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Chapter 15

Cassiel POV

Naofumi bought the girl and she was branded with a magic crest that would force her to obey him. To say she was pitiful was an understatement, though maybe I was wrong to think that given what I learned later. She was given some protective gear and a dagger before we went into the fields and eventually the forest for her to get stronger. I stayed out of it for the most part since she was the one who needed to improve the most. Naofumi defends and she attacks, once they get synchronized they'll have a lot less to worry about, until then these are all more like hunting trips. I was the shadow, she was the blade that still needed to be sharpened. Surprisingly this was possibly one of the best things to happen to Naofumi, Raphtalia I mean, perhaps something for me as well.

Not counting the less than a handful of times Naofumi used the crest, he had been nothing but good to her, the closest one could get to an ideal slave master. He treated her sickness, held her close when she'd wake up screaming and crying for her family, fed and clothed her well, didn't get angry when she wet the bed, the list goes on. If his intent was a willing slave instead of an obedient slave then he's been doing everything right so far, she has truly become attached to him. If he's smart he'll keep it that way.

Fast forward a little and Erhard directs us to Lut Village as the furthest we could go. While there a local merchant suggested a mine to get money fast (they still don't know about the gold), but it's been inhabited by monsters since the Waves began. As a test I tried to lend Naofumi Dawn, I figured Erhard's examination of the weapon was enough reason to believe Naofumi could use it. While it didn't break any rules the weapon did disappear on it's own after a few seconds, maybe Erhard's keyblade imitation will have better results. I told him that if the mine would be anything like I thought it would be that my weapons would be too large or there would be too much darkness to use them effectively so as much as I hated to admit it, I wouldn't be much use in the caves. Magic was an option yes, but then friendly fire would be likely to happen so he had no problems with me staying in town and making some money on the side.

When they returned though I immediately started casting Cure on them while they told me what happened, PTSD on Raphtalia's part. I think that was the first time I felt any amount of concern for anyone, though that could be traced to what Raphtalia and I have in common. Raphtalia had finally found her resolve and Naofumi, well I think after today he's found someone he can actually trust besides me. I think I smiled a little, though that could be my imagination.

Fast forward some more and Raphtalia is now somehow taller than me. She was a small child when Naofumi bought her and now she looks old enough to have graduated high school. In that time I learned Magnet, Esuna, Zero Gravity, and Stop so there's that. She is right now chasing down an annoying little demon porcupine that shot me and Naofumi, if she wasn't chasing that thing I would have burned this forest to the ground. I suppose I could use Stop, but if I can't keep track of it then what good is it? I healed us both as Raphtalia killed the little fucker. Afterward we met back up with Erhard to get better equipment.

"Wow! I hardly recognized you! You've turned into a pretty little lady." Erhard said to Raphtalia as Naofumi turned to her. "I haven't seen you in a while, what've you been up to?" He asked.

"I've finally learned correct table manners from the innkeeper. I want to eat my food properly like Master Naofumi does." She said.

"Hm is that so huh? You've really grown up, nothing like the pipsqueak you used to be." Raphtalia groaned in response.

"You think?" Naofumi asked.

"Huh?" Erhard scratched his head. "Well, someone's a little hard to please."

"I'm actually pretty surprised myself. This whole country's full of loli-cons, you people take it too far."

"Alright kid listen, haven't you heard the stories of what Demi Humans are like?" Erhard asked as Raphtalia moved to the side of the counter.

"Excuse me, can we forget about all that stuff? We're here to buy armor for Master Naofumi! You have some recommendations don't you?" She asked.

"What are you talking about? We're here for your equipment." Naofumi asked in response.

"I appreciate the thought Master Naofumi, but it's time you protected yourself first for once! You just got hurt in the plains or did you forget that? The same goes to you Cassiel!" She scolded us both.

