• Published 24th Feb 2022
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The Dragon Guardian - Skywalker215

A teenage Spike Drake discovers his dragon heritage and joins his friends in protecting Canterlot from the forces of evil.

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Chapter 12: Halloween Party at Drake Enterprises

Three and a half weeks later

It was now Halloween and school was out for the day. At Drake Manor, Spike just finished his homework and put on his costume in preparation for the party. He was dressed as Indiana Jones, complete with the fedora, handbag, and bullwhip.

Once he put some cologne on, Spike went downstairs and joined his family. Zach was dressed as Kermit the Frog and their parents were dressed as He-Man and She-Ra, while Sigrid and Tilda were dressed as Alice from Alice in Wonderland and Jessie from Toy Story 2, and Nolan was dressed as rabbit with a blue denim jacket.

“Hi ho, Spike. Yay!” Zach said, trying his best to imitate Kermit.

“Great choice, bro,” Spike replied, before turning to his younger brother, “Nolan, you’re dressed as Peter Rabbit.”

“It was mom’s idea,” Nolan replied, feeling embarrassed.

It wasn’t long before Frank drove them to the Drake Enterprises building and they began the party, Frank was dressed as a 50’s parking valet. It wasn’t long before the girls and their families showed up. Twilight was dressed as Batgirl, Rarity was dressed as Supergirl, Applejack was dressed as Wonder Woman, Rainbow Dash was dressed as Storm, Fluttershy was dressed as Catwoman, Pinkie Pie was dressed as Starfire, Sunset Shimmer was dressed as Jean Gray/Phoenix, Starlight Glimmer was dressed as Scarlet Witch, and Trixie was dressed as Zatanna.

“Hi, Spike,” Twilight said.

“Hi, Twilight. Hi, girls,” Spike greeted.

“What do you think of our costumes, Spike?” Rarity asked flirtatiously, as she and the others did a sexy pose.

“They’re great, you all look gorgeous in them,” Spike replied.

“Thank you, Spike,” Applejack said.

“You look very charming,” Rarity added, “Especially when dressed as Indiana Jones.”

“What made you decide on him?” Rainbow asked.

“Indiana Jones is one of my favorite movie heroes ever, and like me, he’s also a looker and a casanova,” Spike replied.

“The look definitely suits ya, Spike,” Applejack said, then pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

Spike immediately returned the kiss and lifted Applejack up by her legs, turning it into a steamy make-out. They gently broke it, then Rarity took Applejack’s place in making out with Spike.

“Don’t leave the rest of us out, Spike,” Twilight spoke up, after taking Rarity’s place.

After Spike made out with Twilight, he also made out with Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Sunset, Starlight, and finally Trixie.

Meanwhile, at the changeling hive, Queen Chrysalis was amassing her army. It wasn’t long before Blueblood and the Diamond Dogs came up to her with an idea.

“My beloved queen, we have an ingenious idea,” Blueblood said.

“I’m listening,” Chrysalis replied.

“I suggest we attack tonight and eliminate Spike Drake and his girls before they can interfere with your plans of conquest. First, Canterlot and then tomorrow, all of America,” Blueblood said.

“Good thinking,” Chrysalis replied, “We’ll take the whole army!”

Blueblood teleported himself and the Diamond Dogs back to Canterlot.

“Let’s ride!” Chrysalis called out as she and her army flew off to Canterlot.

Back at Drake Enterprises, the party was in full swing. Once he finished dinner from the buffet, Spike was mingling with his boy pals. Pip was dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow, Rumble was dressed as Robin, Featherweight was dressed as Sherlock Holmes, and Tender Taps, who was an orange earth-born with purple hair, eyes and tail, was dressed as Fred Astaire.

“Good to see you, Tender Taps,” Spike greeted.

“Hi, Spike. Sorry I didn’t join the rest of you guys at the mall a while back, I had dancing practice,” Tender Taps replied.

“That’s alright. You’re here now. Savy?” Pip said.

“Hi, Spike,” Thunderlane spoke up as he and his pals appeared.

“‘Sup, guys,” Spike greeted, “How’ve you been?”

“Couldn’t be happier,” Flash replied, “Especially since I started dating your cousin, Megan.”

