• Published 21st May 2019
  • 19,572 Views, 2,036 Comments

The Unique Properties of Dark Magic - Shadestyle

Stranded in Equestria's far past in the body of a unicorn without any magical knowledge, the self proclaimed "Weiss Noir" fights for survival in the Frozen North by indulging in sorcery most foul.

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(Present Chapter 21): Blackest Night: Part 2

Luna stares into Weiss's eyes for several long moments. Both of them attempting to predict how Luna's going to react to the sight.

Luna's held breath is let out in a slow sigh, as she walks over to the remains and casts a spell, burning the body with black fire until it ceases to exist.

"I believe we should leave the Shadow Realm's ruins without any of the filth that may have found it's way in, Weiss. Do take care to clean up after yourself," she states simply, before walking over to the ripped up control panels.

Weiss lets out a breath of relief. She gets it.

"Forgive me, Luna. I had forgotten for a moment that you once ruled this place as well," Weiss states simply, trotting to her side and reaching into the innards of the security consoles, pulling out broken rods of crystal and welding them to one another with quick bursts of growth magic.

Luna spots something in the control panel that gives her pause. Pulling out the long splinter of Moon Crystal, both her and Weiss pause at the sight of it.

"Nightmare Moon, when I was... Her. We had me gather the confiscated Moon Crystals and return them here. She claimed it was honor this place."

She drops the Moon Crystal into Weiss's outstretched hand, sensing the raw nightmare energy infused into it.

"Now I see it was to defile it."

Weiss simply chuckles, welding the crystal she handed him into the control panel as well.

"The Arcana Nox has always been vulnerable to Nightmares, Luna. You knew that better than I did. I was the fool at fault to not include better security measures in it," he states, before summoning up a case filled with glittering blue pills.

Luna steps between Weiss and the control panel. "Weiss, don't be a fool, let me go into the Arcana, you're a technician intending to confront a Nightmare."

Weiss, having been pushed away, regains his footing and shakes his head. "I can't protect this room if Nightmare attempts to attack us in the waking world. You are the only pony with enough raw power to stave off any attackers they send.

"Do you trust me?"

Luna snorts, slapping a hoof over her mouth. "Heavens no!"

Shaking her head and trying not to break out into laughter again, she sighs merrily. "You already took one of the pills, didn't you?"

Weiss gives a thumbs up. "Crunchitize me Captain," he slurs, before collapsing to the ground, completely unconscious.

Exhaling a puff of air, Luna summons up the full might of her own Alicorn Suite, the only difference between her and Nightmare Moon in this form being her Cutie Mark, which remains untouched by the magical infusions.

Every so often, one of the walls will falsely register as a threat to her magic in her heightened instinctive state, prompting a small blade of gravity to rip a sliver off of it.

Nightmare's eyes widen as the cameras reveal all. He's joking, right? Oh that's just precious. That pony is literally made of the things Nightmare eats for breakfast. Neurosis, desire, hopelessness, trauma.

Unless Weiss Noir has undergone ego death in the past few months, he'll be dancing to her strings within the hour.

Really, the only question is where to start.

'Well,' Nightmare supposes, 'You can't go wrong with some pre-emptive taunting.'

Nightmare laughs when Weiss's expression turns into the hint of a frown when he brings up a screen, only for Nightmare's face to appear on it instead of an administrative login screen.

She begins almost ponderously. "Now Weiss, I know you've just made the worst mistake of your life, but you're nothing if not a reasonable individual. I already know the security codes, and I've already changed them all too,"

"Even if I didn't, I'm practically a god here. You've got no clearance, no access, and you're trapped in a dream with the sole ruler of all nightmare-kind. Just give up. I'd be more than happy to spare a pony as vile as you, so long as you cease your foalish opposition of my plans."

Weiss continues walking down the digital hallway, ignoring the shattered and ruined doors, and tapping on the solid, whole ones. Each door reads out the same thing. "Access Denied."

"If you think ignoring me is going to prove anything, you're sorely mistaken," Nightmare sneers, her screen following him as he stalks forward with blank-faced determination.

She can't help but giggle when Weiss finally finds a door willing to allow him access, the wooden simulation of a door bleeping green as it opens.

