• Published 24th Feb 2022
  • 5,754 Views, 105 Comments

The Dragon Guardian - Skywalker215

A teenage Spike Drake discovers his dragon heritage and joins his friends in protecting Canterlot from the forces of evil.

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Chapter 15: Spike’s April Fools Special

On the 1st of April, Spike was at school, heading for third period. Spike had a smirk on his face as he looked at his backpack, he then took out a bouquet of roses of various colors and sprinkled some sneezing powder on them. It was then that he gave Rarity the roses.

“Thank you so much for the flowers,” Rarity replied.

Rarity took a whiff of the roses and then sneezed, “How could I be sneezing? I’m not allergic to any flowers,” she said.

“Sneezing powder. April Fools,” Spike replied.

“Good one, Spike,” Rarity said.

As Cranky Doodle was near the end of his lecture, Twilight wore her reading glasses and eagerly took notes, but her pen ran out of ink.

“Aw great, my pen’s out of ink,” Twilight said to herself.

“Here, Twilight. Use one of mine,” Spike replied, offering her a very unique pen.

“Thanks, Spike,” Twilight said.

It was then that Twilight went back to writing her notes until she noticed the ink disappeared. She looked surprised and took out a flashlight, revealing that she was using a disappearing ink pen.

“April Fools,” Spike said.

Twilight just laughed it off and replied, “Well played, Spike.”

Spike offered Twilight another one of his pens, this time a standard one as they were each given an algebra assignment. Once Twilight finished hers, she helped Spike complete his.

Once third period ended, Spike and Twilight went into the cafeteria. Spike then hid under the table he and the girls usually sit at, waiting for Pinkie to show up. It wasn’t long before the other girls came and sat down.

“Has anyone seen Spike?” Pinkie asked.

It was then that Spike popped up from under the table, “BOO!” he shouted.

This caused Pinkie to yelp and fall off her seat. She quickly laughed it off, then got the hiccups.

“April Fools,” Spike said.

“Good…one…Spike,” Pinkie replied, hiccuping.

“I didn’t take you for a prankster, Spike,” Rainbow said.

“I might be as great a prankster as you are, Rainbow, but I don’t want to boast about it,” Spike replied.

A few hours later, it was the end of sixth period. Spike took out some itching powder and sprinkled it into Fluttershy’s hairbrush, then put it back in her backpack. They were both soaked from dissecting a giant clam that happened to squirt them.

“Here’s some paper towels,” Spike said.

“Thanks, Spike,” Fluttershy replied, then asked, “What do you think made that clam squirt us?”

“We probably triggered something inside,” Spike said, as he dried himself off.

It was then that the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Once sixth period was over, Fluttershy took out her hairbrush and straightened her hair. As Spike and Fluttershy walked towards the main entrance, she started scratching her hair.

“Why’s my hair so itchy?” Fluttershy asked.

“I sprinkled some itching powder on your hairbrush. April Fools,” Spike replied.

“I didn’t really think you would ever try to prank me, given how sensitive I am,” Fluttershy said.

“I figured the itching powder would be harmless enough for someone who’s sensitive as you are. It’s no big deal, you can wash it off,” Spike replied.

Soon enough, Frank drove the limo to he curb near the main entrance. It was then that Spike, Applejack, and Rainbow entered the limo.

“Sweet Apple Acres, please,” Spike told Frank.

“Right away, Master Spike,” Frank replied.

It wasn’t long before Frank drove the limo to Sweet Apple Acres. It was a warm 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside. Applejack went to tend the field, while Rainbow took out some organic food paint and a pair of binoculars out of her backpack, and Spike took out some ink and put it in his pocket. He then put the ink on the binoculars’ eyepieces and gave them to Rainbow.

“Here’s some binoculars so you can keep a lookout and notify me when Applejack reaches the apple trees,” Spike said.

“Thanks, Spike. AJ is gonna flip out when she sees her apples painted in all these different colors,” Rainbow replied, snickering.

It was then that Spike and Rainbow started painting the apples in various colors and patterns. Once they were almost finished with one whole grove, Rainbow looked through the binoculars and saw Applejack coming their way.

