• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 3,745 Views, 110 Comments

Lysithea and Twilight: The Twin Sisters of Magic - Lusaminia

Lysithea never had the chance to truly enjoy childhood thanks to her shortened lifespan. However, when she is reborn as Twilight’s twin sister, she might just get the chance of having a normal life.

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Before Show - Chapter 2

The rest of the day refused to be any more normal for Lysithea, though part of that was due to her sisters constant staring. While staring at ponies flanks was a normal thing in equestrian society, Lysithea still felt uncomfortable about it. Twilight refused to leave her side, not speaking unless she asked, in which her sister responded by either saying she was fine or that she simply wanted to be next to her. Lysithea let it slide, knowing exactly who it was that was responsible for this behavior, and hoping it wouldn’t have a horrible reaction upon her future.

Either way, those stallions would fear her wrath the next time they meet.

One thing that hadn’t changed, much to Lysithea’s displeasure, was her magic. She wasn’t exactly ready to test what dark or faith magic could do, on account of still having to go to school after everything that happened. She couldn’t even imagine the amount of panic that would ensue if she used dark spikes in class. Even without that, it had done nothing to fix her ability to use equestrian magic, though she had no idea why. So instead, she took the piece of cake that she had sneaked into her bag and ate a piece of it.

It wasn’t like she had to listen, considering that all of the stuff in this class she already knew. Math was no different in Equestria than it was in Fodlan, or at least in the lower grades. Even if both she and Twilight skipped a grade, it made absolutely no difference. English had been a bit harder, not because of the language (it was the exact same as Fodlan apparently) but because writing with a muzzle was not exactly easy. It had been one of the more shocking changes from Fodlan however, as writing was taught to both nobility and common folk. That wasn’t even getting onto how shocking some of the other class she had learned.

Though she did learn that she had a talent for an instrument called the flute.

All of it made her wonder if Hilda and Lorenz had that school of theirs up and running now. She remembered how much Lorenz had talked it up anytime he had visited her during the time. He would go on about how it would be the pride of his house, fixing the damage that was caused when his father ran at the first sight of Nemesis. It was rather annoying to listen to time after time, but she could appreciate his focus. If she was healthy enough, she would have no doubt visited it while it was still under construction.

Lysithea’s ear flicked as she heard a collective gasp surround the room. She looked to her sister in hopes of asking what she had missed, but her sister was staring slack jawed at something behind them. Her curiosity thoroughly peaked, Lysithea turned around and felt her heart skip a beat.

“I’m sorry for interrupting, Ms. Theorem,” Princess Celestia said from right outside the door. “Would you mind if I borrowed Valentine Velvet for a few minutes?”

“O-o-oh! Of course your majesty,” The teacher, one Standard Theorem, replied. She turned to Lysithea, who read the nervousness on her teacher’s face like a book. “Go on Valentine.”

“It's… never mind,” Lysithea said, sighing. Now was not the time to be complaining about her name.

As Lysithea got up from her seat, she didn’t notice how afraid Twilight suddenly felt. The foal looked around the room, noticing the amount of eyes on her, certain faces giving off mischief.

She was alone, and that no longer made her feel safe.

-- --

“Walk with me.”

Those were the only words that Celestia had told Lysithea when they left the classroom. She had heard many things about the princess, many of them contradicting each other. Some said she was all-powerful, like a goddess in physical form, able to smite anyone who tried to oppose her. Some others called her one of the kindest rulers any kingdom could wish for, though Lysithea simply classified those ponies as patriots. Whatever ponies classified her as, it didn’t help but make part of Lysithea shake at the sight of a pony so tall.

Celestia led the filly to the school steps just outside the building, looking out on the busy Canterlot streets. The princess sat, and motioned for Lysithea to take a seat next to her. The filly did as directed, though she took the top step so the alicorn didn’t look any bigger. She knew that it was unlikely she would ever end up that big, but even being slightly more on level with the princess made her feel better.

“Valentine Velvet, my apologies for taking you away from class,” Celestia told the filly.

“Oh, it’s fine, your majesty, but I would prefer you not call me Valentine,” Lysithea explained. “I’d prefer Lysithea your majesty. Now that I have my cutie mark I plan on actually changing it back.”

“Oh, I see,” Celestia replied, growing curious as she caught the filly’s word choice. “Quiet an interesting name foreign no doubt, but would you mind telling me what you mean by ‘changing it back’?”

Lysithea hesitated at first, but knowing that all of this was probably linked to what she did earlier today, decided to let a little bit of her origins slip. She told the princess that she had been reborn, that her life had been cut short due to horrible individuals, and that Lysithea was her name in her world. Other than that, however, she remained silent. She didn’t bring up the flame lord, or Garreg Mach, or the Professor, or the five year war that ended in the death of the King of Liberation. It wasn’t important right now.

“That is… quite a lot to take in, my little pony,” Celestia replied. The words worried Lysithea, making her think she was going crazy. “However, after what happened today I, I’ll believe it.”

In the street below, the sound of a record scratching could be heard, followed by Lysithea’s brain stopping.

“Wait wait wait, you believe me?” Lysithea replied. She got a nod. “How? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you believe me, but how? Doesn’t everything I say sound crazy.”

