• Published 5th Oct 2021
  • 2,420 Views, 60 Comments

Sunny with a Lasso - xd77

Lasso Lashes meets new friends, thanks to Izzy.

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Lasso Reunited with Izzy

Meanwhile, back with Lasso, he continued to follow the aura combined with the spirits of his deceased ones. Nathan, Apple Bloom, and Princess Twilight Sparkle were combined with magic that Equestria had not seen in generations. This form of magic held a powerful aroma that only a chosen pony could conjure up, if their heart and soul match the level of it. Right now, all three of them were using this magic to guide him to his friends. However, just as Lasso approached the fields, the lit aura stopped moving, and the spirits of them shapeshifted into their ghostly forms again.

Lasso got confused, "Wait, what's happenin' now?"

"Dear nephew, the forest leading to Opaline's quarters is very dangerous." Twilight said.

"We forgot to mention this to ya' Lasso, but your friends have been trapped by her!" Nathan stated.

"Opaline is willin' to kill them to keep the magic of the unity crystals forever." said Apple Bloom.

"Well, what plan do we have to stop it?" Lasso asked, "I don't know how Ah' can help them."

Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder, "Lasso, you may be young, but you contain a special force of power that runs deeply in this family."

Nathan joined her, "You will use this power soon to save your friends, and defeat Opaline."

Last was Apple Bloom, "Plus, you will use this power to restore the magic back to the crystals and unite all tribes again."

"What power is it, Ah'm too little to use powers. Mah' magic ain't even strong enough for something like power." Lasso said, but the only response he got was a trio of stilled bodies and closed eyes. Finally, Twilight spoke up.

"You will find out soon enough Lasso, in the meantime, we will continue to lead you to your friends."

But before they could continue, Lasso touched his neck, only to find that his bandana was not on.

"Wait, where's mah' bandana, Ah' always keep it on!" he exclaimed.

"Yer' bandana is fine." Nathan said, "Right now, saving yer' friends is more important."

"We must move now!" Twilight exclaimed, "It won't be long until Opaline uses her stolen powers for the worst."

Their worst fears soon came true, for the distant sounds of screaming and a deafening roar echoed miles away. This made Lasso fear for not only his new friends, and Izzy, but also the danger they were facing. Even though he did not know what to expect, he knew that he was the only one worthy of stopping this, despite him being just a colt.

"Let's go, now!" said Apple Bloom, soon she was floating in the air, along with Nathan and Twilight. Lasso finally gave a brave expression, for he now understood what he had to do. He waited until the spirits of the trio were ahead, because they left a trail of magical light behind them for him to follow.

Back at the trap, it was game over for the group, for they were defeated. The hydras had won the battle, now they were preparing to serve themselves fresh pony for their dinner, thanks to the discrimination brought on them. Suddenly, a flash of green light interrupted them before they could devour their prizes. The monstrous creatures, along with the beaten and weakened group of ponies, looked up to see none other than Opaline, bearing down on them with an evil smirking face.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?!" she asked, mockingly while flying above, "Oh yes, the poor ponies who thought they were unstoppable by so-called 'friendship'."

"H-Huh?" Posey exclaimed, seeing the evil alicorn through her blurred vision.

"Is that...." Queen Haven asked, "Opaline!"

"What have y-you done with L-Lasso!?!" Izzy asked through excruciating pain from her hydra attack.

"Oh, poor Lasso Lashes, if you really cared about him, you would have made it hard for me to take him." Opaline taunted, "But in the end, it was easier than I expected. Thanks to my hypnotic powers, and genius mind control, I was able to hypnotize him into finding your weakness. And it was discovered in the power of the unity crystals, I now have what rightfully belongs to me!"

"Y-You won't g-get away with this!" Pipp said.

"I already have!" Opaline said, she then laughed maniacally.

"Now that I have what's mine, I shall finally begin what Twilight Sparkle and her brat friends kept me from doing; keeping Equestria under permanent EQUITY!"

"NO!" Sunny screamed, but Opaline vanished before anyone could do anything. The hydras returned to their buffet style dining for eating them alive.

"Oh, if only somepony could save us!" Posey said through fear of the evil lizards about to eat them.

"Lasso, if you are alive and escaped, you'd better hurry!" Izzy stated, finally blacking out from weakness and loss of confidence. As the group of different pony races continued to argue, the hydras started to prepare their tasty, defeated ponies. Soon, they picked up the first pony they could find, the scared pony closed his eyes and trembled in fear as the scary creature opened its mouth.

But just as the poor pony was about to be devoured, a sudden glow shut the hydra's mouth shut. It was coming from a magical source, a source Opaline did not know about, the hydra dropped the pony and tried to open its mouth. Unfortunately, no matter how hard it tried, the aura was strong enough to keep the mouth shut.

"What just happened!?!" Sunny asked in surprise. Soon, the light blasted around the hydras, the lizards froze in terror as the light began to shapeshift. The crowd of ponies' jaws dropped at who the shape was taking the form of it was none other than..........

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!!!!!!!!" they all said at once.

"But I thought she was ancient!" Queen Haven stated.

"How is this possible!?!" Posey asked, Twilight's spirit turned back to the group as she floated in the air.

"To all the pony races, you have had your dignity and equality robbed from you. If you all work together, with me, we can stop the hydras wrath at once."

"She's right everypony." Sunny said, regaining her composure and strength. "That evil alicorn we encountered took the magic away from us. But we can have a shot to get it back, if we all work together!"

"AH'M WITH Y'ALL ON IT!!!!!!!!!" said an all too familiar voice from above, the group looked up to see Lasso, staring down at them from atop the bridge.

"Lasso!?!" Izzy exclaimed, regaining composure too, as well as her vision clearing. "Is it really..........."

"IZZY!!!!!!!!!" Lasso screamed with happiness, quickly using magic he hid from Opaline to rapidly float down into the pit.

"LASSO, I'M COMING LASSO!!!!!!!!!" Izzy shrieked, getting up on her hooves and running towards him.

"IZZY!!!!!!" Lasso yelled, doing the same thing by running towards Izzy. Once they got close enough, Lasso jumped into Izzy's hooves and clung to her while crying.

"Oh, thank hoofness." Izzy said, glad to see her little brother figure okay and not harmed.

"It's alright cowcolt, it's going to be okay." she said as Lasso cried. The crowd, along with Twilight smiled at seeing this.

"Lasso, you're alright!" Sunny said, quickly joining Izzy and petting the colt's head. Only to find out that it had been shaved.

"We were so worried about you pipsqueak!" exclaimed Pipp.

"What happened to you!?!" Zipp asked. The rest of the crowd cornered the innocent colt, especially Posey, since she was stunned to find this was the colt that they were looking for the whole time.

The hydras remained silent and stiff from the magical aura Twilight used. Back with Lasso, the reason why they were shocked was because of the armor he was wearing, plus the shaved main.