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Chapter 74.

Weiss POV (after capture)

I complied with the demands of the guard and was escorted to a holding cell, where I was supposed to wait for his princesses. I never thought I'd find my thoughts drifting back to fa-no, Jacques. Maybe it's because I'm in a cell that I'm doing so, I didn't keep up with what was going on because we all knew exactly what was going to happen to him. Winter and Ironwood, though no longer a General or on the Council, are more than capable of ensuring he gets exactly what he deserves even if by the off chance the other Councilors don't do their part in the trial. No matter how good his lawyers are, the best he can hope for is a life sentence and solitary confinement. A little over an hour passed and still no visit from these princesses.

"Hopefully everyone else is better off right now." I thought.

This is off to a great start! Separated from the team, locked up by the very people we need help from, and his Raven or Nevermore aren't anywhere to be found! Hopefully the others have had better luck, otherwise, well... Blake mostly. Taking his departure harder than Ruby, even keeping his weapon. It's probably taking all she has not to break down.

"That idiot... All that genius, and-... was there really no other alternative?"

"No alternative to what?" A voice asked from the other side of the doorway. A tall white unicorn mare with wings and a neon rainbow mane stopped in front of the cell, accompanied by three guards.

"I'm sorry, who am I speaking to?" I asked.

"I am Princess Celestia, Diarch of Equestria. And you?"

"Weiss Schnee, Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company... Not that it would hold much weight after recent events or here in hindsight." And to think I called him the idiot.

"I'll take your word for it. I trust you were treated fairly?"

"Your guards, rather the Captain anyway, while a little more lax compared to Atlas, didn't act any differently than should be expected."

"That is good to hear. Now on to the matter at hand, how and why are you here?" She addressed the issue, a stern look on her face.

"First, where can I find a guard named 'Nevermore'?" I asked, hoping to get this done sooner. Her expression softened.

"Whatever your connection is to one of my guards, I'm sorry to say she's been missing for some time now. She disappeared not long after the first human did."

"Do you mean Cassiel? How long was this?" Her ears shot up at the question.

"Please be him??"

"You know him? I was under the impression he was... Alone by almost every definition of the word?"

"'Know him'? We were more than just on the same team, he was very close with one of us. Then after what seemed like a one sided war, he just... Faded, literally." Celestia became more confused as she listened.

"Are we talking about the same human? Giant key shaped weapon, always wore a black cloak and mask, quick witted with a short temper, foul mouth, and no patience for-"

"Stupidity and arrogance? Yes, but he got a lot better." I answered to her growing confusion.

"Guards, release her. We're moving this to a more comfortable location." She ordered. As they obeyed her and helped me up, she looked at me seriously. "We have much to discuss."

(Some time later, in Celestia's study)

"That is... Quite a tale... I- I don't even know what to say. I'm as overjoyed to hear he was finally able to move on with his life, that he found plenty to live for, but words can't begin to describe how sorry I am that he's gone."

"I refuse to believe he's gone, not like that!"

"I've seen similar ends before, not-"

"He said he was just 'returning to Darkness'! Whatever that meant! And he gave one of my teammates one of his weapons, that same teammate later opened a portal here with it! Every time he did so, it took him exactly where he needed to be! That has to mean something, he has to be around somewhere!" I'm not just giving up because she said so.

"If that is the case, he's already likely too far gone. I was already concerned when you told me he openly used Darkness and was even able to command these 'Grimm' when using it, especially after the last several incidents where one used that kind of power."

"He already warned us about that! That if we see his Heartless that we have to destroy it as soon as- what the..." She handed a newspaper to me.

"This is back from my niece's wedding. It was invaded by a group of shapeshifters led by one using powers not unlike his Darkness, their leader controlling the Heartless you see here before another arrived wearing the same emblem. That monster killed that entire hive of changelings like they were nothing before taking me and the human present out just as easily! Whether he was a Heartless himself or if he was another practitioner, I don't know." I took the paper and skimmed over it.

"*gasp*" I almost dropped it after seeing the photos, my hand over my mouth. This 'Abaddon' and 'Equinox' look so much like Cassiel that anyone else would think he had twins. He- would he actually do this?? Could that thing actually be his Heartless? What about the other one?