Thunderlane was dressed as Batman, Flash was dressed as well, the Flash, Zephyr Breeze was dressed as Superman, Trenderhoof was dressed as a lab scientist, Sandalwood was dressed as Tarzan, and Sunburst was dressed as Harry Potter.

“No hard feelings about me dating your former crushes?” Spike asked.

“Not at all Spike, we’re cool,” Zephyr replied.

“We’ve got our own girlfriends since the festival. I’m seeing a girl called Sunny Flare from Crystal Prep, Sandalwood has Sour Sweet, Zephyr has Indigo Zap, Sunburst has Sugarcoat, and Trend has Wallflower Blush. Three of whom also attend Crystal Prep,” Thunderlane said.

“While it was hard for me to get over my crush on Starlight, I realized that as long as she’s happy, then I am too,” Sunburst added.

“I spent my freshman year at Crystal Prep, but I didn’t like the dress code or Principal Cinch and neither did Twilight during her two years there. It was also rather unfriendly there, which is why the both of us transferred to Canterlot High,” Spike replied.

“Sorry to hear that, Spike,” Flash said.

“Everything’s fine this year. It was nice to see you guys, now I need to rejoin my girls,” Spike replied as he and the other boys went their separate ways.

Once he rejoined the girls, Spike met up with Celestia and Luna, who were dressed as a phoenix and a raven. They each wore faux feather leotards and masks, Celestia’s was a mix of orange and red, while Luna’s was black. Spike blushed since he never expected to see the two sisters dress up in such sexy costumes.

“Good evening, Spike,” Luna said.

“Evening, Ms. Celestia and Ms. Luna,” Spike greeted, while blushing.

“Like our costumes, Spike?” Celestia asked, as she and Luna did a flirtatious pose for him.

“How could I not? You two look gorgeous,” Spike replied, kissing their hands.

“Thank you, Spike,” Celestia said.

“You look charming yourself dressed as Indiana Jones,” Luna added.

Just then, Flash and his pals came up onto the pedestal and started performing ‘The Monster Mash’, with Thunderlane doing the lead vocals.

“May I have this dance, ladies?” Spike asked.

“Of course, Spike,” Celestia replied.

“We’d love it,” Luna added.

Spike took the two ladies’ hands and walked them onto the dance floor, then they danced together with him alternating between the two. As they danced, Spike spun the two sisters around and he led each of them into a tango, he also led them in some merengue, bossa nova, and cha-cha-cha steps. Celestia and Luna were swooned by Spike’s suave dance moves and she asked, “How are you so good at this?”

“My mom taught me and I watched Dancing with the Stars on occasion,” Spike replied.

“She taught you well,” Luna said.

Spike kept dancing with the two sisters until the song was over.

“Thanks for the dance, Spike,” Celestia said.

“My pleasure, ladies,” Spike replied.

The two ladies gave Spike a double kiss on both his cheeks and hugged him on both sides.

It wasn’t long before Spike met up with Lyra, Bonbon, Ember, and Gloriosa. Lyra was dressed as an angel, Bonbon was dressed as Lara Croft, Ember was dressed as a valkyrie, Gabby was dressed as a sphinx, and Gloriosa was dressed as Poison Ivy. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon also met up with Spike, they were dressed as the Muses from Hercules.

“Hi, Spike,” Lyra and Bonbon greeted in unison.

“Evening, Spike,” Ember added, with the others waving.

“Hi, Lyra and Bonbon. Your angel and Lara Croft costumes definitely suit you,” Spike said, “The Valkyrie looks great on you, Ember.”

“Thanks, Spike. I wanted something that was worthy of a dragon,” Ember replied.

“How do you like our costumes, Spike?” Gloriosa asked as she and the others did a flirtatious pose.

“You look gorgeous. Especially you, Gloriosa,” Spike replied.

“Don’t forget about us, Spike,” Apple Bloom spoke up in a flirtatious tone as she, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond, and Silver also did a sexy pose.

“What do you think?” Sweetie Belle asked flirtatiously.

“You look gorgeous dressed as the Muses,” Spike replied.