"Oh come now, Weiss. Even a mare like me has to stave off boredom somehow. I watched the horror movies that you had stored here. You should know better than to fall for that," Nightmare taunts, both of them knowing full well that the door is a trap.

Despite this, Weiss walks in without a trace of fear, the dark room lighting up in a spray of glittering triangles.

Luna is forced to disable her Gravity Splash temporarily when it's hairpin trigger has it shaving off chunks of the room dangerously close to the control panel.

She groans at how out of practice she is. Once upon a time, Luna had been able to automatically cut flies in half during practice, without touching the feathers that were floating between them. Now she can't even keep from flinching at unmoving walls and flooring.

The minute she does, her decision to have had it up is vindicated by Nightmare activating another hologram displaying her so-far-signature half-shrouded face.

"Hello, Luna," Nightmare says, multitasking with ease in her new form, simultaneously staving off Weiss, drilling into his security, and being here to taunt Luna.

"Nightmare," Luna states simply.

Nightmare almost looks wistfully at the princess. "It could have been beautiful, you know that, right? A kingdom for my kind. You would have been loved by us. A Savior."

Luna snarls. "I would have been hated by my own kind. A Monster."

Nightmare snarls with exactly the same heat. "If you were too weak to turn on the ones that reviled you, we had a plan for that! A kingdom in Equestria, a kingdom in the Shadow Realm, either one would have been fine for us!

"If I had known you had lost your nerve, we could have discussed the matter, we could have tried something else."

Nightmare's expression changes, as if realizing something. "It's not too late, you know. You don't even need to kill Weiss. You don't have to hurt anyone, or do anything immoral. Just destroy Weiss's clone, and give me the time I need to unlock the laboratory."

Luna pauses. "Just what is your plan, Nightmare?"

Nightmare smiles ruefully. "You know all too well what I have told you about nightmares. We barely even exist outside of a host.

"Just murky masses of emotion and energy, tossed around in an uncaring dreamlike stupor between what is and isn't," she waves her hoof around to accentuate her point.

"And are our alternatives that much better? To worm our way into the dreams of others, to have a pony dress us up in their worst fears when their minds sense something wrong squirming inside of it, and decide to give it appropriate attire?

"Or maybe one of us is so lucky as to find a creature whose worst fears exist in the waking world. A pony whose mind is ripe for the taking, as long as we whine and beg for scraps of control, and make grand promises we have no way of keeping on our own."

Nightmare's eyes widen painfully wide, as their slit eyes narrow.

"Look at me, Moon. Even without a host, I look like you. I walk, talk and act like you. But what we could do with the Shadow Realm's technology is beyond what we have even dared to dream of.

"I want to be me, Moon. I want to make Waking Nightmares of every single one of us, with synthetic cloned bodies as our new, eternal hosts.

"Please don't make me fight you for this," Nightmare begs, already pulling up the screens to activate more of the Shadow Realm's ancient automatons.

Luna shakes her head. "I have to. I can't betray the ponies I care about again. Even if it means going back on our agreement."

Nightmare looks down. "I thought you might say something like that... It's what I would have done."

With that, Nightmare thrusts her hoof down on the screen, activating defenses with the sole purpose of brutalizing Princess Luna and Weiss into submission.

Weiss looks dispassionately at the scene before him. An image of the Kingdom Heart, roaring merrily, with everyone he once knew sitting around it, just talking about their day.

"Really? This is your first gambit?" Weiss says, muscling past the youthful children and older, proud-looking ponies who used to be among his closest friends and confidants.

Nightmare fails to create a screen to mock him, so he decides to treat this illusion with the respect it deserves. None.

Holding up a glowing finger, Weiss unleashes wave after wave of black fire, eradicating the illusions dispassionately.

instead of moving on, Weiss walks into a corner of the room, holding out a downward-facing palm that forces the Virtual Dream he's in to unlock some of the restrictions for the area, and give him access to this particular Moon Crystal's settings.

"First step of invading any system, Nightmare, find any possible vulnerability, and use it to bootstrap access to more systems. If I had to guess..."

Weiss shrugs, flicking through the screen that had appeared in front of him when he rapidly input various access codes and uses subtle thoughts and emotions to crack open parts of the system that he had already known the vulnerabilities to. The largest one being that, much like in the matrix, it's incredibly simple to replace any fake pony in a Virtual Dream with a copy of yourself.

