• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 32,695 Views, 2,491 Comments

Cry for Eternity - asylum1388

After Celestia's death, Twilight must take on a role she is woefully underprepared for.

  • ...

Chapter 8

A/N:Because I know that Pissfer's going to say it if I don't, I might as well admit it: I forgot to include "Sunshine, Sunshine, ladybugs..." in the original writing.

Editor: Pissfer
Pre-reader: PiquoPie.

f0xhole was MIA for the writing of this chapter. He will hopefully return for the next. In the meantime, if you find any spelling or grammatical errors, please point them out either in a note or the comments and they will be fixed.

Eight days after the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me, Twilight!” Rarity chided jokingly as the brisk mountain air blew through her mane. “If I had known exactly why Hoity-Toity had asked me to meet him, I would’ve come much more prepared!” she squealed excitedly, looking off of the balcony over the city of Canterlot.

“Well, at first I wanted it to be a surprise,” Twilight replied with a broad grin, “but then I sort of forgot about it.”

“I suppose that’s forgivable,” Rarity responded, lifting a teacup to her lips. “You don’t get quite as excited about these things as I do, and you have been busy lately. Elbows off the table, Sweetie Belle!”

“Awww...” the filly pouted.

“So... you got the job?" Twilight asked, despite already knowing the answer.

“He wants me to start as soon as I get back to Ponyville!” Rarity squealed. “Making a dress line inspired by a princess! Oh, this’ll be my big break, Twilight!”

“Rarity, you’ve had at least a dozen ‘big breaks’ since I’ve met you,” Twilight snickered blandly.

“Yes, but this one’s real,” the fashionista replied, nearly out of breath. “Oh, I’ll need to buy more equipment and get a larger supplier! Oh, I’ll even need to hire a few extra hooves! Just think about it, Twilight! My own employees!

Knowing exactly what was about to happen, Sweetie Belle pulled the seat cushion out from underneath herself and tossed it to the ground. It hit with a soft ‘thump’, right where Rarity landed in her exaggerated faint.

“You’re really moving up in the world!” Twilight giggled downward.

“I suppose I am. I won’t be leaving Ponyville though,” Rarity replied proudly from the ground before allowing Twilight to pull her back up. “Even if I get a dozen mansions all around Equestria, I couldn’t bring myself to leave Ponyville behind forever. It’s odd, I used to dream about moving away, but now I honestly can’t see myself living anywhere else.”

“I know what you mean. It wasn’t that long ago when I planned on never leaving Canterlot, but now I’d give almost anything to live in Ponyville again,” Twilight sighed nostalgically. “And speaking of Ponyville... how’s Spike?” she asked tepidly.

Rarity froze, eyes wide. “He’s... good,” she murmured.

“Is he still angry?”

“...yes,” Rarity whispered. “I’m afraid so.”

“I really miss him,” Twilight mumbled, hanging her head.

“I know, Twilight, I know,” Rarity cooed. “But I also know that he loves you and that he doesn’t want to be angry with you. He’ll be ready to forgive you eventually, and when he does you just need to be ready with your apology.”

“I know, I’m just a little frustrated,” Twilight grumbled. “I know why he’s mad, he thought I didn’t care about him. What I don’t understand is why he got as angry as he did. He could’ve just talked to me!”

“Well, Twilight... Oh, how should I put this,” Rarity sighed. “Let’s think about it this way: back at the Crystal City, when you two looked into that awful door that made you think you were living out your greatest fear, what was his?”

“He was afraid that I’d stop needing him and send him away,” Twilight replied quickly. “But if his greatest fear was being sent away, why would he leave? It doesn’t make sen-”

“I’m not done yet, Twilight,” Rarity interrupted. “Now, what was yours?”

“I was afraid that Princess Celestia wouldn’t want me around anymore,” Twilight whispered, shuddering at the memory. “I was afraid that if I failed, she’d stop wanting to be my teacher and send me... away...”

“You weren’t afraid of making her angry or disappointing her. You were afraid of being neglected,” Rarity murmured, leaning in closer to Twilight. “You worshipped everything about Princess Celestia. She was everything to you, and the very worst thing you could possibly imagine was for her to stop caring about you. Think about it, Twilight.

