• Published 19th Jul 2021
  • 2,087 Views, 190 Comments

Piece by Piece - Eltirions

There's a lot wrong with the world. Rarity intends on making sure her small part of it is less wrong than the rest, one step at a time.

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Chapter 41: Changes 4

14 December 1008

Her first instinct had been to fly to Crystal City herself. That was obviously neither smart nor feasible, especially with the attacks that had happened in Manehattan today, so it had taken her hours longer than she had liked before she could get onto the plane. And then the plane trip had taken agonisingly long too, even though it was by and far the fastest way to travel to Crystal City.

And now she was there, for the first time since defeating Sombra for the third and final time.

The plane shuddered as it touched the ground and came to a halt. Nightmare had to hold herself back from leaping out of the vehicle as soon as the doors opened; it was not made for Alicorns. She would have to arrange for a proper plane to travel in, one that fit her. But that could wait for later.

Waiting just off the airstrip was a delegation of Crystal Ponies and Night Guard, with at its head Rainbow Dash. The delegation bowed as she descended from the plane, followed by her own Night Guard, the few she had chosen to take along.

‘’Your Majesty,’’ Rainbow Dash greeted her as she approached, raising her head - and there was a defiant spark in them, as if she was daring Nightmare to make a comment on the day’s events. ‘’Welcome to the Crystal Empire.’’

‘’Thank you, Commander Dash,’’ she replied with a nod. ‘’Tell me something: how did you let my niece get foalnapped?’’

Rainbow straightened herself, and looked Nightmare dead in the eye. ‘’The bombing at Princesses Plaza had me draw away the majority of the Night Guard and Crystal Guard in the Palace. Twilight Sparkle then tore through the Palace, killing several Guards and taking the Princess. Governess Belle attempted to stop her, and was kicked into a wall for her troubles. She has since awakened from her unconsciousness, and is awaiting you in the Palace; she is not in a state to travel right now.’’

Nightmare considered that information, so succinctly delivered by someone who had once been one of her most dangerous enemies; it was nothing she did not already know, but it was good to confirm the truth from someone who was sure to know it. She would ask Rarity for a more detailed report, of course, and Rainbow too, but for the moment this would suffice.

‘’Thank you, Commander Dash,’’ she said. ‘’We will discuss this further in the Palace, together with the Governess. How are her wounds?’’

‘’She has minor bruises, but nothing serious or life-threatening,’’ was Rainbow’s response. ‘’Within a few days she’ll be back in order, or that’s what the doctors said.’’

Nightmare nodded. ‘’Excellent. Come. Let us head to the Palace.’’

There were cars waiting on them; always bloody cars. They were good vehicles, but like the plane they were always too small for her.

This is why Celestia preferred that carriage.

Nevertheless, she fit into the car designated for her and Rainbow, and they rode through the city in silence. Her appearance here was still a secret, so no crowds were gathered in the streets to welcome her; there were, in fact, almost no crowds period, just a few brave Ponies moving about under the watchful eye of police and Guard - Crystal and Night - patrols.

‘’The city is under martial law,’’ Rainbow explained. ‘’We’ve been busy identifying the attackers and going through their houses, if they lived here. Across the nation similar operations are taking place as we learn more and more.’’

‘’Have you discovered anything?’’

Rainbow scowled. ‘’Some spare rifles, disguises, and ammunition. No plans, codes or anything else to use as a guideline for finding the culprits.’’


‘’Ain’t that the truth.’’

Silence fell between them again, and Nightmare adjusted her seating in order to accommodate her neck. She sighed. ‘’Tell me, Rainbow Dash; why do you think Twilight Sparkle took my niece?’’

Rainbow met her eyes again, and this time the determination of the airstrip was mixed in with doubt and grief. ‘’I don’t know,’’ she said, ‘’but from what I understand, Twilight is no longer herself.’’