By the time he's done, clones of Weiss already begin to grow out of the fake ponies that Nightmare had placed in the room as they shift and distort, before using their new access privileges to worm deeper into the system.

"Well, actually, I don't have to guess. I've got the blueprints right here. you set up several trials in advance to try and trip me up," he explains, locking down the various trials Nightmare had created, to prevent her editing them.

He scrolls through the list calmly, before a twisted beast made of black polygons tackles him to the ground, snarling and trying to crush his body.

A rectangular screen grows out of it's face, revealing Nightmare's sneering face. "I'm surprised. Did you fake all that nostalgia when you were going through the Shadow Realm, then? You blasted apart those dreams I so carefully crafted without a second thought."

Weiss, unable to breathe with the monster pinning down his throat, has only one response. Summoning a quick and dirty dream-dagger into one hand, he tosses it to the other and punches the monster in the head, the black creature flies into the fake stone walls and making triangular gridlines ripple out from them.

"I didn't fake it. I'm just over it. I'll save that story for later, Nightmare, I want you to be an unwilling audience when I let you in on my little secret," Weiss says, throwing the dagger into the monster's head, shattering it to pieces.

Weiss walks over to the distorted and leftover dream-code, picking the polygons up and assembling them together into an esoteric twisting mass, which he absorbs.

"You're slipping up, Nightmare. I've almost got access to the lower-level systems. Those are the ones keeping me away from you, in case you needed a refresher on the Arcana Nox's infrastructure."

Nightmare doesn't bother creating another screen, but Weiss can sense the violent snarl she's wearing, the infuriated aura emanating from the walls and floors.

With an easy and loose stance, Weiss begins walking into the next room, intent on conquering the next challenge as easily as he did this one.

Luna's stone daggers crack as the gravity around Ultima Weapon intensifies by another magnitude. By now, the oxygen in the air has started concentrating on her and the monster from the pressure. If it weren't for her affinity for gravity, this would be unbearable.

She lowers the temperature of the area another few degrees, making the hissing bio-technological terror's hide crack as parts of it freeze entirely.

Finally, with the creature made vulnerable, Luna is able to throw the truck-sized beast down the hall, away from the security room, where chunks fall off of it and are instantly turned to dust by the combination of gravity and intense cold.

It's mouth opens, two teeth instantly being pulled out due to Luna's magical gravity curse In its mouth. A mass of purple energy forms as it fires a magically generated gravity well of its own at her.

Luna feels it would be inappropriate to laugh. She has fought with this beast before, and it's Graviga Spell was far more impressive in it's prime.

Nonetheless, she can't afford to simply dodge this attack, or it would crash into the room behind her.

"Get bodied, Wood-tier trash!" Luna shouts, rearing up onto her hind legs and grabbing the gravity well in her enchanted hooves.

If this beast is to be sent off, then it deserves to be destroyed by the micro-singularity it could once create, Luna thinks to herself, crushing the mass of pressure-enhancing magic until it forms a small black dot in her hooves.

"Goodbye, Ultima Weapon," Luna whispers, throwing the pellet at the beast, which lifts a frozen claw to try and block the attack before a tube is ripped through it by the intense pressure of the magically generated kugelblitz.

Luna drops to her hooves, panting heavily. One of these creatures would be no problem, but it seems Nightmare has been busy awakening every forgotten horror in every deep pit of the Shadow Realm, intent on sending them all to their grave by Luna's hoof.

She grits her teeth when she recognizes the Gurren Lagann turn the corner and begin lumbering towards her, now a mass of rusted metal and inert auto-forging enchantments.

Weiss won't be happy to see this one go. She'll be sure to erase it completely, so he doesn't have to.

Weiss steps into the Lower Central Server. where an avatar of Nightmare is waiting to stop him.

Chuckling as he brushes the garbage data off of his shoulder that used to be an illusion of Iron Diamond, Weiss turns his gaze from his shoulder to Nightmare herself. Her aura is thick here, it seems she's moved herself closer to the Lower Systems in an effort to squeeze just a little more power into keeping him away.

But in terms of hacking attempts, this one is going off without a hitch.

