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Chapter 64.

??? POV

I heard something from the other side of the door. Someone sounded surprised to hear someone else was awake. Are they talking about me? I stood up and the door opened to reveal something yellow wi-


A pony with pink hair and tail. How do I know that? How do I know what she is?

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?? What were you doing out in the Everfree?? We found you unconscious! Where are-" She kept going on and on.

"Where am I? Who are you- gah!" I said as I clutched my head.

"Hold on, I'll get Twilight! Just stay here for now, okay?!" She left before I could say anything. Maybe I should do as she said? But what if she doesn't come back?

(15 minutes later)

She still isn't back yet. Is she coming back?

*door opening and closing*

Is that her? Why did she take so long?

"The foxes found him in the Everfree several hours ago and brought him here. I was going to tell you as soon as I put him in the guest bed room, but he woke up as I was about to leave." I think it's her voice.

"Don't worry about that, Fluttershy. You did the right thing, tending to him first before coming to me or a doctor. Now let's see what we're dealing with here." Another voice said as I heard them coming up when I'm assuming to be stairs. They came through the door and the yellow one looked at me with a strange look on her face.

"Were you standing there this whole time?" She asked.

"You told me to wait here, so I did." I answered.

"Ooookaaayy, moving on." The light purple one spoke up. "What's your name? Why were you in the Everfree?" She asked. "Oh! I'm sorry, my name is Twilight Sparkle!" She held her hand out to me, her eye twitching.

"My name? Everfree?" Was my response.

"D-do you not even know you're own name?" Twilight asked another question.

"Do I need one?" I asked.

"Oh dear." Fluttershy said with a hand over her mouth, ears folded back.

"Alright, I don't think we'll be getting anywhere like this. Fluttershy, can I talk to you outside for a moment?" Twilight asked her.

"Oh, okay." They left me alone and closed the door.

(Outside Fluttershy's cottage)

Twilight POV

"Are you sure this is wise? You remember Cassiel, I'm sure?" Another human can't be good.

"Twilight, he doesn't even remember his own name. Neither of us know anything about him aside from where he was found and what he is. We couldn't just leave him out there." She explained.

"The last time a human came here, he killed a pony, and coincidentally since that day, these 'Heartless' have been appearing. Those things have also been attacking ponies so often that the guard has more than doubled in size and there are guards with enchanted weapons everywhere. I'm sorry, but we can't trust him! We have no reason to believe he's not like that murderer!" Sometimes, just sometimes, it's better to walk away.

"And we have no reason to believe he's not the opposite. He should've let the guard and the princesses handle Spoiled, but she intentionally put her own daughter in a position to be killed by the very same monsters he risked his life to protect us from! Was she really any better? I don't think just any murderer would nearly get themselves killed to protect a town." Why, Fluttershy?

"I'm sorry, but after Cassiel, I can't ignore this. Monsters born from Darkness came just days after Cassiel arrived, I'm not risking something similar just because of somepony claiming to have amnesia! He can't be trusted and needs to be thrown in the dungeon or Tartarus before something worse happens." I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn't have it.

"I'm not letting you do this, Twilight! This human has done nothing wrong and you're not doing anything to him unless you can prove otherwise! You're better than punishing a pony for no justifiable reason!" Why is she arguing with me?!

"It's not a matter of what he's done! It's a matter of what he's almost certainly going to do! I'm not risking an even bigger Heartless attack over something like this!"

"The only pony risking a Heartless attack here is you. You're not getting him and-" She was cut off by a loud scream inside and what sounded like something being knocked over or falling down.

??? POV

(moments before)

They left me alone again to talk outside, I wonder what they're talking about? Do neither of them know me? They didn't answer my questions, probably not. I moved near the window to try and hear what they were saying, but could only make out a few words. "Heartless", "murderer", and that was it.

"Are they talking about me?" I thought to myself.

