• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,426 Views, 9,178 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 131: Words


Chapter 131: Words

By Wanderer D

With a deep, mighty roar that actually surprised her, Alejandra leapt at the attacking vines, dodging out of the way of one, and slicing through another. Her beak snapped right through one of the thinner ones, and she spat the rancid ichor inside of it.

"Bleh, you're disgusting even on the inside!"

She jumped to the side to avoid another vine, and growled, bringing her hand down to grab her pistol, however, a vine snapped from under her, wrapping around her claw. She roared again, violently pulling way, but the vine held.

A second vine wrapped about her torso, pressing her wings tight around her and making the armor dig in into her skin. "Guh, so this is what it feels like when a viper catches you…"

She kept slashing and biting as more vines came at her, but it was futile to try to defend herself like that. She needed to somehow get loose and then recalculate her options. Unfortunately, her opponents would not allow that.

It took a moment of distraction. She snapped at a closing vine with her beak, not really able to bite through it, but the moment she faced back to glance around, one of the fly-trap-style vines hissed open in front of her, spraying her face directly with noxious fumes.

Her eyes stung and she gasped, immediately regretting doing so, as her lungs felt like they were on fire. She shook her head, coughing and facing away just in time for another vine to repeat the same attack.

The vines around her tightened, making her gasp and inhale a third attack. Her vision was blurry and she could feel her strength leaving her muscles.

'So this is how I'm going to die…' she thought, 'In another world, away from home… I wonder if…'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a blue blur slamming into one of the vines attacking her. As if sensing what was happening, the vines around her tightened the hold even more. She could almost feel her bones slowly starting to snap.

Shouts and explosions followed a few moments later. Something struck the vine holding her, making it go slack and she slammed onto the floor, grimacing in pain when she felt several ribs crack.

Gasping for breath, she took in huge mouthfuls of it as a pounding headache fought for dominance over the title of "most painful thing" on her body. She couldn't move much, just gasp and cough and wince in pain with everything she did or tried.

Despite the noises and chaos around her, it was difficult to hear much past the sound of her desperate heartbeats and a dim rushing sound in her head. She could feel other things, lying on her side, her wing felt twisted and uncomfortable and in pain.

The one on top didn't hurt as much, but thankfully wasn't flapping all over on its own volition.

A moment later, just as the world spun and she felt like she was fading, a yellow blur floated into her line of sight, and the last voice she wanted to hear made it past her throbbing headache.

"Oh my, oh no… why did you do something like this?! We need to take you back!"

There was only one thing to say to that.

Fighting the pain, she took a deep breath and glared at the blur.

Rainbow Dash had flown to the edge of the little valley and watched with trepidation as Alejandra fought beak and claw against the vines.

Her mind winced every time that she just knew that Alejandra could have dodged something more efficiently if she had known how to fly, and having seen Manticores and other Griffons, fight, she had to admit, for a complete rookie, she really did make them all look so much more efficient fighters.

Seriously. Those moves were pathetic, and from the grumbling coming from her mane, Tala thought so too.

At least it looked like she was having fun for now. "What do we do?"

"It's just a matter of time before something happens to her. She should have just used her gun, that is what we are supposed to used them for. Keep an eye out for her, and for yourself, I shall fly back to the others and guide them towards this location."

"Roger that!"

Tala gave her an odd look. "The other you also says that."

"Can't help it, it's just the rule of cool," Rainbow Dash replied in stride.

"I see. I will be back."

Rainbow Dash watched the battle as the breezie flew away. In many ways, she knew she should jump in and help, but the human-turned-griffon was really fighting in a brutal, probably therapeutic way. And to be honest, she wouldn't have many chances to kill things after this. Might as well let her relieve some stress.

It was then that things went sideways. Any griffon would have thought to slice and fly up to get out of the vine's grip, but Alejandra didn't know how to fly. She was quickly wrapped around, and in a second, a larger, evil-looking vine with snapping jaws of some sort was on her, spitting out some sort of fumes into her face.

Rainbow Dash was already charging, she flew straight at the large vine, knocking it onto the ground before turning to try and tackle the others that were spraying more poison at Alejandra. She flew and dodged, growling in frustration as her advance was halted by the several vines that were now wrapping around the griffon.

Rainbow Dash flew up, dodging other attempts to grab her, then dove straight down and clothes-lined two more vines, but without the time to crush them for good, they quickly whipped up, trying to catch her.

Unfortunately for the plants, she didn't remain alone long. A slimmer, black vine suddenly lassoed the two closest snapping ones and slammed them down, while Fluttershy and Rarity jumped in, drawing the attention of the vines.

In short order, they were contained and mostly destroyed by Twilight's magical blasts, but it was Fluttershy that was the most distraught.

She flew over to land gingerly next to Alejandra, gasping in horror at the state of the griffon.

Rainbow Dash grimaced. The left wing was broken, for sure.

"Oh my, oh no… why did you do something like this?! We need to take you back!" Fluttershy said worriedly.

The griffon barely lifted her head, but took a deep breath. "Go flannel yourself, you self-righteous beam."

"What does that even mean?" Spike asked, looking at the now-unconscious griffon.

"It means she doesn't like me…" Fluttershy said sadly. Her eyes hardened. "But it doesn't matter. We need to make sure she's safe, and then take her to my hut."

"It's just words, Fluttershy, don't let it bother you."

Tala fluttered down. "The journey back is long and perilous right now. But I saw a castle nearby. Perhaps we can secure a room there to protect Alejandra."

Twilight levitated the griffon carefully, and started walking. "If we're close to the castle, we might be close to the origin of the vines… the first vision showed me the castle… I thought it might just be the battle that I was supposed to pay attention to, but perhaps the magic was trying to show me something else as well."

"Well," Applejack said nervously as they reached the large ravine that separated the forest from the castle, "Ah think you might be right Twilight. The vines seem to be coming from there!" She pointed down to where massive, black vines emerged from a cave at the bottom."

"Great," Rarity said. "Now we only need to find a way down, and I for one—"

She was interrupted by several cries of pain and exclamations of surprise, ending with a painful sounding "oof!"

Soon enough, Pinkie's voice drifted from the bottom. "Found the stairs!"

o.0.o End Chapter 131 o.0.o

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