• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 3,745 Views, 110 Comments

Lysithea and Twilight: The Twin Sisters of Magic - Lusaminia

Lysithea never had the chance to truly enjoy childhood thanks to her shortened lifespan. However, when she is reborn as Twilight’s twin sister, she might just get the chance of having a normal life.

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Meetings and Reunions - Chapter 1

Lysithea sat in the corner of the grand Canterlot library, humming a tune that Celestia had taught her some time ago absent minded. It was a rather simple one, but catchy, and she managed to get stuck in her head on almost a daily basis. She flipped the page of the book she was reading, one that her sister had shown to her some time ago. Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone it was called, not the kind of book she usually read, but it intrigued her.

Fodlan had it’s one large array of fictional or fantastical stories, though many of them focused on the same thing. Accounts of soldiers in war, political intrigue, or legends based on the many tales and teachings of the Church of Serios. Not many choose to indulge themselves in stories about ancient cities and daring adventurers, at least when they didn’t cross with the aforementioned subjects. Equestria, however, was full of new and intriguing reading material, and A.K. Yearling was just one of the authors she had come to love. It wasn’t the main one, however.

She closed the book as she finished the chapter and looked to a book she had placed to her left. On its cover was a strange red and white circular pattern, off center with most of the white circles being not completely finished on one side. The tiniest circle wasn’t a circle at all, but the silhouette of a pony. The title of the book: On a Griffon’s Front Door by Solitaire Patience, a thriller focusing on an equestrian spy. It was a long running series she had found out about two years ago, and had instantly gotten herself hooked.

As she reached for the book, however, she heard the sound of a falling book, or books she corrected in her head. She heard the librarian sigh, the clip clop of her hooves only adding evidence to what Lysithea already knew. After first levitating each book into her saddlebags one at a time, she trotted around the corner and found herself doing everything in her power to keep herself from laughing.

Before her stood a fallen shelf, book’s cluttered on the ground under it. Under those books, she could spot two purple hooves, which disappeared as soon as she touched them. Hearing footsteps approaching, Lysithea turned to see a young purple dragon, her nephew (as weird as it was) Spike walking up to her. He stared at the fallen book case, and she did the same.

“I should have known. I should have known they would try to end me like this,” Came the pony underneath the bookcase. “Please, whoever you are, I forgive you! Whatever I did, I didn’t mean it. Whatever you want, just take me! Just… just please don’t kill me!” As she got louder, the pony around her shushed louder too. Taking the sound as her coming demise, she squeaked. “Please?”

“Mom, you dropped the bookcase on yourself again, didn’t you,” Spike said, bending down to remove the pile of books she was using to hide. After some time, he managed to uncover enough to see the pony who he saw as his mother cowering. “Nopony is going to hurt you.”

“That’s exactly what they would make you say,” Twilight replied, earning an eye roll from both her son and sister. She looked over and saw Lysithea’s hooves, though was so panicked she didn’t put two and two together. “Whoever you are, stop using my son to do your dirty work. Finish me, I dare you! Kill me and feel my sisters wrath.”

“You mean this sister?” Lysithea replied, kneeling down so her own sister could see her face.

The smile that Twilight got on her face at seeing her sister could almost be classified as terrifying. “Th-th-th-thea!”

Lysithea waved to Twilight in response as a rather unamused librarian came from the other side of the library and simultaneously picked up both the cases and the books inside of it at the same time with her magic. As soon as the timid unicorn was freed, Twilight charged towards Lysithea like a blur, wrapping her sister in a hug. The sudden force against Lysithea was enough to send her tumbling backwards.

“Oh thank Celestia, I’m so glad you’re here,” Twilight replied. “I mean, I knew you were probably here but I wasn’t sure so I came to see and make sure you were here. Th-that’s not important though. I mean it is import-”

“Twi, calm down,” Lysithea said. “You’re not going to get anywhere talking like that.”

