• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 6,417 Views, 279 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Babroniedad

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

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47 - Beginning of the End - Sunset and Twilight Sparkle

Sunset and Twilight Sparkle

Sunset sat at the dining room table, waiting to meet her new friend. Snacks prepared, a small cooler packed with ice and assorted soft drinks, all were placed on the kitchen counter awaiting her arrival.

“So she’s Shining Armor’s little sister…” mused Sunset. “And Cadence and he are getting married in a few months. I guess that makes us kind of related… Like, cousins sort of? I guess? Huh…” She stared out the window, looking over the pool to the clouds drifting past. Lost in thought, she started when the doorbell rang.

“I’ve got it!” she called out, and wheeled to the door.

Opening the door, she saw a rather shy version of her friend Princess Twilight. She was slightly shorter, had on short purple shorts, a light purple blouse, and had her hair up in a bun. And wore glasses. And was nervously biting a nail.

“Come in! Please, come in,” said Sunset, backing up to let her pass. Looking down to her feet, Twilight entered. Sunset shut the door.

Still looking down at her shoes, Twilight stuck her hand straight out and said quietly “Hi I’m Twilight.” Sunset smiled and took her hand.

“I gathered that,” she laughed. “Welcome to my home, Twilight. Let’s go sit outside, chat, and get to know one another. Come on, I’ve fixed some snacks we can grab on the way through.” Letting her hand go, Sunset wheeled down the hall and into the kitchen. “Can you grab that tray and bowl of chips? I’ve got the drinks,” smiled Sunset. She placed the cooler on her lap and passed into the dining room, then out the sliding door to the patio. Twilight picked up the tray and chips, piling them together, and followed Sunset out the door. Shutting the door behind her, she placed the snacks on the table and took a seat by Sunset.

Taking her hand, Sunset smiled. “Twilight, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Your brother has told me much about you, and I’d really like to get to know you better. Please tell me about yourself!”

Twilight looked to Sunset like a deer caught in a car’s headlights. “Uhh…. Uhh.. Umm....” she stated.

“Would you like something to drink? I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I just put in one of everything. Here, you pick.” Sunset opened the cooler and pushed it over to Twilight.

“Ah… Thank you! Yes, please,” answered Twilight, pulling her hand back and picking through the sodas. “Oh! Grape! I love grape! I’ll take this one! Thanks!” She pulled the soda free, then popped it open.

Sunset snickered and selected an orange soda for herself. She opened the snack tray and placed it by the chips. “Help yourself!” she said, and took a sandwich. Twilight grabbed a sandwich too, taking a large bite.

“Thish ish really good…” she said with her mouth full.

“Thanks!” Sunset sipped her orange soda. “It’s Luna’s egg salad recipe. I’m glad you like it.”

Taking a considerably smaller bite of her own sandwich, Sunset continued. “Shining says you’re quite the scientist!”

“Oh, yes! I love science!” gushed Twilight. “Can’t have enough science! I even have my own lab over at Crystal Prep! That’s the school I go to, Crystal Prep. My school. But maybe not for long… I’ve put in for Everton! You know Everton right? Their self study program? I would love to get into there… Then I would have so much time for Science! But I haven't been approved yet. You have to be approved to get in… they have to invite you. So I am hoping they invite you. I mean me! Me, I mean me. Invited… to Everton. But you could too right? You like Science? You like science, right?”

Sunset leaned into her hand, laughing quietly.

“You like… Sunset, are you okay? You’re shaking, what’s wrong?” observed Twilight.

Unable to hold back any longer, Sunset erupted in a fit of laughter.

“Is something wrong? No.. what’s so funny? Did I miss something?” asked Twilight, clearly confused. Sunset leaned forward and hugged Twilight.

“Oh Twilight… you are absolutely precious!” laughed Sunset. “I think we will get along fantastically!”

Cautiously, Twilight hugged her back. “Okayyyyy. That would be great! Yeah. I’d like that. So, like, as friends, right?”

“Yes Twilight Sparkle. As friends!” laughed Sunset.

Taking her hand, Sunset and her friend enjoyed a good laugh.

They spent the rest of the afternoon catching up. Twilight shared about all of her studies, as well as her recent discoveries regarding some interesting energy readings she had observed centered on Canterlot High School. Sunset shared with Twilight stories about her past, including what had happened to her and why she was in her wheelchair. She left out the more horrific details, and made no mention of the portal nor of the land she had originally come from, not wanting to ‘freak out’ her new friend so soon after meeting.

“So you’re saying there is another girl you know who has the same name and me, and is actually a real Princess? Woah,” gasped Twilight. “I thought my name was pretty uncommon. What are the odds of that? Maybe we’re related? Wow, that would be fantastic! I could be related to a Princess! Maybe I’m a Princess of something too! Woah…” Twilight stared off into space, lost in thought.

Sunset snickered. “Oh Twilight. Twilight Twilight Twilight, don’t ever change.” She grinned.

“Ah.. what?” said Twilight. “You said something?”

“No worries Twilight,” smiled Sunset. “Thank you for coming over! I’m really happy to finally get to know you.”

“Me too! I mean, me too, to get to know you. Not tutu. Too to. Two Two? Wait what…” drifted Twilight.

Sunset laughed and hugged her new friend.

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