“Thanks, Spike,” Scootaloo said, as she passionately kissed him.

Spike returned the kiss, then also made out with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Diamond, Silver, all the way to Gloriosa. Just then, Spitfire appeared and met up with Spike and the girls. She was dressed as Athena.

“Hi, Spike,” Spitfire greeted.

“Evening, Ms. Spitfire,” Spike said, then kissed her hand.

“It’s a shame I didn’t notice you at the festival,” Spitfire replied.

It wasn’t long before Flash and his pals took to the pedestal once more and began performing the ‘Ghostbusters’ theme song:

“May I have this dance?” Spike asked.

“Don’t mind at all,” Spitfire replied, as she took his hand.

Just like with Celestia and Luna, Spike led Spitfire in a tango and spun her around a few times. She then led him in a step of cha-cha-cha, then they also went into a merengue and some steps of bossa nova. They were swooned by each other’s dance moves. Spike and Spitfire kept it up until the song was finished.

“Thanks for dancing with me, Ms. Spitfire,” Spike said.

“My pleasure,” Spitfire replied, then kissed him on his cheek.

It wasn’t long before Spike met up with Limestone, Maud, and Marble Pie. They were dressed as roller derby girls.

“Hi, Spike,” Maud greeted.

“Evening, Maud, Limestone, and Marble. Great costumes,” Spike said.

“Thanks. Roller derby is one of the things that fits my style, alongside punk rock,” Limestone replied.

As he mingled with Pinkie’s sisters, Spike noticed Molly, Sigrid, and Tilda hanging out with Emerald Strike and Jetstream. Just then, Fleur met up with Spike. She was dressed as Brigitte Bardot, complete with the signature hair style.

“Evening, Spike,” Fleur greeted.

“Bonjour, Fleur. Brigitte Bardot really suits you,” Spike said.

“Merci,” Fleur replied.

Flash and his pals took to the pedestal for the third time and performed ‘This is Halloween’, with their girlfriends joining in he chorus:

“Want to dance with me, Fleur?” Spike asked.

“I’d love to, Spike,” Fleur replied, as she took his hand.

Spike led Fleur into a tango and then a merengue. She was swooned by his dance moves and they kept on dancing until the end of the song.

“Thanks for dancing with me, Fleur,” Spike said.

“My pleasure, mon cher,” Fleur replied, as she kissed him on his cheek.

All of a sudden, the air was filled with loud buzzing and everyone was starting to get nervous. It was Queen Chrysalis and the changeling army.

“Not one living soul sleeps until we get every bit of love in this city!” Chrysalis called out, motioning her soldiers to attack.

“Spike, girls, the changelings are back!” Shining Armor spoke up.

“Why here and now?” Twilight asked.

“They must’ve detected a huge surge of love coming from here,” Cadance replied.

“Either that or they likely hired an informant,” Spike added, “I suggest we find a changeling to interrogate.”

Just then, Chrysalis landed behind them and said, “So we meet again, Cadance and Shining Armor, for the last time!”

“Not today, Chrysalis!” Shining replied, facing the evil queen.

They started attacking the changelings with Celestia and Luna going after Chrysalis, while Spike noticed one changeling who tried to stay out of the fight. The changeling was roughly the same age as Spike. He tackled the changeling and asked, “Who is your queen’s informant? Speak up, bug!”

“They’re called Blueblood, Rover, Spot, and Fido,” the changeling replied, “I have a name, it’s Thorax, and I only want my kind to change their ways.”

“That’s surprising and not in a good way. Good to meet you, Thorax,” Spike said, with Thorax following.

Meanwhile, the girls, plus Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor tried their best efforts to defeat the changelings, but they were out numbered. Just then, Spike returned with Thorax in tow. Twilight was blasting at Chrysalis with her magic, as the queen was countering with her own magic.

“You’re gonna lose,” Twilight said.

“Let’s agree to disagree,” Chrysalis replied.

The queen and her army overwhelmed the girls, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor, then trapped them in silky glue.

“Sheesh, Chrysalis is sexy but ugly. That’s one chick I don’t want to sleep with,” Spike said, “Girls, Blueblood and the Diamond Dogs are the changelings’ informants!”