*high pitched meow*

I looked down and a black-


A black kitten with yellow eyes was looking up at me. It brushed itself against my leg for a moment before trying to climb up my pants. I reached down and it fell, but quickly stood back up on it's hind legs and reached out for my hand, brushing it's head against it and meowing again. As I was about to pick it up, my vision flashed something too fast for me to register what I saw and I clutched my head in pain as I fell to the floor, screaming. I don't know how long I was rolling on the floor, I know I saw Twilight and Fluttershy rush in here before my vision became dark. I heard a voice before I lost consciousness though.

"I love you."

Who was it I heard?

??? POV

(The Heart that Was)

I see nothing but darkness beyond this platform I'm on. I can only see me on it, everything else looks so blurred or smashed together that I can't make out what it's supposed to be.

Darkness is the Heart's True Essence.
Cast aside your Weakness so you may never know defeat.
Do unto others as they would unto you, for there is no greater Justice than Revenge.
Send their Souls screaming into the Abyss.
Show them Nightmares Unending.
The Darkness draws ever closer, but fear not. In Light, there is only Weakness. In Darkness, there is only Truth.

A voice keeps speaking as a large black mass formed a sword in the shape of a wing to my left, I don't know why, but I don't trust it.

My Light and my Darkness are mine and mine alone.
That's not a Darkness I'm willing to let you see.
If the Light is true, it will burn away the Darkness, the pain, the hate, and rage.
Yours is one of few Lights that I hope will never fade. It is a truly precious thing.
I will take that Darkness into myself.
I will make this Curse my own.

That voice sounded like me, light and darkness formed a staff in front of me.

You are one of the very few people I care about.
There's nothing I wouldn't do for them.
You made the mistake of hurting the people I love, that is not something I can forgive.
I no longer want to die, I have something worth living for, a future to look forward to.
This is not my grave, and it sure as Hell won't be yours.
If Light truly can't exist without Darkness, then Light will never die, only flicker and dim. I will rekindle it.

Light and darkness formed a shield to my right.

The Path to Power.
The Path of Wisdom.
The Path of Life.

Choose one to keep, and one to discard.

I don't know why, but I don't trust that sword. Do I really need power anyway? I can't think of a reason to choose it over life, so I grabbed the shield.

The shield? Life? Very well. Now choose what to discard.

Though wouldn't life not survive without power? I suppose all three can achieve the same results, whatever they may be. I grabbed the staff.

The staff? You choose to keep Power and Life? Very well. Awaken, and seek to become whole again.

Author's Note:

Short chapter compared to what I usually write, but it's something. I write as things come to mind. I want to write something for the stories that haven't been updated in God knows how long, but I'm drawing blanks. Also playing too much Destiny and embracing the Darkness (ABOUT FUCKING TIME, BUNGIE).

There is a reason for the time skip despite what Raven/ Nevermore said. It's so stupidly obvious that I almost missed the potential for this because of it. I'll give a hint, She said she dialed down the time difference between worlds through the Corridors. And since I have no idea how much time passed between S1 E1 and S2 E25-26, I'm going to say it was long enough for almost everyone to forget his face anyway, not to mention the fact they all knew him for a week, two weeks tops?

There's also a reason none of the mane 6 recognize him, they never saw him without his mask and while Fluttershy can understand animals, I'm pretty sure she couldn't understand them perfectly. Good luck getting "Cassiel" from an animal when probably the closest she could get to that would be them "saying" he smells familiar, and considering how much time passed and what happened, probably wouldn't be the case.

He did have his own "Dive to the Heart" or whatever it would be called in this case since he's a Nobody (it only took over 60 chapters). Yes, I put in another Destiny reference.

So considering how Xemnas, Xigbar, and basically everyone in the Organization who had "strong ties to the ancient keyblade legacy" all used weapons other than keyblades, what should Cassiel use if not a keyblade (it's not limited to the staff, sword, and shield)? I mean they all went from key shaped swords to something completely different. Scythes, knives, lasers, hand crossbows.

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