“We got Applejack inbound, time to abort,” Rainbow said.

“Good idea. We painted enough apples,” Spike replied.

As Applejack went to pick the apples, her eyes widened at the sight of them in all those colors.

“Land sakes!” she shouted, gasping in shock.

It was then she heard Spike and Rainbow Dash laughing.

“April Fools!” Spike and Rainbow said in unison, as they popped out of the bushes.

Applejack picked one a few apples and noticed the food paint that was on them, “Is this food paint?” she asked Spike and Rainbow.

“Very good, AJ,” Spike replied.

“Good one, Spike,” Applejack replied, laughing it off.

Spike and Applejack quickly noticed black smudges around Rainbow’s eyes and laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Rainbow asked.

“Look in a pail of water and see for yourself, Rainbow,” Applejack replied.

It wasn’t long before the three of them went back to the barn. Spike and Applejack kept laughing as Rainbow looked at her reflection in said pail of water and saw he smudges around her eyes.

“April Fools,” Spike said.

“Real funny, Spike,” Rainbow replied, laughing with him and AJ.

“You look kinda like a raccoon,” Applejack said, laughing.

It was then that Pear Butter aka Buttercup showed up. Applejack went up to her mom and whispered in her ear about something, which caused her to giggle with a smirk. She undid the top buttons of her shirt, exposing her cleavage a little and walked up to Spike with a sway of her hips.

“Howdy, Spike,” Pear Butter greeted.

“Hi, Pear Butter,” Spike said, as he kissed her hand.

”Because of your little prank, AJ and I would appreciate it if you would please rinse the food paint off all the apples you painted,” Pear Butter replied.

“I don’t know if I have the time,” Spike said.

“I’m sure you can make it quick as you can. Besides, I can make it worth your time afterwards,” Pear Butter replied, giving him bedroom eyes. She lifted her bra-covered breasts and accumulated them.

“Uh…sure. I’ll g-get right on that,” Spike said, blushing from her display.

Once at the grove, Spike was ready on the buckets as Pear Butter kicked a few trees, and he eagerly caught the falling apples. As Spike kept catching the apples in the baskets, he couldn’t help but stare at Pear Butter’s gorgeous, well-toned figure. She quickly took notice and decided to tease Spike further by flaunting her legs as she kept kicking the trees, making him blush.

Soon enough, all the painted apples were picked off the trees and Spike properly rinsed them. He went inside the barn to take a breather. It was then that Pear Butter stuck out her right leg from behind the hay blocks.

“Taking a breather, Spike? So am I,” Pear Butter said, revealing herself.

“After all that work, we need it,” Spike replied.

“Another thing I need is a massage, ‘cause I’m aching,” Pear Butter said, “Care to give me one please?”

She took off her shirt and laid down on the hay blocks, flat on her abdomen and chest.

“Sure, happy to help,” Spike replied.

He got behind Pear Butter and gently massaged her back.

“Mm, this feels good. Lower, please.” Pear Butter said, moaning through the massage.

Spike moved his hands down to her lower back after he did her shoulder blades. Once Spike was finished massaging her lower back, Pear Butter leaned on the hay blocks and presented her right leg to him.

“Care to give me a leg massage, too?” Pear Butter asked.

“Uh…s-sure,” Spike replied.

He took off the right boot, then wrapped his hands around her lower leg and began massaging it. After Spike was finished with the right knee, he moved up to her thigh, “Wow. You got quite the ‘pear’ of legs, Pear Butter. Get it?”

“Thank you, Spike. You got quite the sense of humor, too,” Pear Butter replied, giggling.

Once Spike finished with Pear Butter’s right thigh, he moved on to her left leg as she presented it to him. He took off the left boot and massaged the lower half of her left leg. After he finished the lower half, Spike moved his hands up and massaged her other thigh. Just like with the right thigh, he also gave the left one a good massage. After Spike finished the leg massage, Pear Butter reached out her hand and he helped her off the hay blocks.

“Thanks for the massage, Spike,” Pear Butter said, hugging him.

