• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 6,416 Views, 279 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Babroniedad

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

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38 - Rehabilitation - Trixie


Trixie Lulamoon squirmed in her desk. She was nervous. Despite Starlight’s promise nothing bad would happen to her, she could think of a thousand ways this could all go wrong.

Ms. Harshwinny’s phone buzzed. She glanced at the screen. “Ms. Lulamoon? You are needed at the office for a project. You’re excused, please head over there now.” She resumed reviewing the papers before her.

“Thank you Ms. Harshwhinny,” said Trixie. She left, heading for the school office.

Trixie notified Ms. Inkwell she was there to see Principal Celestia, then took a seat. A moment later, Ms. Inkwell informed her Principal Celetia was ready to see her, and sent her in. Gulping, Trixie rose and walked to the Principal’s office.

“Come in Ms. Lulamoon. Please shut the door behind you.” Principal Celestia stated as she signed papers at her desk. She then placed them in a folder. “Come in please, take a seat.”

Knees knocking, Trixie shut the door, mading her way to the seat. “Yes Principal Celestia, you wanted to see Trixie?” she said meekly.

Folding her hands, Celetia leaned forward, sternly looking into Trixie’s eyes. “Trixie, it’s come to my attention you know the facts regarding the assault on one of your fellow students, Ms. Sunset Shimmer. Anything you can tell us regarding this attack would be greatly appreciated.”

Trixie’s breath caught. The room started to spin, then she saw stars.

Trixie woke, laying on the couch in the Principal's office. Principal Celestia sat next to her. Ms. Raven applied a cold compress to her head. “Darn it Cele, sometimes you come on too strong. You don’t always have to be the heavy,'' groused Raven, brushing back Trixie’s hair. Trixie’s eyes fluttered. “Oh look, you’re in luck, she’s coming around. Hey kiddo, how you feeling?” smiled Raven.

“Trixie does not feel well.... Trixie wants to go home!” she closed her eyes again. “What happened?”

“That would be my fault Trixie. I’m sorry about that,” apologized her Principal. “I may have frightened you a bit.” She took Trixie’s hands. “It’s okay Trixie. Sunset told me what you told her about the night she was attacked. Trixie, I’m not angry with you. I just need to speak with you, for you to tell my sister, myself, and Detective Shining Armor exactly what you told Sunset.”

Trixie screwed her eyes shut tight, tears spilling down her face. “Oh no. no no no no! They will hurt Trixie! Trixie cannot talk to detectives! They will hurt Trixie so bad!”

“Trixie. No one will be allowed to hurt you,” promised Celestia. “Detective Armor will meet you in private, at Sunset’s house. No one will see you or know. He’ll make sure your name is kept confidential. No one will find out you spoke with him. Both Starlight and Sunset will be with you the whole time, so you don’t have to face this alone. You don’t have to be scared. Please Trixie. Let us help you help Sunset.” Celestia rubbed Trixies hands.

Trixie took a deep breath. She opened her eyes. “Do you promise Trixie will be okay?” she asked quietly.

“Trixie, I promise. You will be fine,” replied Celestia. “In fact, you’ll be better than fine! You’ll feel so much better about yourself. Your friends will be with you! You’ll be glad you’ve done this. And we won’t let anything bad happen to you Trixie. No matter what.”

“Okay.” Trixie dried her tears. “For Sunset… Trixie will do this for her friend Sunset. What do I do?”

That evening, Starlight arrived with Trixie in tow. They rang the doorbell. Sunset answered and led them to the dining room table.

Detective Armor and the Royal sisters were already seated, talking quietly. “They’re here,” announced Sunset, gesturing for the girls to take a seat. Sunset sat next to them.

“Thank you for coming Ms. Lulamoon. And you too Ms. Glimmer. Let’s take a moment to let you know what we’re about to do.

“Ms. Lulamoon? I am going to need you to tell me exactly the same thing you told Sunset before. I’m going to record it, and take notes. I may ask you to pause from time to time and ask questions.” Trixie nodded. Shining continued.

