• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 32,695 Views, 2,491 Comments

Cry for Eternity - asylum1388

After Celestia's death, Twilight must take on a role she is woefully underprepared for.

  • ...

Chapter 17

I meant to have this out two weeks ago, but shit happened.

Nothing else to say for now.

Pre-readers: Piquo+Pie, and f0xhole.

Hearth’s Warming Eve; eight months since the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Everything is on schedule, Your Highness!” a brown Unicorn stallion asserted breathlessly as he galloped up to Twilight, his hoofbeats echoing down one of Canterlot Castle’s many back hallways. “No issues to report; at least none that require your attention.”

Twilight glanced towards him and smiled quickly before fixing her gaze back on her clipboard. “Seriously, Stalwart? With everything that could go wrong tonight, you have nothing pressing to report?”

“As far as I know,” the pony said tepidly, “but if you’d prefer, we can go over everything.”

“I think that might calm me down a bit,” Twilight nodded. “Any news from the cast?”

“They claim to be ready to perform. The pageant is ready to begin at your leisure,” Stalwart started confidently.

“Have the guards started allowing the crowd in yet?” Twilight asked, tossing aside her clipboard and locking her eyes on the stallion appraisingly.

“The Auditorium is filling up as we speak. Your box is ready and all of your V.I.P.s should already be there,” he replied with a grin.

“The Castle—”

“Adorned with the best Hearth’s Warming decorations we could find,” Stalwart interrupted with brash confidence before remembering himself and blushing. “I-I’m sorry, Princess, I didn’t mean to—”

“No, it’s alright; you’re just trying to be efficient,” Twilight giggled, turning towards him with a smug smirk. “The kitchens...?”

“Errr... They’ve finished cooking the feast you had them prepare for the pageant’s cast and their families. I had the sous-chefs set the fare out in warming trays and dismissed most of the kitchen staff, as per your orders. A few went home, but most seem to have met up with their families to watch the pageant,” Stalwart reported carefully. “The gryphon twins and the zebra have stayed behind to clean up after the feast. They didn’t mind staying since they don’t celebrate Hearth’s Warming, just as you said they wouldn’t. I slipped some extra bits into their bonuses anyway, just as a ‘thank you’. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“Good thinking. The Castle staff...?” Twilight asked with playful coyness.

“All dismissed for the night, again as you ordered,” Stalwart replied a little more confidently, beginning to understand the game his Princess was playing. “Their Hearth’s Warming bonuses were issued to them as they left the Castle and they were all given explicit instructions to stay home tomorrow.”

“The Castle’s bells?”

“Enchanted to ring at exactly midnight, then again at dawn tomorrow.”

“The annual snowstorm?”

“Ummm... The weather team is reporting no problems,” Stalwart reported, checking his own clipboard. “Barring any serious magical abnormalities it should dissipate an hour or two after midnight.”

“And the Royal Guard—”

“Scheduled perfectly so that nopony will be on duty for more than a total of six hours until Hearth’s Warming is over!” Stalwart exclaimed excitedly. “That task was tricky, but I am proud to say it was accomplished with time to spare.”

“Well done!” Twilight chirped. “Well, let’s go give the actors some encouragement, then find our seats!”

Twilight trotted over to the nearest door and slipped through, emerging backstage. The chatter filling the room died down almost immediately as everypony turned to stare at her. After a momentary stunned silence, the entire room sunk into a synchronized bow and a pony Twilight recognized as the director of this year’s pageant slowly stepped up to her.

“P-princess Twilight! I didn’t realize that you were coming to visit us! We would have prepared—” the nervous mare began before Twilight cut her off.

“Please don’t fret, I just wanted to talk to the performers before the show,” Twilight said with a good-natured smile. The director nodded and led her over to the performers.

“Hello everypony, I just wanted to speak to all of you before you went onstage,” she explained happily, pausing for a moment to look at each actor in turn. “I... I love Hearth’s Warming Eve. It’s my favorite time of year, always has been. It’s the one day of the year we set aside everything else and remember the ponies who make our lives worth living.” She paused, giggling to herself as she realized how ‘official’ her speech was sounding. “Sorry, I think I’ve gotten a little too used to giving speeches...”

A few of the actors snickered softly as she continued, “But like I said, this is my favorite time of year, and I’d like to thank you for helping to make it even more special. I think that sometimes we need things like the pageant to remind us just what this season is all about. I know that everypony’s probably been telling you what an honor it is for you to perform here in Canterlot, but honestly, I’m honored to have you here.”

She looked around again at the smiling faces of the performers. “Well, there isn’t really anything else I can think of to say, so... break a leg?”

The actors all nodded enthusiastically and went back to their preparations, except for one unicorn who approached Twilight timidly as she made to leave. “Umm... Princess Twilight? C-can I ask you something?” she stammered nervously.