“Happy to help,” Spike replied.

Spike could feel Pear Butter’s breasts pressing on his chest as she hugged him. He just went with it and returned the hug.

“Why don’t ya sit down and relax a little, Spike? You’ve been standing up for a while,” Pear Butter said, breaking their hug.

“Good idea,” Spike replied, as he sat down on the hay blocks.

“I also want to thank you for taking good care of my daughters as well,” Pear Butter said in a flirtatious tone as she straddled him.

“My pleasure,” Spike replied, blushing.

She drew circles on his chest and then massaged his shoulders.

“April Fools,” Pear Butter said, then kissed his cheek.

“It’s easy to see where Applejack and Apple Bloom get their farm girl charm from,” Spike replied, “Did she put you up to this to get even for the painting prank?”

It was then that Applejack and Rainbow entered the barn.

“I sure did. Now we’re even, Spike,” Applejack said, then turned to Rainbow and whispered, “Rainbow, ya think you can have your mom tease Spike as well?”

“Sure, I’ll also text Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight to have their moms tease him as well,” Rainbow replied, whispering.

Just then, Frank pulled up to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack and Pear Butter saw off Spike and Rainbow as they entered the limo.

“Rainbow’s house, please,” Spike told Frank.

It wasn’t long before Frank dropped off Spike and Rainbow at her house. He then drove away as Spike and Rainbow rang the doorbell. Just then, Windy Whistles answered the door. She was wearing her usual sweater and a pair of black mini workout shorts.

“Hey, Rainbow,” Windy said, “Hi, Spike.”

“Hi, mom,” Rainbow replied.

“Good to see you, Windy,” Spike said, kissing her hand.

Once they were inside and closed the door, Rainbow whispered in Windy’s ear, “Since Spike pulled a good prank on me, would you mind teasing him for me?”

“Don’t mind at all,” Windy replied, whispering, then giggled.

It was then that Windy got out her yoga mat and took her sweater off, revealing a tank top in the same color as her shorts. Spike couldn’t help but stare at her as he noticed wasn’t wearing a bra under her tank top. He also blushed at seeing her in those shorts which showed off her butt and shapely athletic legs.

“Care to watch me do a little yoga, Spike?” Windy asked, giving him bedroom eyes.

“Sure,” Spike replied, trying to keep his cool.

“In case you’re wondering, Hothoof is out in the park with Jetstream having some father-son time,” Windy said.

“I was. Good to know,” Spike replied.

Windy Whistles sat in her yoga mat and bent her legs, holding onto her ankles. She then lay on her back and lifted her legs straight up. Next, Windy crouched down on one folded leg and stretched the other one behind her, then did the same on her left. Afterwards, she got onto her left side and lifted her right leg up, then switched sides and lifted her left leg. She also did a plow pose and a shoulder stand. Finally, Windy went into a downward dog pose and held that position for about five minutes. Spike just sat there enjoying Windy doing all those suggestive poses as he blushed.

“All that working out at the gym has done a number on me today,” Windy said, then asked, “Care to give me a massage, Spike?”

“S-sure. Happy to help,” Spike replied.

Windy laid down on her front and stretched out her wings. Spike started on her shoulder blades, then did the bases of her wings.

“Mm. Lower, please,” Windy said, moaning.

It was then that Spike moved his hands to her lower back and massaged it.

“Can you do my legs, please?” Windy asked.

“Uh…s-sure,” Spike replied, blushing.

Windy rolled onto her back and lifted her legs straight up, spreading them in a narrow V-shape. Spike immediately wrapped his hands around the lower half of her left leg and massaged it. Once he did Windy’s left knee, Spike shifted to the lower half of her right leg. It was not long before Spike shifted his hands to Windy’s left thigh and gave it a good massage.

“You got quite the pair of legs, Windy. Easy to see where Rainbow gets her athletic charm from,” Spike said.

“Mmm. Thank you, Spike,” Windy replied, moaning through the massage, “Maybe you can get my glutes too while you’re at it.”

“O-ok,” Spike said.

