• Published 5th Oct 2021
  • 2,420 Views, 60 Comments

Sunny with a Lasso - xd77

Lasso Lashes meets new friends, thanks to Izzy.

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Dressed and Quest

The next morning, back at Opaline's castle, Lasso was beginning to wake up. He had such a rough afternoon the previous day, all the torture his captor had put him through. As his eyes adjusted to the morning sun, he looked around to see he was lying down in a luxurious four-poster bed. He thought that everything that happened before was just a dream, but one quick glance at the darkness surrounding the room could remind him otherwise. Poor Lasso was still trapped in the dark castle of the one who kidnapped him, he also discovered that from a touch of his neck that his bandana had disappeared. Now this is what really hurt him more, because that bandana was the only memory he had left of his family.

As Lasso broke down crying from the big losses he faced, he heard the sound of a door creaking open. He looked up to see none other than Queen Opaline, who approached him with the same callous look in her eye. Opaline undid the covers as Lasso braced for her to hold him again, which is exactly what happened. She used her magic to lift him out of the bed and into her hoof, she then carried him out of the room and closed the door.

"So, my pet, did you enjoy your first night of sleep well?"

Lasso gave her the silent treatment.

"Come on dear, surely there was something decent about your bed."

Finally, he spoke up, but trembled.

"Y-Yes, Ah' d-did enjoy mah' sleep well."

Opaline chuckled, "Well that is good to hear, because I have a big plan for you today."

"Ah'm still not talkin' about you dividin' Equestria."

"Oh yes you are, right after your transformation."

Lasso was puzzled, "What are y'all talkin' about."

"Well, I have decided that since you are going to be here for quite some time, Misty and I should give you a different look. She and I are going to give you a main cut, then we will bathe you, and dress you in some armor I have kept for years."

"What will changin' me make to tell?"

"Well, I figured that since I tickled you to death yesterday, you'd tell me. But I am going to try it with a more obedient approach."

Lasso was now fearful, not only was he going to kiss his regular look goodbye, but she was going to make him cry in discomfort again. He also knew that eventually; she would put something out to make him speak up. He was most concerned about if he would ever escape, even though Opaline told him that the castle was miles from Maretime Bay and Bridlewood, even farther from Zephyr Heights.

In the meantime, he was also curious about her changing how he looked. Yet, he managed to brace himself for what worse could come from it. Opaline continued to walk with her prisoner in tow, the corridor seemed to be endless until they reached the two doors to the bathroom. The same bathroom she showed him the previous day she gave him the tour. She lit the door handles with her magic and used it to twist them, opening the door gently, she entered where Misty was waiting.

One quick look reminded Lasso that Opaline was not kidding when she said all that. Inside the bathroom was a barber's chair, where a robe for catching falling cut hair was hanging on the chair. In front of the chair was a mirror, where Opaline could see what she was doing. The bad part of it all was that not only was Misty there, but she had a rope grasped in her aura. They were going to tie him to the chair, because this new look would be another form of torture for him. They were going to make sure he was still and behaved while they were transforming him.

Opaline did not hesitate when she put Lasso into the chair, because it was beginning to go downhill. Opaline had Misty release her magical grasp of the rope and tied Lasso to the chair, then wrapped the robe around him. With the flick of the switch, she turned on the trimmer.

"Don't worry dear one, this won't hurt one bit!" Opaline said with an evil chuckle.

Misty laughed evilly herself, "Maybe not a little."

Lasso shook in fear, then screamed as Opaline gently lowered the trimmer with an evil laugh.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed.


It was time for the big quest, and everypony was now all set, getting out of their sleeping bags and tents. They had prepared for a nearly 40-mile journey just to save the only survivor of Twilight Sparkle left. They knew this journey was not going to be easy, but they had a motivation, to get to Opaline's Castle by any means necessary. The entire crew had but one pony as their leader, and that was none other than Sunny Starscout, who was not giving up on friendship. On the other hand, Izzy would lead the unicorns to use their magic when needed, Zipp, Pipp, and Queen Haven would provide air support with the Pegasi. Hitch and Sparky woul lead the earth pony team, if plants got in their way, their hooves would glow and remove them.

Sunny and the rest of the team leaders stood on top of the lighthouse hill.

"Now, I know this will be an incredibly difficult journey, as we are all involved." she stated, "But as I said last night, this is not about just working together, this is about a colt's life to save."

"We all need to remind the alicorn responsible that she will not get away with this!" Posey said.