“Oh, sure!” Twilight replied, slightly taken aback and turning back around to face the young mare. “What can I do for you?”

“I-I’m just a big fan,” the pony said, positively beaming. “I’m attending Celestia’s School for gifted unicorns and have heard so much about you; you’ve been my idol for years! I-I’ve read all your papers and studies, and am even doing my thesis on several of the experiments you designed. In fact, I decided to take up acting after seeing you in last year’s Hearth’s Warming pageant.”

“I see... but you know that I did that with my friends, right? I’m not really an actress,” Twilight said, slightly bemused.

“I know, but you made it look so fun,” the mare said sheepishly. A bell rang out, causing them to both jump. “Oh! I have to go, but can I have your autograph first?”

“My autograph?” Twilight asked, bewildered. “I guess so. Nopony’s ever asked me that before.” Twilight trotted over to a nearby desk and quickly signed a piece of paper before levitating it over to the unicorn. The young mare took it in her hooves and stared at it, mesmerized. She grinned at Twilight and squealed happily before galloping over to join the rest of the actors.

Twilight snickered and nodded towards Stalwart, leading him back out into the hallway. “Alright, Stalwart, thanks for all your help tonight. I apologize that I couldn’t get you a seat in the V.I.P. box, but there wasn’t enough room for your wife and children to accompany us.”

“It’s quite alright, Your Highness, it was my pleasure to fill-in while Seneschal Quill-Pen is on vacation,” the Unicorn said, bowing his head respectfully.

“I still appreciate it. Now, you’re dismissed; go find your family and enjoy the pageant.”

“Thank you, I’ll come find you again when it’s over,” Stalwart affirmed, turning to leave.

“No you won’t,” Twilight said authoritatively. “You’ll return home with your family and spend the rest of your holiday with them.”

“I... Have I displeased you?” he stuttered, horrified.

“No! On the contrary, I’m planning on telling Quill-Pen that she left me in good hooves, but Hearth’s Warming is supposed to be spent with your loved ones, not at work,” Twilight replied with a wink.

“You-you are sure?” he asked slowly.

“Positive. We took care of all of the big things, so I think I’ll be able to handle anything else that comes up on my own,” Twilight smirked. “Have a nice holiday!”

“Th-thank you, Princess!’ Stalwart gasped, bowing quickly before trotting away.

Twilight giggled to herself as she made her way to the Castle’s Theater and entered the crowded Princess’ Box, sitting down next to Edifying Scroll, who gave her a smug grin. “Hey, Scroll. Am I late?”

A loud, magically-enhanced voice boomed across the Auditorium, “Once upon a time, long before the peaceful rule of Celestia, and before ponies discovered our beautiful land of Equestria, ponies did not know harmony...”

“What do you think?” Edifying Scroll muttered aside.

“I think I’m just in time.”

During this frightful age, each of the three tribes – the Pegasi, the Unicorns, and the Earth Ponies – cared not for what befell the other tribes

“So, how have things gone today?” Edifying Scroll asked.

“Almost perfectly. There’s a few things I’d change, but there’s nothing I can do about any of it,” Twilight grumbled.

“Such as Luna still being in Stalliongrad?”

“Yeah, like that. I have half a mind to strip the Count of his title,” Twilight growled. She paused for a long moment, grinding her teeth. “What kind of spoiled foal tries to declare independance just because an election didn’t go the way he wanted? I’d be furious if he had tried to pull a stunt like that on a normal week; but to force Luna to skip Hearth’s Warming to sort out his mess? That’s just adding insult to injury.”

Each tribe sent their leaders: daughter of the Unicorn King, Princess Platinum; ruler of the Pegasi, Commander Hurricane; and lastly leader of the Earth Ponies, Chancellor Puddinghead. Perhaps the three tribes could finally settle their differences, and agree on a way to get through this disaster.

“Stripping him of his title might create more problems than it solves, but under the current law, his actions are technically an attempted revolt, so you’re well within your rights to do so,” Edifying Scroll mused. “I’ll support you either way; the heavens know the Count didn’t exactly endear himself to me. What was the phrase he used? A ‘sycophantic, hoof-licking little ditz’? I can’t even give him credit for creativity.”

The summit of the tribes did not turn out as well as hoped, and the three leaders returned home to lick their wounds, and the blizzard raged on!

“On a different subject, weren’t your parents and Spike supposed to be joining us tonight?” Edifying Scroll asked, giving Twilight a concerned glance.

“They were, but they can’t. The three of them are stuck in the Crystal Empire,” Twilight grumbled.

“Stuck in the... How in the hells did that happen?” Edifying Scroll asked loudly before slapping her hooves over her mouth. She grinned sheepishly at the pony in front of her who turned around to glare at her foul language angrily, then turned back to Twilight. “How’d that happen?” she whispered.