As he kept massaging Windy’s thigh, Spike moved one hand to her left glute and massaged it. He then shifted his hands to her right glute. After he did both her glutes, Spike massaged Windy’s right thigh.

“Rainbow’s dad, Hothoof is lucky to have a gorgeous, sexy athlete like you as his wife,” Spike said as he kept massaging Windy’s thighs.

“Thanks, Spike, and Rainbow is lucky to have a handsome and gorgeous boy like you as her boyfriend,” Windy replied, giggling.

Once Spike was finished with Windy’s leg massaging, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Windy flipped them over as she straddled Spike, she pressed her chest against his and ran her hands across his shoulders. She felt a certain part of him poking her through his pants. Windy then placed her hands on Spike’s cheeks as if she were about to make out with him.

“April Fools,” Windy said, then kissed him on the forehead.

“It almost seemed like you were gonna make out with me. You sure got me good, Windy,” Spike replied as they got back up.

“At least I have one and a half hours left until 5:30,” Spike said, looking at his phone. He saw that it was 3:30 pm.

It was then that Rainbow came downstairs.

“I believe Fluttershy and her mom are waiting for you, Spike,” Rainbow said.

“Right, better not keep them waiting,” Spike replied before muttering, “I wonder how they’re gonna tease me.”

It took almost no time for Spike to reach Fluttershy’s house, since she lived right next door. He knocked on the door, then Fluttershy and her mom, Posey answered it.

“Hi, Spike,” Fluttershy said.

“Hi, Fluttershy,” Spike replied.

“Good afternoon, Spike,” Posey greeted.

“Good to see you again, Posey,” Spike replied, kissing her hand.

Once they closed the door, Spike immediately took off his shoes and sat down on the couch. He couldn’t help but notice that Posey wore a dark red satin kimono robe.

“Where are your dad and brother at, Fluttershy?” Spike asked.

“They’re at the spa,” Fluttershy replied.

“After all my pranking and helping out at Sweet Apple Acres, I’m a little tuckered out and need to relax for little,” Spike said.

“I can help with that, Spike,” Posey replied.

It was then that Posey sat down near Spike and opened her robe a little, giving him a good view of her breasts as she pressed them together.

“If you want me, I’ll be playing with Angel,” Fluttershy said.

Posey leaned back on the other side of the couch and took off her robe, revealing her raspberry red bra and panties. Spike blushed at this and fixed his eyes on her shapely legs.

“So how do you want to help me relax?” Spike asked.

“We can cuddle here on the couch together, if you like,” Posey said, batting her eyes at him.

“S-s-sure,” Spike replied, as he scooted close to her.

Spike and Posey wrapped their arms around each other as they laid down on the couch. She let him rest his head on her breasts like a pair of pillows.

“Mmm. This is so relaxing that I could nod off,” Spike said.

“I could nod off too,” Posey replied.

Posey set a timer on her phone for thirty minutes, setting it on vibrate. Spike then shifted down and laid his head on her midriff. It was then that Spike and Posey both nodded off. He wrapped his arms around her legs, stroking and cuddling with them like a body pillow.

Half an hour later

Posey woke up as she felt her phone vibrating. She turned it off of vibrate and sat up, looking down on Spike, with a giggle.

“Wake up, Spike,” Posey said, kissing his cheek.

Spike immediately opened his eyes and sat up.

“This was the most relaxed I have ever been,” Spike said, “It actually felt nice cuddling with you.“

“Same here. Fluttershy is lucky to be dating a cute, handsome boy like you, Spike,” Posey replied.

“Aww, geez. Gentle Breeze is also lucky to have such an adorable, sexy woman like you as his wife,” Spike said.

“Thank you, Spike,” Posey replied as she giggled, “I’ve got something else in mind for you.”

Posey gave Spike a hug as she straddled him, pressing her rack into his chest then stroked his neck and shoulders. This made Spike blush as he got stiff below the belt and it seemed this would be a make out session.

“April Fools,” Posey said, then kissed his cheek.

“Good one, Posey. I never thought you’d be the teasing type,” Spike replied.

“I sure got you good,” Posey said.

