• Published 19th Jul 2021
  • 2,087 Views, 190 Comments

Piece by Piece - Eltirions

There's a lot wrong with the world. Rarity intends on making sure her small part of it is less wrong than the rest, one step at a time.

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Chapter 33: Awakening 5

13 December 1008

The Summer Snows Hall was a medium-sized theatre on the third level of the city, reminiscent in size to Ponyville’s Town Hall. The chauffeurs parked their cars just before it, and the porter was polite enough to not stare too much at their party as it proceeded up the stairs into the building.

Once inside, it was immediately obvious where the entertainment was, as someone had clearly forgotten to close a door somewhere. The sounds of various instruments playing a song Rarity was completely unfamiliar with, accompanied by the voice of a stallion, echoed down the entrance hall.

‘’From the mountains north I came down to the plains,’’ was the sound that greeted them as they entered the theatre proper. On the podium, four stallions who all appeared to be in their thirties stood; one on a lute, one behind a set of hoof drums, one on a flute and one who was singing. ‘’Down to the plains, where I met my love.’’

The theatre was decently full, with plenty of variation in attendees too. A few older couples, some families and even some youngsters. How interesting.

They all took seats in the back at Rarity's indication. No need to disturb the performance by taking over the front row, after all. And it worked, since nobody seemed to notice their sudden appearance.

‘’Interesting performance,’’ Lilac remarked in a whisper next to her.

‘’It’s an intriguing look into the local culture,’’ Rarity replied in a similar tone. ‘’One I sorely need, I think.’’


The song carried on; it was about a miner returning from the northern mines down to his village, located in the plains that made up the majority of the nation. A typical folk song, given the topic and the instruments. That the room was singing along to the refrain, if not the individual verses, was also a clue as to the truthfulness of that idea.

The song ended with a slightly-edited version of the refrain, which mentioned how much the miner would miss his sweetheart when he went back north again. Heartbreaking, truly.

That, however, was the cue for the rest of the group to start applauding, just a moment earlier than the rest of the theatre’s viewers. Of course, this got them a few looks, which turned into whispers, which turned into more looks.

‘’It’s the Princess!’’

‘’And the Governess!’’

Before they could be swarmed by interested citizens, the guards moved. It was quite a stunning piece of synchronised action too; before Rarity or Rainbow could even give the order they were in position around the chairs the rest of the group was sitting in, ready to keep anyone with ill intentions away.

‘’Good morning, everyone!’’ Rarity greeted as she stood up.

‘’Good morning!’’ many voices called back.

‘’How did you find the show, ma’am?’’ one of the actors asked from the stage.

‘’It was lovely!’’ Rarity replied. ‘’One of the best plays I’ve seen in a long time! Exemplary work, truly! My compliments!’’

The players all bowed. ‘’Thank you, ma’am! We are honoured by your generous words!’’

‘’Rarity’s real good at being generous,’’ Rainbow cut in, blase as ever. ‘’But you did put up a good show. I liked it.’’

‘’You are too kind, ma’am.’’

‘’Nonsense, darlings,’’ Rarity. ‘’You gave a spectacular performance and deserve all the compliments for it. I’m sure that-’’

The sound of rapidly-flapping wings made her break off her sentence as she turned towards the entrance of the theatre, just in time to see… a Night Guard?

The mare came to a halt before her, let through by the corridor of guards around the group .‘’Ma’am, apologies for interrupting, but I must request you return to the hotel immediately. The Empress wishes to have a conversation over telephone with you.’’

Rarity blinked. ‘’I see.’’

‘’What does she want?’’ Rainbow asked.

‘’I have no idea, ma’am,’’ the Night Guard replied.

Of course she didn’t. ‘’Very well, we’ll return immediately. The cars should still be parked in front of the theatre.’’

They were, and a quick word was all it took to get everyone moving back to the hotel again. Perhaps the drivers drove a little faster than legal, but that was not an issue as long as no one got heard. And so, one trip back later they were all standing in the reception hall, which held the telephone Nightmare Moon was calling from, guarded by two Night Guard.

‘’Here you go, ma’am,’’ one of the two said, before giving her the phone.

Rarity took it with a thankful nod, then positioned it just right. ‘’Hello?’’

‘’Rarity,’’ Nightmare Moon’s voice greeted, unmistakable even through the static of the phone. ‘’Good morning. How are you?’’

‘’I’m well, thank you. How are you?’’

There was a moment’s silence. ‘’Fine,’’ Nightmare replied. ‘’But listen closely. Twilight Sparkle has gone insane and escaped from her house arrest in Ponyville. She’s already hurt several people - including Spike and your sister and her friends. We don’t know what her plan is, but she might be heading for you. I need you to head back to Crystal City as soon as possible. You’ll be safest there. Do you understand?’’

Twilight. Twilight had escaped. Had attacked Spike, had attacked Sweetie? ‘’I…’’

‘’Rarity, do you understand me?’’

Deep breaths. ‘’Yes, your Majesty. I understand.’’

‘’Good.’’ It was hard to pick up on Nightmare’s emotions through the telephone, but she sounded agitated. ‘’I’ll be sending more of the Night Guard to Crystal City alongside normal soldiers. A complete investigation is being launched around the Empire, but until we’ve found her I want you and Flurry to stay in Crystal City.’’

‘’Of course, your Majesty. We’ll leave immediately.’’

‘’Excellent.’’ There was silence for a few moments. ‘’Could you give the telephone to Flurry? I wish to talk with her too.’’

‘’As you wish.’’ Rarity took the phone off her ear and turned towards Flurry. ‘’Flurry, could you come here?’’


Once the filly was before her, Rarity said: ‘’Alright, this is a telephone. Your aunt is on the other end of this telephone, and she wants to talk with you. Just hold it like so, with one end near your mouth and the other near your ear.’’


Gently, Rarity passed over control of the phone from her magic to Flurry’s, receiving a warm feeling as she did so. Stars, even at this young age she already eclipsed Rarity in power. ‘’Hi auntie!’’ Flurry said, perhaps a little too loudly, into the phone. A few seconds passed during which Nightmare presumably responded in kind and then said something, because Flurry nodded. ‘’Okay.’’


‘’Yes it’s been so much fun!’’

‘’Okay auntie.’’

‘’Will you still visit at Hearthswarming?’’


‘’Bye auntie!’’

Taking that as her cue, Rarity took the phone back from the foal. ‘’Was there anything else, your Majesty?’’

‘’Not at the moment, Rarity,’’ Nightmare replied. ‘’Take care of her. Whatever happens, don’t let Twilight get to her.’’

‘’Yes, your Majesty.’’

‘’Very well. I promised Flurry I would still visit on Hearthswarming Eve, but those plans might change. In any case, until we meet again.’’

‘’Goodbye, your Majesty.’’

No reply came.

Rarity placed the phone back on the rig and turned towards the group, which Flurry had already rejoined. ‘’Get ready to depart for Crystal City,’’ she said. ‘’Orders of the Empress.’’

‘’What?’’ Rainbow exclaimed. ‘’What the Tartarus happened?’’

I have no idea, darling. ‘’I’ll tell you in a moment. Captain Darkheart, please inform your soldiers to ready the train, and also send a courier to the mayor informing her of our sudden departure.’’

‘’Of course, ma’am.’’

‘’Thank you, Captain. Come on darlings, let’s head back to our rooms. We need to pack.’’

Author's Note:

I live again.

For the moment, anyway. I do plan to finish this as well as Rising Sun, Mending Heart by this summer, for what it's worth.

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