• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 11,415 Views, 805 Comments

A shooting nightmare - The Psychopath

A man, who wants a little thing for himself, finds that he gets too much.

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I wish upon my singed brows

Mathews Fore was sitting on a chair in his yard, contemplating the magnificent blue sky above him. A little cloud passed by every now and then, giving more variety to the tapestry he was looking at. His yard was very wide, but not very long, although the grass was still greener than the word. Around the yard were firmly placed fences that reached at least two meters in height, and which were covered by green sheets. Behind the rest of the house was a small amalgamation of trees that opened up to an agricultural area.

Mathews slurped on his home-made fruit-juice. He was on vacation for only a week. Apparently, it was forced on him seeing as he didn't want to stop his job. What was it exactly? He was a graphics designer. He loved to create things and see the results afterwards. It was his passion. Therefore, his forced vacation was ill-received. Another slurp, and the man sneezed, splashing everything all over his clean, white shirt.

"Aw, goddamnit. I just washed it. Ugh." he moaned as his head dropped.

Mathews was actually a man in very good shape despite his job. He would go to the gym every Sunday to maximize his shape. He liked to prove others wrong. One of the things to prove wrong? Geeks aren't muscular. Yup. He proved his point after he wore a tight sweater and some pricks passed-by and started to wail on him thinking he was wearing several sweaters. The best way to describe the outcome is by saying "crack". That's all that is needed to be said. This man had no hair. In fact, he was bald. He did have a brown goatee, and many would call him the "Mighty Kane of Nod" in mockery. His nearly black eyes further proved the similarities, but he didn't care.

His house was entirely white, and only had one floor, so there were no stairs...besides those leading to the basement where Mathews had his collection of wine bottles that had been in his family for generations. Some decorative objects here, a large wooden table for the dining room, and many, many carpets. Fore didn't pay attention to something that he had been seeing for a long time, and left for his room. It was near the entrance of the house. His room was almost entirely made of wood. The walls were wood. The ceiling was wood. Heck, even his closet and bed were made of wood. The only window in the room was quite big and allowed much light to come through. It were covered by white cloths that prevented anyone from seeing him through it. As a precaution for his fear of security, Mathews had something installed on his windows and doors that were usually used in Europe. These were blinds. Things that roll down and rumble as they block off any means of entry or exit. Fore reached into his closet and threw his shirt into a basket that was meant to take dirty clothes and put on another white shirt.

"Heh. I've got a big salary. I could buy several brands of shirts of various colors, but I only buy white shirts...I need to choose something else...Oh well. Let's see what's on the news..."

With a flick of the remote, Mathews flipped through the channels until he found his desired frequency.

"Pop stars...epileptic dance idols...epileptic dance idols...more epileptic dance idol pop stars...here we go."

"-And that's how an entire school collapsed on the children. Haha. That'll teach those little bastards. In other news, there will be a meteor shower tonight at eleven thirteen p.m. Many astronomers will be able to appreciate the wonders of the universe without using meditation."

"...This guy is...very direct...But that's why we like him. *yawn* Let's see what else is on while we wait. Five hours shouldn't take too long." Mathews said as he plopped onto his bed and started to flip through the channels.

Mathews had a deep secret. It wasn't dark. No. It was a lonely secret. He had always felt alone since he left his parents' house. Sure. He had a sister who came to visit every now and then, but the visits were far and few in-between. He felt so 'ronery'. He didn't know why. He didn't want a woman, because what's the point of such a boring relationship? He's seen enough to know the "downs" that weigh more than the 'ups'. He also doesn't want to adopt a child. He's alone. That, and he doesn't want to deal with the annoyingness of children. He didn't hate them. He just found them annoying. Then, there was the "adopt an animal" possibility. What was the point? He was going to become the male version of the crazy cat lady.

He just wanted something to hug and raise 'till it becomes grown-up. He didn't understand what he felt, because all his other feelings contradicted with logic. No kids, no animals, no nothing. He just didn't understand it. What did he need, truly?

"Why the hell do all the women on T.V. bob their heads when they talk? Are the safety lines broken or something? You have the men who stay in place and only move when gesturing a brief emotion, but the women...bobblebobblebobble." Mathews complained out loud.

