in a big hug.

“So when should I announce the engagement?” Celestia asked. “Wait – tails?”

“Preferably not until after I’ve told my parents what I intend to do.” Reynard offered with a rather sheepish grin. Twilight couldn't help but laugh. Twilight couldn't resist an experimental kiss, blushed, and announced she really wanted to check on Kitzu.

“He’s got three tails.” Twilight informed Celestia. “Uses a spell to make them look like one.”

“Twilight noticed the use of magic right away.” Luna offered. “All my fox ponies on staff have more than one tail. They’re just really clever about camouflaging.”

“I see,” Celestia said then suggested they see how Kitzu was doing.

Kitzu opened her eyes from the dreamy state she was in to see Twilight, Fluttershy, Prince Reynard, Luna, and Celestia entering the large bed-chamber. Seeing Celestia was a bit too much. What Kitzu did next surprised just about every pony there. Kitzu, without hesitation, rolled off the pillows she’d been propped up on, twisted around, and burrowed under the blankets.

“Is it too many of us?” Reynard asked.

“Princess Celestia, I think it might be you.” Pudding offered from the doorway.

“I’ve certainly never seen behavior like this?” Twilight commented going to the side of the bed Kizu was closest to. “Granted she does seem rather adept at avoiding a certain princess” Twilight quietly called to Kitzu, lifted up the blankets where she was at, and burrowed in as well, with her hindquarters still exposed. “Hey there, what’s the matter?”

“S-s-Celestia,” Kitzu whispered.

“Oh, my,” Celestia said having heard. “Kitzu, I am so sorry about what happened.”

“Let's go back out to the sunroom.” Luna offered, giving her sister a nudge. Celestia hesitated a moment before agreeing to go.

“Should I…?” Reynard asked not sure what to do.

“She says it’s OK.” Twilight offered as Kitzu nuzzled up to her.

“So it really was Celestia.” Fluttershy offered in her quite shy voice not sure what to do.

Out in the larger room Luna explained that Celestia’s counterpart had likely done something, or perhaps someone had filled her little head full of nonsense. “I’ll get right to the point, I’m afraid she sees the Daybreaker in you.”

“And yet she’s not one bit afraid of you,” Celestia replied plaintively.

“She won’t talk about herself very much, but Twilight is for snuggles, and I’m for protection.” Luna offered. “I can’t hide that her timeline would appear to be forward of ours. Which of course is another reason I never said anything to you. I was afraid it would drive you to distraction. - Granted it could just be her Twilight married sooner.” The last Luna threw in just to keep her sister off balance.

“A filly that’s afraid of me is what’s going to drive me to distraction.” Celestia quipped. She let out a sigh and offered up that the morning’s fiasco likely hadn’t helped one bit.

“Well from her mindset she was being scolded for sleeping when she should have been allowed to sleep.”

“You were so mad I was afraid you might revert to Nightmare Moon. - But then Kitzu did that teleport straight to you.”

“That was probably the most frightening moment in my life,” Luna admitted. “I’m afraid that’s how she got into our dimension. Twilight found her crying her eyes out in our old estate.”

“Oh my.”

“She charted herself a one-way trip with no return address. - For a moment I was afraid she’d done it again, landing Harmony knows where? - What?”

“You didn’t say Celestia knows where.”

“Now why would I say such a silly thing as that?”

“I’m an expression now.”

“Shouldn't you be lowering the sun about now?”

“Now that you mentioned it, I think I’m a bit late,” Celestia admitted and went out to the large balcony off the room at the end of the wing of the building in which they were in so that she could perform the task. Luna followed a moment later to raise the moon.

“You and Twilight have gotten really close these last few years,” Celestia commented as they watched day give way to night.

“We have at that. We’ve both had our eye on that stallion as well.” Luna couldn't help but smile and found herself dancing in place for a brief moment. She blushed.

“They are unusual ponies.”

“Well, you put a limit on how many bat ponies I could hire for the night shift. I needed nocturnal ponies that weren’t going to fall asleep and had good night vision for the night watch. - So I started sneaking in these fox ponies. Most ponies can’t even tell the difference between them and regular ponies.”

“Sorry I put you in that position.” Celestia offered. "Afraid it was the Nobles doing."

“Yes I know it wasn’t entirely your decision. - I’m well aware that there were ponies worried I’d try to reestablish my Shadowbolts." A rather wicked smile formed on her face. "Blueblood is going to be mighty disappointed when he finds out he's not going to be able to rope Twilight into marrying him."

“So now you’ve got these fox ponies.” Celestia offered as she shared Luna's grin. “I must confess I know very little about them.”

“My understanding is they emigrated from the human world. There they were foxes, not ordinary foxes mind you, but foxes endowed with magic that made it possible for them to do amazing things. One could even say they were the unicorns of the human world.”

“So why come here to live in obscurity in a forgotten corner of Equestria?”

“It was to escape persecution. Even though they had great power, their numbers were small. They found a way to enter Equestria and left their homeworld. When they arrived, something about the magic of Equestria turned them all into ponies. - They are by far the most interesting ponies I’ve ever met having a richly diverse culture unlike any other in Equestria.”

Author's Note:

Twilight verses Twilight. Future Twilight knew she would never get a moment with Kitzu if the present Twilight was there, so she sent herself on a wild goose chase. She also has her reasons for wanting witnesses.

What romance? OK, at the time I wrote this I wanted the romance to be implied rather then present a love interest, and go through all the trouble of the courtship when we know damn well that's who Twilight is going to marry. Probably the greatest flaw of most romance stories is we can usually spot who the love interest is going to be fairly early on. We know these two are going to get together, and dragging it out just creates frustration for the reader. I am going to try my hand at a proper romance at a later date.

Regarding fox pony culture, and fox ponies in general. No, I did not invent fox ponies. The ones in my AU represent refugees having come from foreign lands, in this case the human world. My vision is that their culture would represent fox culture from all over to include Native American, English, European, Asian, and Japaneses, having immigrated to Equestria in modest sized family groups from all over the globe.