• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,424 Views, 9,178 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 100: Battles


Chapter 100: Battles

By Wanderer D

"So… you're going to the Assassin's HQ?" Twilight asked.

"Yep. I guess it's time to take Aria down…" Sunset took a deep breath, "Having seen her as she could have been… as she was in the past… it's a stark difference. I guess this world is very different."

She had her nano vest on, and was slowly securing each piece of her armor into place, making sure it felt comfortable, but not loose.

"I really didn't mean it that way," Twilight said from the entrance to the barracks. "What I said… when you returned."

Sunset sighed. It had stung when Twilight had implied she'd rather have the other Sunset around longer than herself.

She'd known Twilight for a relatively short amount of time, all things considered, and she understood that she wasn't like the younger alicorn's friends back home, but she had come to admire the type of person the princess was... her inner strength; her openness and intellect.

She had thought of her more and more as a close friend, perhaps even—well, wishful thinking.

"It felt like it," she said, finishing securing her armor and not looking at her fellow pony-turned-human. "It's okay, Twilight. I'll keep my distance." She looked around for Mox's helmet, and attached it to a special harness that Lily had designed, to keep it secure, and once she had it set in place, she took her sword and shatter gun.

She sighed and looked up, but Twilight was gone.

Sunset grimaced, cursing under her breath at how insensitive that had sounded, but walked out of the barracks and down the hallway.

Truth be told, she had let herself feel like her life was going well, given her somewhat restored relationship with Celestia, and had forgotten that she wasn't really worthy of all-around happiness, despite her now familial relationship with the princess.

There were still things, of course, she needed to discuss with her, and oddly enough, Discord had pointed out one: Celestia's tendency to decide for others what was best for them. In a way, she supposed that it just reflected a motherly side… but she was an adult now, and as frustrated as the Princess… her mom… could get, Sunset was her own mare.

Celestia wouldn't like that one bit, but that's what it boiled down to. In the end, what she had done was heal a wound, but the scar remained. It was a token gesture… acceptance of mistakes once made, and of Sunset's willingness to move forward.

That they were now family was sort of a token bonus, but one that—sadly—Sunset herself would not be able to really reap the benefits of. All she would have would be the memory of Celestia's fur and feathers and mane... the sound of her voice… but she would still never be able to go back again.

She wasn't her counterpart. She didn't have a family where it counted, and it hurt… as much as it made her feel warm inside that her longtime wish of being adopted by Celestia was finally so, if in paper only.

"You look pensive."

"Hmm?" Sunset blinked, just realizing that Jane had joined her. "Oh… sorry."

"Nothing to apologize for," Jane said. "So, different universe with similar people? Did you meet me there too?"

Sunset giggled. "I'm afraid not, but I do wonder the type of girl you'd be…" she looked Jane up and down. "Bookworm."

"Nah," Jane chuckled, "I loved playing outside, I'd probably be in one of the sports teams."

"If I ever find out, I'll let you know."

The pair made their way to the hangar, where the others were waiting.

Angel hissed, and Sunset fist-bumped the Viper. "Aww, I missed you too."

Angel rolled her eyes, hissing as she shook her head.

"Don't worry, everyone here thinks too highly of you to fall for my mistranslations."

Angel reared up, leaning forward and hissing softly, making Sunset blush a little and chuckle awkwardly. "Y-you don't say?"

"As adorable as that is," Elena spoke up as she took aim at the distance with her vektor rifle, and nodded, "If we're all here, we should get going. I grow restless, waiting for the chance to bring down the Elder's pet."

"We shouldn't keep them waiting," Laetitia agreed, walking up to Sunset and putting her hands on her hips. "We need to show them how real warriors behave," she leaned in, taking Sunset's chin between her fingers. "And let's not forget that to the heroine go the spoils."

Angel hissed, and Laetitia gave her a challenging wink, before the pair went up the ramp, followed by Elena and a geared-up Annette, who had remained in quiet contemplation the whole time.

Sunset could feel her cheeks burning, and jumped when she felt Jane's hand on her shoulder. "You know, I am impressed," Jane admitted. "And I really hope you're into girls, because if you're not, you're in deep trouble."

She patted Sunset's shoulder twice and made her way up the ramp, leaving Sunset behind to be the last one in.

Sunset took a deep breath and looked around before boarding the Skyranger. This wouldn't be an easy fight.

Dear Twilight,

How have you been? Things have been good back in the old Golden Oaks Library. The girls have been keeping me company, and they bring Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle often with them.

Let me tell you, those three fillies are a clawful! I don't even have half their energy, and yet they drag me all over the place, trying to find their cutie marks. I've managed to keep them away from getting into bigger trouble than usual, and Rarity even said I was a great match for Sweetie!

How cool is that? Not that I ever doubted I couldn't take Sweetie down in a fight!

I guess you're going on real fights now, huh? That's cool! I mean, not cool in the sense that you could get hurt, but cool in the sense that you get to kick tail! I can't wait for you to tell me all the awesome things you've done! I've heard that Sunset is actually not as bad as we thought? I hope so, because you deserve the best friends out there and she'd better be up there!

So, have you gone out to fight aliens? Is that dangerous? I mean, not that I'm worried about you! I know you can handle it! But… um, how are you keeping track of all the things you're doing? Are you still making up huge checklists? Do you have enough quills and paper?

I mean, I could go there, you know? I'm a dragon! I'd be okay! And you probably need your assistant to take care of things, right? You could concentrate on the big projects, and I could just keep track of the small things! And make sure you eat!

You haven't forgotten to eat, right? Or take showers? You tend to do that if I don't remind you. Not that you stink! But sometimes it piles up, you know?

Who makes your daisy sandwiches for you? Is that a thing there too? The others haven't said much if there are daisies, but I'm sure there's some other edible flowers.

I tried going after you. But the mirror just bounced me back. I guess there's a passenger limit, eh? And I totally would have been a huge help. It's not that I'm lonely! You don't have to worry about me! I just would like to be able to help! I might look like a baby dragon, but I'm very good at taking care of myself.

Maybe when you figure out how to teleport from there you can bring me with you? I don't want to move there, mind you but I really would like to spend time with you, but I'm sure you could use your assistant!

Anyway, things will be okay and
I miss you. Please come back.


Twilight sniffled. She had probably read that letter at least ten times now. All of it, figuring out what Spike had scrawled under the squiggle lines he had used to strike through his original message.

She had so many letters to write, but she felt like such a failure. Like life had drained away her ability to keep her friends or make new ones.

Unbidden, Luna's words came to her, Did you get through everything else you did on your own?

Twilight sighed, it was time to write back… and yet, could she do it on her own? She hesitated. She wanted to write back, but something in her was stopping her. Something that shouldn't be there.

She needed help.

She turned around, pressing a sequence into her pad. The comms turned on, and soon a voice answered.

"Yes, Princess Sparkle?"

Dear Princess Celestia, Spike, and everypony…

I'm okay, but I need to sort out a lot of things. I'm going to counseling with a specialist here in the Avenger. I'll be writing back.

I'm sorry I'm taking so long.

I miss you all.

Please wait for me.


o.0.o End Chapter 100 o.0.o

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