He liked to complain. It was helpful for him to take his mind off things he found too confusing to think about. He hated confusing things. When Fore would get frustrated, he'd stop for a moment and do something else while he waited. Then he'd come back and discover that there was only one button to press to get through the problem.

"Why must they constantly put those jukebox laughter things in the background? Do they think we're too stupid to get that the joke isn't funny? Moving on."

Most of his time watching T.V. pretty much amounted to this. Complaining. Moving on. Aaaaaaand complaining some more. Finally, after so many hours of complaining, it was eleven ten. Mathews walked out of his house with a big stretch, as well as grabbing his electric fly swatter. Nobody likes mosquitoes. He had taken another glass of fruit juice and sat in his typical chair so that he could comfortably observe the shooting stars. It had been almost five minutes, and there was nothing. He sighed, cursed under his breath, and was about to go back home when he heard loud awwing everywhere in the neighborhood. He looked up to see a sky full of a radiant beauty. Lots of white streaks came and went in the sky, giving a sense of inner joy. As Mathews watched this, he remembered something.

"Shoot! The wish thing. Hmmm. I only get one wish. Better make it count." He loosened his limbs a bit before joining his hands together whilst still holding the cup. "How did the lyrics go? Let's see...Starlight, starbright, I wish the wish I wish tonight. I wish to have something of my very own. Something to raise that is adorable. Something that isn't human. Something entirely new. Something that only I have ever seen. Something to take care of and hug."

Nothing happened, but Ka-Mathews continued to wish with his eyes firmly closed. Then, it happened. He heard flaming, and looked upwards. Apparently, nobody noticed despite the fact that the ball of fire was coming down from the sky. Fore just looked at the flaming ball blandly and took a sip from his drink with a hand in his pocket.

"*slurp* That's some good fruit juice.*slurrrp*" He took a step back as the ball crashed right where he would have been had he not moved.

The meteor threw dirt and mud all over Mathews and singed his eyebrows. He was now a mudman, but he could still see, so he lifted his glass and saw that it was pretty much nothing but mud now.

"...Great. When I made that wish, I wasn't thinking about a pet rock."

He suddenly heard crying, and dropped his glass immediately before shaking the dirt off of him...as much as he could. He reached into the smoking crater to see that there was a dark figure in the hole. He couldn't believe his eyes. There was something wrong here. As he turned tail and ran to his house to get a towel, he was consecutively hit in the head by azure-colored armor.

"What the hell? These things are pretty huge. Hmmm...I'll take them inside as I go get that towel. Hrngh. Hrmph. Why can't I hold all these metal pieces?"

After a few moments of struggling, Mathews heard the crying again and rushed outside with a large blue blanket in his arms.

"Almost there. Here we go. Now I just have to gently lower myself in the hole and pick whatever the hell that thing is. If it's dangerous, I'll step on it."

Averting his gaze, Mathews wrapped the tiny being with the towel and lift it up. He held the creature firmly in one arm as he used the other to climb out of the hole. Fore gasped for air a bit. He was used to running, but not climbing.

"Now...Let's see what...what you look like."

He unwrapped the present to see a tiny little horse-like thing covered in dirt and who seemed to have been burned and singed everywhere. It was a mess, and it was crying like mad. Mathews became confused as he looked at it. It was completely black, sure, but it had a horn? It continued to cry, letting watery tears seep down its cheeks. It seemed to also be lonely. Mathews could feel the vibes coming from it. It just needed some love, and it was tiny and adorable to boot.

"Calm down, tiny. I'm holding you now. No need to drown my yard."

It sniffled a bit as it opened its eyes to look at Mathews. It had reptilian turquoise eyes, but they still looked adorable, being all puffy because of the crying. It didn't seem to have anything close to a mane, so it looked bald, just like Mathews.

"Wow. I must have put something really strong in my drink. Hmmm...I'll be keeping a close eye on you. You need a bath though. I'll clean you right up and put some disinfectant on those wounds." he said with a smile, but it did nothing as the little thing started to cry again."*moan* I'll figure something out eventually. I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but you seem to only be a baby, so it'd be best to watch you. I'll give you a bath first, though. You need it." He said as he continued towards his house.