"I'm not taking any more risks with Darkness. Sombra, Nightmare Moon, Grogar, Chrysalis, Pony of Shadows, and now Abaddon. Every single time somepony used dark magic or Faust forbid Darkness itself, it has only ended in tragedy and others would pay the price for it! If there are any alive to prove me wrong, then they are in hiding, not that I would trust ANY of them! Any power that comes from pain, hate, and rage isn't worth it for the simple fact it feeds itself as it's used."

"Then she can't know about Abaddon and Equinox's origins if I'm somehow right about this."


Equinox POV

I woke up back in my room at Fluttershy's home with a headache. I left to search through the medicine cabinet in the bathroom as that was closest and heard voices downstairs. Ruby's and two others, probably the two she found me in the woods with, their voices sounding familiar.

"Well I ended up in some ruined castle and crashed there for the night, finding Blake not too long after entering town. What about you, Blake?" The blonde asked the cat eared one.


"Blake?" Ruby said.

"Huh?" She wasn't paying attention.

"What happened to you after we entered the portal?"

"I-... I was in a dark place, these things kept attacking me everywhere I turned. They were like Grimm, but they didn't have bone masks or plating, and they didn't die like Grimm. Eventually I made it to the shores and rested there for a moment before meeting someone else there. Not long after he opened a portal like Cassiel always did and threw me in before I could react. The next thing I knew, I was right outside of town." Blake said.

"So in that case, Weiss shouldn't be too far away. The team's almost back together." Ruby said.

"Right... Together..." Blake drifted off.

"Blake, what's wrong?" Ruby asked her.

"'What's wrong?' Heh... The team's almost back together and we finally found him. I should be overjoyed, but he doesn't ev-"

"Blake, we can't be sure Equinox is Cassiel." The blonde said to Blake.

"But he has to be! He appeared around the same time as Cassiel disappeared, he somehow has powers not unlike a Maiden's, he has the same scar on his face, the same voice, the same eye colors, the only difference being that his hair is a different color! And he called me by my name before he even heard it! You know as well as I do who he really is, but he doesn't even remember us!"

"Blake, I want him back as much as you do, but we can't force this." Ruby said to her.

"It's like- *sniffle* it's like all that time meant nothing!... He gave everything for us and now we can't even help him when he needs us most! First I couldn't stop Adam from becoming a monster, I couldn't protect anyone from him at Beacon, then the Apathy, then who knows what would've happened in Atlas if he didn't bring the fight to Salem like he did?! I'm tired of feeling so helpless, like he can't rely on us for anything!"

"I look like Cassiel? Is that why Twilight doesn't like me?"

"So answer me this, how am I supposed to react to this? What am I supposed to do? Why shouldn't we take him home??!!"

"I've heard enough. Fluttershy should be returning soon, and I still have a headache." I went into the bathroom and couldn't find what I was looking for, so I'll have to go downstairs into the medicine cabinet there. I walked past the others and reached into the cabinet, but it was too far back for me. One of the birds here went inside and pushed it towards me before jumping on my shoulder.

"Thank you."

"Cassiel?" Blake approached me.

"Equinox, but yes?" She pulled me into a hug.

"*sniffle* We're going to get through this! I promise you, we'll help you!"

"Help me with what?" I thought.

Author's Note:

I was originally going to have a conversation between Weiss and Spoiled Rich here, but then I remembered Spoiled is dead after the 5th line. Try explaining that to the readers :derpyderp2:.

I don't think it's ever been stated exactly how much time passes between episodes/ seasons, so it's hard to say for certain how long Cassiel has been gone in Equestria, only that he disappeared not long after Luna's return and the story is now after season 2. So I'd guess he's been gone for over a year or two with "Nevermore" not too far behind. Why did they never give us numbers??? So with that said, chronologically speaking, he is now probably 15 or 16, depending on how much time passed between the start of Shield Hero to the end of RWBY, something worth noting if that IS a requirement for when he goes to the world of Black Clover, but that's still a ways off.

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