“You’re Spike’s Celestia.”

“So when he thought that I might send him away, he sent himself away so that I couldn’t hurt him. Just like I would’ve done,” Twilight finished softly. “If I had ever thought that Princess Celestia was going to revoke my apprenticeship, I would’ve done the same thing just so I wouldn’t have had to face her.”

“Which is exactly what Spike felt he was doing,” Rarity replied with a slow nod.

“Oh, I’m so stupid!” Twilight growled, resting her head in her hooves.

“You’re not stupid, Twilight,” Sweetie Belle, chimed. “You just didn’t realize that you were going to hurt Spike’s feelings until it was too late.”

“Yeah, I guess so. Thanks Sweetie Belle,” Twilight smiled at her. “I still feel stupid though. ”

“You’re welcome,” Sweetie Belle chirped. “Can I have another piece of cake, Rarity?”

“But you just finished one!” the older unicorn scolded. “Don’t you dare give me that look!”

“Please,” Sweetie Belle whined, a practiced pout adorning her face.

“Oh, why did I ever teach you how to do that? Fine,” Rarity groaned, caving to her sister’s request. “But I expect you to finish your dinner tonight anyway, otherwise no dessert later. Deal?”

“Deal!” Sweetie Belle squealed victoriously. Suddenly she pointed off into the sky, bouncing in her seat. “Oh, oh! Is that Princess Cadence?”

“...Yes, yes it is. Good eye, Sweetie,” Twilight chuckled after staring at the distant shape. “I was wondering where she was.”

The trio watched the pink princess’ approach, Rarity and Sweetie Belle gave their greetings in unison as Cadence pointedly landed right in front of Twilight.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!”

The pair broke out into a fit of giggles as Cadence nestled herself down between Twilight and Sweetie. “Hello, everypony, sorry I’m late! Something important came up.”

“We’ll forgive you for being late if you forgive us for starting without you,” Rarity replied with a wink.

“Easy enough,” Cadence giggled. “Now I hate to spoil our teatime by bringing business into it, but this the two of you need to hear.” She procured a scroll from her saddlebags and gently set it between Rarity and Twilight. “It turns out that the Crystal Empire has a law— a very old law— that states that if the dual thrones of Equestria should ever be occupied by anypony other than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the Empire would hold a vote to reconsider its relationship with Equestria.”

“Uh-oh... I don’t think I like where this is going,” Rarity whimpered.

“Well this past Friday they voted over four options,” Cadence explained. “There was a 100% voter turnout and they all voted for the same thing: they want me to ask that the Crystal Empire be allowed to fully integrate itself into Equestria.”

“What?” Twilight and Rarity shrieked simultaneously.

“When they found out who Aunt Celestia’s heir was, they decided to officially dissolve the Crystal Empire and to become an official province of Equestria!” Cadence gasped excitedly. “It all has to go through the Canterlot system first, but they want the Crystal City to be just like Manehattan or Fillydelphia!”

“Y-you’re kidding...” Twilight stuttered.

“Nope!” Cadence squealed. “There is one condition though.”

“Oh well that figures,” Rarity grumbled. “News that good always comes with strings attached.”

“They only ask that you visit often, Twilight,” Cadence responded with a mischievous smirk.

“Oh! Of course!” Rarity groaned, smacking her forehead with a hoof. “Why must I be so cynical?”

“Yeah, is that all they’re asking?” Twilight snickered. “I’ll come visit whenever I get the chance if it’ll make them happy. So I suppose I’ll be getting an invitation to the next Crystal Fair?”

“As far as I know, you’re invited to every Crystal Fair from now until the end of time,” Cadence giggled. “All six of you,” she added, noticing Rarity’s expression.

“Can I go with you to the next Crystal Fair, Rarity?”

“We’ll have to ask mom and dad, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity answered thoughtfully. “Though I do believe you’d love it. Perhaps we can ask Twilight to convince them that it’s for educational purposes.”

