• Published 19th Jul 2021
  • 2,087 Views, 190 Comments

Piece by Piece - Eltirions

There's a lot wrong with the world. Rarity intends on making sure her small part of it is less wrong than the rest, one step at a time.

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Chapter 40: Changes 3

14 December 1008

When Rarity awoke, the first thing she noticed was a throbbing headache; the second thing she noticed was that she was in a bed, and the third thing she noticed was Rainbow sitting by the side of said bed.


‘’Not so loud, Rainbow,’’ Rarity chastised. ‘’And why-’’ Then the memories flooded back in.

‘’What happened?’’

Rainbow let out a long, long sigh. ‘’The attack was a diversion, we think. Once most of the Guard had been drawn away, Twilight attacked the Palace on her own. In total almost fifty Ponies are dead, not counting the attackers and wounded who are in critical condition. Flurry is gone, we don’t know where. The city is on lockdown and we’re scouring it for any clues that could help us.’’

She’d failed. She’d had two jobs, just two, and she had failed both of them. Trembling, Rarity bowed her head. ‘’Go on.’’

‘’There has also been an attack on Manehattan, at roughly the same time as the one here,’’ Rainbow continued. ‘’Nightmare Moon stopped that one, but there were still casualties. We informed her of Flurry’s foalnapping as soon as possible, and her response was that she would come here as soon as possible. A later telegraph informed us she plans to take a plane.’’

‘’Good. That’s… good.’’

Nightmare Moon would know what to do. She’d dismiss Rarity, of course, and probably imprison her, but if she claimed that sending the Guard to Princesses Plaza had been her idea… then Rainbow and the others would not fall under the Empress’ scrutiny. They’d be alright.

Yes, Rarity could deal with that.

‘’Rainbow,’’ she said, ‘’you must do something for me, when the Empress arrives.’’

‘’Sure. Whaddya need?’’

‘’When she asks what happened, tell her I ordered you and Darkheart to go to Princesses Plaza with the Night Guard.’’

Rainbow’s eyes widened, and then narrowed again. ‘’Rares, this is not your fault.’’

‘’But the Empress must believe it is,’’ Rarity argued. ‘’I am ultimately responsible, and I failed her in the two tasks she gave me. It is me who should be punish-’’

Rainbow cut her off by all-but-leaping onto the bed and giving her a very long, very nice kiss. It was enough to temporarily distract her from the oncoming storm of rage that she was sure to experience, and when their muzzles finally separated she was left panting.

‘’You,’’ Rainbow growled possessively as she sprawled herself out over the bed and Rarity’s body, ‘’aren’t going to be blamed for this any more than I am going to be. If the Empress wants to yell at both of us, sure, I’ll accept that. But we did our jobs, and judging by the fact Twilight tossed you into a wall I’m guessing you tried to keep her from taking Flurry. If Nightmare Moon’s not happy with that, she’ll have to face me.’’

Rarity let out a shuddering breath as Rainbow finished her tirade. ‘’Darling…’’

‘’Shush, Rares,’’ Rainbow whispered, before slipping down to lie next to her on the bed. ‘’Make some room.’’

‘’I need to-’’

‘’Rest, you need to rest. Lilac and Darkheart have the Empire under control for the moment. I’ve just come back from a speech to the populace, and I’m yours for as long as you need me.’’

The Pegasus was warm and soft and everything Rarity wanted right now. So she did not protest, did not comment, and allowed Rainbow to hold her as she fought back her tears.


Twilight had not had the time to set up a proper base of operations, so she had been forced to use a war-damaged factory that no one had as of yet bothered to repair. It was no place to care for a child, alicorn or not, but for the moment it would suffice.

‘’Where are we?’’

‘’We, my dear niece, are in a safe place,’’ Twilight replied as she picked the filly up in her magic and placed her on her back. ‘’Come. I will show you around. It is no place to stay for long, but I’m afraid I have nothing better to offer you.’’

The filly cautiously rested against her neck, her soft coat brushing against Twilight’s own. She would need to brush it, at least before She returned.

‘’This was a factory before the Nightmare attacked the city,’’ she explained as she strode down the desolated hallway, her horn providing the only light needed. ‘’It has not been repaired since. One of my loyal followers marked it as a safe place to use, and so use it I have.’’

‘’Your followers?’’

‘’Who do you think attacked Princesses Plaza? I admit that the plan was quickly-made, but it sufficed in drawing the attention away. It was necessary to rescue you.’’

‘’Rescue me?’’

‘’My dear Flurry, you did not seriously think I would leave you in the clutches of the Nightmare and her followers? You are my family, and I will do whatever I need to do to make sure you are safe.’’

‘’But I was safe! I was with Auntie Rarity and Auntie Rainbow and lots of guards!’’

Twilight frowned. The filly was obviously too young to fully comprehend the situation. Regrettable, but understandable. ‘’They do not have your best interests at heart. They don’t care for you, Flurry, not really. I do not claim to know what plans the Nightmare has for you, but I know that they can be nothing good, for such a twisted creature can only cause evil.’’

‘’What do you mean?’’

‘’They want to use you.’’


‘’But don’t worry about that,’’ Twilight continued as she entered the main room she was using; it had once been an office. Now it contained books, a bedroll, food for a few days and of course the ritual circle. Once again, she grabbed Flurry with her magic and put her down on the floor.

‘’We will have to stay here for a day or two, so I deem. They do not know of this place, but if we leave now we will be noticed no matter what measures I take to conceal us. I have prepared a bed for you,’’ she pointed at a second, smaller bedroll, ‘’and there is food and water if you want it. When I am certain we are no longer in acute danger, we shall leave for the mansion of one of my followers in the Unicorn Valley.’’

Flurry was silent for a long moment, looking very introspective. ‘’And then what?’’

Truth be told, Twilight had only the makings of a plan in her mind. ‘’I am not yet fully certain,’’ she chose to say. ‘’But we will be safe there, I know that much.’’

Flurry nodded, and silence fell between them. Twilight studied her niece. She looked well, a bit larger than she remembered from their last meeting but well-fed and unharmed. Good.

‘’But what about Rarity? You threw her into a wall!’’

Of all the things to ask.

‘’She’ll survive,’’ Twilight said dismissively. ‘’Now, Flurry, there is work I must do. Please, entertain yourself.’’ Four tomes flew out of the collection of books she’d brought with her and were placed on the ground before the filly. ‘’These are yours.’’

And Twilight turned away. She had the return of the Princess to plan.

Author's Note:

Twilight's insanity continues.

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