"With hooves glowing, air scanning, magic consuming, and our cutie marks glowing, we have the right ways of power."

Hitch joined Sunny on her side, "We will find Lasso, and we will defeat the one who took him."

The crowd cheered, with one final inspection of their magic and flight, they were ready for action. Soon, they were out of Maretime Bay and running down the road they had hoped would lead them to Opaline's castle.

"Don't worry Lasso, we are coming for you, I am coming for you!" Izzy thought as she ran with the group.

Back at Opaline's castle, poor Lasso was screaming in pain as Opaline and Misty ripped remnants of his mane off his head. It was done in a flash though, because he could feel them not ripping anymore. As it ended, he could still hear the evil cackles of Opaline and Misty as he twitched with his eyes shut tightly from all the pain.

"Okay little one, you may open your eyes now, it's all over." Opaline said in a sing-song voice. Lasso opened his eyes, but what he saw from his refection was actually an astonishing improvement. His main was shaved perfectly, no missed spots, or hair pieces at all!

Lasso was rather amazed at this accomplishment, but his reaction was cut short. For Opaline undid him from the chair, then carried him over to the tub, Misty had it filled with water that was nice and hot to relax in. The evil alicorn then placed him into the tub to start cleaning him for his new look. Opaline dumped water all over him to get him wet for the proper conditioners and body washes to work, using the certain type of conditioner for his head, she squirted some into her hoof.

Lasso was really starting to feel comfortable with this pampering, the tub he was in looked more like a swimming pool. There was plenty of room to relax himself in, plus the water really felt soothing. Lastly, the wash and conditioners she was using felt soothing.

Before he knew it, the bath was over, and Opaline removed him from that. After drying him off with towels, she and Misty then took him to the wardrobe, where the armor was. The same type of armor that Tempest wore, before shrinking it down to his size.

Lasso went back to confusion, "Why do Ah' have to wear that?"

"It's part of making you obedient in look." said Misty. "And once you put it on, your attitude will change."

Lasso snickered, "Like a stupid suit of armor will make me tell you about dividin'."

Opaline stared at him seriously, this armor contained a hypnotic device hidden somewhere in it. Lasso did not know this though, as Misty prepared to dress him in it, the first thing that went on was the black hoof shoes. Second, they threw the black cloak suit over him, then finally, the armor itself.

"Now how do you like that little one?" Opaline asked.

Lasso was amazed, the outfit was pretty comfortable and good looking.

"Ah'....Ah' like it." he slurred.

"Well, that's good because we have a little bonus for you." Opaline said chuckling wickedly, then reaching behind her back.

"What are you talkin' about?" asked Lasso, but instead of answering, what he got was horrifyingly different. Opaline had silently pressed something on her back that activated the device in his armor. Suddenly, Lasso was shot up straight, then his eyes started glowing white, his iris and pupils were blinded by a trance light.

Opaline and Misty were laughing evilly, now that they had found a way to make him talk. Soon, Lasso's eyes were no longer glowing, but now he just stood there like a statue. Opaline started circling him like a bird of prey, chuckling at her successful goal.

"Lasso Lashes, can you hear me?" she asked, talking in his ear.

"Yes." he answered with a hypnotized voice.

"Good to hear, now that you are under my control, I will set you straight. You will obey my every command, you will address me as master, and you will trade secrets with me about everything I want to know. Do you understand me?"

"Yes.....my master." Lasso said through his trance.

"Now to start with a simple test run, what is the weakness of every pony's sovereignty?"

Lasso gave an evil smile, "Their magic is what makes them unite."

"And where precisely is the source of this magic?"

With a zoom in of Lasso's mouth, "The Unity Crystals."

"And where exactly are the Unity Crystals?"

"The tower on top of Sunny Starscout's lighthouse."

"And what do I do with them?"

"You destroy the Unity Crystals. No crystals, no magic, no magic, and every race of pony will be mean again."

Opaline gave an evil grin as she stared down at Lasso's hypnotized body.

"Oh, my sweet Lasso, you are such a well-behaved colt, I could just reward you of being MY son." She gave a sinister chuckle, as did Misty.

"Now that I have the true weaknesses all gathered up, it's time to strengthen my force of agenda for good. And officially take back what belongs TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She and Misty both cackled evilly, thanks to their quick thinking, they now had all the info needed. Info to not only rid Equestria of all magic forever but keep all pony races divided permanently!

Author's Note:

How will the ponies react when they find out what Lasso has just done!?!