• Member Since 30th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


I'm just here to have a good time and write


It's been a week since anyone in Sire's Hollow has seen Firelight, something that's incredibly worrisome considering recent events. Being the good neighbor that she is, Stellar Flare decides that he's been cooped up long enough, and stops by to make sure he's been caring for his daughter.

Turns out it's not the little filly she should be worried about.

Entry for Secret Moon's Self Isolation contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

This synopsis sounds like the story needs a horror tag.

I might should change that then, since there's no horror in the story. Descriptions are always hard for me to come up with.

I really liked the attention you gave to Starlight's original name. It was a very clever usage, particularly with how it played into the title and was only explicitly said in the end. I've used it as the name for her mother too, though I didn't give it quite the emphasis you did. Single dad ponies are rare to see, that and the focus on fatherhood in general in the fandom. I liked the dynamic everypony had and the strength Stellar showed in getting her points across. It's also rare to see a mother dying in birth not used for melodrama during the death scene, but more so how others reacted to that death. Really nice work in this one.

Also having a sibling who likes ponies to bounce headcanons off of sounds awesome.

I really needed to hear something like this because I am weirdly unhappy about this story. As in 'I almost want to get rid of this one' unhappy. I don't even know why.

So I'm really glad that someone thus far has appreciated it.

Also having a sibling who likes ponies to bounce headcanons off of sounds awesome.

We tend to world build a lot and have even created our own future nextgens, so It certainly gives me a few more ideas to work with! I think she's actually in the process of making a design for Aurora too, so my description of saying Starlight looks like her may not hold true, but it's fine.


I am weirdly unhappy about this story. As in 'I almost want to get rid of this one' unhappy. I don't even know why.

Once you get enough stories, it'll happen sometimes. I've fudged around with more than a few contest entries that I ended up feeling insecure about. They're still up. (And I dump pieces I'm genuinely not proud of and the like on an alt, which you could search for on my page if you want.)

Not every story is a masterpiece, but you should at least feel satisfied with what you can deem decent work.

We tend to world build a lot and have even created our own future nextgens, so It certainly gives me a few more ideas to work with!

I'm very jealous here. I'm working towards fully writing my nextgen stuff since I'm not good with anything beyond concept doodles. And it's just not satisfying for me to draw much. Gotta make the thiccwords instead, especially about OTP babies.

Is there an art page I can follow? I'd love to see ship differences and the like. I'm sure y'all have some contrasting lore.

The question is, can she write too? Or do you have her beat there?

I mean as strangely bitter as I was about it I was going to certainly resist deleting it. But I mean, the urge was there.

And my sister and I don't really have a page we share, we mostly swap ideas over Discord and in real life when she visits (Which hasn't been often). We also don't tend to follow each other's social media out of respect for each others' privacy, so outside of Instagram and Tumblr (No link for this for reasons) I'm not sure where she's active. If you find anyone going by KassiopeiaKitten though, that's probably her.

And she does write, a bit, but not any pony. She tends to stick to Transformers and Sonic for that, and she's still too shy to post the writing. Which is funny in a way, since she pushed me into making a Fimfic account.

I think in a way, I get more of the writing ideas down while she gets the art stuff. I mean, I can draw, but I feel like she does it way better.

Oh hey, you've got a discord?

This was good. I mean tear pulling good. While I know you don't like it, trust me when I say it conveys its feelings very, very well. Also. Damn, you have a discord?

And this is why, even if I personally don't like some of my writing, I'll post the finished product up anyway. Because even if I'm unhappy with it, someone else might feel something. So thank you for that.

And yep, I've got a Discord. I mostly use it for talking with my sister, or at least I used to, I've been opening up a bit more with it.

Well hey! Hit me up in dms if you ever wanna chat then! And thanks again. You're one of my favorite authors on this site so far and I'm glad I've come across your works.

This was an amazing story, and I loved it very much.

I’m crying.
Great story.
Sad story.
Bittersweet story.

There aren't many stories portraying the friendship between Stellar Flare and Firelight in a satisfying matter, I'm glad I stumbled across this one since I feel it delivers and really scratches that itch for me. To me, you captured the essence of their personalities: Stellar is bossy but her heart is in the right place, and Firelight (though going through a difficult time) loves his child to the point of overprotection, really setting the foundations for what we see in the future. Also, glad to see I'm not the only one who uses Aurora as the mother's name, I find it very fitting.

I'm always happy to hear when people like this story, and even happier to know I pulled off their personalities well enough! I ended up rewatching quite a few clips of The Parent Map while writing this to try and get them down, so I'm glad that worked out.

Also glad to see more people use the name Aurora as well.

Darn it, you got me all weepy.

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