• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 3,745 Views, 110 Comments

Lysithea and Twilight: The Twin Sisters of Magic - Lusaminia

Lysithea never had the chance to truly enjoy childhood thanks to her shortened lifespan. However, when she is reborn as Twilight’s twin sister, she might just get the chance of having a normal life.

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Meetings and Reunions - Chapter 3

The way to Sweet Apple Acres proved to be rather uneventful, which for Lysithea was a large sigh of relief. While they did get a few glances from ponies, most of which caused Twilight to take to either one side of her sister or the other, they encountered no one like the pink mare they had seen earlier that day. As the buildings led away into a small path south of west of town, Lysithea watched as Twilight seemed to grow more at ease.

With the buildings gone, Lysithea found herself surrounded by more trees than she had ever seen inside of Canterlot. It wasn’t that much of a surprise, but it was a nice change of pace from the environment she had been around for the majority of her life here in Equestria. In fact, it almost reminded her of home a little, and she had to keep herself from tearing up at the thought of that. It would be more than a little embarrassing to say the least, especially when said sister didn’t know anything about her being from Fodlan.

As they went on, they came across a bit of a clearing in the trees, and were greeted by a large red barn not far in the distance. Between the barn and themselves was an apple orchard, which in turn was separated from the farm it no doubt belonged to by a fence. Lysithea had to keep herself from drooling as she looked at the fruits hanging from the trees. She may not have cared much for anything that wasn’t sweets, but this wasn’t like other fruits or vegetables. It was nature’s candy.

“I’ll have to get some before we head out,” She muttered to herself. “Twilight, you know who it is we are looking for exactly?”

“It said that, uh... one second,” Twilight replied, reopening the letter that Celestia had sent them. “Applejack, her name is Applejack. Apparently she is the one who is in charge.”

Lysithea nodded and looked out to the barn, only for her heart to skip a beat as she looked out at the barnyard in front of her. It seemed that Twilight had noticed it too, because she had stopped a good two feet behind her. In front of them, much to Lysithea’s shock, was a large gathering of earth ponies going around the place, doing one thing or another. This wasn’t a farm like she remembered from Fodlan.

“Uh… Lysithea?” Twilight replied. “I thought you said there wouldn’t be many ponies here.”

“That’s what I thought as well,” Lysithea replied. “Th-there has to be some sort of illusion or something. Perhaps a unicorn is somewhere nearby?”

“Yeah, like these farmers need to use illusion magic,” Spike replied, receiving a rather pissed off look from his aunt. “Probably just some family gathering. I hear it's normal for most other families.”

Lysithea sighed, giving the point to Spike. She scanned the ponies before her, trying to get a good look at who she might possibly think is Applejack. That was when she saw an orange mare maybe a year or two older than her yelling. No, yelling wasn’t the right word, directing was more like it. If Celestia wanted them to talk to somepony, it only seemed fit that it would be the one in charge, and as such this Applejack pony was likely the pony she had just found.

“Stay close, sis,” Lysithea replied. “I promise that nopony here will hurt you, but don’t try and just watch me for right now.”

Twilight nodded, and Lysithea took the lead. As the unicorns entered the farm, they looked around, taking in everything happening around them. Apples were being peeled, some carted in the barn, others were working on making pie crust. Twilight hugged her right side, keeping her eyes on the ground. Lysithea forced her head to look up as they reached the pony they believed they were looking for.

“Uh, hello there,” Lysithea called out, drawing the orange ponies attention. “Sorry for interrupting, this seems like a pretty bad time to–”

Lysithea was interrupted as the pony in front of her took her hoof and started to shake it. Just from the force used in shaking alone, she could tell that this must have been one of the strongest ponies she had ever seen. Even more so than some of the guards, probably, which concerned her a bit. Without that, however, Lysithea still felt like her hoof was being turned into jelly by the sheer ferocity of the shaking.

“Nothing to worry about, and it’s nice meeting you,” The mare replied, finally ending the hoof shake. “Name’s Applejack. You would be?”