Weiss walks forward, as Nightmare snarls, summoning a wave of claws that stab into the ground and reach up from the walls, coating the room in a barrier of knives.

"You won't go any further, Weiss Noir. You might have weaseled your way this far, but I still hold the power. All of the highest level access codes are mine and mine alone, and you're merely hopping from exploit to exploit trying to find one to reach me. It ends here," Nightmare claims, boldly stepping forward to pit herself against this so-called "Sage".

"Oh, Nightmare. You truly are a master of the dream world." Weiss states as twisted black horrors leap up from the inky pool of shadows below him, clawing and biting at his body.

"Yes, indeed, your mastery spreads even to here, a place that is oh-so-similar to the dream world. But not quite."

"In fact, the Arcana Nox, when you boil it down to its core, really only has one key difference between it and an ordinary dream."

He reaches down, pulling an invisible card from around his neck, where it had been connected by a previously non-extant lapel.

Nightmare's eyes widen as he reaches to a control panel that erupts from the shadows, awaiting his biometrics.

"The thing you have failed to comprehend about the Arcana Nox is it's one, simplest facet. I..."

Weiss swipes the card over the panel, making it blink green. before he thrusts his hand into it with a violent grunt.

"Am its Sole Administrator!"

The room suddenly erupts with light, blasting Nightmare's avatar and her blackened claws into nothingness, resetting the Virtual Dream to its default state.

Calmly tapping at a few keys, Weiss opens a direct port to the Core Central Server, where Nightmare is pounding at doors that quite literally cannot open, due to the crystals' physical wiring being disconnected at Weiss's command.

Snapping his fingers, Nightmare is hemmed in by cubes of light that pin her to the wall as Weiss approaches.

"Now, you probably aren't wondering how I was able to... Well, quite frankly, get over my numerous issues in such a short order!"

He grabs Nightmare's head, yanking it over to look at a screen he drew from the floor.

"But I feel like bragging, so we'll watch a little movie before I get on with the fun."

The screen lights up, displaying a scene from the waking world.

The pod that Weiss had constructed looks like something out of a horror movie, pale, flesh-colored rubber hoses all plugging together into one gigantic machine, the Star Rod of Dreams plugged into the machine humming softly.

"What do you think, Tempest? The last thing I need to do before I make my way to the Shadow Realm to clean up shop."

Tempest reserves her feelings. "Is it safe?"

Weiss shakes his head. "If the machine fails, I would be lucky to die. I didn't name it the Devil's Machine for nothing, after all."

"And what exactly do you want that is worth risking your life by using this thing?" Tempest says seriously, turning to scan Weiss's face for any sort of doubts. She finds quite a few.

"Revenge," Weiss says, his face slowly slipping into a neutral expression.

Climbing into the machine, Weiss's eyes meet Tempest's.

"Guard the machine. If that light blinks green..." he points at the control panel next to the Devil's Machine.

"...Go looking for a new job."

With that, Weiss's eyes slowly begin to slip shut, and the glassy dome closes on him.

Tempest approaches the control panel with a funny look on her face that Weiss can't parse as he slowly slips into unconsciousness.

I open my eyes in a dark, endless expanse. Turning to look around, I spot the black heart behind me, pulsing powerfully, despite the stains on it.

After a long period of walking around the darkness, I start to get bored. Christ, you would think my own subconscious mind would at least have the courtesy to not waste my fucking time establishing spooky ambiance.

It's also around this time that I notice that my entire body is white. Cool, looks like I'm the good one, if the glittery angelfire on my head and shiny silver scales on my arms are anything to go by.

As soon as I notice this, it's like a spotlight ignites, highlighting me and the only other pony here.

Unlike my shiny-ass, the pony sitting across from me looks like I do now. Purple Combat-arms, Purple eyes, and of course, the ever-present mane and tail of black fire that form my signature look.

The other one looks at me, smirking ruefully. "Let me guess, you're Weiss?" he asks, slowly getting to his feet.

"I'm what's holding you back," I state firmly, grounding myself.

He just smirks. "So you're the last thing holding me back, then?"

I shake my head. "I'm everything holding you back."

Chuckling more, he decides to banter. "So, do you think this will be like Cecil vs the Dark Knight? I'd really love it if you just stood there and let me wail on you."