"Of course we haven't forgotten, but you need a weapon as w-"

"Master Naofumi, stop messing around with your life..." She turned away to pull a sword off the display. "Or you will die." Had she been anyone else I would be questioning if that was a threat or a warning.

"I already have armor, I just haven't needed it yet." I activated my armor which took her attention away from the sword she was inspecting.

"You've had that armor this whole time?" She asked.

"Haven't needed it, kind of useless when everything dies before it reaches you or you can evade it easily." I responded. She was about to reply, but let it go as she went back to the sword.

"Boss! This sword seems really sharp!" She said amazed.

"Eeyup, that's magic iron. You feel like trying it out?" Erhard offered.

"What kind of discount can you give us?" She asked.

"Oh don't worry about that miss, anything for you." Loli-con detected.

"Ehehe, thank you so much! While we're at it, could you show us some armor too?"

"Of course!"

After she got her gear Erhard offered something by tomorrow so we went back to the inn. The next day Erhard kept to his word and gave Naofumi armor befitting a bandit according to Naofumi and directed us to the Three Heroes Church and the Dragon Hourglass within to learn the time before the next Wave.

Arriving at the church there were a lot of things I was feeling, none of which were good. The priestess who was less than excited about our presence showed us the Hourglass Erhard spoke of. Shortly after ascending the stairs, light shot out of the Shield to the Hourglass. Judging from the look on his face I would guess it's happening soon, tomorrow at the earliest.

"Is that Naofumi I see?" A voice from behind asked. We turned to face him. "What's this? You're not still fighting with that flimsy equipment are you?"

"Do you know who these people are Master Naofumi?" Raphtalia asked Naofumi who ignored her question and started walking past Motoyasu.

"Hey! Sir Motoyasu is talking to you Naofumi!" Bitch said.

"He isn't talking to your boy toy though. You know, for an alleged victim of attempted rape, you seem to be coping pretty well with such a traumatizing experience. It's almost like it never happened." I said angering her, Ren, and Itsuki who were also present.

"Why you litt-" Bitch started.

"Hi there! My name is Motoyasu Kinomura, the Spear Hero." He greeted Raphtalia, taking bitch's attention away from me.

"You're a Hero?" She asked.

"Wow you're cute."

"Why are you praising a Demi Human Sir Motoyasu?" Bitch asked. Also, racist.

"A girl as adorable as you shouldn't have to wield a sword. Please, allow me to protect you from now on." He said holding both her hands. I summoned Dawn and Nightfall and placed Nightfall between them.

"It'll be kind of hard to do that with all the hands you won't have if you don't back off this instant." I threatened. Before he could respond, Raphtalia pulled away.

"I'm sorry! It's my sworn duty to fight side by side with Master Naofumi!" She rejected his offer.

"Are you kidding?" He asked her as Naofumi got up close to him. "If you stay with Naofumi you'll be in danger!" He turned to Naofumi. "Tell me I'm not right, or don't you have the guts?" He asked him.

"She's safer with Naofumi than with you believe it or not considering how at least one person in your group just proved to be racist towards Demi Humans." I commented loud enough to be heard by Ren and Itsuki.

"We're out of here!" Naofumi said as he grabbed Raphtalia's hand and began to leave.

"Come on, don't tell me you haven't hear any of those rumors going around about him?" Motoyasu asked Raphtalia. Naofumi paused for a moment before continuing to leave.

"See you when the Wave hits." Itsuki said not even looking at Naofumi.

"Just stay out of our way." Ren said also not looking at Naofumi as he left. In a few moments I was the only other member of his party there.

"When the Wave hits, I would recommend focusing on evacuating any nearby towns or villages instead of the monsters. What value do you have as Heroes if you can't be bothered to protect the very people you were summoned to fight for?" I said before entering a Corridor.