“Hey, leave me out of this!” Twilight replied quickly with a snicker, causing the other three ponies to burst into laughter, with Twilight joining in soon after.

“Oh, that reminds me!” Cadence gasped. She rustled through her saddlebag and produced a framed photograph and pushed it across the table to Rarity. “I didn’t know if any of you ever brought back any pictures from the Fair, and I remember how much you loved being... ‘crystallized’, Rarity, so I found a picture taken of the six of you a couple hours after we took down Sombra.”

“Oh wow! You were all so pretty!” Sweetie Belle gasped, eyes alight with wonder.

“Weren’t we? Oh, that settles it. You’re going to the next Fair, Sweetie, I don’t care what I need to do to make it happen!”

“Really? Oh, I want to hear about it again!”

Sweetie’s exuberance brought the group to laughter once again, as tales of the Crystal Fair began to be spun through the afternoon air.

Ten days after the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“I still can’t take my eyes off of that mosaic,” Rarity breathed. “It’s just... indescribable! The value of those gems alone is greater than everything I’ve ever dug up put together, but when they’re put together like that? I can’t even... Oh I want to stare at it forever!”

“I thought you’d like it,” Twilight giggled, splashing her friend playfully with the steaming water the pair lounged in. “But don’t you have anything to say about the fact that you’re sitting in a solid gold bathtub?”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, in any other situation I’d simply be drooling over that,” Rarity mused, “but compared to the view, the tub just seems... ordinary.”

“Rarity, you’re the only pony I’ve ever met that could call this ordinary.”

“I know, I know, it’s a gift,” Rarity replied dismissively, eliciting a laugh from Twilight. They continued to gaze at the mural for a few moments before turning to each other.

“So how was your day?” both of them managed to ask at the same time.

“You first,” Twilight interjected quickly.

“Oh, very well,” Rarity pouted. “It was quite nice, actually. This is the first time Sweetie has been to Canterlot for a regular visit instead of for school or for an event like the Wedding, and she wanted to see the city. I took her on a walk down Main Street and we visited every shop along the way.”

Every shop?” Twilight gasped incredulously. “Rarity, there’s nearly two dozen clothing stores alone! Not to mention all the cafes and tourist stops!”

“I know,” Rarity replied smugly.

“Well, that certainly explains why she fell asleep at dinner,” Twilight muttered dryly. “Did you buy anything?”

“Naturally!” Rarity smirked back. “I got myself a lovely blouse, though I doubt it’ll last long. The design was something I haven’t seen before and I’ll probably have to dismantle it to figure out the nuances completely. It’d be a pity to ruin such an exquisite garment, but I’ll just make myself a new one if worse comes to worst. I also bought Sweetie Belle a new outfit at the same shop. It’s about two sizes too big for her, but I couldn’t help myself; she looks absolutely adorable in it!”

“Better it be too big for her than too small,” Twilight snickered, letting more steaming water into the tub with the twist of a knob. “At least she can grow into it that way.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Rarity sighed, the rapidly increasing temperature of the water pulling the tension from her body. “How was your day? You sound well, but you were distant at breakfast.”

“Oh, you know, it was nothing special,” Twilight muttered dismissively.

“Twilight, I know that something was bothering you this morning,” Rarity replied sternly. “And you know that you’re going to tell me what it was before either of us head to bed. Why not just make this easy on us both and tell me now, as opposed to making me pry it out of you?”

“Fine,” Twilight grumbled. After a few seconds, she continued. “I ended up crying myself to sleep again last night.”

“You did what?” Rarity yelped. “But you were in such a good mood yesterday! What happened?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight moaned, slapping the water in frustration. “Whenever I catch myself thinking about Celestia lately, I immediately turn my thoughts to all the great times I spent with her, but last night— when the sad thoughts came— I just couldn’t stop them.” She paused, feeling the awfully familiar lump in her throat beginning to form. “It just seems that every time I get a handle on things, I just lose it.”

“Why didn’t you come talk to me?” Rarity replied with an annoyed groan.

“It was really late, I didn’t want to bother you,” Twilight mumbled sheepishly.