‘’She is not possessed,’’ Nightmare said, ‘’or I have seen no proof of it, in any case. Whatever has happened to her-’’

‘’You,’’ Rainbow cut in, ‘’are what happened to her. You and your civil war. It drove her mad in the most literal sense of that term. And now she’s taking it out.’’

‘’Are you saying that I am the reason behind Twilight’s actions?’’

‘’Twilight views you as the mare who tore apart Equestria and killed her mentor.’’

Nightmare stilled. ‘’I did not kill Celestia.’’

Rainbow blinked. ‘’You didn’t?’’

Nightmare shook her head. ‘’She is locked up in the Sun. Perhaps not as securely as the Elements imprisoned me, but she will not be able to leave for the next century.’’

‘’Huh.’’ Rainbow looked introspective. ‘’You should have said that to Twilight.’’

‘’And risk her trying to break her out?’’

‘’As if our current situation is much better.’’

Nightmare sighed. ‘’I admit, I could have talked with Twilight. But there was no time, she did not wish to see me, and I… had no wish to talk with her either.’’

‘’Look where it got us.’’

Nightmare did not bother to respond to that.


14 December 1008

At Whinnyapolis, they had stopped for a few minutes; Twinkle had gotten out of the cabin onto the station to stretch his legs, and Sweetie had gone for a quick break to the toilet before returning to the cabin. Sunset had done neither.

Sweetie had sat back in her spot, taking out a book she’d loaned from Sunset hours before; it was called A Flight through Madness, and it told of Discord’s Reign before the Princesses had used the Elements of Harmony to seal him away. It was an interesting topic, if written somewhat boringly.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and Twinkle stormed in. ‘’Read this.’’

A newspaper was pushed into Sweetie’s face.


Sunset swore violently and colourfully. Sweetie, for her part, let herself lean back against the couch and breathe. In, out. In, out. In, out. Like a mantra, she repeated it to herself until she was calm enough that she could force herself to continue reading it.

She scanned the text, reading its contents without absorbing them as she searched through for it a mention of Rarity. Surely she had to be involved somewhere?


Whilst trying to prevent the assailant from foalnapping the Princess, Governess Rarity Belle was lightly wounded. The most recent report from the Crystal Palace is that she was knocked unconscious but is expected to wake up soon.

She sighed in relief. Rarity was alright. Wounded, sure, but alive and alright.

‘’It has to be Twilight.’’

‘’Agreed,’’ Sunset said without looking away from her copy of the newspaper. ‘’They don’t mention her here, of course they don’t, but there’s very few people who could have broken into the Crystal Palace on their own. My question is: how did she organise this?’’

‘’Do you think she did?’’ Sweetie asked.

‘’Of course she did,’’ Sunset replied with a tone that indicated she thought it was blindingly obvious. ‘’But how, I have no idea.’’

‘’There’s plenty of anti-Lunarist Ponies,’’ Twinkle pointed out.

‘’Of course, but something like this takes the right type of Ponies, and a lot of planning and logistics. They had rifles and almost half a dozen bombs between them, or that’s what I’m getting from this article.’’

‘’Hm, true.’’ Twinkle looked considering, before shaking his head. ‘’There is nothing we can do about it now. All we can do is head north and offer our assistance there. We’re clearly too late, but still.’’

‘’I agree,’’ Sweetie said. ‘’And if nothing else, I plan to patch up my relationship with Rarity. That should take at least one problem off her back.’’

Sunset nodded. ‘’You do that, and I’ll try to see if I can’t find some trace of whatever magics Twilight used to get into the Palace.’’

‘’And I’ll be running interference with the authorities, I assume?’’ Twinkle added with a smirk.

‘’You’re supposed to follow after us and carry whatever we don’t feel like carrying,’’ Sunset shot back.

Sweetie sighed. Most of the journey was already behind them, but from the sounds of it this was shaping up to be the hardest bit by far. How enjoyable.

It could be worse. I could be stuck with Pinkie.

Author's Note:

In today's chapter, Rainbow acts quite insightfully!

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