• Published 21st May 2019
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The Unique Properties of Dark Magic - Shadestyle

Stranded in Equestria's far past in the body of a unicorn without any magical knowledge, the self proclaimed "Weiss Noir" fights for survival in the Frozen North by indulging in sorcery most foul.

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(Noir Report) Revisiting Basics [Black Flame Alchemy]

Entry #9, Day 65

Upon discovering yet another useful substance through the use of the Black Flames of Hatred, I have come to the realization that I should neglect this use of the spell no longer. Who knows what could emerge from extended experimentation on it, as, in a very real way, if the flame only burns that which I despise, then it only stands to reason that everything left untouched by it should have desirable properties.

It is with this in mind that my first experiment had been to sift through the ashes of a substance I consider particularly vile. Diamond. I've always considered diamonds to be massively overrated, compared to far more worthy jewels, and it's physical and optical properties are consistently defeated by other, more impressive gemstones. That aside, I was curious to see if there existed any part of myself which would have mercy towards any part of a diamond. Is there some hidden quality of a diamond that I actually find desirable?

The answer, unsurprisingly, is "No, not at all". I had been unable to leave behind even a single trace of the diamonds I struck with Black Flames. I moved on to the next substance to test, stone. I suppose it says something about myself that I was able to extract remnants from ordinary stone, but not a diamond. I had obtained a thin, glossy oil that could serve as a sort of polish by burning stones in a Black Flame. Further experiments revealed that the oil was also able to soak in heat and improve the sound quality of what it is applied to.

Other assorted tests included berries, water, and one regrettable attempt to cast black flame on itself. The results were a sugary sour salt, a glittering cyan glass, and a massive explosion.

I discovered that when Cold Ash and Water Gems touch one another, they actually transform into ice, in a surprisingly large volume. Something that will be useful in constructing useful weapons and tools, I feel.

I had also discovered that the explosion caused by turning Black Flame in on itself is replicable. Thus, I feel it warrants naming, for future experimentation, I'll simply refer to it as Deleterious Bomb.

Having satisfied myself testing what could be extracted from mundane substances, I moved on to a different route of experimentation. To see if I could use the Black Flame to forge metal. Taking ores that would otherwise go unused, due to my ponies' preference to use crystal for all of their tools, I attempted to refine the ore using my black fire, hoping that I could extract the desirable metals from within it. And I could, but more than two-thirds of the metal was lost in the flame's eradicating glare, leaving behind small amounts of unnatural metal, far from the mundane.

Hematite, the ore of Iron, became a blackened, charred iron, that glowed from within even after being taken from the heat.

Native Gold became a bright yellow mess, like what a child might imagine gold as looking like.

Copper was left mostly pure and unaltered. I suppose I owe this to my fondness for the orange metal. It really should be considered a precious metal, all things considered.

Nonetheless, this line of experiments had left my appetite whetted for more, and so I continued the experiment by studying their properties.

The conclusions I was left with is that Copper is the ideal material for experiments in containing and harnessing my flame magic, due to my inability to harm it mistakenly, the Black Iron would serve well for decor and weaponry, and the Bright Gold would serve well for minting currency.

One thing I discovered during the course of pushing the limits of Black Flame was how with subtle changes to your emotional state and intentions, you can alter the flames in drastic ways. The most useful among which being a method I discovered to make it burn air, creating a vacuum that sucks in even more air. This can obviously be exploited for a number of purposes, from ventilation to purification.

I've also discovered that there exist ways primarily unconscious in nature to transform a Black Flame into new, more complex forms, though in truth, I lack the words to describe the exact process by which I achieve this, and instead urge the reader to pursue shaping the flame themselves. Attempt to contemplate objects and creatures that you find embody your feelings, and the flame will obey with sufficient force of will.

I myself found that the shape of a dragon served as a potent, demanding, and truthfully inspiring shape for me to draw upon when casting the modified Black Flame Summoning. I also urge that the reader consider names for these modified flames, to properly cement them in your mind as distinct paradigms to draw upon. I myself have chosen to call my favorite Black Flame Summoning "Dragon of the Darkness Flame", after a mythological entity from my homeland's stories.

The easiest form to shape it into, however, was that of a simple small dagger. This makes sense, as a dagger serves one purpose, and one alone. To End.

Truthfully, considering the nature of the Black Flame, shaping it into anything other than raw fire serves only one purpose. It serves to resonate with the caster, to symbolize something for them, and thus, enhance the emotions they experience accordingly. Though it may be conjecture, by indulging in symbolism and flair, I have found my spells growing stronger over time, as I am able to summon up stronger, truer emotions, which amplify my magic bit by bit.

Discovering what methods serve to enhance the user's own feelings is one key to mastering magic, I suspect. Whether it be one's means or one's ends, justifying them is a crucial component to a power which can only come from one being in this entire world. Oneself.

I must say, does my Dragon of the Darkness Flame technique technically count as "Dragon" Fire? It is shaped like one, after all.

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