“But that’s the entire reason I’m here in the first place!” Rarity scolded. “You’re supposed to come ‘bother’ me when you feel yourself getting mopey.”

“I know, but you and the rest of the girls won’t be around forever. If I’m ever going to live up to Celestia, I’ve got to learn to keep my emotions in check,” Twilight sighed.

“But you’re not Celestia, you’re Twilight Sparkle,” Rarity cooed softly, placing a hoof under Twilight’s chin and lifting her head so that Twilight had no choice but to look her in the eyes. “I know she was your role model, but you’re different ponies. It’s great that you’re trying to be like her, but don’t try to be her.” She waited for a response from Twilight, but when the alicorn didn’t speak, she continued. “Don’t be so stubborn. Listen, if you won’t come bug me next time for your own sake, will you at least do it for me? Or for Luna? She went through all this trouble to bring me here just to make you happy, the least you could do is let me help!”

“Yeah, I guess I do kinda owe it to her, don’t I?” Twilight murmured. “She’s a good friend.”

“Is that all?”


“Nevermind,” Rarity sighed. “Alright, so we’ve got an understanding? Next time the tears start, you’ll come see me? Or whomever else is here at the time?”

“I promise,” Twilight grumbled.

“Good. Now, about tomorrow...”

Eleven days after the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Don't give me that, you know why I'm here!" Twilight scolded her charge hotly.


"You put three pegasi in the hospital with heat stroke! What possessed you to get so bucking hot? It's the middle of spring!"


"Why am I so— I'm so angry because I'm the one who gets blamed when something like this happens!" she bellowed; the angry, accusing voices of the victims' families still ringing vividly in her ears.


"Well next time you want to put on a solar storm, tell me a few days beforehoof so I can make sure the weather team doesn't have a rainstorm planned for the same day!"


"I don't care if your feelings were hurt, you almost killed somepony! If you want to play artist, that's fine, but you can't go hurting somepony just for not noticing! So are you going to apologize or not?"


"Oh, close enough," Twilight sighed, pulling herself back into her body. She felt a pulse strike the magical shield she had prepared for the inevitable zap that the sun would send her way. "Ha! Missed me this ti- OW!"

Rubbing her smouldering flank with an agitated groan, she trotted off towards the dining room to continue her day.

Thirteen days after the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“You really want to come with me, Luna?” Twilight asked tenderly as the pair trotted down one of Canterlot’s many side streets.

“I do, Twilight,” Luna murmured. “I haven’t had the chance to get out of the castle for leisure in quite some time.”

“Are you really sure this is a good idea though? You’ve been awake since five o’clock last night!”

“For the last time, Twilight, I am almost twenty-two hundred years old! I think I can handle staying up a little longer than usual to have brunch with my best friend,” Luna groaned.

“Alright, but I’m not carrying you back if you fall asleep,” Twilight teased. She snorted, attempting to suppress a chuckle as she caught Luna sticking her tongue out at her.

“So, where did you say we were going?”

“Right before I went to Ponyville for the first time, one of the professors at Celestia’s school announced that he was resigning his post so that he could open a restaurant. I kept hearing that the food was amazing and I really wanted to check the place out, but never got the chance to. Since I wasn’t doing anything this morning after taking Rarity to the train station, I thought that now’s as good a time as any,” Twilight replied cheerfully.

“I see,” Luna muttered. “I still must question the wisdom of the pair of us dining anywhere but the palace. ‘tis tiring enough to be fawned over every moment while we’re there, but I’ve noticed that it only tends to get worse outside the castle walls.”

“I know, but don’t you get tired of eating food prepared by the same ponies in the same room day after day?”

“I suppose. Still, I can’t say this’ll be much different,” Luna sighed as the pair entered the restaurant.

Twilight approached the hostess, who looked to be studying a chart of some kind and gently tapped on the stand to attract the young mare’s attention. “Hello?”

The hostess started at the sudden noise and blinked at Twilight several times before all color drained from her face. She made a choked gargle before sprinting towards the back of the establishment, nearly knocking over several patrons along the way.

