• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 11,418 Views, 805 Comments

A shooting nightmare - The Psychopath

A man, who wants a little thing for himself, finds that he gets too much.

  • ...

The fairies, maaan. They're everywhere, MAAAAAN!

Haimerej, you mad, bro?

Having a bit of trouble after the incident at first, Crescent refused to return into the lake to be taught how to swim. However, even if Mathews had some security issues, and rarely liked to stay outside, he was doing this for her, So, to make sure that she would know how to swim, he grabbed her and body slammed into the water, making her look like a cat that just got wet and was desperately trying to get out of its new prison. The little filly still made adorable little coughing sounds as she was held in one arm by the giant.

"I'm going to get you used to be being in water. We're in the shallow part of the lake, so you should still be able to walk a bit."

Crescent, despite being able to talk, never really said much since at the forest. Seeing as horses usually didn't know how to swim, but they still had a similar structure to a dog, Mathews believed that he could teach the fuzz ball how to swim. It took half an hour just to get her to float, and that wasn't getting the amount of stones Mathews hit his feet against. Eventually, as he showed her himself, the filly eventually started to "dog-paddle". While this was all fine and dandy, Mathews still had to watch her and accompany her wherever she swam. The foal was actually getting the hang of swimming, but she didn't want to go back into the forest without Mathews.

Since she told the giant about what she went through, he just laughed it off, and told her that she just imagined thing while chasing the butterfly. After all, she WAS just a filly. A strange filly, no doubt, but a filly nonetheless. Instead, he decided to hold her on his back and let the filly act like she was a tank commander. Obviously, Crescent took well to this and ordered her metal monstrosity of pure destruction to ravage through the forest. While they played like this, a few uncommon sights were ha, such as the appearance of some deer, as well as a few blue jays and cardinals. Even stopping to sniff a few flowers yielded some unfortunate results. It seemed that Crescent was allergic to lavender, as shown by her adowable wittle faces before she sneezed and when she sneezed. The man had to bring her back to the camping site and force her to blow her nose to get the particles out.

As the night began to fall, Mathews had prepared a small fire in front of his tent and took a back of marshmallows as well as some sticks and a box of graham crackers. He stuck one of the fluffy sweets onto a stick and held on of them in the air, just above the fire, in order to allow a perfect golden coloring to his s'more.

"Like this, Crescent." he said as he tried to get the filly to put the stick in her mouth.

"No. It's nasty. I don't wike it like that. I'm gonna use my magic."

"Magic? Magic doesn't exist! It...What?"

Apparently, Crescent was looking at the giant with an equally big smirk on her face as the little horn on her head glowed with a faint astral coloring that also surrounding the stick. The man rubbed his goatee and left his mouth open, trying to assess the situation.

"Huh. Telekinesis."

"What? No! It's magic."

"Don't be ridiculous. You must have telekinesis."

"No. It's magic!"





(I shall now play unfitting music vore you)

As the two started to become aggressive with their yelling, they were taken away from it by the sound of something giggling. They looked up to see a yellow bird with glowing eyes sitting atop a branch.

"You!" Crescent yelled.

"That's a weird bird. I've never seen it before."

"It's a meanie. It made me fall from the cliff!"

"You must have-Wait. I thought you said you were chasing a butterfly."

"It's the butterfly. I can feel it."

As Mathews looked at an angry Crescent who was looking up at the bird with her teeth clenched, he noticed that the trees all began to form yellow "eyes" on their bark. What was worse was the sight of something flaming coming by.

"Crescent, it's time to go!" he yelled as he grabbed the filly and ran for the car.

Whatever that thing was, it was slicing through the trees despite the forest still giggling. The trees didn't care. So, without even thinking about packing, Mathews tossed himself and Crescent into the car and, opposed to the stupidity and predictability of scary movies, his car immediately turned on, and he bolted out of the camping site and through the forest. The entire time, the yellow, giggling bird was seen above the car, and everywhere it went, the trees literally grew yellow eyes. Even THEY started to move on their own, literally bearing down upon the ground with their branches to try and stop the vehicle. For some reason, they kept striking down at the location of Crescent, and Fore noticed this.

"Oh no you don't! I'm not letting you hurt her, stupid plants!"

However, despite his 'super Nascar ultra moves', the flaming thing from earlier came from the left side of the path and chopped through everything. It looked like a mixture between the Grim Reaper and the Headless Horseman, as demonstrated by its flaming skull head, the leathery clothes it wore, and the skeletal horse wearing a thick armor and burning the ground below each hoof step. It was even holding a gigantic scythe in one hand.

"What is that?" Crescent yelled.

"Something that we weren't supposed to meet. So much for the s'mores I wanted to get you to taste."

The thing slammed into the car, making it tilt a bit. Mathews started to panic, but Crescent got angry.

"You want to ram this thing?! How about we give you the weight of your dumbness!" the little fuzzy filly yelled.

"What are you-"

Crescent head butted Mathews, making him slip and veer to the left suddenly, surprising the creature and making it slam into a tree. It was stuck there.


"Next time, don't do that." the man said with a panic.

"I still saved us didn't I?"

"Yes. Yes you did. Thank you."

Crescent looked smug as she turned her head upwards, only to see that the thing was still coming, and this time, it was swing its scythe. The trees still watched the two pass by while the bird continued to giggle from above. Mathews took the distance between his vehicle and the creature to roll down his window, stick his head, shake his fist, an yell:

"Stupid bird! You made Crescent look bad! And you're chasing us with this weird flaming brochette!"

On the porch of a wooden cabin stood a wooden rocking chair. On it sat an elderly man relaxing near the entrance of the forest. He was holding an old American M1918 BAR. He seemed to be at peace. It was something that he definitely earned after all his years of service, as he thought to himself. Unfortunately, he was awoken from his peaceful slumber by his elderly wife getting out of the cabin.

"Them fairies is at it again?" the man asked, his face showing an obvious irritation.

"Yup. Ah can feel it in me bones. And mah plants 're quivering too."

"Ugh. Must be some young'uns who dunnae know 'bout this stupid forest. Damn fairires."

"Fairies." the elderly woman pointed out.

"Whatever. *crack* Ow! My spine. Oh. How I miss my younger days...where my bones didn't break at the slightest movement. Now, where they is?"

"They's comin' through the forest. Look!"

As surely as told, a car was coming by at full speed with something glowing behind them. The old man rolled his eyes and walked down from the balcony to reach the the dirt road. He stretched a bit, and aimed forward. Mathews ducked while Crescent was too small to see anything above the car counter. Either way, the old man did not flinch when the car missed him by a few hairs, and continued aiming down the sights towards the weird creature coming closer.

"Stupid fairiries! GO DIE IN A DITCH!"

*BANG* The first shot was fired, followed by many others. The creature's steed disappeared into a puff of flame, while the humanoid one just struggled to get up as it skid, face first, all the way to the old man's feet. It looked upwards after hearing a clicking sound, and found that it was looking down the barrel of a gun.

"I hate fairires."

"Fairies, sweetie." the elderly woman yelled from the balcony.

"Ugh. Whatever. Easy headshot, just like in the day."

Mathews and Crescent looked calmly forward as they took the path back home. Not a word was spoken. Even the bird was gone, but that was because it hit a branch earlier, fell down, and got run over by the car. These things happen. They are rarely coincidences.

"Nothing happened today." the man spoke calmly.


"We just needed some fresh air."


Whatever was going on, it was targeting Crescent, and Mathews couldn't help but worry internally about her safety, or better yet, WHY she was targeted.