Celestia merely laughed at the filly’s reaction. “Lysithea, when you’ve lived for over a thousand years, your beliefs on what is and isn’t possible are a bit different. Trust me when I say that I have every reason to believe you.”

Lysithea let her jaw hang open as she heard those words.

“My pony, you seem rather… confused at that,” Princess Celestia replied, raising an eyebrow. “Is the notion that I believe you really so confusing… Ms. Lysithea?”

She waved a hoof in front of the filly, but it didn’t grab the foal’s eyes. Celestia then used her hoof to close the jaw. It fell back open as soon as she removed it from underneath. With a sigh, she realized that her answer might have broken the poor filly a bit. Remember what she had once seen a sibling due to their brother in one of these instances, she decided to do the most dangerous option known to all pony kinds.

She booped the filly.

“Eep!” Lysithea’s mind seemed to start back up again at the mere touch. Seeing that the princess was giggling at her, she groaned. “Ugh, can you not do that. I know I may look like it but I’m not a filly.”

“My apologies, Lysithea,” Celestia said, a few stray giggles managing to slip through her words. “Though you may be a filly in body, I’ll treat you for the adult you are.” The filly smiled at that. “Anyways, that’s not why I came here today. Before I get to the main point, however, I would like to say that your father told us what happened this morning. You were very brave standing against such dangerous ponies,” Lysithea felt a witty remark coming along in her head, but kept it down. “That said, even from the castle I could see the strange magic that you had used. Pardon me for asking, but is that possibly magic from your homeland?”

“Oh, yes!” Lysithea explained. “It’s a spell called Death Spikes. It was developed as a means to disable cavalry back home, as unlike here ponies aren’t a sapient species and are mainly used for riding on,” Celestia listened closely as the filly explained it to her, feeling a slight shiver at the idea of some creature use her as a mount. “It was a favorite spell and, well, guess I somehow managed to make it work, which is strange.”

“Because you had not expected to have the ability to use your own magic?” Celestia asked.

“Kinda, but I’ve also had trouble using magic in general,” Lysithea explained. “Death Spikes was the first spell I’ve been able to use here, but equestrian magic such as levitation seems like it just doesn’t want to work for me.”

“That's strange,” Celestia replied. One of her hooves tapped the ground below her as she thought on this. “As far as studies show, all magic has the same sort of signatures that allow unicorns to move the air around them. However, and this is merely a theory, if the signatures trying to contact the magic were different from that of a unicorn, it would be ineffective. Like an earth pony trying to walk on a cloud.”

“That could possibly be the case,” Lysithea thought of what she had just been told by Celestia. “So the reason I can’t use unicorn magic is because my horn is given off signals for reason and faith magic.”

“Again, it is only a theory. We have not had a case like you for as long as I can remember,” Celestia responded. “I’ll be blunt, your entire situation is an anomaly the likes of which I’ve never seen before, and you see a lot of anomalies in a thousand years. That said, while I know of some scientists that can help you, I doubt that you would want to be the subject of experimentation after your previous experiences.”

Lysithea’s ears folded back, nodding as she did her best to forget those sights. Those who slithered in the dark, those affiliated with them, and the constant torture she endured from them. Even though all those had happened someplace completely different, the idea of being a test subject felt uneasy to her. With a shake of her head, she did her best to push the screams of her siblings to the back of her mind, and focus on what was currently ahead of her.

“That said, I wouldn’t need to experiment,” Celestia told the filly with a smile.

The words caught Lysithea off guard. “Wait, what do you mean?”

“While I’m no scientist, I know a lot about magic,” Celestia explained. “If you would like, I could offer you a private tutelage to help you learn equestrian magic. It would also give me a chance to learn about this reason magic and maybe, just maybe, figure out a way to join both magics together.”

“If we can do that, then perhaps we can fool one kind of magic signature into thinking it is another!” Lysithea exclaimed, earning a nod from the princess. “It’s a deal, your highness!”

“I’ll inform your parents then,” Celestia said. “Though I do know that this won’t be getting you out of school. Even if you are an adult with a filly’s body, you will no doubt find that much is different about our worlds.”

“Don’t worry princess,” Lysithea replied with a smile. “Unlike some ponies, I like school.”


After talking for another few minutes, Celestia and Lysithea walked back into the school and to the classroom. Looking to a clock she passed, she counted down the seconds until she knew the bell would ring. When it did, they had not yet made it back to the classroom, foals starting to flood into the hallways from classrooms. Telling the princess that she would be fine finding her way to her next class, Lysithea waved goodbye to the princess and made her way to history.


The all too familiar voice of her sister caught Lysithea off guard, allowing her twin to tackle her to the floor. After shortly rolling across the tile, the two came to a stop with Twilight being the one on top, clutching her sister like a blanket.

“Twilight! What are you-” Lysithea’s anger faded as she saw her sister ready to cry. “Sis?”

“Thea, please don’t leave me like that again,” Twilight told her. “Please. It’s scary without you around.”

Lysithea didn’t realize it at the time, but those few words were the start of her sister’s slight change in destiny.

Author's Note:

Why do I always find the worst things to do to Twilight in my stories?

Hey, at least she isn't dead this time around.