The next day we waited for the Wave to hit, Raphtalia for some reason was speaking to and thanking Naofumi like she was half expecting to die. I didn't say anything as I waited for the Wave. The sky turned red and we were teleported elsewhere, after a quick look around we saw Lut Village and the other three Heroes doing the exact opposite of what I said and running off to God knows where while a horde of monsters was descending from holes in the sky. A flare was shot into the air, but there isn't enough time for the knights to come save the village.

"Go, I'm no savior so I'll leave the village to you. The sooner they kill the big bad, the better, which is why I'm going with them." I entered a Corridor before either of them could say anything and followed the other three.

It didn't take long to find them. They fought a few monsters, but that was it up until they found a chimera. Now that was honestly was surprised me the most. I was expecting something like a demon or a demon lord, not a mix between a lion, a goat, and a snake. I casted Aero for a boost as I burst out of the Shadow Realm, hit it with Nightfall as I was still passing it then shot the abomination with Blizzard. This caught it's attention and everyone else's as I activated my armor which surprised them even more.

"Where's Naofumi?" Ren asked.

"He's doing what I told you to do and protecting Lut Village with Raphtalia. Shows how reliable they are as Heroes compared to all of you, that's for sure!" I answered as I turned Nightfall into a scythe and summoned Dawn as a shuriken. "Let me handle this." Before anyone could respond I casted Zero Gravity and threw Dawn at it before getting up close with Nightfall. Fun fact about Zero Gravity is it has a chance to disorient the victim if they're hit while under the spell's effects. This did not happen and it swiped at me before breathing fire on me after the spell ended. I don't remember chimeras being able to breath fire.

"Reflect!" I used the spell just in time to defend myself and do equal damage to the chimera causing it to stagger. I called back Dawn as a shuriken while Itsuki began shooting it and the others keeping it at bay. I casted a modified Aero that would hold Dawn in place as it built up rotation speed. Once it had enough power I unleashed it nearly hitting Motoyasu and Ren, unfortunately the chimera dodged the attack.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Motoyasu asked enraged.

"I told you to let me handle it, if that hit you it would have been your fault. Though I suppose you made adequate meat shields while I charged it up." I responded. I ignored anything else they said as I changed Nightfall into wing blades as I called back Dawn and changed it into a twinblade. I kept the chimera unable to defend itself as I attacked it relentlessly. When it breathed fire on me again I casted Reflect again with the same result as earlier and backed away to shoot it with the bow version of Dawn. The arrows formed themselves as I pulled back the string and let loose arrow after arrow while keeping it occupied with Nightfall's wing blades while I kept two to myself for evasion. After about a dozen arrows I started combining them with Fire and Aero.

Eventually my magic ran out and I collapsed to my knees from exhaustion. Seeing an opportunity for revenge it leaped at me, but I chuckled at the futile attempt because I knew the Heroes wouldn't let me die.

"Wind Arrow!"
"Crimson Blade!"
"I'll end this! Lightning Spear!" The three shouted one after the other. I didn't quite catch anything they said after that.

"Heroes! *huff huff huff* A job well done." A new voice congratulated them. Prick.

"The knights huh?" Ren asked.

"Isn't it a little late to show up?" Motoyasu asked.

"Thanks for the 'help'." Itsuki said sarcastically.

"I should be the one saying that Itsuki." I said as I stood back up and nearly collapsed again. "Maybe I shouldn't have worn the mask. And before you ask it suppresses half my power."

"How dare you try to take credit for this?" The knight asked angrily.

"He's telling the truth. While I doubt what he said regarding the mask he did nearly kill it on his own." Ren said in my defense.

"Ah... Ummm... Eh moving on his highness has rewards for each one of you." The knight said backing off. "So, shall we go?"

'If there's a bed and a good meal then yes. Now please.' I thought as Ren helped me walk with Motoyasu doing reluctantly doing the same as bitch also protested for him.

Author's Note:

Call it laziness, but I just couldn't be bothered to write out every scene so this sort of skips past episode 2, or rather it's written in a way that summarizes episode 2 so it still happens as it should while carrying over to episode 3.

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