“‘twas a strange reaction,” Luna muttered.

“It’ll be fine, Luna,” Twilight whispered as a much older stallion charged up to the pair.

“Your Highnesses! We-we were never told you were coming!” he stuttered. “Clear the restaurant! EVERYPONY OUT!”

“You were saying?” Luna grumbled aside to Twilight as members of the wait staff began to scatter in every direction.

“Oh for the love of... hey!” Twilight growled, attempting to get the host’s attention. “Hey!”


The sheer volume of the Royal Canterlot Voice was enough to freeze everypony in the room as they all turned to Luna in awe.

Twilight shook her head at Luna and trotted over to the host. “Listen, you don’t need to kick everypony out just because we’re here. If you could just seat us like normal, everyday customers, we’d really appreciate it. Maybe at that table in the corner of the patio so that we’ll be mostly out of sight so we don’t cause further commotion?”

“But, Your Highness, that table is so small. All of the tables on the patio are! Wouldn’t you like one of our private rooms? Our grandest is currently occupied by the Duke of Trottingham, but I can always have him-”

“No!” Twilight interjected. “A nice sunny spot on the patio is all we want. We’d rather you didn’t make a big fuss over us.”

“Erm... Very well... Right this way, Your Highnesses,” he stuttered, beckoning towards a side door with a deep bow. He followed the pair out to the patio before leading them to a table partially hidden behind a large potted plant. Twilight and Luna sat down, gratefully accepting the offered menus.

“Ummm, one more thing?” Twilight murmured to the stallion.

“Yes, Your highness?”

“Could you, well, not hover over us?” Twilight asked carefully.

“But, Princess, I am here to serve you!”

“I know, but it’s a little unnerving; and there are other patrons waiting. We came here to get away from that kind of treatment,” she said with a comforting smile.

“Oh!” he gasped. “Yes, of course! Shall I leave the two of you for a few minutes?”

Both Twilight and Luna nodded and he trotted off, leaving them alone.

“That was easier than I thought, Twilight,” Luna muttered, taking in the list of cuisine offered.

“I told you it would be,” Twilight giggled, looking over the menu herself.

“‘tis almost enough for me to be able to ignore the fact that he’s watching us through the window,” Luna whispered across the table.

“He’s what? Oh come on!” Twilight groaned, turning around and glaring at the waiter. Realizing he had been caught, he stumbled backwards out of view. “Sorry, Luna!”

“It’s nothing, Twilight,” Luna giggled. “You’re trying to show me a new side of Equestria, I appreciate the effort regardless of the results.”

“Well, you’re welcome, but I just wish they would actually listen,” she grumbled.

“Twilight, you know very well that the palace is somewhat of a gilded cage. I have never been treated as a normal pony, and now, neither will you,” Luna muttered sadly.

“I know... I was just sort of hoping they’d do what their Princesses told them to, even if it was something they felt that they shouldn’t do.”

“Twilight, if Celestia had ever asked you to address or treat her as an equal, would you have done it?” Luna asked slowly. She leaned closer before continuing, “Would you have even been able to do it?”

“Yes! Well, maybe...” Twilight stammered defensively. Luna raised a questioning eyebrow at her. “Oh, who am I kidding? No, I couldn’t have. But that’s different, I was Celestia’s student, it was sort of my job to make her happy!”

“If anything, that would have made it easier for you to treat her the way she wished,” Luna explained. “It’s much more difficult for ponies who don’t know us personally to do so.”

“Umm, how do you figure?” Twilight replied skeptically.

“Because you knew Celestia. You knew that, beneath all the decorum, there was a pony who had wants, needs, and emotions, same as everypony else,” Luna murmured. “Our waiter, who has probably never spoken to a princess before, has never gotten that chance. More than likely, he subconsciously sees the two of us as pair of a sacred relics to be polished and worshipped. He has spent his entire life seeing Celestia propped up on a pedestal. He might want to do as you asked him, but doing so would be against everything he has ever learned. Does that make sense?”

“I guess so,” Twilight muttered. “It’s still uncomfortable though.”