“R-right, got… gotta calm down,” Twilight repeated to herself. She took a few deep breaths in and out, but it did nothing. “No, this isn’t the time for calm! Lysithea, I need you to go to Princess Celestia and-”


Twilight and Lysithea turned to see the librarian staring at them. Frightened by the lack of fucks the librarian’s expression gave off, Twilight hid behind her sister. The librarian sighed, and pointed to Lysithea. Said unicorn’s ears flattened as she awaited the librarian’s wrath, but all they did was point to the door. Completely forgetting that she had books she hadn’t checked out in her saddlebags, Lysithea dragged a terrified Twilight to the door.

“It amazes me she hasn’t banned us from coming in,” Lysithea said as they exited the library. “You know, considering the amount of times we’ve been thrown out like this.”

Spike looked back for a second, seeing that the librarian was watching to make sure they left. “Aunt Lysithea, I’m pretty sure we just were.”


After a long walk that involved both Spike and Lysithea practically dragging Twilight throughout Canterlot, they reached Twilight’s home. Said home was practically a library in it’s own right, considering that shut in who owned it pretty much just did that as her main activity. Even Twilight’s bed was in the room, sitting near one of the bookshelves and standing out like earth pony in Cloudsdale.

Twilight let out a sigh as she entered her home, the one place that she felt safe. That calmness was immediately followed up by the unicorn bolting to the nearby coach and stuffing her head under the pillow. Lysithea looked to Spike, her expression and silence being all the dragon needed to know about what she was asking. He pointed to a room at the far side of the living room, which Lysithea realized was most likely his room.

“Point taken,” Lysithea remarked before walking over to her sister. “Hey sis, is everything okay?”

“Do I look like I’m okay?” Twilight replied, giving her sister a look of pure fear. “I thought that was the end until you showed up. I thought I was gonna die under there,” She let out a gasp. “Of course it would be the librarian. Only someone like that would use my own love of books against me.”

“Sis, how many times do I have to tell you that the librarian does not want you dead?” Lysithea asked.

“But she does!” Twilight shouted, grabbing her sister’s face and squishing it slightly. “You saw her face. You saw her eyes. Pure. Evil.”

Lysithea sighed. “So… were you looking for me or-”

“Oh, right!” Twilight said, before teleporting off the coach and over to one of one of the bookcases. When one didn’t have what she was looking for she would immediately teleport to another one. “Starwhirl, Elements of Harmony, Sombra, no, no, something else useless. Jeez why do I have all of these books,” Finally she pulled a book out. “Ah, here we go.”

Teleporting back over to her sister, she plopped the book on the ground before them. Lysithea looked down, seeing a book with a golden horse head embedded into it. The side of it also had gold in the shape of bindings, which kept the leather cover together. Before Lysithea could ask about the book, Twilight opened it and started flipping through pages. Her eyes scanned them with such speed that they looked like they were simply twitching.

“Ah, here we go,” Twilight said. “It’s a book of legends and myths from throughout Equestia’s history. I was reading it earlier today under my covers when I came across a specific myth that caught my attention and… well,” A shiver went through the unicorn’s body, which started to make her tremble. “I think it might be real.”

Lysithea didn’t completely buy it, but decided to take a look at what her sister had put in front of her. The particular myth talked about two alicorns from some thousand years ago, one of which she quickly recognized as Celestia. The other, however, was new to her. Hearing some pony force a cough from behind her, she looked to see Spike watching them both with interest. Lysithea took the vague hint to mean that Spike had not been told about any of it.

“Want me to read it aloud?” Lysithea asked the dragon, getting a nod. She turned back to the book. “Ahem. Long ago, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. The eldest of the sisters did this by using her magic to raise the sun, while her younger sister did the same with the moon,” Lysithea stopped. “Raising the sun... Celestia right?”

“Keep going,” Twilight pleaded.