“I always knew those four were trouble, but not that much trouble,” Applejack replied, trying to break free.

“Everyone, this is Thorax. He has something to say,” Spike said.

“Everyone, stop!” Thorax called out into the microphone, causing all the changelings to “I say this to all the changelings; do you really want to keep taking love from others?”

“Why do you ask, little brother?” Pharynx asked.

“Because we can be better than this, we can share love with one another and be friends with others,” Thorax replied.

“I agree with Thorax, you can be better than what you are now. Chrysalis is just using you and rules you with fear, and I know for a fact that everyone deserves freedom and unalienable rights. You changelings deserve the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as much as anyone in this country does,” Spike explained.

“I say we rise up and take our freedom!” Thorax said, as he metamorphosed into a new form. He was now light lime green with a brilliant gamboge tint on his chest, a dark azure carapace with a moderate emerald green underside, moderate blue violet wings and dark fuchsia elytra on his back, moderate rose eyes, and brilliant light orange beetle-like horns on his head.

The other changelings, including Pharynx also metamorphosed into new forms as they broke free from Chrysalis’ control, then they freed the girls, the principals, Cadance, and Shining Armor.

“You may have won this time, but I will have my revenge!” Chrysalis said.

“Not gonna happen, Chrysalis,” Cadance said as she placed a magic canceling ring on her horn and Shining cuffed her.

“You’re going to the psycho ward,” Shining added, then turned to the undercover cops, “Take her away, boys.”

“We’re proud of you, Spike. You and Thorax were well spoken like true Americans,” Celestia said.

“Until we met Thorax, I wasn’t even sure that the changelings could change their ways, he proved that anyone can change if they choose to,” Spike replied, “Now we got a party to resume.”

It wasn’t long before all the other guests came back out into the courtyard and resumed the party.

“Thorax, how would you and your brother like to enroll at Canterlot High School?” Celestia said.

“It would be great to have some changeling students in attendance,” Luna added.

“On behalf of Pharynx and I, we’d be honored,” Thorax replied.

Soon enough, the party was over and Spike, his family, with Diamond, Silver, and Gloriosa alongside him went into the limo and Frank drove them home. Once they got home, Spike, Gloriosa, Diamond, and Silver joined his family for some episodes of Transformers. Afterwards, Spike led Gloriosa, Diamond, and Silver to his bedroom, then they each took a birth control pill.

“Nice bedroom, Spike,” Gloriosa said.

“Thanks.” Spike replied.

Spike began making out with Gloriosa, Diamond, and Silver, and led them onto his bed. They helped undo his costume, while he undid their costumes, leaving them in their lace undergarments, which were colored like her hair. Diamond and Silver had green and blue lace bra and panties. He made out with Gloriosa first, kissing her neck and fondling her chest, making her moan. She ran her hands on his chest and abs while he fondled her rump and ran his hands across her legs. Then he made out with the two rich girls, running his hands on their bodies.

“I’ve always dreamed of being here with you, Spike,” Diamond said, moaning.

“So did I. The CMCs were right about you having great hands,” Silver added, with equal pleasure.

“Happy to oblige,” Spike replied.

He then undid each of their undergarments and ravished them as the room was filled with the sounds of pleasure.

Half an hour later

Spike, Diamond, Silver, and Gloriosa were under the covers panting.

“You’re great in the sack, Spike,” Gloriosa said.

“You were great too,” Spike replied.

“Good night, Spike,” Gloriosa said.

“We love you,” Diamond and Silver added in unison.

“I love you too,” Spike replied.

Gloriosa and the rich girls shared one last kiss with Spike, then they fell asleep in each other’s embrace.

The next morning, Spike woke up with Gloriosa on top of him, Diamond on his right, and Silver on his left.

“Morning, Gloriosa,” Spike said, giving her a morning kiss.

“Morning, Spike,” Gloriosa replied.

“Thanks for being my first,” Diamond added.

“Mine too,” Silver said, as she and Diamond gave him a morning kiss.

“My pleasure,” Spike replied, then asked, “Care to join me in the shower?”

“Of course,” Gloriosa said.

Spike got off his bed and led Gloriosa and the two rich girls into the shower.