“And so we must put on happy smiles and gratefully accept what they offer. Because we are the ones who understand, it must be our burden to bear. Though we may be the princesses, his feelings are the ones that matter. Our reputations can make our lives either blissfully easy, or crushingly difficult. If he goes home and tells his friends that he was unable to please us no matter how hard he tried, they’ll interpret it as meaning that we are ungrateful and stuck-up. ‘tis unfortunate, but unavoidable,” Luna whispered as the waiter once again approached the table.

“D-do Your Highnesses know what they’d wish to order?”

“Yes! At least I do,” Twilight replied, handing him her menu. “May I please have a muffin? Whatever type came out of the oven most recently.”

“Y-yes. Very good,” he stuttered with a bow of his head. “And for Princess Luna?”

“The fare looks lovely, but I am afraid that I haven’t an appetite this morning, thank you,” Luna smiled to him. Regarded her with a perplexed expression for a couple seconds before bowing and trotting off.

“Luna, if you weren’t hungry, why did you want to come so badly,” Twilight whispered aside, watching the stallion leave.

“I-I don’t know,” Luna responded, a little too quickly. “I just did.”

“Luna, you can just say that you wanted to chat with me, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Twilight giggled.

“Errr, yes. I suppose so,” Luna stammered, looking away.

“Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost,” Twilight stated, leaning to get a better view of Luna’s face.

“I’m fine!” Luna snapped.

“Okay... Maybe you’re just tired?” Twilight suggested, nodding gratefully to the waiter as he returned with her muffin.

“Yes, that’s probably it,” Luna sighed. “Perhaps I should make my way to bed when we return to the palace.”

“Okay. We can head back now. I’ll just eat on the way,” Twilight replied with a smile.

“That’s not nec-” Luna began, but she was cut off by a loud squeal from across the patio.


“What? Oh, come back! Please!”

“Oh wow! They’re both here!” Twilight and Luna both turned to see a brass-colored pegasus filly, much younger than even Applebloom, scamper up to Twilight. “Ohmygosh, you’re really here! I come here with mommy every week, but I’ve never seen you here before!”

“I’m so sorry, Your Highness!” a yellow-green earth pony mare sobbed as she approached close behind. “I tried to hold her but she got away! Please-”

“No, it’s okay,” Twilight interrupted. Ignoring the stifled laughter coming from Luna, Twilight slid out of her chair and knelt down so she was at eye-level with the foal. “And what’s your name, little one?”

“I’m Sunshower!” she chirped. “My mom says it’s because when I was born, it was raining, but the sun was out!”

“I can’t say I’ve heard of that happening. Well, actually I did see that happen once, but that’s... a long story,” Twilight giggled. “Do you have your Cutie Mark yet?”

“Oh! Yeah I do!” she gasped, turning to the side to reveal an image adorning her flank of the sun peeking out from behind a cloud. “But my talent’s not really that special...”

“Really? What is your talent?” Twilight asked, smiling sincerely.

“My mom says that my talent is to find the good parts of bad things,” Sunshower moped. “I wish I had a real talent like her. Her talent is making bok- bouq- ...she’s a florist.”

“Actually, I think your talent might be one of the most special I’ve ever heard of,” Twilight murmured softly.

“Really?” she gasped. “But why?”

“Well, why don’t we use your talent to figure out why?” Twilight smirked. “Think about it for a second.”

Sunshower sat down and scratched her head. “Umm... Is it because it gave me my Cutie Mark?”

“No, try again.”

“Okay,” the filly muttered, furling her brow. “Because I’ll always be happy because of it?”

“Well yes,” Twilight cooed. “But that’s not quite the answer I was thinking of. You’re on the right track though!”

“Because... because... because no matter what happens, no matter how bad, I’ll always be able to make everypony happy by finding something good for them to be happy about?”

“Very good!” Twilight chuckled. “Your talent is something that you’ll always be able to use, and that makes it very special.” Twilight was cut off by the echoing clamor of a nearby clock tower. Eleven? Is it really that late in the day? She turned to look at Luna, who was watching her intently. “I’m so sorry, Sunshower, but I need to go. I have to get back to the palace.”