It was then that Fluttershy came down with Angel in her arms.

“I guess we’re even now, Fluttershy,” Spike said.

“Yes. I bet you never thought I could have my mom tease you the same way I never thought you could ever prank me,” Fluttershy replied.

Just then, Spike received a text from Rarity. It read, ‘My mother and I have a surprise for you, Spikey-wikey. Please don’t keep us waiting.

“I wonder what they have in store for me,” Spike muttered, before speaking up, “Rarity’s waiting for me.”

“Good luck, Spike. You’ll need it,” Fluttershy said, with a flirty smirk.

It was not long before he walked across the street to Rarity’s house and knocked on the door. Just then, Rarity answered the door and let Spike in.

“Hello, Spike,” Rarity said.

“Hi, Rarity,” Spike replied, then asked, “So where’s your mom at?”

“She’s down in the studio waiting for you,” Rarity asked, “As for my father, brother, and Sweetie Belle, they’re out bowling.”

Rarity led Spike into the studio with his eyes closed. Once inside, Spike opened his eyes, hen sat down in a chair and noticed a stage all set. It was then that Rarity went behind the curtain, which was then opened revealing her mom, Cookie ‘Betty’ Crumbles wearing a revealing plus size maid outfit.

“Hi, Spike,” Betty said.

“Good to see you again, Betty,” Spike replied.

Betty walked down the podium whilst swaying her hips. Once at the end of it, she crouched down in her knees. She then bent over, giving Spike a view of her rump, and did some other suggestive poses. Spike eagerly took some pictures on his phone and he led up eight fingers, signaling a score of eight.

Just then, Betty walked back to the curtain, swaying her hips. She soon came back out dressed in a white tutu and ballet shoes. She did some twirls as well as some ballet kicks. Spike took some more pictures and gave a score of ten with his fingers.

It wasn’t long before Betty was now dressed as a secretary, with a white blouse, black tight skirt which hugged her legs, and red high heels. She did some suggestive poses as Spike once again took some pictures. He gave a score of nine with his fingers.

The fourth outfit that Cookie Crumbles put on was a cheerleader uniform. She then crouched down a little and shook her hips while waving the pompoms. Betty also did some other moves such as kicking her legs up. Spike eagerly recorded the whole thing and took some more pictures.

Finally, Betty was dressed as a Playboy bunny. She then walked over to Spike with a sway of her hips.

“How’d you like the show?” Betty asked.

“I admit that I loved it,” Spike said, then kissed her hand.

“Ready for the finale, Spike?” Betty asked, batting her eyes.

“I-I am,” Spike replied.

“I’ll even allow you to rub my butt and legs in the midst of it,” Betty said, whispering in his ear.

This made Spike blush as he sat back down in the chair, then Betty straddled him and gave him a lap dance. He was so entranced by Betty’s performance that he rubbed his hands on her butt and legs. In the midst of it, he got stiff below the waist as she kept going.

Once the lap dance was over, Betty noticed Spike was dazed with his hands on her legs and felt something poking her.

“Guess my performance really turned you on, Spike,” Betty said, giggling.

“You sure did,” Spike replied.

“Maybe I can show you what else I’m capable of,” Betty said in a flirtatious tone, pressing her breasts on his chest.

“Does she really want to go that far with me?” Spike asked, muttering.

“April Fools,” Betty said, then kissed him on the forehead.

“You got me there, it’s very easy to see where Rarity and Sweetie Belle get their sexiness from,” Spike replied.

“They’re lucky to have you as their handsome and charming boyfriend, Spike,” Betty said.

“Thanks. Magnum is lucky to have you as his gorgeous, sexy wife,” Spike replied.

“Thanks, Spike,” Betty said.

It was then that Rarity came out from behind the curtain and joined her mom in hugging Spike.

“Now we’re even, Spike,” Rarity said, “The only one of us left who owes you a tease from their mother is Twilight.”

“Right. Something tells me she might have Cadance tease me as well,” Spike replied.

Soon enough, Spike went over to Twilight’s house just two blocks away. Once Spike knocked on the door, Velvet answered it.

