• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

  • ...

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Chapter 234: Advance


Chapter 234: Advance

By Wanderer D

"We had enough firepower to deal with any one Alien Ruler, or even stand up to a Chosen long enough to escape."

"I know, Commander."

"I had one of my most trusted Captains in charge."

"Yes, Commander."

"Shen and the Crusaders should have been protected! That was the whole point of Dragon Team and a troop of mercs!"

"Yes, Commander."

"How did shit hit the fan so badly?" Chrysalis growled.

"You need to calm down," Counselor Luna said, while next to her Lunatitia nodded.

"My counterpart speaks the truth, Commander, you must not let this—"

"What, put me down?" Chrysalis interrupted. "Of course it won't. I'll make plans and readjust and deal with the fact that I lost so many irreplaceable assets! I don't have the luxury to feel bad right now… I lost Shen and Sweetie Belle. Those two were incredibly useful assets, and let's not forget the loss of intel and insight from both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Or the resistance force that was supposed to join us. Or my urban combat specialists. No. I can't just roll over and whimper, but I'll be damned if I'm not pissed!"

"No one could have predicted the type of assault that landed on them, Commander," Bradford said gently. "The Berserker Queen, The Archon King, a new breed of Sectoid. ADVENT. Julian. And Chimera."

"That bitch," Chrysalis hissed. "Wearing Twilight Sparkle's face, no less."

"Estella and I had wondered what had happened to Twilight's double," Lunatitia said. "we always assumed she had died during the attack. It seems her fate was much darker."

"At least we know who is behind the Rulers," Bradford said, "but that leaves me wondering what happened to Vahlen."

"Probably dead," Chrysalis said, sighing and sinking into her sofa.

Tygan, who had remained silent through the previous rant, shifted in place. "Still, this Twi—Chimera thing didn't just stumble on the Rulers and declared herself their empress. From her own modifications, I am certain that Chimera worked with Vahlen at some point, and might be the cause behind the Ruler's escape." He shrugged. "From what I know, my predecessor wasn't prone to make the sort of mistakes that would end in those things running loose."

"Great, another traitor," Chrysalis sighed. "Look into it, Tygan, if we can figure out some information from old files, we can perhaps gain some insight into where she's located. She wasn't part of our team in old XCOM, but I know that Vahlen kept a log of possible inductees from all around the world."

"I'll get right on it, Commander."

"All we can do right now," Chrysalis said, "Is keep moving forward. Keep advancing. We'll get our revenge, for the fallen and for Earth."

"I can't believe they're gone…" Rainbow Dash whispered for the umpteenth time. "They can't be… the crusaders wouldn't just… die." She sank down placing her forehead on the table and covering her head with her hands. "I promised the other Applejack I'd watch over Apple Bloom. What the hell am I going to tell her?"

The bar was completely quiet and empty, save for a small group of people.

"Shen, Ember, Dragon Team, Sweetie, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom… the mercs from the resistance..." Deadwood listed, taking a swig from his beer. "Too many."

"I should escape. Fly east. As far east as I can go," Rainbow Dash muttered, dragging her hands down her face.

"Yeah… too many. And for what? To get back someone that just happened to know the Commander's old lover," Jane muttered. "Chrysalis could just get over it." She had just come out of some forced sleep and a long session with Luna and had looked much better than she had the day before… however the news about Scootaloo's loss had also hit her hard.

"The Ghost could give us a lot of answers—" Estella spoke up from where she was sitting close by, a glass of whiskey in her hand, she closed her mouth when Jane glared at her.

"Are they worth all of them dying?!"

Estella fidgeted. "...I—it's the only way we can learn enough to save Sunset…"

Jane snorted. "If Sunset wanted to be saved she wouldn't have left us those death bullets."

"Am I missing something?" Deadwood asked. "I thought you were friends?"

"Don't you think she's worth saving?" Elena asked Jane, ignoring Deadwood. She had joined the others out of solidarity and respect for the deceased, but her body language spoke volumes of how she felt about Jane's attitude. She wasn't exactly coiled into herself like a spring, but her body was tense, as if she were ready to cross the distance between them in the blink of an eye. "You're saying Mox should have let her die in the jungle? Or that Angel and I should have continued the mission on our own back then?" She tilted her head. "Should she just have dropped your body when you were shot in the ADVENT Communications base?"

Jane's brow darkened and her eyes shone with fury and traces of magic as she rose, slamming her hands on the table. "If it's a fight you're looking for—"

"Is this really necessary?" Deadwood asked, stepping between them. "We all lost friends today."

"It's Applejack all over again," Rainbow Dash said. "I left them behind, I couldn't do anything…"

"Maybe if this Reaper takes her head out of her ass, she can then smell the daisies and realize that risking so many lives for the sake of one crazy idiot is not worth it!" Jane snapped.

Elena didn't back down. "You seem eager to go back to sleep, I think I can help you with that."


"Listen, you two should calm down, remember who we lost today an—"

Jane shook her arm free from Deadwood's grasp. "That's exactly the problem, we shouldn't have… we wouldn't have lost anyone if the Commander had her head screwed in right!"


"You understand that this has nothing to do with your pity party over—"


The trio stopped bickering and turned to look at Estella, who sighed, exasperated. "Where the hell is Rainbow Dash going?"

o.0.o End Chapter 234 o.0.o

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