• Published 24th Feb 2022
  • 5,752 Views, 105 Comments

The Dragon Guardian - Skywalker215

A teenage Spike Drake discovers his dragon heritage and joins his friends in protecting Canterlot from the forces of evil.

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Chapter 4: Spike and Twilight's First Date

The next day after sixth period and study time were over, Spike and Twilight were walking hand in hand to the front entrance waiting for his family limo. It wasn’t long before the limo pulled up to the school entrance. Spike and Twilight got in and he said to Frank, “Canterlot Museum of Natural History, please.”

“Right away, Master Spike,” Frank replied.

Soon enough, they reached the museum and stepped out of the limo and Spike asked the driver to pick them up at 5:00. Once inside the museum, Spike and Twilight started off in the Hall of Rocks and Minerals. He remembered that this was Rarity’s favorite exhibit due to the gemstones, brilliantly colored rocks, and mineral samples.

“Every time any of us were here with Rarity, she would go on and on about how beautiful and dazzling these gemstones are,” Spike said, blushing.

“You’re telling me, Spike. Rarity sure loves gemstones,” Twilight replied.

“Pinkie, Maud, and Limestone mentioned a while back that some of the samples on display came from their family’s quarry, especially fossils,” Spike pointed out.

“The Pie family sure makes great contributions to this exhibit,” Twilight agreed.

Over the course of one and a half hours, Spike and Twilight had checked out all the animal exhibits from the Hall of Invertebrates all the way to the Hall of Mammals. What fascinated Spike the most about the Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians was the section on the evolution of dragons and their relations to dinosaurs.

“Apparently the dragons were very adaptable enough to survive the K-T mass extinction, while the dinosaurs couldn’t adapt quickly enough,” Spike said.

“I think it was the dragons’ intelligence that made them the most adaptable,” Twilight pointed out.

Once they were in the Hall of Mammals, Spike and Twilight were fascinated as always by the section on the evolution of humans and equestrians. As well as the animal exhibits, Spike and Twilight also checked out the plants and oceans exhibits. Soon enough, it was near closing time as Spike and Twilight exited the museum.

“Nice choice going to the natural history museum for our first date, Spike,” Twilight said.

“My pleasure, Twily,” Spike replied, then asked, “Since I got my wings a while back, do you want to go flying?”

“Sure, Spike,” Twilight replied as she and Spike joined hands.

“To infinity…and beyond!” Spike said as they took off and spread their wings.

They flew through the night sky high above the buildings, as if they were literally on top of the world and would never fall. Spike began feeling like he could take on anything thrown at him, he began humming the Superman theme.

As Spike and Twilight flew through the sky, they performed all sorts of aerial maneuvering in a sky ballet. While in the air and through the clouds, they both flew past a flock of geese, with one squawking at the sight of them in confusion and shock. The two then froze in mid air, and smirked at each other before taking a head dive downwards below for the exhilaration. They then pulled up at the exact altitude and continued to fly through the river, before Twilight touched the water with her hand, and then Spike spread his arms out and began cheering at how fun the flying was, until he and Twilight took off towards the sky laughing at how much fun they were having after making a spinning watery explosion for fun. While he and Twilight flew back towards the museum parking lot, Spike noticed four suspicious looking guys in the distance.

“Who are those guys?” Spike asked.

“Let’s follow them and find out,” Twilight replied.

Spike and Twilight followed the four figures until they noticed them trying to attack Danny and Babs Seed who were also out on a date. They landed on the ground behind the attackers and quickly noticed a symbol they had not seen for a few years.

“We haven’t seen that symbol since Shining Armor and Cadance’s wedding,” Spike said.

“It could only mean one thing, the Changelings are back!” Twilight replied.

They snuck up behind them and Spike said, “Hello there!”

“If it isn’t Twilight Sparkle and the halfbreed freak, Spike,” the first Changeling said turning around.

“Queen Chrysalis sent us to do some recon and we happened to sense some love coming from these two,” the second Changeling added, referring to Danny and Babs.

“You mess with my cousin and his girlfriend, you mess with me and one of mine,” Spike said.

“That’s right!” Twilight added.

Just then, a brawl broke out. Although it was four against two, Spike and Twilight managed to successfully fight off the changelings. With Twilight being skilled in defensive magic and Spike trained in karate and kung fu, they easily forced the changelings to retreat.

“Thanks, Spike,” Danny said.

“All in a day’s work, cuz. See you at school tomorrow,” Spike replied.

Afterwards, the teen couple returned to the limo, then got in and headed back to Drake Manor.

“Twilight, would you like to stay for dinner?” Spike asked.

“I’d like that, Spike,” Twilight replied, then texted her parents as she smirked to herself.

At Drake Manor two and a half hours later, Spike and Twilight had finished watching a movie with his family and he was about to get ready for bed.

“Were you planning to spend the night, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Yes, Spike. I asked your parents and they said it was okay, and I let my parents know too. They were alright with it,” Twilight replied.

“Even your dad? ‘Cause I’m worried about him kicking my butt if he found out you slept with me,” Spike said.

“Don’t worry, Spike. My dad isn’t like that,” Twilight replied.

Spike and Twilight went up the stairs to his bedroom hand in hand. Upon entering, Twilight cast a soundproofing spell on the room.

“What did you just do?” Spike asked.

“I’ve cast a sound proof spell on your room so no one can hear what’s going on inside. Cadance taught it to me,” Twilight replied.

“Let me guess, you want us to end our virginities tonight?” Spike guessed.

“I know it seems sudden since we just had our first date, but I’m ready for this,” Twilight replied.

“If you feel ready, then so am I,” Spike said, “C’mere.”

Spike and Twilight began engaging in a steamy make-out session on his bed, with her undoing his shirt and pants and him undoing her shirt and skirt, leaving them in their undergarments. Spike’s were dark green boxer shorts, while Twilight had a magenta lace bra and panties. Before they went any further, Twilight cast spell on herself.

“What’s that spell you cast?” Spike asked.

“Temporary anti-pregnancy spell. Cadance also taught me this one,” Twilight replied.

“Good thinking, Twi,” Spike said.

Spike and Twilight undid each other’s undergarments and the room was filled with pleasurable sounds.

Half an hour later

“Wow, Spike. You were amazing, being able to go four rounds,” Twilight said.

“So were you, Twilight. High stamina runs on my dad’s side of the family,” Spike replied, “Good night.”

“Good night, Spike. I love you,” Twilight said.

“I love you too, Twilight,” Spike replied.

The two shared a final kiss before falling asleep in each other’s embrace.