• Published 9th Apr 2022
  • 1,179 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Invasion of Invader Zim! - Stalin with Da Spoon

Meet Invader Cim, the irken empires greatest invader, and his robotic assistant GIR, along with the dark and mysterious mini-moose. What are they here to do? Conquer Canterlot!

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Prologue: The Nightmare Begins 2, Electric Boogaloo

It was a quiet and sunny day in the peaceful city of... Wait, what is the city from invader zim called? Lemme just... Checks Ze Wiki
Ah! Its... Dang it, it doesn't have a name! Screw it, I'll take a page out of powerpuff girls, its now the city of... Townstown. Yes, im an un-creative bastard, fight me. Anyways, where was I?

Oh yes, it was a quiet and sunny day in the peaceful city of townstown, and the city was bustling as the streets were polluted with sound of traffic, car horns, and the typical city sounds. As we slowly zoom out into the suburbs, the noise starts to fade as we come to a peaceful neighborhood, and as we find a specific lane to go down, we see a rather... Foreboding household at the end of lane, with several flamingos and garden gnomes lining the sidewalk leading up to the rather crooked house, with several irregularly shaped windows.

However, the most irregular feature of the house was the several large mechanical cables stretching out of both sides of the houses walls, these cables attaching to the walls of the houses neighboring it. Oh, and also the giant radar dish protruding from the top of the house, y'know, normal house stuff. You would think people would question the houses strange design, especially the neighbors, but in this part of the world, everybody is essentially, A MORON. Want a better explanation? Guess what, you ain't gettin one.

Ahem, anyways, as we approach to the door to the house, it suddenly swings open, as a totally normal human slowly stepped out onto the sidewalk. Little did everyone know, or even cared, this human was different... His skin was green, and he had no ears. This boy was no human... He was... AN ALIEN! Of course, nobody knew that. Except the troublesome Dib human and his sister gaz.

Beside Zim was a small green dog. The thing about the dog, is that it was walking on two legs, and slurping on a smoothie. This dog was really just GIR in a mediocre dog costume, as he happily hummed along with master, who held his leash, also humming. Following them, was a floating moose. Thats right, a literal floating moose, and nobody questioned it. Yeah, told you everyone in this city was a moron. Anyways, Zim soon reached the end of his sidewalk and spoke in a totally normal tone of voice. That's a lie, he straight up screamed it out.

"Greetings fellow humans! I am living a totally normal life in my totally normal house on this totally normal day! Don't mind me!" As he said this, nobody even batted an eye, as GIR chimed in.

"Your trying too hard, boss, have a smoothie." He said putting a smoothie in Zim's face. Zim of course, did a totally rational thing.

"Get that thing away from me!" He said slapping it out of GIR's hand, who looked down at it, and started making sounds of pure sadness. Zim was worried they were going to blow his cover, but suddenly, GIR stopped, and just shrugged.

"Ehhh, didn't like the taste of it anyway." He said as he went back to walking with his master, and as they reached the end of a sidewalk, cue a dramatic entrance by the one and only, Dib Membrane! He struck a dramatic pose, as he pointed at Zim suspiciously.

"Your days of evil and trying to conquer earth are over Zim! I have photographic evidence of you truly being an alien! BEHOLD!" He said displaying a pretty shit photo of Zim's alien form. Zim and GIR collectively looked at the photo, than they looked at each other, then back at the photo, before both bursting out into laughter. Dib looked pretty angry, but then, he was struck with an idea, on how to scare Zim away. "Laugh all you want! I showed this photo to the CIA, and they found it as evidence to come and capture you for dissection!" Of course, Zim was still laughing in his face, un-phased by the idiotic humans threat. Or was he? Because he felt a tiny seed of doubt, as he decided to confirm dib's statement.

"You serious?" As Dib nodded to his question, Zim screamed out loud. "AAAAAAH! GIR, WERE COMPROMISED! INTO THE HOUSE!" Overreacting to the max, he pulled on GIR's dog collar and grabbed the moose as he ran inside the house, quickly shutting the door behind him, as Dib pounded on it.

"Give up now Zim! Its over for you!" Zim then had an idea, one that could potentially save them from the foolish humans. One he had made just for this occasion.

"That's what you think, human! But little do you realize, I had planned for such a situation like this! COMPUTER!" As he called out, a mechanical voice surrounded them as it groaned in response.

"Uggggghh... What?"


"Understood, initiating pack-up protocol." Suddenly, the house began to shake, as the massive structure below the house began to slowly compact together thanks to advanced Irken shrinking technology, as the laboratories, factories, and other facilities slowly shrunk and all scrunched up together as they attached to the bottom of the house, as several hover jets emerged from bottom of the house, as the mechanical cables protruding from its side slowly tore away from the houses neighboring it, tearing out pieces of wall with it, one piece of torn away wall revealing a fat guy watching TV and eating pizza, blind to the world. As the cables dropped the pieces of the rubble, the lawn props retracting into the ground, the sidewalk rolling up like a carpet into the house, as the hover jets ignited, slowly lifting the house into the air as Dib watched in both horror and amazement, before realizing his nemesis was getting away.