“Oh! But I only just met you! I have so many things I wanna ask!” Sunshower whined, her eyes watering up.

“I know, I’m sorry,” Twilight murmured. “Didn’t you say that you and your mom come here every week?”

“Yes! We come here every Saturday!”

“Well, why don’t I try to come back next week? I’ll make sure I have some extra time so you can ask me all the questions you want!” Twilight offered, hoping to cheer the filly up.

“I guess that’s okay,” she pouted. Twilight picked up her muffin, tossed a hooffull of bits on the table, and turned to leave, but stopped dead at Sunshower’s next sentence. “Princess Twilight, mommy told me that Princess Celestia is gone and isn’t ever coming back. Is that true?”

“Oh... I’m-I’m sorry, my little pony, but your mom’s right,” Twilight stammered, each word a colossal struggle.

“Oh, but she was my favorite princess ever! She was always so pretty!” Sunshower whined. “It’s okay though, you’re my new favorite princess!”

It took every last ounce of Twilight’s willpower to not look at Luna. Instead, she simply smiled at the filly. “Well thank you! I’ll see you next week.”

Luna at her side, Twilight wordlessly trotted away, turning down the street leading towards the castle. Her mind was buzzing like an angry beehive, trying to think of someway to apologize to Luna on Sunshower’s behalf. Her thoughts approached a panicked pace, but were quickly silenced by the words she least expected.

“Somepony has a faaaaaan,” Luna giggled to her in a singsong voice, leaving Twilight speechless.

“...What? You’re not offended?” Twilight replied when she found her voice.

“No, why would I be?”

“Well, she said that right in front of you!” Twilight replied. “It was very disrespectful!”

“Twilight, she can’t be more than six,” Luna chuckled. “I thought she was adorable.”

“Well, yeah, she was. I just didn’t think you’d be so calm about this.”

“...You thought I’d get angry and bitter didn’t you,” Luna murmured softly. “Twilight how could you think that? Do you really think that little of me?”

“I’m so sorry, Luna! It just happened, I didn’t-” Twilight burst out, but stopped herself when she noticed a mischievous twinkle in Luna’s eyes. “...That was mean! You made me think I had actually hurt your feelings!”

Luna snorted as she tried to suppress a giggle, but only ended up making herself laugh harder. “I’m sorry, Twilight, but you made it far too easy that time. I couldn’t help myself.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Twilight grumbled, smirking in spite of herself.

When Luna finally got her laughter under control, she glanced at Twilight’s expression, only to burst out in a fit of giggles once again. Twilight, in turn, was unable to resist snickering herself. It wasn’t long before both of them were doubled over laughing in the street.

“Oh, I needed that,” Twilight muttered when they finally calmed down.

“As did I.”

“For what it’s worth, I really am sorry,” Twilight sighed. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like that. I know you’re not that pony anymore.”

“Well, to be fair, I do have a history, so I can’t truly blame you for worrying,” Luna grumbled. “Still, apology accepted. Now, back to being serious, I’m going to tell you something that Tia told me the day after I celebrated Nightmare Night with you in Ponyville.”

“Okay, I’m listening,” Twilight replied.

“As the Princesses of Equestria, everypony is supposed to love the two of us equally, but such a thing is impossible,” Luna said with a quick smile. “To the regular pony, you and I are seen more like celebrities than the benevolent rulers we’d prefer they see us as. ‘tis only natural for each of them to prefer one of us over the other. Nothing can change that, so there’s no use fretting over it.”

“Celestia said that?”

“Well, I paraphrased a bit, but yes,” Luna murmured with a nod. “The truth is that there will always be ponies who like you better than they like me, and the opposite is also true. Such is a lesson I wish I had learned long, long ago.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Twilight sighed.

“So, how long of a lecture do you think Miss Sound Mind will give us when she finds out that the two of us were sighted giggling like schoolfillies in the middle of Canterlot?” Luna snickered.

“Half an hour, maybe?”

“That short?”

“I’m being optimistic.”