“L-Lysithea,” Lysithea replied, looking down and forcibly stopping her hoof from shaking any more. “My name is Lysithea, this is Twilight, my sister, and Spike,” The dragon waved while Twilight did her best to look up and give a smile. “I’m here to check on preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. You were in charge of food here, right?”

“We sure are, but I’m not the only pony as you can likely see,” Applejack replied, with a nod and tip of her hat. “How about some introductions real quickly? And I doubt the princess would be happy if you left with sampling some of it. We got some fine sweets and deserts planned for the celebration.”

Twilight’s eyes shot open in fear and looked to her sister, seeing that Lysithea was doing all she could to not drool at the simple mention of the word ‘sweets’. She looked around, seeing that literally everypony around them had stopped what they were doing and rushed to grab things. Whatever those things were, Twilight didn’t want to find out, starting to mouth the word as she looked to her stary eyed sister.

“Lysithea, no,” Twilight pleaded, but her words went unheard.

“Of course, who could say no to sweets!” Lysithea replied. Realizing that she was acting unprofessionally, she shook her head and started again. “I-I mean, yes. A sampling should do nicely.”

Applejack giggled at her. “No need to hide the sweet tooth sugarcube, but anyways…” She turned behind her to the farm house. “Alright apples! Let’s show these here ponies what we here at Sweet Apple Acres are known for.”

Before Twilight could even begin panicking, the three of them were rushed over to a nearby table and sat down. Lysithea didn’t bother to ask about the table, too enticed by the idea of sweets. Instead she looked on as earth ponies appeared around them, each placing a small piece of food on the table as Applejack introduced them. The plates continued to pile up, Twilight’s concern no longer being about the large crowd in front of them, but how her sister was going to eat it all.

“... Apple Bloom, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith,” Applejack finally finished. She looked around, noticing that the last pony hadn’t joined them and turned back to the house. “Hey Granny get over here.”

After a good five minutes and much mumbling from a rather old mare, Applejack turned back around… only to look confused. Lysithea was nearly about to dig in herself when she noticed the earth pony’s face. She looked around for anything that could be out of the ordinary, but couldn’t find anything.

“Ms. Applejack, is something wrong?” Lysithea replied.

“Yeah, uh, one second. I don’t see my sister,” Applejack replied, the crowd dispersing around Applebloom. “No, my other sister. Has anypony seen Annette?”

Any thoughts of sweets disappeared from Lysithea’s mind as she heard that name but immediately erased all doubt in her mind. It could be that Annette. She hadn’t seen them since Edelgard’s attack on Garreg Mach, and from what she heard had died in a rebellion against Cornelia. There was no way that this could be the same pony, it had to be some kind of coincidence.

Yet, all doubt was erased as a pony stumbled out of the house carrying a plate of shortcake on the top of her head. She rushed her way to the rest of the ponies, only stopping every once in a while to make sure the cake stayed balanced. Her coat was near the exact same as her Applejack, maybe a shade or two lighter. Her mane and tail were the exact same shard of orange, and the way it was stylized left Lysithea without any doubt in her mind.

“This… this can’t be happening,” Lysithea muttered to herself, the only pony hearing it being her own sister who looked at her confused. “This can not be happening.”

“Sorry sis, sorry Mac, sorry everypony,” Annette replied, her voice sounding exactly as Lysithea remembered it. “I got a bit carried away and maybe sorta kinda burned some of the apple shortcake. Don’t worry, I saved the rest,” She pointed to the piece of cake attop her head, still having not taken notice of the unicorn in front of her. “So, Applejack, who is–”

The two met locked eyes, Annette nearly gasped at the unicorn in front of her. Lysithea knew that face, because it was the same one she was wearing as well. Light blue met velvet purple, two faces that neither side thought had ever seen each other before looking at each other for the first time in years. It was like a dream, or a nightmare, but Lysithea couldn’t tell which one was which anymore.

Finally Annette spoke a name. “Lysithea?”

The unicorn fell to her side and fainted.

Author's Note:

This mare is not prepared for the amount of things that are going to happen in the next 24 hours.