• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 32,695 Views, 2,491 Comments

Cry for Eternity - asylum1388

After Celestia's death, Twilight must take on a role she is woefully underprepared for.

  • ...

Chapter 27

Author's Note:

Apologies? I make none.


Pre-readers: PiquoPie, and f0xhole.

Thirty-six years since the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight stepped hesitantly into the clinic, blinking as the sterile white interior clashed with the dull grey landscape she had just entered from. Four pairs of eyes flicked to her as soon as she set a hoof on the tile floor and one of the receptionists approached her cautiously.

“Second door on the left, Your Highness,” she mumbled, pointing down the nearby hallway.

Twilight nodded and wordlessly walked through the doors labeled ‘intensive care’. Reaching the second door, she stopped as she lay a hoof on it and took a deep breath to steel herself for what was to come.

When she had finally worked up the nerve, she pushed through, finding herself in a small waiting room filled with her friends — all but two. Applejack was staring blankly out of a window, Luna and Fluttershy were asleep in the corner, and Rarity was speaking quietly with a familiar pair of mares in another corner.

Almost as soon as she entered, an elderly grey mare stepped up to her and bowed her head. “I’m glad you came.”

“Hi, Maud. How is she?” Twilight asked her hesitantly.

The older mare was silent for a moment, staring past Twilight absently. “...Worse than dad was.”

Twilight’s heart leapt into her throat. “Can I see her?”

“Excitement isn’t good for her, so they won’t let us go in more than one at a time. When Rainbow Dash is finished, you can go in,” Maud said with a slight nod. “We... We’ve all had our turns.”

“Okay,” Twilight whispered. Feeling completely lost, she glanced around, but was spared from having to decide what to do next by the sound of a door slowly opening. She quickly trotted over as Rainbow stumbled out, eyes swollen and red. As the pegasus tried to pass by, lost in her own little world, Twilight stopped her and hugged her, eliciting a gasp of surprise from the mare, and for the first time ever Twilight saw Rainbow Dash cry.

Applejack quickly came over and ushered Rainbow away so Twilight could go see Pinkie herself. The Princess slipped into the smaller, dimly-lit treatment room and silently approached the bedside. She sat down and took one of Pinkie’s hooves in hers, causing her friend to give a feeble start. Pinkie turned to her and gave her an unfocused stare before grinning joyfully.

“Twilight! You’re here!” she said weakly.

“Yes, Pinkie. I’m here,” Twilight murmured.

“I’m so happy, I... I,” Pinkie trailed off with a wheeze.

“I can see that,” Twilight replied quickly, remembering Maud’s words. “So, how are you feeling?”

“Tired,” Pinkie sighed. “It doesn’t hurt any more though.”

“Well that’s good,” Twilight replied, barely holding her composure. “Is there anything I can do for you? Anything you want?”

“No, not really. I just wanted you to come see me, and you’re here, so I have all I need,” Pinkie said with an attempt at a giggle.

“I’m sorry it took me so long, Pinkie, I tried-”

“Oh, stop it, Twilight. You’re a Princess! Lots and lots of ponies need your help. It wouldn’t be very nice for me to keep you all for myself,” Pinkie grinned.

“No, I guess it wouldn’t...”

“Hey, Twilight? Can we talk seriously for a bit?” Pinkie asked. “I’ve got some things I want to say.”

“Of course, Pinkie,” Twilight murmured.

“I wanted to say thanks. Without you, I wouldn’t have had all the super amazing times I did with our friends. I wouldn’t have even had such great friends,” Pinkie said softly.

“That’s not true, Pinkie. You had a ton of friends when I met you.”

“Yeah, I had a lot of friends, but no really really good friends,” Pinkie mumbled. “Do you know how many times I hung out with Rarity, just Rarity, before I met you? Zero, Twilight. Zero. It was the same with Dash and Applejack. And heck, I totally never would have even met Spike or Luna and they’re like two of my bestest friends ever! So I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for being such a great friend.”

“Oh. Well, it was my pleasure. You’re a great friend too,” Twilight muttered, trying unsuccessfully to blink back tears.

“There’s more though.”

“Okay, I’m listening,” Twilight said, shifting herself closer.

“I just wanted to say that you’re the best of us,” Pinkie said with a smile. Twilight’s confusion must have been apparent because Pinkie snickered and continued. “There’s a reason you were our leader, it’s because magic has all the Elements in it. We all did our part, but we couldn’t have filled in for each other. Applejack’s honest, but she’s not always the kindest, and Fluttershy would sometimes tell a fib when she thought the truth might hurt somepony’s feelings. Heck, let’s face it, I wasn’t always the most generous pony with my food. But you... You had the best part of all of us in you. I just wanted you to know that.”

“T-thanks, Pinkie. That really means a lot to me...” Twilight whispered.

“Hey, Twilight? Can you do me a favor?”

“Of course, Pinkie. Anything you want,” Twilight said, leaning closer.

“Can you smile for me?” Pinkie asked, giving Twilight her best puppy-dog eyes. “I just want to see it one- I want to see it again.”

Twilight felt herself crack an involuntary smile in spite of her inner turmoil. Pinkie just... had that effect on ponies.

“There it is. You have such a pretty smile... You should do it more often. Can you do that for me?”

“Of course, Pinkie.”

“At least once a day. You can do that for me right?” Pinkie asked, desperation leaking into her voice. “Promise? Pinkie promise?”

“I promise, Pinkie,” Twilight murmured, silently going through the motions.

“And the others too. Make sure. They’ve all been so serious lately, I think they forget sometimes,” Pinkie mumbled.

“Of course. I promise,” Twilight sniffed.

Pinkie grinned and settled down into her bed, snuggling into the mattress. “Good... That’s good.”

Twilight felt it happen. There was no noticeable change, but she just knew. She leaned over her friend, searching Pinkie’s face for some sign of life as her breathing grew heavier and more labored. Finally, after a few agonizing seconds, she pulled away, whining to herself helplessly.

She ground her teeth for a moment before sighing sadly and glancing back at Pinkie.

“E-even now, she’s smiling,” she whispered to herself. She leaned over the bed and pressed her lips against her friend’s forehead. “Goodbye, Pinkie. Make sure Celestia’s smiling too, okay?”

A fleeting, out-of-place moment of joy in her heart was the only answer she received.

It was the only answer she needed.

She pulled away again as her composure began to break down, pushed herself to her hooves and stumbled out.