“Sunset, Starlight, Celestia and Luna will be here too. But they won’t be in the room with us. They’ll be in the kitchen. They’ll still be able to hear us, but we won't be able to see them. This is to keep them from influencing your testimony. If at any point you need to pause, please let me know, and we can take a short break. That said, the sooner we get through this, the sooner it’s done, so it’s better if we minimize any pauses. Do you understand this Ms. Lulamoon?”

Trixie nodded, then gulped. “Good. Okay then, let’s get started.”

Trixie related the story, just as she had earlier to Sunset. Shining stopped her at a few points for clarifications. They took a few short breaks to allow Trixie to collect herself; she was overcome with sorrow, especially while recollecting some of the more horrid moments.

Once everything was completed, Shining had Trixie review his notes for completeness, then sign the statement. After signing the document, Trixie slumped in the chair.

“Trixie can see her life flashing before her eyes,” she groaned.

“Trixie, you know I won't allow anything bad to happen to you, right?” said Shining. “What you’ve done here is incredibly brave! I’m proud of you for being a true friend to Sunset.” He placed a gentle hand on Trixie’s shoulder.

Looking up into his eyes, Trixie smiled. “Thank you Detective Armor”.

“Just Shining now, Trixie. You’re among friends.” Turning to Celestia, he smiled. “I’m starving! Let’s eat!”

The next day, at the end of the general announcements, Principal Celestia added, “Students, there will be a general assembly after lunch. Please come straight to the auditorium immediately after the lunch period. Attendance is mandatory for all students. That is all.”

The rumors started flying immediately.

‘It’s about anon-a-miss again.’

‘It’s about Sunset getting beaten!’

‘They found who did it and they are all going to prison!’

The student body was on edge.

After lunch, everyone gathered in the auditorium. Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, and a younger man in a business suit were sitting on the stage, talking together. When it was time to begin, Principal Celestia stood and walked to the podium. “Everyone, please take your seats and be silent. We’re about to begin.” She waited a few moments for silence, then continued.

“As you recall, a short while ago, one of your fellow students was savagely beaten in the school gym after class. We now know this was in response to the ‘anon-a-miss’ incident, and have additional information regarding what happened, and those responsible.”

At that point several students in the back attempted to sneak out, but were met by teachers at the doors with stern expressions and crossed arms. They slunk back to their seats. Celestia continued. “I have here Detective Shining Armor, of the CPD, to discuss what we’ve learned and what’s going to happen moving forward. Detective Armor, if you please?” She stepped back from the podium, and the man in the suit approached.

“Good afternoon students! I’m Detective Shining Armor, and I’m the detective in charge of the investigation into the assault on Ms. Sunset Shimmer.” He paused, sternly looking over the student body. “As you know, assault is a serious offence, especially assault against a minor. Coupled with the facts of the brutality of this assault, this is what is known as Felony Assault. Felony Assault means there is mandatory jail time for this offense, and that anyone convicted of this offence will have this on their permanent record. For the rest of their lives.

“We recently had a breakthrough in this investigation. Footage was found of the assault, and is being reviewed. We are processing the footage, and expect to be making arrests of those responsible over the next few days.” He paused here, looking over the student body again. It was completely silent.

“I am here to offer those responsible a measure of mercy. Anyone wishing this mercy needs to come forward now, before we come for you, and confess what they have done. Anyone who does this will be given special consideration by the prosecutor, and will be in a much better position than those who choose to wait for us to come get them. And we will be coming, make no mistake there! So, anyone wishing for mercy, come forward now.”

Shining stepped back from the podium, arms crossed, and glared at the assembly. No one moved. Several minutes later, still no one had come forward. It was clear no one was going to confess. Detective Armor returned to the podium.

“I’m disappointed none of you have accepted my offer of leniency! That is unfortunate. For you. I will be back, and when I return, several of you will be leaving with me. Permanently. So for those of you who will be joining me then, I only have one comment.

“Enjoy these moments of freedom. They will be your last.”

With that, Principal Celestia took the podium and released them all back to their classes.

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