• Published 21st May 2019
  • 19,570 Views, 2,036 Comments

The Unique Properties of Dark Magic - Shadestyle

Stranded in Equestria's far past in the body of a unicorn without any magical knowledge, the self proclaimed "Weiss Noir" fights for survival in the Frozen North by indulging in sorcery most foul.

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(Weiss Report) The Zappening [Pensieve]

Sunset, could you do me a favor? Weiss gave me an ultimatum recently and I wanted to fact check if he actually possessed a Memory Erasure Charm.

Could you see what exactly he is capable of, in that respect?

Sure thing Princess. I've dug up something I think is relevant? It only transfers memories, though, it doesn't erase them.

Entry Number Seven, Day One-hundred and Five.

Frustration, you beautiful, piss-colored emotion, you. I've discovered a method to speed up extracting and manipulating my own memories. Now, I know what you're thinking, "That sounds like a really bad idea", but It's alright, because I always make sure to save my files before shutting my brain off.

That is to say, I'm joking, and this spell doesn't work like that.

Previously, when I wanted to draw out my memories and information, I had to manually bring them up in a Virtual Dream. Now, however, by simply combining pure frustration with anger, impatience, and change, I can simply fire a blast of nothing. Why is this important? Because it's nothing that takes cues from me. Which means that I can use it as a proxy to extract memories from, both in a Virtual Dream, and with some minor modifications.

The obvious name would be to call it Pensieve, and so, I'm going to call it that.

Obviously, the first thing I'm going to do with this new, potent magical power is to transcribe all of the anime I still remember into holovids. Edited for pony sensibilities, of course.

Fuck, that's going to be sweet. I'll finally be able to show Iron Diamond exactly where I'm getting my combat ideas.

I knew he was bluffing. "Memory Altering Spell" my generous rear.

Pardon? Also, based on previous entries, I get the feeling that Weiss did not have positive results from showing his Guard Captain anime.

Continuing from my previous entry, Captain Iron Diamond did not react positively to my first showing of "Dragon Ball Z".

Although, in hindsight, him saying that he would "Beat that garbage out of me until nothing of it remains" was kind of humorous.

I've stopped doing the Frieza pose when he's in line-of-sight though, as this increases the number of bruises I obtain during training.

Called it. I knew showing anime to a guard captain wouldn't be a good idea.

I'm not caught up on a lot of popular media, what exactly is an anime?

Oh, well, it's like...

A cartoon, but with punching.

Is that so? Then maybe it does fall within my interests. You'll have to recommend one to me.

Oh! Uh, sure? I'll have to see what kind of anime is floating around in Equestria... All the ones I know of were on the other side of the portal.

On to other uses for the spell that haven't yet resulted in me being brutalized for my own good.

The spell, when cast properly, can actually send outright messages and information to another pony, similar to Killing Intent, but less kill-y and more psychic-y.

So now I have all the powers necessary to qualify as a Stand User. Well, I still can't extend my fingers, but I'm working on that.

I've got this idea, you see, to use telescopic bones in my next set of dragon arms, paired with coiled muscles, and-

Well, that's for another entry.

For now, I'll simply say that I've started transcribing every piece of media I know of at an inordinate speed. I'll slap "Mythology" and "Ancient Stories" on all of them, peddle them to the public, and enjoy the fact that people will finally start getting my references. Well, except for the Princesses, but it's funnier if they don't get them.


And, I guess, if people don't get my references, I can just beam crazy rays at them until they do!

On second thought, that sounds pretty fucking not-ethical. Jeeze, this whole thing sounds kinda unethical, now that I'm thinking about it.

Well, who's going to sue me, the interdimentional copyright police? Good fucking luck, I'm behind three proxies.

Anyway, to summarize for future-me, in case I DO get all my memories zouped, and this book is my only salvation or some shit;

Zap things to give thinkies.

That's basically the long and short of it. I've been considering creating a Vance of this spell at a few points, but I'm always torn. When would I ever need to cast a gigantic version of a spell that just puts my memories in something?

Maybe if I ever needed to make a box set of my favorite shows on demand or something.

Speaking of which, I've got an idea, it's not a perfect one, and it might involve letting Iron Diamond know some information that I haven't let anyone else in on so far, but...

Maybe if I showed him recordings of how humans fight, then he could apply it to my combat training.

I think the potential gains are worth the risk. Iron Diamond has done nothing but be straightforward and transparent with me. Maybe it's getting close to time that I do the same.

Times like this really do highlight just how carefully Weiss chooses his words.

What do you mean, Princess Celestia?

He convinced myself and Luna that he was holding a Zebra mare hostage, making vague threats he could not and would not carry out, all while never technically lying. It makes speaking with him a chore, if you don't want to be taken in circles.

Do you believe something like that could have happened when Weiss was trying to help me?

I wish it were that simple, but unless you have a perfect record of every conversation you've ever had with him, how much of what he told you is up to interpretation is unknown.

Well see Princess, now you've got me suspicious! When I was hanging out with him, he kept talking almost constantly about how making friends was going to save my life, and I just sort of took him at face value, and thought he meant what he said!

He could have meant anything by that, and I would never know it. So annoying.

Oh Sunset...

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