"ZIM! YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS! I WILL FIND YOU!" Zim could not help but laugh on the houses speakers while it rose into the air, until it started moving forwards.

"YOU CAN TRY DIB HUMAN! BUT YOU WILL NEVER STOP MY EVIL PLAN! MWAHAHAHAHA!" The house slowly rocketed forward through the air, as Dib ran to his house, throwing open the door, only to see a bunch of boxes and crates, and his father, professor membrane, and yes, professor is his real first name, as well as Gaz, who was playing her good ol handheld gaming console, the game slave 2. As Dib looked around to see people packing stuff, his father noticed him in the doorway, as he spoke to his son.

"Son, your just in time to help us pack!" Dib had a confused look on his face, before he spoke, trying to reason with his father in an annoyed and confused tone.

"But dad, zim just flew away! Hes going to escap- Wait, pack for what?" The professor chuckled as he replied.

"Were moving, son!"

"Wha- Where are we moving to!?!"

"Canterlot city!"

Meanwhile, onboard invader Zim's flying house, as it slowly soared over the city. To ensure nobody got suspicious, the computer disguised the house as an airplane. A really, really, big airplane, shaped like a house. Of course, like I said, this part of the world suffers from the case of 'Big stupid' so nobody really noticed or even cared. Aboard the house, Zim could be seen pacing around the room nervously, his human eyes and hair missing, revealing his alien red eyes and irken antenna, and GIR unzipping his dog costume, revealing his robotic form with his blue eyes and little metal antenna on the top of his head. The mini moose was still the same, as it just hovered in the air. "Nyeh!"

As Zim slowly paced back and forth, GIR asked a simple question.

"So where are we going?"

"Quiet GIR, Im thinking!" As he slowly paced around, he was struck with an idea as he stopped and looked up at the mechanical ceiling of his house, pointing up, presumably to get the attention of his computer.


"Scanning for optimal locations... Location found." Suddenly, the TV in the room changed into a map of the world, as it zoomed in on a particular city.

"City identified as: Canterlot City. Optimal location for invader operations. However, scans of the city show that the city has a... Fascinating history." It said as it basically displayed every major event that has happened in Canterlot city. Zim nodded at this information, making a decision in his head.

"Very well! Computer, set course for Canterlot!" As he said this, the house rocketed away at high speeds.

"Estimated time of arrival, midnight."

"Excellent! We shall establish a base of operations in the dead of night! And with dib out of the picture, nobody shall be able to stop us from conquering all of planet earth! MWAHAHAHAHAAHAHA, AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" As he laughed, GIR started to giggle, before breaking out into full on laughter, as they both laughed maniacally. The moose just made another sound. "Nyeh!"

Ten Hours Later

Canterlot City

As everyone slept, high above the city, Zim's house hovered, as it slowly scanned for an optimal place to land, until it located an open land plot in between two houses in the neighborhood, as the house dropped from the sky slowly, as its hover jets gently hovered it down... Until it dropped down with a big THUD. The houses next to it jumped, but luckily, nobody stirred, as the mechanical cables in the walls of the house extended out, attaching themselves to its neighboring houses, making sure to be as sneaky as possible. And by sneaky, I mean the computer literally screaming sneaking.

"SNEAKING!" It said as the cables latched onto the sides of the houses, and the internal electrical cables latching onto the power grids of the houses, slowly siphoning their energy as below the house, the hover jets retracted as the mechanical superstructure began to expand, as the several large facilities enlarged and unpacked underneath the ground, while the front lawn was sprinkled with super Irken fertilizer, causing the grass to grow instantly as flamingos and garden gnomes popped out of the ground, as the sidewalk slowly unfurled like a red carpet, while on the roof, the massive radar arm slowly extended out of the roof, as the antenna protruded outwards, the dish slowly forming around it. And like that, the house was ready, as inside, Zim could be seen entering the trash can in his kitchen, as he slowly descended down into his advanced facility on the elevator.

"My computer picked the perfect spot for my new base of operations on this planet. Ever since the Dib human revealed us to the humans of the previous location, I just hope that this 'CIA' has not tracked us here..." He said as he dropped into his observation room, making himself comfortable in his seat as he typed away at the computer console in front of him, scanning the entire city.

"Now, to locate this cities point of education so I may attend to understand and blend in with the enemy!"

It was then the screen displayed an image of Canterlot high, as the Irken invader grew a wide smile on his face.

"Perfect..." Zim slowly began to laugh maniacally, filling the entirety of his home with his laughter, as he already forming his brand new ultimate evil plan in his head. The time had come for...


Roll the opening!