“Hi, Spike,” Velvet said.

“Good to see you again, Velvet,” Spike replied, kissing her hand.

Once inside, Spike closed the door behind him. He was quickly met with a hug from Cadance.

“Hi, Spike,” Cadance said.

“Hi, Cadance,” Spike replied, then kissed her hand.

“We’ve been expecting you for a few hours,” Cadance said flirtatiously.

“At least I made it with enough time before I need to go home for dinner,” Spike replied, then asked, “So how far along are you, Cadance?”

“Roughly seven months and Flurry is gonna have a baby brother,” Cadance answered.

“Good to know,” Spike said, “Where could Twilight be?”

“She’s upstairs playing with Flurry,” Cadance replied.

“In case you’re wondering, Shining Armor and Night Light are at the spa,” Velvet added.

“Let me guess, the both of you have something in store for me?” Spike said.

“Yes. You’re gonna love it,” Cadence replied flirtatiously.

Velvet and Cadance took off their shirts, leaving only their maroon and light blue bras. Spike blushed as he got a view of their breasts. They came over to him with a sway of their hips. Velvet and Cadance pressed their breasts together and massaged Spike’s chest and back with them. This made the three of them moan in delight.

“Mmm. Oh yeah, this feels good,” Spike said.

It wasn’t long before Velvet and Cadance switched sides. Cadance was blushing at seeing how toned Spike was. She caressed his shoulders and cheeks. Spike easily figured that Cadence was acting flirty as a result of her pregnant mood swings.

Once they finished their breast massage, Velvet and Cadance sat on the couch with their legs crossed.

“Since we gave you a massage with our breasts, care to give us a leg massage?” Velvet asked.

“S-sure,” Spike replied.

Velvet stretched out her left leg, then Spike massaged the lower half of it. Once he was finished with the knee, Spike wrapped both hands around her thigh and massaged it. It wasn’t long before Velvet stretched out her right leg, Spike then gave it a massage starting on the lower half. After he finished her other knee, Spike massaged Velvet’s right thigh.

“It’s easy to see where Twilight gets her lovely, gorgeous looks from. You’re still quite the looker, despite being Flurry’s grandmother,” Spike said.

“That’s the benefit of becoming a grandmother in your early forties. Twilight’s lucky to have you as her handsome, charming boyfriend, Spike,” Velvet replied.

“I gotta admit Night Light is lucky to have a sexy hot woman like you as his wife,” Spike said.

“Thanks, Spike,” Velvet replied.

Once Spike was finished massaging Velvet’s legs, he did the same thing with Cadance, from her ankles to her knees. He then massaged Cadance’s thighs as well, she moaned in delight as Spike relieved the tension she felt.

“Twilight’s lucky to dating you, Spike. You’re such a handsome, gorgeous boy,” Cadance said.

“Thanks, and Shining Armor is lucky to have you as his sexy hot and beautiful wife,” Spike replied, as he kept massaging her thighs.

“Thank you, Spike,” Cadance said, giggling.

After Spike finished massaging Cadance’s legs, both her and Velvet straddled his legs as they caressed his chest and shoulders. They wrapped their arms around Spike’s neck and inched their heads closer to his. It seemed that they wanted to make out with him.

“April Fools,” Velvet and Cadance said in unison, then kissing both his cheeks.

As Twilight and Flurry came downstairs, Cadance and Velvet put their shirts back on.

“Let me guess, your mom and sister-in-law teasing me was your idea, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Very good. Now we’re even,” Twilight replied.

Spike looked at his phone and saw that it was 5 pm. He saw everyone off as Frank pulled up near the driveway and entered the limo. It was then that the limo headed back to Drake Manor.

9:30 pm

Spike was in his pajama pants as he looked at his phone and saw the girls sent him selfies of them in their underwear. There was also a message from each of them that read ‘Good night, Spike. We ❤️ you’.

Spike took off his pj pants and took a selfie of himself in his boxer briefs. He then sent the girls a group text saying, ‘I ❤️ you all too, girls’. Soon enough, Spike put his pj pants back on and went to sleep.