• Published 5th Oct 2021
  • 2,420 Views, 60 Comments

Sunny with a Lasso - xd77

Lasso Lashes meets new friends, thanks to Izzy.

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Comfort and Help from Beyond

A few hours had gone by and now it was nearing nightfall, but it was not a beautiful night. The skies over Maretime Bay were completely covered in darkness, thanks to the interference of the draining of magic from the unity crystals. It also was not just dark skies, but covered in thick black clouds, which turned out to be thunderclouds. There was now the threat of a severe storm brewing, and it would cause a more permanent problem on all pony race, but nothing would be done. Back in the lighthouse tower, Lasso was sleeping on the floor from the spell cast by Opaline. As he slept, a flash of lightning, followed by a sudden clap of thunder woke him.

"What the..." he said with a raspy voice, he rubbed his eyes with his hoof. As his eyes adjusted to the view, he felt something clanky, looking down to see he was still in the armor that was put on him. Only this time, he was no longer under the hypnotic spell of Opaline's evilness, the next thing he knew, he found himself all alone. The next thing he saw made him gasp in horror, below his forehooves was the unity crystals laying there on the floor. The rainbow that shot out of the tower was not shining brightly anymore, it was now shooting an endless pillar of smoke.

"What happened to the unity crystals!?!" he asked, "Where's the rainbow that unites all of us together!?!"

Suddenly, it came to him!

"That alicorn that kidnapped me!" he exclaimed, another flash of lightning and clap of thunder startled him out. He found stairs that exited down and ran down them as fast as he could. As he came to the bottom of the stairs, he quickly discovered he was in the same living room the night before his parents were murdered.

He was inside Sunny's Lighthouse, only this time, he was all alone. There was nopony else inside to even help him out, from this view of what he could see. Yet somehow, he managed to keep himself as brave and cunning as he could go. But the one thing that confused him now was why he was here all alone. As he trotted back up the stairs to the tower, the previous thoughts of what he went through started replaying in his head. Hoping to try and put something similar to a puzzle together, he approached the same spot he was left sleeping at earlier, only to stare down at the motionless crystals again.

Another sudden shock of thought came over him, Opaline must have done something to him to make this happen. Even worse though, if he had mention what had happened to the others, he now feared the worst they could do. He was now scared of being labeled by everypony as a traitor and have something horrible happen to him.

"She did this, she stole all the magic!" he quivered, then he collapsed on the floor and covered his face with his hooves.

"Everypony is gonna think Ah'm a traitor!" he whined, tears starting to stream down his face.

"How could she!?!"

As Lasso laid on the floor crying his eyes out, a sudden glow zoomed in. He looked on the floor, and saw its shadow engulfing the area behind him, spinning around, he soon turned into horror. He got up and backed away into the right side of the tower, in front of his eyes formed a silhouette of an all too familiar alicorn, but it was not Opaline.

"Do not be afraid Lasso." said a soothing voice from the light. Soon walking forward from the angelic light was the pony he knew; it was none other than.......

"Great Aunt Twilight!?!"

"Yes nephew, it is I, I have also brought others with me that you may know too." she said with a smile. Suddenly, the light got larger and brighter, making Lasso squint, four more silhouettes took form in the light. Then they emerged out of it as well, Lasso was in even more shock at what he was seeing. These other two silhouettes, now in full form, were Nathan Cadenza, and Apple Bloom

"Hi there grandson." Nathan said with a warming tone.

"Ya' don't know how proud we are of ya'." Apple Bloom said.

"Ah'...Ah' don't understand." Lasso responded still crying.

"You are no traitor grandson." Apple Bloom said, putting a ghostly hoof on his shoulder. "We saw everything from beyond son, that alicorn that kidnapped you did it all."

"But Ah' still feel like Ah' let everypony down, including Izzy."

Twilight approached closer, "When she put that armor on you, it was equipped with a hypnotic device hidden deep within the top. She used that device to manipulate you into obeying her."

Apple Bloom responded, "That way, with you under her control, she would take advantage of your trance. Then she condemned you into releasing the secret of dividing all pony races again."

"Ya' then told her that it was the Unity Crystals that kept everypony together, through the course of their magic." Nathan said.

"However, it was all done through the trance she installed in you." Twilight responded.

"Ya' mean, this armor hypnotized me into givin' her the secrets of equality!?!" Lasso asked them in shock and horror.

"No Lasso, the device that was in the armor hypnotized you." Twilight said.

Now it all made sense, since the little colt was now the last of the Sparkle Family, he did know about the secrets of magic. But now it was gone, and he felt like there was nothing he could do to stop Opaline. Oh, how could this have happened, how could he let himself fall victim to someone else's fowl play!?!

"The important thing now grandson, is to find your friends." Apple Bloom stated.

"And bring the magic back to the crystals for regaining unity." Twilight stated.

"But what can Ah' do about that, Ah'm just a colt!"

"Don't you worry Lasso; we will guide you to them." Twilight stated, then she, Nathan, and Apple Bloom started fading into angelic glows.

"No WAIT!!!!!!!!!!" Lasso screamed, but it was too late, they were now gone, but not fully. The ghostly trio had transformed into a triple-colored pillar of light that swirled like a tornado. Lasso gave a small smile, knowing it was them in spirit. He soon watched as the swirling pillar started moving slowly from him, and then down the stairs.

"Don't you worry Izzy, and everypony else, Ah'm comin' to save ya!" he said with a confident look, following the pillar of light down the stairs.

Author's Note:

A little colt is now showing bravery, despite there being hydras!