I shake my head sadly. "Personally, I'm hoping this will be a little more like Cloud vs Sephiroth, and you just go down in one hit."

His eyes narrow, as he raises a single finger to point at me.

With a grim determination, I throw my fist back, deflecting his Death Beam with a solid haymaker.

He sighs. "I should have known it wouldn't be that easy to put you down."

Galloping towards him, I throw my fist back, punching him in the jaw and sending his body skidding along the ground. Unfortunately, he won't be that easy to put down either.

"I'm every sincere smile you've ever gotten." I state, sliding under a wave of fire he flings at me and throwing a perfect kick, just like Iron Diamond had trained me to do so many years ago. The textbook grounded buck sends his body ragdolling further into the darkness.

"I'm-" I throw my arms up and deflect the wave of green crystal fragments and fluid that he fires from four of his hands, as many layered spells as we can manage. My six arms have no trouble battering the emerald splash aside.

"I'm every good thing you've ever done for another pony," I finish, punching him in the stomach and making drool fly from his mouth as he loses his breath.

Glaring up at my shining form, Weiss Noir's eyes narrow before twin beams of black shoot from his eyes, smashing into my head and flipping me end over end until I can right myself with some basic acrobatics.

"I'm the part of you that knows we can still do the right thing," I finish, entering a loose, practiced stance I know by heart, ready for whatever he can throw at me.

"Hate is all we have left," he says to me, summoning up four black hydras made of twisting fire, which erupt from his hands like a Kamehameha wave.

I throw my own six hands up, blocking them with my palms, and then diverting them to the side into the darkness behind us.

"We still have Luna," I respond, trying to chase him down and beat him to a pulp.

He responds by teleporting away in a flash of lightning, before with a monumental groan of effort, he fires the same attack again, five flaming hydras erupting from five of his palms.

"She failed us during the only time that it mattered," Weiss Noir snarls as the flaming snakes rush towards me.

I block them with several jabs, punching them apart before grabbing the last one by the jaws and ripping it in two, the flaming creature scattering into dark embers around me.

"We could do good with the power we have. Help others! Wouldn't that honor their memory more than senseless violence?" I shout, driving an elbow into Weiss Noir's leg, sweeping it out from under him before flipping him into a chokehold.

His hands scrabble at his throat, trying to draw in air as my lock tightens. In spite of this, his voice isn't silenced at all. "Do not deny me my revenge!" he roars, splaying his hands in all directions as he fires six blazing hydras out from them, forcing me to flip away and combat them.

I wince as my palms are singed by the six blasts, one for each hand.

Groaning, Weiss Noir climbs to his feet, and a certain dread enters my heart as I prepare for his final attack.

With grim determination, seven spells begin building on his body, one spell on each of his hands, and a final one on his horn as his hatred becomes complete, and he abandons the happy memories that had been keeping him away from the event horizon. As he abandons me.

Finally, after all these centuries, the Smoke Devouring Hydra is finally within his grasp.

'Literally', I think with a bit of black humor, looking at how six of the seven balls of fire are in the palms of his hands.

Weiss Noir makes his final statement to me. "Stay where you belong. In my memories."

I snarl as six of the hydras crash into each of my six hands, hoping for some sort of miracle that I know isn't coming. This is what Weiss Noir came for. He used the Devil's Machine to access this place. His "Magicant", the sum of his experiences. He came here so he could absorb it into himself for a power boost.

I've got no hands left to stop the seventh hydra from plowing into my chest, driving me into the gigantic black heart that I emerged from.

With a bitter taste in my mouth, I make my final statement to Weiss Noir. "I will...

"...Never be a memory."

As I sink into the darkness behind us, Weiss Noir's regret fails to be hidden by his fake sneer.

"Escaping from

"your purpose



Weiss wipes a fake tear from his eye as the digital screen fades away, it's memory conveyed to the two viewers.

"Thus ends poor Weiss. You see? Throwing my old friends at me to distract and terrify me was never going to work. I've finally gone past the point of no return."