“Yeah about that...” Twilight sighed. “Alright, as you know, this is the first Hearth’s Warming since the Crystal Empire returned, correct?”


“Well, because of that, the crystal ponies understandably want to do something really special, and they want their Prince and Princess to preside over the celebration, so Shining Armor and Cadance are staying up there,” Twilight explained.

“That makes sense,” Edifying Scroll murmured with an affirmative nod.

Fine, then we'll have to go somewhere new where we can grow some new food. And with me as our fearless leader, what could go wrong?

“It does. I really can’t tell you how happy I am to see how well the Empire is faring,” Twilight chirped. “Anyway, since this’ll be the first year that my whole family can’t be in Canterlot, my parents had to compromise. The original plan was for them to spend the week before Hearth’s Warming in the Crystal City, then take the last train back and spend tonight and tomorrow with me.”

Edifying Scroll let out a low whistle. “Seems like a sound plan.”

“We all thought so,” Twilight grumbled. “Unfortunately I got a letter from Spike this morning saying that a surprise blizzard hit the Empire and that the crystal ponies couldn’t clear off the train tracks in time. Long story short, now they’re going to have to stay up there for a couple more days.”

“Oh... I’m sorry about that,” Edifying Scroll sighed. “But what of your friends from Ponyville? I recall Spike telling me a while ago that they were going to come to Canterlot as well.”

“They were. They and their families were all going to come to Canterlot for a big get-together like we did last year when we did the pageant, but two weeks ago Pinkie Pie got news that her dad was sick with something. Apparently it was really bad, because not only was he unable to make the trip here, but her family actually asked her to go home to see him,” Twilight said sadly.

“I see... That’s a real shame,” Edifying Scroll whispered. “Have you heard anything from her since then?”

“Just that she’s trying to keep her family in good spirits. I had the kitchens send her family a gift basket of all her favorites,” Twilight mumbled, shaking her head.

“I’m sure she’ll like that...”

I refuse to get my gown wet. I have no intention of arriving at my new land looking like a bedraggled Earth Pony, or worse yet a rough-and-tumble Pegasus. I, for one, have no intention of stooping down to their level...

“Yeah, you know how much she loves her sweets,” Twilight snickered. “...So, after that we decided to get together to discuss what we were going to do, but then Applejack’s grandmother slipped on some ice and broke her hip, so AJ couldn’t come either. Then the rest of us decided that it just wouldn’t be the same without them, so we abandoned the idea altogether. Rarity’s staying in Ponyville with her parents and sister, while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash went back to Cloudsdale.”

And so, each leader encountered obstacles along the way, but eventually, they all arrived in a new and wondrous land; a paradise nopony had ever seen before.

Twilight fell silent. She could feel Edifying Scroll’s burning stare on her, but continued to watch the play. “So, Princess, what you’re saying is that you’re going to be spending tonight alone.”

“Yeah... sort of.”

“There’s no ‘sort of’ about it,” Edifying Scroll snarled. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“It’s not that important,” Twilight started dismissively.

“Maybe not, but what is important is that you, once again, have been so engrossed in making sure that everypony else was happy that you forgot about yourself.”

And so the paradise that the ponies had found was soon lost, buried beneath a thick blanket of snow.

“Isn’t that, you know, my job?” Twilight asked sarcastically.

“Well yeah, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a break now and then,” Edifying Scroll grunted. She glared at the stage for a few seconds before again turning back to Twilight. “Would you like to spend the evening with Booksmart and I? We’re just going to go visit his parents for a few hours.”

“No, that’s okay. Thank you though,” Twilight said dismissively.

Edifying Scroll frowned and leaned towards her. “You sure? He has a lot of respect for you; I’m positive that he won’t mind.”

“I know, but this is going to be your first Hearth’s Warming as a couple. It wouldn’t be right for me to intrude on that, even if you invited me,” Twilight replied, forcing a smile.

“If you say so,” Edifying Scroll muttered with a frustrated groan.

My mentor Star Swirl the Bearded taught me about them. They're winter spirits that feed off fighting and hatred. The more hate the spirit feels, the colder things become!

“They’re good,” Twilight mumbled in an obvious attempt to change the subject.

“Agreed. By far the best pageant in years,” Edifying Scroll said teasingly.

“Hey!” Twilight whined, twisting around with a scowl.

“Well it’s true,” the unicorn laughed, nudging Twilight with her elbow. “You girls were good, but these guys are better.”

“Yeah, I guess... You still didn’t have to say it like that,” Twilight pouted.

“And you don’t have to pretend to be offended; I know you well enough to see through that particular act,” Edifying Scroll chuckled.

