• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 11,418 Views, 805 Comments

A shooting nightmare - The Psychopath

A man, who wants a little thing for himself, finds that he gets too much.

  • ...

Werning to talk

It was six in the evening, and Mathews was extremely nervous. It wasn't often that he left someone at his home, and he was worried about his things and, more importantly, about Crescent. With a cautious rush, he reached his house, turned off his car, and ran to the door, paying no attention to the stupid looking car in front. Before entering, he wanted to be sure everything was alright, so he leaned against the house door and listened. There was nothing but talking about teaching. Nothing special, so Fore decided that he could come in without seeing something terrible. He happily opened the door to see Crescent staring at him directly in front. She had a massive smile and looked all joyous. The man crocked an eyebrow and lowered his case of personal objects.

"What're you so happy about?"

Suddenly, a very long black hand posed itself upon Mathews' right shoulder. As he hesitatingly turned his head to face an atrocity, his pupils shrunk. It was a tall being with a very colorful mask that leaned slowly towards the man's face before barely separating the surface of the ornament from Fore's nose. It then said, in a creepy, shriekish tone:

"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

"AAAAH!" Mathews screamed as he fell on the floor right next to Crescent.

The creepy being started to laugh his heart out while Crescent jumped on Fore's stomach and started to hop about as she tried to stomp his stomach. Instead, it felt more like "happy hops" that forced Mathews to grab Crescent by surprise and hug her.

"Let go." she forced out.

"YOU CAN TALK!" Fore yelled happily as he pushed her away.

"Of course. Not perfectly. She keeps confusing some words for others or forgets. She's surprisingly adept at learning. Welp, I'll be taking my leaving now. Haha! I hope you appreciated our little game." Phillip smiled as he held the mask while he made way for the door.

"Wait. Don't I need to pay you?"

"At the end of the week, unless you were only hiring me for a day, in which case, fifteen bucks."

"No. I'm hiring you as a baby-sitter too."

"Then I'll see you tomorrow, Crescent."

"Bye." the little filly said with a wave of her hoof.

Unfortunately, despite the appearance of the perfectly clean house, Mathews caught glimpse of Crescent starting to become pale and beginning to sweat profusively (Her coat was getting wet). Mathews frowned and straightened his stare at the filly, who began to shrink away. Phillip laughed one last time and slammed the door shut, making everything fall and explode in a variety of appearances, allowing Mathews' jaw to drop and making him yell in fury.

A few hours after, once again, repairing everything, Mathews grabbed Crescent and wanted to see how well she could speak by asking her a question.

"So, what happened? Did Phillip do this?"

"Yes. He thoughted it was be funny."

" 'Would'. You're using past tense."

"Oh. He thought it would be funny."

"By destroying everything?! I'll have a word with him tomorrow. In the mean time, you want to talk to me about when you landed in my yard?"

The high-pitched filly averted her gaze, preferring to bite her lower lip and look angry while she did so.

"Oh. Okay. Well, when you're ready, we can always talk about it later on. Right now, I just want to have a conversation.

"About what?"

"Do you like me? Are you glad that I'm taking care of you?"

"A wittle bit." she said as she kicked air with her little hoof and looked up at Mathews, who was clearly having another stroke.

"Why 'a wittle bit'?"

"I doesn't like you."

Fore was shocked at why she said that. Hadn't he been taking good care of her? He needed to get to the bottom of this mystery.

"And why not? What did I do?"

"Not you just. Everypony."

"Every'pony'? I think you mean every'body'."

"No. That is how I says it."

"Okayyyyy. Why do you hate everybody."

"Nopony likes my shinies."

"Your what?" Mathews said in semi-laughter.

Crescent just pointed to the sky. "I made the shinies, and nopony liked them. They shine during night."

"What? You couldn't have made so many, let alone, actually MAKE a star! They're humongous masses, most certainly surpassing the Earth's size a hundred fold. They're amalgamations of burning gasses and other chemical reactions. How could you 'make' one?"

"I use...ummm. I need to ask Colorful guy."



"Then you can do that. I still don't understand what you mean, but, oh well. She must be using her imagination. It's just impossible. Well, I know what can cheer you up."

"What?" she asked looking sideways at Mathews and with a puckered lip.

"A tickle attack."


"Too late!"

Despite what she really wanted to do, Crescent found herself under the mercy of Mathews' incessant tickling. It even went so far as to make her start crying tears of laughter. After a little moment of tickling, Mathews stopped, allowing the little black ball of fuzz to regain her breath.

"I'm not sure if you know, but I was watching a meteor shower the night you landed in my front yard...and covered me with mud." Mathews finished with a detestable frown.

"Really? But...nopony wikes our shinies. You're lying!"

"Nope. I don't lie...very well...Anyways, it's still a ways before your bed. You want to watch something?"

"Phillip made us watch weird, ugly shows. I didn't wike them."

Everytime she spoke like that and accidentally mistook a "L" for a "W", his heart cringe. She was absolutely adorable and had those wittle feet...hooves that he wanted to hold and tickle a bit longer.

"You know what, before we watch anything, how about a hug?"

"A what?" Crescent looked at Mathews with an utter lack of seriousness. Her face was completely sincere when she asked the question.


The giant grabbed the little filly and hugged her tightly, all while keeping a huge smile on his face. At first, the foal tried to assess the situation and release herself from the man's grip, but, it suddenly got very comfortable. It was a comfort that she had not felt. One that she NEVER felt, in fact. Was this what some would call "parental love"? Certainly not. She had no need for such petty things. She was the rightful ruler of the stars, and royalty does not need these things. Still, she would play along. The filly hugged the giant in return, and looked up at his smiling face with her own, adding her big ol' eyes into the bunch.

"Hold on. I know something you'll love, seeing your destructive tendencies. I won't punish you here, because Phillip has a say in this as well, but if it happens again..."

"I know." the filly answered as she rubbed her rear.

"Where is it?"

Mathews was searching through the wooden cabinet the tv was on. Finally, after awhile, he took out a blue case with what looked like a blue robot with a red car for a head.

"I'm sure you'll love this. I'll just pop the disk into the player, and we'll see how you like the humor and action that are perfectly inter-twined here."

Crescent wasn't sure, but she felt that she would love this "show" if it had destruction in it.