"In fact, my hard work paid off in the most spectacular way! My "Hope" and "Justice"... I've finally defeated them. I've gained the strength of heart needed to resist the goodness inside me. I've finally obtained the final Relic of Darkness, the one that can only exist in my mind, the one that will let me unleash the deepest, evilest emotions that I had held back by the slightest amount for so long. 'Magicant'," he finishes merrily, his spirit swelling with inner strength.

His faint smile only serves to accentuate her dread as he releases her from the digitized blocks, only to toss her down the hallway like recyclables into a garbage bin.

"I promised you, didn't I?" he says, walking forward calmly as Nightmare backs away.

"That I would show you a nightmare beyond the horrors of hell?"

He puts a finger to his lip as he pouts and looks away.

"Of course, I had hoped to include all of you.

"But from the looks of things, it seems the little one won't be joining us," Weiss finishes with a lighthearted shrug, clearly having been referring to Gourmet.

"Such a shame don't you think..?

"When you see him in the next world, I suppose you'll have to tell him what he missed."

Nightmare snarls, slamming her hoof on the only button she still has access to.

"If I'm going to die, then I'll be doing it my way," she says, as Chapter Black's explosive charges planted all around the Arcana Nox begin their countdown.

Like water crashing onto stone, Nightmare's neck is suddenly pinned against the wall by an incredibly angry Weiss Noir, one with hellish fire in his eyes. "What did you do?"

She smiles. "Chapter Black wanted to keep me under control, so they rigged the Arcana Nox with bombs that they thought I couldn't take over. Lots of them. If you waste all your time tormenting me, you won't escape in time!"

With narrowed eyes, he throws Nightmare into a bubble that forms, rubbing his temples frantically as he paces from side to side.

"No... no..."

Punching the wall next to him, Weiss's teeth squeak with how hard he has them grit.

"Come on, think, think...!"

His eyes open, and a port does too. "Brain Blast!

"I've decided, nobody else is dying today," Weiss claims with a grin, dialing the port's final destination to Wacky Workbench Zone's Biotech laboratory.

"And you'll be getting a body, too!"

He grabs Nightmare's face, expression promising something nasty. "After all, a mind is a terrible thing to waste."

All that he had left to say said, he flings Nightmare down the port, where digital restraints begin dragging her to some unknown destination deeper within.

Luna sits next to Weiss now that she has destroyed the last defense Nightmare seems to have been willing to turn on her. His peaceful expression is unlike any she had seen on him in years. It's unfortunate he couldn't be as peaceful in the waking world as he is in his sleep...

Weiss's eyes are filled with madness as they snap open. "We need to leave, now."

With a mental shrug, Luna teleports them both to the entrance of the Shadow Realm, just in time for a low rumble to begin shaking the duo.

Weiss's blank expression of disinterest is completely unlike Luna's look of horror.

"Oh stars above..." Luna says, hoof covering her mouth as she realizes what is happening.

Several tunnels begin collapsing, divots in the snow emerging all across the Frozen North as countless bombs begin to detonate, filling the empty halls with fire one last time.

By the time the quakes end, Weiss feels like crying himself.

At this point, though, he's able to suppress the urge trivially.

"It will be fine, Luna. Now this place can't be used against us."

Luna had enough of a stake in this land for a long enough time herself that some small amount of pain still splinters its way through her heart. Seeing Weiss so stoic, however, she is able to overcome those feelings with phenomenal effort on her part.

"So now we part ways?" Luna asks, looking at Weiss with unknown intent.

Weiss smiles. "But of course. Royalty shouldn't be seen collaborating with its enemies excessively."

With that, Weiss begins the long trek into the snow, eventually disappearing entirely.

Luna is unaware that Wacky Workbench Zone had survived the explosions due to the entirety of that Zone being encased in thick layers of every durable substance the Shadow Realm could afford to spare at its height. A countermeasure against escaped experiments or devastating and highly explosive containment failures.

She's unaware of the Synthetic Body gestating inside one of its Biotek Laboratories.

She's even unaware that Weiss's trek into the snow is leading him directly to both, a small revenge in his heart needing satisfaction.

Meanwhile, at The Tower, a band of unsavory individuals has taken Weiss's absence as an opportunity to attack it.

"Alright gals, this will go by in a snap with a bit of hard work," Mhuni says, hefting her pickaxe up and stabbing it into the side of The Tower.

