• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 6,415 Views, 279 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Babroniedad

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

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28 - Special Holidays - Sunset redux - Canterlot Mall

Sunset redux - Canterlot Mall

That weekend, Luna drove them to the Canterlot Mall. At the sisters’ suggestion they had asked her friends to join them later. Rarity was showing up earlier to help Sunset pick out more clothes to ‘flesh out’ her wardrobe, as Celestia put it. Honestly, she was getting a little tired of the porn jokes. She was beginning to understand why Luna occasionally called her sister ‘Trollestia’.

They started at the electronics store, picking up a new computer for Sunset.

“Be sure to pick one out with a VHDI web cam. We wouldn’t want your viewers to see you in anything less than your full radiant beauty,” snarked Celestia. “Nothing should come between you and your viewers.”

Sunset pinched the bridge of her nose. “Stop. Please stop... ” she groaned.

“Fret not Sunset. I will aid in your efforts to repay these indelicacies!” snickered Luna.

“Please don’t encourage her Luna,” begged Sunset.

The sisters laughed, hugging Sunset. Luna mussed her hair. Sunset growled and smoothed it back, then laughed. “Fine. Whatever.” She grinned.

At Luna’s suggestion, they added an external monitor, mouse, keyboard, game controller and graphics tablet to the purchase. Finished, they moved on to the next task - Sunset’s wardrobe.

Rarity was waiting for them in front of the boutique.

“Sunset! Darling, how are you?” She bent and hugged Sunset. “Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, so good to see you both!” she greeted.

“Just Celestia and Luna please,” replied Luna.

Celestia smiled. “Hello Rarity. Thanks for joining us.”

“Oh of course darling! I mean, Ms. Celestia. My pleasure. Always happy to help a friend. Especially a friend with a, ehem… fashion emergency.”

“I wouldn’t call it an emergency,” groused Sunset.

“Dear, I mean this in the kindest possible way… I’ve seen your wardrobe. This is an emergency! This is perhaps the very definition of a fashion emergency. Not to be indelicate dear, but you need help. I love your look - that bad girl ‘vibe’ you’re reaching for. But honey, two outfits are not going to cut it... Now, come with me! I’ve set up an appointment for us at the boutique. I’ve reserved the back room for us… And I’ve set aside several outfits for you…” Rarity continued as she walked off towards the store, locking arms with Celestia.

Sunset turned to Luna. “I’m really gonna regret this, aren’t I?” she groaned. Luna laughed, pushing her after Rarity and her sister.

Several wardrobe changes later, Rarity had selected several outfits for her, as well as accessories and jewelry to compliment her new wardrobe.

One of the ‘joys’ of being in a wheelchair paralzed from the chest down, they discovered, was it really interfered with the whole ‘quick change’ process. Nonetheless, between the three of them, with the privacy afforded by the back room, they got through the outfits quickly enough. Sunset was happy with the selections, and ready to move on with the rest of their shopping ‘adventure’.

Next on the agenda was new furniture for her room, and decorations.

Sunset had already picked out new colors for her room - light teal, with burnished red and gold accents, surprising absolutely no one. Her bed was already ordered, so she was looking to complete the rest of the room. She needed a dresser, desk, guest chair or chairs, lamps, poster and other art.

This was the shopping she had most looked forward to.

They rolled through the furniture store, browsing. An adaptive desk caught Sunset’s eye. It was a corner unit, with separate adjustments for the back and front. It featured pop-outs for cable and power management, and an optional integrated power management system with battery backup. It was perfect for Sunset’s computer and gaming system. They purchased the unit.

Sunset completed her room’s furnishings with a room ionizer (Celestia’s suggestion), a bookshelf; extra depth for her printer and scanner on top, and half height - a full height bookcase made no sense, as she wouldn't be able to reach the top shelves. Also purchased were a guest chair, a small couch, an umbrella floor lamp with red and gold accents, and a half height dresser.

Sunset fell in love with a lava lamp; red and gold lava swirled up and down, suspended in a slightly pinkish fluid. Rarity found it garish. Luna however thought it was ‘definitely Sunset’. It was added to the cart.

Sunset found a Banksy reprint, one of his Mona Lisas. Sunset said it ‘spoke to her’, so into the cart it went.

At Luna’s suggestion they added extension cords, electronic remotes, and adaptive switches, so the room’s lights and fans would be easier to use for Sunset. They could be controlled from an app installable on her phone, allowing her, from wherever she was at, to set or dim the lighting, and to adjust the speed on the fans and turn them on or off. Sunset found that ‘cool’.

Luna realized it would be ideal to include the house’s lighting and many appliances too. The salesperson recommended a contractor they worked with frequently, and gave Luna their card. Luna agreed to contact them, thanked her, and slipped the card into her purse.

When they finished, it was nearly lunch time. They set out for the food court to meet the rest of the girls. They would eat lunch together, and afterwards Sunset could enjoy the afternoon with her friends.

Applejack caught sight of them. “Sunset! Rares! Over here!” She waved her hat. Rarity, Sunset, and the Royal sisters waved back.

Lunch over, Luna and Celestia bid Sunset farewell, with a promise from Luna to pick her up before dinner.

Rainbow wanted to catch the latest installment of her favorite franchise, ‘Daring Do and the Crystal Heart’. Sunset was on the fence about it, as the book was one of the weaker moments in the series. Despite her misgivings, they decided to get tickets for the mid-afternoon show. While they waited for the show to let in, they went to the arcade to spend some quality time.

Sunset wanted to play DDR, one of her favorites, but was frustrated. Her favorite game was out of reach for now - the arcade version did not have a ‘hands only’ mode of play. She settled for a karaoke game with Rarity and Pinky, while Fluttershy watched. Applejack and Rainbow wandered off to find something a bit more physical.

When it was time for the movie to start, the girls raced to the theater. They all joined with Sunset sitting in the handicapped row of the theater. Rainbow zipped out to get snacks for everyone before the movie started.

Unfortunately, the movie failed to live up to the rest of the franchise, just as Sunset had feared. Nonetheless, she enjoyed every moment, entirely due to the company of her friends.

While the movie was letting out, she texted Luna, letting her know they were done for the day. The girls accompanied Sunset to the front of the mall to wait, chatting while they waited. Luna arrived, pulling up to the loading curb. While Luna loaded her into the car and placed her chair in the trunk, the girls bid Sunset goodnight. Smiling brightly, Sunset waved goodbye, heading back to her new home.

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