Twilight snickered softly and gazed back down at the stage. “Darn. Well, it was fun while it lasted.”

The three leaders agreed to share the beautiful land, and live in harmony ever afterwards. And together, they named their new land... Equestria!

Twilight joined in singing the carol and stood up to applaud the actors and actresses as they took a bow. Smiling, she left the box, nodding gratefully to the ponies who let her leave first and stood in the hallway to wait for Edifying Scroll.

“Well, that was nice, thanks for sitting with me,” Twilight chirped, suppressing a yawn.

“My pleasure. I always enjoy our get-togethers,” Edifying Scroll sighed. She looked away stiffly before continuing, “Are you sure you don’t want to spend the evening with us? Even if it’s just for a nightcap? I mean, it’s Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

“No, that’s okay; it’s just one night,” Twilight replied, trying to sound reassuring. “I’ll be fine.”

Edifying Scroll stared at her appraisingly for a moment, then smiled and gave a defeated sigh. “You, Twilight Sparkle, are a terrible liar, but have it your way. I’ll see you when court is back in session.” She bowed her head respectfully and trotted away, leaving Twilight to head back to her room alone.

Dragging her hooves, Twilight retired to her room. She locked the door behind her and collapsed in front of the fireplace. Sighing sadly, she curled up in a ball and moped.

“Way to go, Twilight. You should have accepted that invitation. It’d have meant at least another hour before you ended up here,” she muttered to herself angrily.

Several hours later, Twilight was woken by a loud crash out on her balcony. Confused, she groggily stood up and stumbled her way towards the door. She reached towards the handle with a hoof and shrieked when it crashed open.

Trying to catch her breath, she shook her head and glanced out the door, perplexed by what she saw.

“H-hi, T-t-twilight. M-may I c-c-come in?” an icicle-covered Luna stammered through chattering teeth.

“Luna? What in Tartarus are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in Stalliongrad!” She looked over Luna again and mentally slapped herself. “Forget that for the moment; come inside, we need to get you warm.” She took Luna's hoof and lead the frozen alicorn to the fire, where she laid her down before gently draped a blanket over her shivering form. “Better?”

“Y-y-yes, thank you.”

“So, what happened? How did you get here and why are you nearly frozen solid?” Twilight asked, crawling under the blanket and cuddling up to Luna, trying to warm the older Princess with her body heat. “When you feel well enough, of course.”

“I-I f-flew here, Twi-twilight,” Luna gasped, beginning to shiver.

“YOU WHAT?” Twilight screeched. ”That was incredibly reckless! What were you thinking?”

“S-spike sent m-m-me a letter this aft-afternoon and told me that th-they had been unable to leave the C-Crystal City. I-I didn’t want you t-to be alone on Hearth’s Warming Eve,” Luna murmured guiltily.

“But... you... Luna you are so stupid!” Twilight snarled, jumping slightly and causing Luna to recoil. “You could’ve been seriously hurt!”

“It is not as if my l-life was in danger. Alicorns are inc-capable of freezing to death,” Luna muttered defensively.

“It can still put you in bed for a month with pneumonia!” Twilight groaned. “Or, what if you got lost in the storm and got frozen solid? You’d be stuck there until you either thawed out or somepony stumbled across you; meanwhile I’d be here, worried sick! Our friends would be worried sick!”

Luna grimaced, tearing up at Twilight’s words. “But... but...”

Twilight sighed, internally berating herself, and lay back down next to Luna. “Luna... Listen, it means a lot to me that you’d be willing to brave a storm just to make me happy, but you shouldn’t have taken such a risk. It’s not worth turning yourself into a ponycicle to keep me from having a single bad night.”

I think you’re worth it,” Luna whispered.

“I know you do, but I’d rather have a miserable Hearth’s Warming Eve than risk losing you for that long,” Twilight whispered back.

“Is one month really so long compared to a millenium or two?” Luna snickered mischievously.

“Is one night?”

“A fair point...” Luna grumbled. “Very well, I shall not risk my health in the future for something so trivial, lest I be forced to suffer through yet another one of your lectures.” Managing to get a giggle out of Twilight, she smiled and nuzzled the younger Princess’ cheek.

“You know... I’m still not sure whether I’m more flattered at how much you care about me or ticked about how dumb you can be; you might not want to push your luck,” Twilight warned half-heartedly.

“You will not stay mad at me. You are incapable of it,” Luna chuckled smugly.

“Yeah I suppose that’s true, but—” Twilight muttered, being cut off by the ringing of the Castle’s bells. She looked in the direction of the bell tower, then turned to Luna with a smile. “You know that I meant everything I said, but still, thanks for being here, Luna.”

Luna grinned and gently kissed Twilight’s forehead. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Twilight.”

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, Luna.”