As soon as she does, she and her friends hop back when some sort of ghost appears, speaking nonsense.

"Howdy, it looks like you're trying to cheat! Chances are, I can't stop you, but if you go this route, I can't guarantee your safety anymore. The traps inside are designed to leave you mostly unharmed, but the magic and guardians buried deeper within these walls may not spare you harm!"

"Please go through the designated areas if you want to rob me, it's for your safety!" The hologram points at the gigantic obsidian doors that Mhuni had immediately ignored, before winking and disappearing.

"What idiocy. This fool wants conformity and submission from his bandits?" Mhuni spits on the ground, before hefting her pickaxe back and slamming it into the wall, chipping it slightly.

She glares at her cohorts. "Idiots! Work at this wall! I won't say it again!"

With no shortage of sweating that has nothing to do with the heat, and everything to do with the terrifying Zebra leading them, the hefty Nene and the tiny Dogo begin swinging their own pickaxes at the walls.

"Shining God-Dam in our sky, this wall isn't wanting to fall down," Mhuni groans, wiping the sweat from her face.

"Umm..." Nene says, scratching their pudgy chin and thinking hard.

"Maybe mining magically might make more sense?"

"Moron. That last word didn't start with 'M'!" Mhuni shouts, spittle flying from her lips.

"You will not obtain so much as a slight insignificant blip of your magic if you cannot craft your words smartly and without flaw as all our companions do," Mhuni states deliberately.

"Ohh dang it!" Nene says, feeling stupid as she returns to whacking the wall with her pick.

Mhuni, meanwhile, considers Nene's idea further, before nodding.

"Actually, wait. I think that proposition might contain a bit of worth. Just a small splash of acid should do admirably," Mhuni claims, drawing a flask from their rugged skirt and splashing its contents on the wall in a sweep of several swipes.

In minutes, the wall begins to crumble apart as though some savage beast had been clawing at it for hours. The immediate results of the Mole-Giant-Digging-Through-A-Wall potion.

"Alright. I think that'll do it. Shall our mission for gold and cash draw forward again?" she asks rhetorically.

Dogo hacks violently and spits on the ground. "Sure thing bossy, Dogo giggled, allowing her mood to lift at the thought of such wondrous treasures that would await them within the depths of this blackened and ominous place," she says in third person.

Mhuni rolls her eyes, taking a step forward, before swinging the pickaxe in her teeth around, pointing it at some random purple unicorn.

"You don't want to hold any part in what will soon occur, pony," she growls, as Nene and Dogo take their places next to her.

The pony has the audacity to smirk at the Monochromatic Band of Warriors, Zebrica's finest mercenary group.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to watch. Weiss told me that something awful would happen if a pony tried to break into his tower through the walls, and I just had to come to see it for myself."

Mhuni's eyes narrow, and she turns to Nene. "Go into it."

"Uhh, If I intern, uh." she stumbles over her words, making Mhuni groan.

"Now! I said now!" Mhuni shouts, prompting the large zebra mare into moving.

Tempest raises her eyebrows. "You do that, and I guarantee you won't like the results."

When Nene pauses at Tempest's words, Mhuni gives a groan of finality, kicking her underling to the side. "I'll do it, coward."

As soon as Mhuni hops inside, the warped space of The Tower unintentionally causes a lot of very nasty-sounding cracks to sound out. Even Tempest winces as she pulls out one of the radio crystals that Weiss had produced and distributed to the Ponyville Hospital.

"Hi, yes, we've got a Zebra here, she tried to break into the tower and got injured. How fast can you get someone over here? That fast, huh? Good, looks like this one could use it."

She puts a hoof over the crystal and shouts to the other two Zebra mares. "Hey, Cheech and Chong, get your asses over to the actual entrance, we need to get your very unintelligent friend to a hospital."

They nod with a gulp. The unicorn easily seeming much scarier than Mhuni does right now. Which isn't a hard thing to seem with how... floppy... Mhuni looks at the moment.

Author's Note:

The song of the day is "Avatar Beat", from OFF.

This concludes the "Recurring Nightmare" Arc.

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(Also, to pre-empt the obvious first thought, this isn't a sign of the fic taking a darker turn in future chapters, so you don't have to worry about that.)

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