With an eye roll, Lysithea continued. “However, in time, the younger sister grew jealous of the elder one. Though ponies played during the daylight hours, they slept through the marvelous night she had made. In time that jealousy consumed her, and one day she refused to lower the moon. The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the younger sister was far beyond reason at that point. That bitterness and jealousy then, in front of her own sister’s eyes, turned her into…”

Lysithea stopped reading, looking to Twilight with a look of disappointment.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Nightmare Moon,” Lysithea replied. “Twilight, I understand that you get nervous about pretty much everything, but really? Nightmare Moon? You’re worried about some holiday mascot?”

“If you continued reading… actually, give me that,” Twilight said, using her magic to yank the book away from her sister and towards her. “Listen to this: ‘on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and Nightmare Moon will bring everlasting night once more!’ Longest year of the thousandth year, that’s tomorrow!”

“Twi, isn’t it you who said that this was a book of… what was it again?” Lysithea asked rhetorically. “Oh, right, myths and legends! Nightmare Moon is just that, a legend meant to scare little fillies and colts.”

“Says the one who locks herself in her room in the castle every Nightmare Night,” Spike replied, who had grabbed a comic book at some point in all this.

“T-that is for a very different reason!” Lysithea said, giving Spike a glare. He was too absorbed in his book to see it. “Either way, Nightmare Moon is just like a ghost. They don’t exist and it’s silly to believe otherwise.”

“How do you know? Hell, how does anypony know?!” Twilight responded, shaking her sister to the point where she nearly collapsed the moment Twilight let go. “Tomorrow is the Summer Sun Celebration, the longest day of the thousandth year. Whether it is real or not, tomorrow could be the day Nightmare Moon returns. You have to warn the princess!”

“Alright, alright, but I’m not going into the castle to do so,” Lysithea replied, shivering as she remembered Cadance constantly stalking her. That was not counting the fact that, if her sister, was wrong, she would look stupid in front of the princess of Equestria. “Spike, you remember how to do that letter thing Twilight taught you. The one she uses to send me letters.”

Spike sighed, putting a single claw up as he put his comic down and ran to a nearby drawer. After some searching he came back with a quill, an inkwell, and a piece of parchment in his claws. He put the inkwell down, dipped the quill in it, and then looked to Lysithea in hesitation. Lysithea calmed herself, gave her brain a few moments to let the words come to her head, and spoke.

“Dear Princess Celestia,” Lysithea started. “Forgive me for the sudden message, but this is Lysithea. My dear sister, Twilight, has informed me that one Nightmare Moon might return tomorrow,” She waited for Spike to finish before continuing. “While I personally don’t put much stock in her existence, I felt that it was still worth informing you. If she does exist, I would suggest caution during tomorrow’s ceremony. You student, Lysithea Velvet.”

With the letter itself finished, Lysithea quickly checked the letter. She pointed out and helped Spike correct any punctuation or grammatical errors he had made before okaying him to send it. With a puff of dragon fire, the letter was engulfed in a green essence and slipped out the door. Twilight put her hooves together, silently praying that the princess believed her. A good ten to fifteen minutes later, Spike burped out a letter.

“Huh, didn’t think she would send it to me like this, or that quickly,” Lysithea said. “Thanks Spike, and I got to ask, does it hurt?”

“I feel like I just had the wind knocked out of me,” Spike replied, sitting down in front of the coach.

“I’ll find a way to make it less painful,” Twilight replied, levitating and unfolding the letter. “Now… to hope she believes me. Please believe me.”

Twilight read the letter quietly to herself, but it wasn’t long before the letter was unceremoniously dropped to the floor. Lysithea looked at her sister, noticing that her face was once again frozen in fear. In hopes of bring her sister back to reality, Lysithea waved her hoof in front of her sister’s face. Nothing happened.

“Um… Twi?”

“She didn’t believe me.”

Author's Note:

Now, a certain someone said it in the comment section, but we might be seeing more than Lysithea in the near future. The question now? Who?